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Žitije Donalda Trampa

Žitije Donalda Trampa

Temo vidijo: vsi
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Matako ::

Kako ste razdraženi.

Medtem pa v Rusiji življenje teče dalje...

Čez dan veseljačijo ponoči pa hekajo volitve!

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Matako ()

Cervantes ::

Berserker je izjavil:

jype je izjavil:


Ker gre za čistokrvneže, zanje sploh fojb ni treba - tiste muzejske peči zagotovo še delujejo. CO2 nevtralne sicer niso, a morda bi zavoljo tradicije vseeno šlo skozi.

Ko tolk omenjaš fojbe, me zanima kdo bi to po tvojem počel? Ti? Antifa? Študentje z transparenti? Levičarji bi danes imeli kaj hitro polne hlače, ko bi se dejansko soočili z masivnim nasiljem. Današnje generacije so nebojevite, mehkužne in poženščene. Medtem ko imaš na nasprotni strani legit paramilitarne odrede desničarjev z avtomatskim orožjem.

Pazi se!
Aktivistke so hude!

jype ::

Beserker> Ko tolk omenjaš fojbe, me zanima kdo bi to po tvojem počel? Ti? Antifa? Študentje z transparenti? Levičarji bi danes imeli kaj hitro polne hlače, ko bi se dejansko soočili z masivnim nasiljem. Današnje generacije so nebojevite, mehkužne in poženščene. Medtem ko imaš na nasprotni strani legit paramilitarne odrede desničarjev z avtomatskim orožjem.

Če res verjamete, da ste nepremagljivi, naj še enkrat prilepim, kako so videti poženščeni antifašisti:

Scaramouche ::

Če res verjamete, da smo nepremagljivi, naj še enkrat prilepim, kako smo videti poženščeni antifašisti

Te isti Rusi so ljudi ki so hoteli demokracijo uničili v večjih številkah kot Nemci!
Tebi bi prvega ker si tako glasen!
Opravičuješ en totalitaren sistem za drugega, bravo, isti si kot Nemci, samo na drugi strani fašizma!

janex ::

jype je izjavil:

Beserker> Ko tolk omenjaš fojbe, me zanima kdo bi to po tvojem počel? Ti? Antifa? Študentje z transparenti? Levičarji bi danes imeli kaj hitro polne hlače, ko bi se dejansko soočili z masivnim nasiljem. Današnje generacije so nebojevite, mehkužne in poženščene. Medtem ko imaš na nasprotni strani legit paramilitarne odrede desničarjev z avtomatskim orožjem.

Če res verjamete, da ste nepremagljivi, naj še enkrat prilepim, kako so videti poženščeni antifašisti:

WOW, holiwudska fantazija je za komije realni svet :D

Raje razloži kako boste nacije z expecto patronum Herrj poter palčko začarali v krote in jih nato popeštali in tako afričane rešili pred zatiranjem, da bojo končno že lahko postavili svojo bao na Marsu.

jype ::

janex> holiwudska fantazija

Lyudmila Pavlichenko @ Wikipedia

janex> Raje razloži kako boste nacije z expecto patronum Herrj poter palčko začarali v krote in jih nato popeštali in tako afričane rešili pred zatiranjem, da bojo končno že lahko postavili svojo bao na Marsu.

Naš načrt je preveč zapleten, da bi ga nacionalist lahko razumel.

Scaramouche> Te isti Rusi so ljudi ki so hoteli demokracijo uničili v večjih številkah kot Nemci!

Sovjetska zveza je imela volitve in vladavino večine, kar je točno tisto, kar zagovarjaš.

Scaramouche> Opravičuješ en totalitaren sistem za drugega, bravo, isti si kot Nemci, samo na drugi strani fašizma!

Skrij se, če te je strah.

janex ::

jype je izjavil:


Ta inteligenčni ste znani da vas srtižejo kot ovce :D

Female African Chess ‘Prodigy’

her chess performance is no better than an average club player, and that the award is essentially little more than symbolism.

Verjetno zaradi sistematičnega kvantnega zatiranja v zadnjih 400 svetlobnih letih?

Berserker ::

Truga je izjavil:

To isto so vsi govorili 80 let nazaj, pa smo vidl kako se je koncalo.

Taista država oz. kaj je ostalo od nje, je danes kapitalistična oligarhija, blagoslovljena s strani pravoslavne cerkve, skratka vse proti čemu se danes bojujete. Zgolj naši salonski levičarji v ZL, še vedno verjamejo kako bo tovariška Rusija na čelu s carjem...tovarišem Putinom udarila nacionaliste in fašiste po prstih in ustoličila socialiste.

jype je izjavil:

Beserker> Ko tolk omenjaš fojbe, me zanima kdo bi to po tvojem počel? Ti? Antifa? Študentje z transparenti? Levičarji bi danes imeli kaj hitro polne hlače, ko bi se dejansko soočili z masivnim nasiljem. Današnje generacije so nebojevite, mehkužne in poženščene. Medtem ko imaš na nasprotni strani legit paramilitarne odrede desničarjev z avtomatskim orožjem.

Če res verjamete, da ste nepremagljivi, naj še enkrat prilepim, kako so videti poženščeni antifašisti:

Super še ena mrtva socialistična junakinja. Katera bo naslednja?

Scaramouche ::

Sovjetska zveza je imela volitve in vladavino večine, kar je točno tisto, kar zagovarjaš.

Anti-Jewish pogroms in the Russian Empire @ Wikipedia

Mass killings under Communist regimes @ Wikipedia

Ideologija ki ni drugačna od nacistov!

Pac-Man ::

Em, si lahko naredite svojo temo? Mi počasi zmanjkuje domišljije za naslove.

mtosev ::

Trump si sam jamo koplje. zanimivo je to gledati. great entertainment.
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013

jype ::

Berserker> Taista država oz. kaj je ostalo od nje, je danes kapitalistična oligarhija, blagoslovljena s strani pravoslavne cerkve, skratka vse proti čemu se danes bojujete.

Jebiga, Rusi niso mel dost močne antife.

Berserker> Super še ena mrtva socialistična junakinja. Katera bo naslednja?

Pojma nimam, koga boste naslednjega ubil.

Pac-Man> Em, si lahko naredite svojo temo? Mi počasi zmanjkuje domišljije za naslove.

Trump in fašizem sta neločljivo povezana.

ZaphodBB ::

Trump in fašizem sta neločljivo povezana.

Tako je kamorkoli bo šel Trump, bo šel fašist jype.
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype

Berserker ::

jype je izjavil:

Berserker> Taista država oz. kaj je ostalo od nje, je danes kapitalistična oligarhija, blagoslovljena s strani pravoslavne cerkve, skratka vse proti čemu se danes bojujete.

Jebiga, Rusi niso mel dost močne antife.

Berserker> Super še ena mrtva socialistična junakinja. Katera bo naslednja?

Pojma nimam, koga boste naslednjega ubil.

Pac-Man> Em, si lahko naredite svojo temo? Mi počasi zmanjkuje domišljije za naslove.

Trump in fašizem sta neločljivo povezana.

A veš ono ko se je Stalin arogantno posmehoval papežu, češ kolk divizij ima na razpolago. Kje je zdaj ta silna moč? Kje je zdaj moč socializma v Jugoslaviji? Papež in cerkev sta ostala.

Pojma nimam, koga boste naslednjega ubil

Ne prijatelj, ne vklučuj me v vaše zdrahe. Jaz sem bolj na sredini, berem zgodovino in se zgolj posmehujem, ko vi kot lutke ponavljate eno in isto.

energija ::

ZaphodBB je izjavil:

Trump in fašizem sta neločljivo povezana.

Tako je kamorkoli bo šel Trump, bo šel fašist jype.

Antifa se sooča z internimi problemi, upam da bojo sledili navodilom za antiseksizacijo!

dice7 ::

To niso levicarji. Oni so
nebojeviti, mehkužni in poženščeni

Pac-Man ::

Eppur si muove. Zaenkrat je potrjen samo en izvršen preiskovalni nalog.


BREAKING: Legal Shock & Awe. Source in legal community reports large number of Warrants from Eastern District of Virginia (EDVA) being executed by the FBI. Source reports frenzy of activity inside the EDVA, large number of agents, US Marshals. The battle has been joined. The basement of the EDVA was described as resembling a "judicial Armada" with a dozen or more FBI and US Marshals vans. I'm told the name of the GOP firm that was served with Warrant in Annapolis is Strategic Campaign Group.

Firma ima povezave z Manafortom in Stoneom.

Še en rando, ki ga danes prvič vidim.


Today is the first of many things to come. Everyone take a deep breath this is not going to be quick. Investigations like this take lots of time and manpower. What you are seeing today is federal law enforcement officials following a money trail. That is the crux of this shit sanwich Trump & team are involved in. Secondly, unless you're a current or former Fed, or an attorney familiar with cases like this, or maybe even an IC professional, please stop trying to tell folks who does what, and when. US Marshals do lots more than serve arrest warrants, albeit one of their main functions. And no, they don't work under Treasury. What I can say and what many others have said is the world will be shocked just how far and deep this goes. Lots of prominent folks will be implicated large and small. Trump kicked a GIANT hornets nest 2 days ago by firing Comey, and in the manner he did it in. This investigation IS NOT going to be stopped, or covered up. Anyone who knows how these things work, knows how compartmentalized they are. The everyday COINTEL agents that are working this will continue to do so with vigor, and a buring desire to expose the truth after what Trump has done. Don't break out bubbly just yet. We still have a ways to go. But, today is a step in that direction. I'm trying to find out more info on any cases that may come out of the Southern District of New York. Should I get something solid I will pass it along. Please don't DM me asking the names of any sources. That would be suicide for any of my sources, and it wont happen. I will let you know this. I am a former fed law enforcement agent, and 12 yr member of the SF community. All of the info I have put out has been solid except for one thing that was poorly sourced 3rd hand info. Anyone who has followed me for a length of time will coroborate that. Cheers, and keep resisiting.

Ko je stvar prihajala v javnost, je uradni račun FBI tvitnil


Asset forfeiture is used to disrupt, dismantle & deter those who prey on the vulnerable for financial gain.

Zagotovo gre za naključje :)

Pac-Man ::

Tole je izpod prstov Louise Mensch. Gospa imajo verjetno par problemov z mentalnim zdravjem, ampak okrog trumprusije so imeli ogromnokrat prav. Torej - dajmo si duška.


Sources: Russia probe means president Hatch; RICO case against GOP

On Donald Trump there is voluminous evidence he knowingly colluded with the Russian state in the hacking of the U.S election, and laundered Russian money through shell companies. This evidence is both data-based, for example, based on the way the server he registered laundered stolen voter registration databases with the DNC’s Vertica database in order to target Russian propaganda at voters.

He has additionally both directly obstructed justice and conspired with others to do so.


On Mike Pence, there is evidence that he obstructed justice, conspired to obstruct justice, and knew that General Mike Flynn was co-ordinating Russia’s propaganda message on behalf of a foreign power. Pence also violated the Logan Act and obstructed justice when he conspired with Donald Trump to order General Flynn illegally to discuss the removal of sanctions while Barack Obama was still President


On Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House, normally third in the line of succession, I can report as fact that sources say that Ryan has been legally intercepted, and is on tape, admitting that he knew Russian money was being laundered into the Republican party.


The fourth person in the line of succession is Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah, as President pro-tem of the Senate. Sources with links to the intelligence community say they do not know of any collusion by Hatch in either money-laundering or in accepting Russian intelligence; this does not mean, they warn, that such evidence does not exist.

Pac-Man ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

 med anketiranimi je bila glavna asociacija za Trumpa idiot

med anketiranimi je bila glavna asociacija za Trumpa idiot

Se ne motijo.


The White House on Thursday scrambled to deny that it intentionally misled Americans about President Trump’s reasons for firing FBI Director James Comey after an unlikely witness torched the official explanation: Trump himself.

The credibility-cracking chaos in the West Wing has not doused but has instead fueled questions about whether Comey’s abrupt dismissal was tied to the FBI’s investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election. White House officials have strenuously denied any link.

In a Thursday interview with NBC News, the unpredictable president said he would have ousted Comey even without a Justice Department memorandum sharply critical of Comey’s actions in 2016 and an accompanying letter from Attorney General Jeff Sessions urging Comey’s removal.

“I was going to fire him regardless of the recommendation,” Trump declared to NBC’s Lester Holt.

The president’s confident declaration contradicted days of assurances from top administration officials — including Vice President Mike Pence and Attorney General Jeff Sessions — that the abrupt dismissal originated with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s memo.

jype ::

Berserker> A veš ono ko se je Stalin arogantno posmehoval papežu, češ kolk divizij ima na razpolago. Kje je zdaj ta silna moč? Kje je zdaj moč socializma v Jugoslaviji? Papež in cerkev sta ostala.

Haha, ravno sem bil v Volteri:

20. septembra 1870 so Italijani vkorakali v rim in papeža postavili tja, kamor spada.

Papež in cerkev lahko ostaneta poljubno dolgo, dokler finance redno pregleduje neodvisno računsko sodišče, kar se mene tiče.

Brez skrbi, tudi islamske diktature bližnjega vzhoda še pridejo na vrsto: Tam bo pa morala vkorakat post-facebook pomlad.

jype ::

D3m ::

|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: D3m ()

Pac-Man ::

1,2,3, akcija


Perspective. Forget the treason FOR NOW. That will come in time. Let's think back to Prohibition. Remember Al Capone? Capone was responsible for countless murders, bootlegging, bribing officials, prostitution, etc etc. How did the govt take down Capone?

They did with what equates to a modern day FinCen/Treasury investigation. Tax evasion. The key thing here now to put in the front of your minds is follow the money. The money is going to be what sinks Trump. The rest of it Russia, corruption, etc. will fall into place. The money is whats going to take down everyone whos complicit in all of this, and cause them to rat on one another.

Remember whoever makes the first deal with the Feds, is gonna make their lives a lot easier if there's a deal to be made at this point. But, to quote the Grateful Dead "Now the kids they dance & shake their bones, and the politicians throwin stones, singing ashes ashes all fall down. Follow the money!

Watch the Lester Holt interview. Anyone with 1 day of behavioral training sees a depserate, isolated, lying mutt. Trump gonna get got!

Cannot stress enough how badly Trump misjudged firing Comey, spoke to 6 I worked with yesterday. The fallout is going to be biblical. SWEAR! Fuck ton of Comey protestors on beach in Coronado, CA. A white, wealthy,military bastion of a town. Speaks volumes.

Wanna get really mad? There's at least 5 times Trump could have been arrested long before he ever ran for President. Solid cases too. You'll have to look details up on these on your own but they are well documented. Standby for high rolls and heavy seas.

Case #1.Obstruction of justice 1981. Blew cover of FBI mob informant Daniel Sullivan ref. construction unions ref AC casinos

Case #2. The "Empty Box" colluding with merchants to avoid state sales tax on expensive purchases. RE Adnon Kashoggi

Case #3. Sold 2 apartments to mob figure Robert Hopkins. Who had no reportable income but paid cash. Bad FBI agent told Rudy, Rudy shut down

Case #4. Money laundering 1998-2014. Trump Taj Mahal fined 10 million. Largest fine in casino history. DONE WITH RUSSIANS

Case #5. Trump University. Speaks for itself. FRAUD.

Wanna get even angrier?Tony Lombardi (FBI) Rudy's right hand man closed case. Trump gave Rudy 41 grand for 89 mayoral campaign

Ryan Pence McConnell all die with this fallout. Promise

Fact: Comey was prepared for this. It's called a dead man switch and, he detonated a bomb.

For all who asked DOJ is gonna hate fuck Rudy. He was US Atty before he was mayor. They haven't forgotten that. Hate fuck...

FBI knows. Follow the bodies too much Russian rigormortis.Churkin had a heart attack at his desk? But had massive head trauma in NYC #murder

The news cycle for the next 7 days is going to be BRUTAL for Team Treason. Watch for cracks. The Reaper is coming. Goodnight motherfuckers.

ZaphodBB ::

Louise Mensch, Jype in Pac-Man

Lepa druščina!

Evo, dodam še enega Noama. Da bo res špas!

"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype

jype ::

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: jype ()

Pac-Man ::

2 minutni video


"When I decided to [fire Comey], I said to myself, you know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made up story."

To je to.

TrumpRussia je lahko totalen bulšit, Doni čist kot pišuka, nobenega pranja denarja in utaj. Vseeno je zgornji stavek dovolj za impičment. Predsednik ZDA ni porota, tožilec in sodnik v eni osebi, sploh ko je sam v centru procesa. Obstruction of justice, čaubau.

Čakamo samo politično voljo.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::

Doni je momljajoči idiot s 40 letno zgodovino sumljivih poslov. Njegovi odvetniki si zaslužijo celo zbirko naslovov "odvetnik leta", saj kljub vsemu ni nikoli sedel.

Cervantes ::

Kar padajte na steklino, ki jo širi Clinton Cable Network.
Želim veliko sreče.

mtosev ::

D3m je izjavil:

this post was approved by vladimir putin himself

Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013

Pac-Man ::

Doni maha okrog s pismom njegove odvetniške pisarne, kjer trdijo, da nima nič investicij v Rusiji. With few exceptions.

Saj vemo, kaj sledi?


#WithFewExceptions is the Number One trending topic in the U.S.

Veliko zabave.


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

c3p0 ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

1,2,3, akcija

Akcija? :) Ne se hecat, zgodilo se ne bo nič.

ZaphodBB ::

Pac-Man ima najjaći primer blue-balls v celi zgodovini človeštva.
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype

Jst ::

Nisem bral vsega.


1. Za DNC ne vemo ali so bili shakani ali je nekdo leakal. Comey je pod prisego povedal, da so trkali na vrata DNC dvakrat, a so jih obakrat zavrnili. (?!?) Tako FBI ni sam pregledal računalnikov, ampak so se zanašali na Crowdstrike poročilo. (Kaj niso mogli dobiti naloga od sodnika ali kaj??)

2. Torej DNC je najel Crowdstrike, a ti so potem potiho poročilo umaknili.

3. Če bi bili DNC shakani, bi za to vedela NSA. Rodgers, šefe NSA, pod prisego: da nimajo podatkov, ne morejo potrditi in še ne petdeset drugih načinov odgovarjal na isto vprašanje zastavljeno na petdesetkrat drugačen način.

4. Mainstream media že skoraj leto dni: "Russia, Russia, Russia".


Trump ekipa je morala vedeti, da bo blow up in their faces. What were they thinking??
Islam is not about "I'm right, you're wrong," but "I'm right, you're dead!"
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|

Pac-Man ::

ZaphodBB je izjavil:

Pac-Man ima najjaći primer blue-balls v celi zgodovini človeštva.

sinjemodre :D

Trump bo padel kot poceni kurba.


Buckle up, get your coffee, spark dat spliff, pour your wine. Here we go. The FBI raid of Strategic Campaign Group yesterday was a two pronged attack. One Manafort & Stone are both linked to that firm by way of their old lobby firm BKSH. BKSH went on to become what is Prime Policy group which is the firm Manafort was using to work with Ukraine. Prime Policy Group helped Victor Yanukovic, a Putin bag man, get elected. Prime Policy also put out a press release some time ago stating Manafort, & Stone were Trump campaign advisors. Lots of evidence was taken yesterday. Hard drives, files, etc. Manafort still has not registered under FARA which makes me think he may have Flipped on Trump. But I'm not 100%. He's fallen off of everyone's radar for a while.

Here's where it gets interesting. Strategic Campaign also has ties to Trump & the Taj Mahal casino. Strategic Campaign registered with Maryland lobby website on behalf of Prince George's Racing Ventures. PGRV is also known as Penn Natl Gaming. A man named James Perry ran PNG before he went to work for Trump. Perry worked for Trump Entertainment Resorts. One of which was Trump Taj Mahal. All of this happened ONE DAY after the Senate Intel Committee asked Treasury Dept. to release info on all of Trump's finances. See where I'm going here? Follow the money. The money will lead them to the truth.

Taj Mahal was a money washing front for the Russian mob for YEARS. Trump is starting to come undone. He has never before acted so Nervous and unhinged in a public area before because he knows they are on the money trail. There are 2 EXCELLENT expose's done by a Dutch news team documenting the money trail very well. I will post links. I highly suggest you take the time to watch them. There's a man subject in the story named Felix Sater. He's a lynchpin in the money laundering operation. Read about him, and his daddy. As recent as last year Sater worked for Trump as a senior advisor to his company. All roads lead to the money.

Trump cannot stop or interfere with the investigation the NYS AG has opened on him. Schiederman is a rabid pit bull and has a hard on for all things Trump. Get familiar with the term "Enterprise corruption" you'll see it's important. Trump's presidency is already dead. He knows that. That's why he's behaving the way he is, and explains his latest twitter melt down. At this point it's just a matter of how much longer he's there. I'll post links shortly. @realDonaldTrump can you feel me now? Harder? Deeper? #GsUpHoesDown


Part 2:

A wise salty old Gunnery Sergeant once told me "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."

Remember Trump goes overseas for first time next week. He's gonna embarass the shit out of us. That's good. Maybe GOP gets angrier!

Spicer. What a goatfuck. Bruh you should have stayed in the bunny suit beating your meat in the bushes.

Pay Attention: 3 times today Bunny Boy wouldn't answer if Trump has been recording convo's in Oval Office. Could be game changer if true.

I told you yesterday Comey didn't want dinner w/POTUS. Clapper publicly confirms it today. All lies catch up to you SON! #protectyoneck

18 USC 1503. Textbook obstruction of justice case. @SenJohnMcCain @LindseyGrahamSC your cowardice knows no bounds.
Trump to NBC: "When I decided to [fire Comey], I said to myself, you know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made up story."


18 U.S. Code § 1503 - Influencing or injuring officer or juror generally

Ehm, tole gre mimo.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::


1. A person is guilty of enterprise corruption when, having knowledge of the existence of a criminal enterprise and the nature of its activities, and being employed by or associated with such enterprise, he:
(a) intentionally conducts or participates in the affairs of an enterprise by participating in a pattern of criminal activity; or
(b) intentionally acquires or maintains any interest in or control of an enterprise by participating in a pattern of criminal activity; or
(c) participates in a pattern of criminal activity and knowingly invests any proceeds derived from that conduct, or any proceeds derived from the investment or use of those proceeds, in an enterprise.

Pac-Man ::

Verjetno največja novica danes je trumpova grožnja Comeyu.


James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!
Kongres je že zahteval posnetke, če obstajajo. Prilepljeno zgoraj - stupid games, stupid wins.


Why is this tapes business so goddamn stupid of Trump? Let's game this out.

If Comey clams up, then *if takes exist* they must include damaging material on Comey and Trump. People will want them.
If Comey talks, and no tapes are released, then Trump was bluffing. And what Trump doesn't want said was said.
If Comey talks and Trump releases a tape, people will want the rest of them. Not that it matters, because Comey's need for reputation protection makes clamming up impossible.

So the only realistic branch choices result in either everyone demanding tapes or Comey being encouraged to fully disclose. Likely both. If it's a bluff, it's a stupid one because Spicer's going to have to say there are no tapes in 4.5 hours. So the net benefit of vaguely threatening Comey is gaining 4.5 hours of coverage about POTUS threatening the former FBI Director. The net negative is that he threatened a congressional witness, revealed he tapes conversations, or reveals he's a bad negotiator.

He gave himself a news cycle dominated by Comey and Russia so that the insanity of the firing it has time to sink in with voters. This was a remarkably stupid thing to say. Gained nothing, hurt lots. By any standard, a lot to get done before you've gotten dressed.

Pac-Man ::


Here’s how the Russians might have snuck a recording device into the Oval Office


The Russians would love to place a recording device in the Oval Office, of course, and have a track record of using innocuous-seeming methods to bug their opponents. (Gizmodo noted that the Russians had once had schoolchildren present the U.S. ambassador to Russia with a decorative carving that included a listening device.)

But, really, how much damage could be done? Could an agent actually get away with planting a device in the Oval Office?


Todd Morris is founder and chief executive of Brickhouse Security, a company based in New York that works with law enforcement and corporate customers on surveillance and counter-surveillance techniques.


“I would bring in a device roughly the size of a book of matches, very small,” he said. “It would be set up to record on audio record, audio activated. It would store that data locally. And then, within a certain amount of time and in a burst of transmission, it would transmit that to a server.”


“It would eventually be found,” he said. “It is an office that does get an extensive sweep by well-trained professionals” — although not necessarily after every meeting. Such a sweep, he said, would include far more than simply holding up some electronic gizmo that would ping if it detected a signal. It would mean looking in every imaginable place — behind electrical outlets, inside cushions — for anything that might be used to spy on Oval Office meetings. “They really disassemble most of the room,” Morris said.


Knowing that the device would be found, then, Morris’s would transmit a signal out in as quick a burst as possible. This is meant to prevent White House security from detecting the burst — and then tracking down its point of origin.


This raises the question of whether a signal could escape the Oval Office. Morris was confident that it could. The room itself isn’t a SCIF — a specially designed secure location that’s meant to contain electronic communication and prevent eavesdropping. But it does have certain counter-surveillance technologies. For example, Morris said, it probably has a special device attached to the windows that causes them to vibrate, preventing someone from remotely training a laser on the glass to detect the vibrations caused by people speaking in the room.

There are two options for transmitting out: using a normal cell-tower transmission or using a low-frequency signal that would stand a better chance of passing through the walls of the White House. Nor would the Russians need to park a white van subtly labeled “VLADIMIR’S FLOWERS” on Pennsylvania Avenue to detect the emission. Such a signal could travel a mile, Morris said, allowing them to camp out in a nearby hotel, for example.

Pac-Man ::


Why it’s likely that Trump does have recordings of his Oval Office conversations


For a guy who has spent the past week being compared to Richard Nixon for firing a man who was investigating his campaign, it was an odd threat to level. Nixon, of course, was undone in part by the things that he recorded himself saying in the Oval Office. Which raises an interesting question: Do presidents still record those conversations? Does Trump?


In 2012, journalist Mark Bowden gave a talk at the Pritzker Military Museum in Chicago about his new book, “The Finish: The Killing of Osama bin Laden.” As part of the research for that book, Bowden spent 90 minutes interviewing President Barack Obama in the Oval Office. The interview went well — until it didn’t.


“As I stood up to say goodbye to the president, I looked down and my tape recorder had died. … That thing had always worked like a charm but there it was, just as dead as a nut on the table. So I said my goodbyes and as I was walking out of the Oval Office with Ben Rhodes, I said, ‘Ben, you’re not going to believe this, but my recorder died in the middle of that somewhere.’”

“‘Ah don’t worry about it,’ he says, ‘we record everything in here. We’ll get you a transcript before you leave.’ And he did.”


Journalist Yashar Ali reported Friday morning that, according to a source within the Secret Service, the ability to record conversations in the Oval Office still exists.

It’s important to note that, if it does, there’s good reason to think that Trump would embrace its use.

BuzzFeed has reported several times on alleged use of recording devices by Trump at his homes and properties. In October last year, reporter Aram Roston wrote that two Trump golf clubs had pervasive monitoring systems that were tracked constantly, citing sources who worked at the facilities. Previously, Roston had reported that Trump had the ability to listen to any conversation taking place on the phone lines at Mar-a-Lago, again according to employees at the resort.

The New York Times’ Maggie Haberman tweeted Friday that her reporting indicated that Trump Tower employees were concerned that their offices were bugged.


Cervantes ::

Edina slovenska beseda v zadnjih nekaj postih.
Spremljajte še kakšne druge novice kot maddog CNN.
Trumpolin ni bedak.
Se mizdi, da kar dobro fura zmedene demokrate.
No, pustimo se presenetiti. Mene osebno te zadeva nepopisno zabava.:))

c3p0 ::

Pac-Man, ko Trumposlav ne pade, se boš vsaj ti odstranil iz tega foruma s tem spamom?

C&P namreč zna vsak, se čudim da ti še več postov ne brišejo.

D3m ::

Pac-man je rumeni tisk.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Massacra ::

c3p0 je izjavil:

Pac-Man, ko Trumposlav ne pade, se boš vsaj ti odstranil iz tega foruma s tem spamom?

C&P namreč zna vsak, se čudim da ti še več postov ne brišejo.

C&P je treba delati s smislom. Pac-Man dela to zelo dobro v tem primeru in povzema bistvo problematike v širši perspektivi! Le brati je treba znat angleško. In seveda razumet.

Kakšne probleme pa maš ti? Trump ali Melanija?

D3m je izjavil:

Pac-man je rumeni tisk.

Rumeni tisk so pravna mnenja in citati aktov in zakonov ter ustave??? Od kdaj?

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Massacra ()

Pac-Man ::

c3p0 je izjavil:

Pac-Man, ko Trumposlav ne pade, se boš vsaj ti odstranil iz tega foruma s tem spamom?

C&P namreč zna vsak, se čudim da ti še več postov ne brišejo.

Če se spraviš brat IMHO najdeš precej zanimivih informacij.

Sicer pa si naredite svoj peskovnik in se prepirajte kdo je nacist ali karkoli že v teh časih počnejo kul mulci, meni pa pustite tega.

Obljubim, da ne bom prišel krast lopatk. Dil?

Pac-Man ::


TAPES: 1. You guys are thinking small. Think big picture. Tapes or no tapes go to credibility. Subpoena's, maybe even search warrants.

What makes you think that if there is a serious COINTEL investigation that FBI isn't up on all of their phones? I'd bet my left nut they are. If there are real COINTEL targets being looked at assume FBI is up on all electronics. Shit local cops get up on phones for far less crimes. No tapes Trump shows again hes a lying sack of shit. Tapes prove the same. Comey is golden right now. He holds all the cards.

Spicer and Trump both gave it away today pretty clearly. People have been recorded. They destroy them after the Senate sent that letter today, that's a crime. Why do you think it was drafted & signed so quickly? Think big, we are bulding a case not breaking one down.

Trump and Co. haven't learned when to shut the fuck up. They are killing themselves every day. Every day a new lie, scandal. FATAL.

The firm that Trump retained to write letter for him to Graham. Voted best law firm in Russia 2016. Does this get any easier?

What will kill Trump worse than anything else. His brand dies with his presidency. He's finished. Bankrupt. Trading places type shit. This will be @realDonaldTrump in 20 yrs watching re-runs of the apprentice beating off with cheeto dust on his fingers.

If I were Trump at this point. Id start walking around in a bathrobe & shitting in the rose garden. Insanity defense is the only way to go..

FinCen is reporting they have agreed to turn over all finanical info to Senate Intel ref. Trump & Russia. OH MY GOD. Some have asked bout how bad is a FinCen/Treas investigation. Think semi-concious drunk anal sex with a sandpaper condom. IT'S BAD.

Financial Crimes Enforcement Network @ Wikipedia

The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) is a bureau of the United States Department of the Treasury that collects and analyzes information about financial transactions in order to combat domestic and international money laundering, terrorist financing, and other financial crimes.

Pac-Man ::

Dont worry about Comey not testifying Tues. There's another scandal brewing no boiling. It's about recordings. In the WH. It's gonna be bad. Comey isn't testifying on Tues becasue its bhind closed doors. He wants to be in public. Tell the truth about what non TS info he can. In a war the enemy gets a vote on when the war ends. Comey is doing just that. He picks when to engage. He has tactical advantage.

3 ure kasneje:
Scooplet by @NYTmike: Comey wants to testify, but insists it be in public. Watch this space:

Pac-Man ::

Zabavno, zaenkrat smo v fazi implicitnih groženj na twitterju. Kot soliden srednješolski feud. Trump s posnetki, FBI z zasežbo premoženja, zdaj še



Pac-Man je izjavil:

Trump cannot stop or interfere with the investigation the NYS AG has opened on him. Schiederman is a rabid pit bull and has a hard on for all things Trump. Get familiar with the term "Enterprise corruption" you'll see it's important. Trump's presidency is already dead.

Schneiderman je vrhovni tožilec v NY, lokalni organ, in kot tak nedotakljiv fedsom. States rights, bitches!!!

Detajlov ne poznam, imata pa s Trumpom nekaj zgodovine. Par let nazaj je Trumpy razlagal, kako je Schneiderman cokehead. Ni neke ljubezni.

Remember who formerly lived and worked in that state? State crimes may be quite serious.

and presidents can't pardon people for state crimes...

Tale o pomilostitvah je pač twitter wisdom, ne vzet 100%.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

c3p0 ::

Massacra je izjavil:

C&P je treba delati s smislom. Pac-Man dela to zelo dobro v tem primeru in povzema bistvo problematike v širši perspektivi! Le brati je treba znat angleško. In seveda razumet.

Kakšne probleme pa maš ti? Trump ali Melanija?

Ima svoje pristranske vire, ki napovedujejo takojšen doom & gloom Trumpu. Za mene so laughable, ker se mu zgodilo ne bo nič. Mora pa fino biti v tem svetu, na koncu moraš le glavo dati malo v pesek, pozabiti kaj si pisal in poiskat nov vir, ki ti ugaja, da lahko nemoteno pastaš naprej. Itak, Rusi!

Trump ne bo drainal swampa, kot je že dokazal, pa tudi odletel ne bo. Nisem še zdaleč Trump fan, da ne bo pomote.

Je za odtenek boljši od sociopatke, čeprav neke hude razlike na koncu ne bo.

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Sicer pa si naredite svoj peskovnik in se prepirajte kdo je nacist ali karkoli že v teh časih počnejo kul mulci, meni pa pustite tega.

Nacist? :)

Ah, saj imaš dosti peskovnikov. Skoraj ne moreš odpreti poljubnega SLO portala, brez da bi nek Pac-Man ozaveščal s svojimi "novicami". Eno je svoboda govora, drugo pa smetenje. SJW-ji težko ločijo med obema.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: c3p0 ()

belo mleko ::

janex je izjavil:

WOW, holiwudska fantazija je za komije realni svet :D

Tudi ta je preveč verjela holivudskim pravljicam. Namesto s stotimi skalpi je končala v solzah.

D3m ::

belo mleko je izjavil:

janex je izjavil:

WOW, holiwudska fantazija je za komije realni svet :D

Tudi ta je preveč verjela holivudskim pravljicam. Namesto s stotimi skalpi je končala v solzah.

LOL Hahahahaha

|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Berserker ::

Pacman kdo sploh bere to? Kaj točno me to zanima v Sloveniji? Še o Pahorju in Cerarju ni tolk postov in tem, pa bi te moralo njuno delo bolj zanimat.
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