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Žitije Donalda Trampa

Žitije Donalda Trampa

Temo vidijo: vsi
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Pac-Man ::

Doni je po priporočilu Sessionsa ravnokar odpustil Comeya, direktorja FBI, ki je vodil preiskavo v TrumpRussia škandal in še par drugih stvari. Menda so bile tri porote in okrog 30 obtožnic. Na twitterju poka, zgodba pa vstopa v naslednjo watergate-like fazo.

Saturday Night Massacre @ Wikipedia

 pismo Sessionsa Trumpu

pismo Sessionsa Trumpu

 pismo Trumpa Comeyu

pismo Trumpa Comeyu

Pac-Man ::

da se bo čez kaj pritoževat ;)


If true, a Constitutional Crisis is in progress...

I am at a loss for words.

Though COUP comes to mind.

Firing your secret police chief because he's investigating you is the stuff of banana republics. America as I knew it is gone.

At this point:
1. Let Congress know your view. Now.
2. Pray.
3. Stockpile ammunition, food, water & non-perishable goods.

Trump has either BIGLY Saturday Night Massacred himself here...or he's consolidated power & is beyond any law. We'll know soon which it is.

DarwiN ::

Še odzivi iz alternativnega vesolja:

- Now that's a President.
- Good for Trump!!!! What a leader!
- WIN WIN WIN! Time to go after the Clinton crime ring!
- Now get a real person in there to investigate Hillary.
- Excellent decision Mr President. Another Obama cl0wn gone from the swamp.
- Ladies & Gentlemen, this is How a real US President Acts.
- The libs can't stand the fact that Trump is winning. America is winning despite flakes trying to sabotage things.
- Drain the swamp Trump !!
- President Trump wins again. Weep hard filthy Democrats. A real leader in charge. The illegals are packing now. RUN.....
- Comey admitted lying to Congress. PRESIDENT TRUMP had no choice.
- Keep going, Mr. President. The swamp is wider and deeper than you ever imagined.

Skratka, klasika, končajte stavek: Tokratna Trumpova poteza je genialna, ker ...

Dumpo ti lahko z golimi rokami umori mater, in če si pravi Trump podpornik, boš v tem dejanju še vedno videl izključno pozitivne posledice. :) Tkole imamo.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: DarwiN ()

PaX_MaN ::

Firing your secret police chief because he's investigating you is the stuff of banana republics.

Uh, v pismu piše da je trikrat reku da ga _NE_ preiskuje...

DarwiN ::

PaX_MaN je izjavil:

Firing your secret police chief because he's investigating you is the stuff of banana republics.

Uh, v pismu piše da je trikrat reku da ga _NE_ preiskuje...

1. Avtor pisma je eden največjih patoloških lažnjivcev (in njegov ožji krog drugih sociopatov) v zgodovini človeštva.
2. Povsem možno, da FBI ni neposredno preiskoval samega Trumpa, ker na takšno mogočno pošast se ne spraviš direktno. Vsekakor pa vsi, od senata do FBI, preiskujejo Trumpovo kampanjo in stike z Rusi.. Torej posredno preiskujejo Trumpa. Od dna proti vrhu. Najprej so na vrsti majhne ribe.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: DarwiN ()

PaX_MaN ::

DarwiN je izjavil:

1. Avtor pisma je eden največjih patoloških lažnjivcev (in njegov ožji krog drugih sociopatov) v zgodovini človeštva.


DarwiN je izjavil:

2. Povsem možno, da FBI ni neposredno preiskoval samega Trumpa, ker na takšno mogočno pošast se ne spraviš direktno. Vsekakor pa vsi, od senata do FBI, preiskujejo Trumpovo kampanjo in stike z Rusi.. Torej posredno preiskujejo Trumpa. Od dna proti vrhu. Najprej so na vrsti majhne ribe.

Ne, obtožba je jasna:
because he's investigating you

Al bo treba tečaj angleščine?

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: PaX_MaN ()

jype ::

DarwiN> - Comey admitted lying to Congress.

To dejansko drži. Ne glede na to kako sovražiš Trumpa moraš sprejeti dejstvo, da je Comey lagal kongresu in da je neprimeren za direktorja FBI zaradi načina seznanjanja javnosti s potekom preiskave zoper Clintonovo. Trump se dejansko lahko zmagovalno krohota in odstavi Comeya na podlagi teh dejstev.

PaX_MaN> Ne, obtožba je jasna:

FBI je, preden je bil Comey odstavljen, preiskoval Trumpa. O tem ni dvoma, ker zaradi interesa preiskave ni odgovarjal na vprašanja o tem med več zaslišanji v zvezi z ruskimi vdori v informacijske sisteme (demokratske stranke in drugih, povezanih z volitvami predsednika).

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: jype ()

PaX_MaN ::

jype je izjavil:

FBI je, preden je bil Comey odstavljen, preiskoval Trumpa.

Ni res.

DarwiN ::

DarwiN> - Comey admitted lying to Congress.

To dejansko drži. Ne glede na to kako sovražiš Trumpa moraš sprejeti dejstvo, da je Comey lagal kongresu in da je neprimeren za direktorja FBI zaradi načina seznanjanja javnosti s potekom preiskave zoper Clintonovo. Trump se dejansko lahko zmagovalno krohota in odstavi Comeya na podlagi teh dejstev.

Sej ne zanikam. Sem zgolj indiskriminatorno copy/pastal najbolje ocenjene komentarje iz DailyMaila, kjer ždijo Trumpeljni, in se je očitno vmes prikradel en resničen.

Comey je celo pomagal Trumpu do izvolitve, zdaj pa prejel takšno zahvalo. Good riddance ja, ampak ko bi le nazadnje zmagala resnica in pravica. Osebno dvomim, da je to možno, in bo pač cel svet v damage control mode naslednja 3.5 leta.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: DarwiN ()

jype ::

PaX_MaN> Ni res.


DarwiN> Comey je celo pomagal Trumpu do izvolitve, zdaj pa prejel takšno zahvalo.

Jah, če je od Trumpa pričakoval karkoli drugega, potem pač slabo pozna Trumpa.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: jype ()

PaX_MaN ::

jype je izjavil:

PaX_MaN> Ni res.

Drugačen od vašega.

jype ::


GJ Subpoenas, so...

inb4 tax returns?

Looooooka ::

CNN ni primeren vir niti za vremensko napoved :D

anketar ::

jype je izjavil:


GJ Subpoenas, so...

inb4 tax returns?

dej ne me hebat, daš cnn za vir nepristranskih novic, joj bože vidi luđaka

Pac-Man ::


The key player here is Deputy Attorney General (DAG) Rosenstein. I spent 5 yrs in the DAG’s office under Obama. Please indulge me.

Rosenstein is a rare breed – a Bush political appointee who Obama kept on for eight years, as U.S. Attorney for Maryland. Rosenstein was particularly beloved by then-Senator Barbara Mikulski, at whose recommendation Obama kept him. Dems praised Rosenstein at his DAG confirmation hearing, he was confirmed 94-6, and he took office on April 25.

It's no coincidence that the Comey firing took place now. Trump laundered it through Rosenstein to boost its legitimacy. Rosenstein's letter to Sessions blasts Comey's handling of Clinton case in terms that could have been written by a Clinton staffer. But one thing Rosenstein's letter doesn't do -- and it took me a second read to note this -- is expressly recommend Comey be fired.

Sure, it comes very, very close to doing so. The title is "Restoring Public Confidence in the FBI" and it has language like this: "FBI is unlikely 2 regain public/congressional trust until has Director who understands gravity of mistakes & pledges never 2 repeat." But it never expressly recommends that POTUS fire Comey. Is this deliberate? Who knows.

Quite possibly Rosenstein, like most of us, thought Comey screwed up but didn't want him fired with Russia investigation pending. Yet Sessions wanted a memo on Comey's sins, and Rosenstein felt he had to oblige his boss...as long as he didn't have to expressly say something he didn't believe, i.e. that Comey should be fired now.

I suspect that the letter's final paragraph -- whose sentences fit together awkwardly -- was highly negotiated.

Why does any of this matter? Sessions is recused from Russia, so it falls to Rosenstein to decide whether to appoint special counsel. Rosenstein is no dummy. He knows that no one buys that Trump/Sessions wanted to fire Comey for actions they praised at the time! And he cares about DOJ's reputation. He's not a hack -- he's been at DOJ for 27 years, under five different presidents.

Note his language about the FBI -- he worries that it now lacks "public and congressional trust." Same could be said now about DOJ. Appointing a special counsel would help DOJ regain that trust -- both with the public and with Congress. Sure, he's not likely to get much pushback from this Congress, but if Dems win House or Senate in 2018, all hell could break loose.

Comey did the wrong thing on 10/28 because he feared hell from Congress. Rosenstein could do the right thing for the same reason! I think he'll do it. Would it shock me if he didn't? No, because after 2015, as you may have noticed, shock ceased to be a thing.

janex ::

^Rosenstein, LOL. In Američani se bojiju Ruske infiltracije, na vrhu pa imajo 90% "Izraelsko" elito.

Dame in gospodje, predsednik of the USA:

Matako ::

Ja no, gre pač za (((preverjen kader))).

Hej, mogoče bo pa zdaj Don odstavljen. Ne pozabi Paco... obljubil si! Obljubil.


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Matako ()

Smrekar1 ::

Matako je izjavil:

Ja no, gre pač za (((preverjen kader))).

Hej, mogoče bo pa zdaj Don odstavljen. Ne pozabi Paco... obljubil si! Obljubil.


Za Nixona so potrebovali leto in pol, s tem, da so imeli Demokrati večino v obeh domovih parlamenta. Pred letom 2019 bo težko prišlo tako daleč.

Matako ::

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

Matako je izjavil:

Ja no, gre pač za (((preverjen kader))).

Hej, mogoče bo pa zdaj Don odstavljen. Ne pozabi Paco... obljubil si! Obljubil.


Za Nixona so potrebovali leto in pol, s tem, da so imeli Demokrati večino v obeh domovih parlamenta. Pred letom 2019 bo težko prišlo tako daleč.

Eh tolko dolgo se mi pa ne da čakati. Nixon je bil še v predinternetnih časih - danes je leto in pol preprosto predolgo. To so 3 netflix sezone!

Pospešite, prosim.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Matako ()

Spajky ::

.. medtem pa Obama v Italiji "na počitnicah" .. japade ...
"Bluzim na forumu, torej sem !" (še živ ) ...

dice7 ::

Vcasih je dan imel vec ur, danes ne gre vse tako hitro. Verjetno bi slo hitreje ce se ne bi Trump vmesaval v preiskavo

V ostalih novicah demokrat kar poblogal povezave med Trumpom in Rusijo na svoji podstrani kongresa


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: dice7 ()

janex ::

dice7 je izjavil:

Vcasih je dan imel vec ur, danes ne gre vse tako hitro. Verjetno bi slo hitreje ce se ne bi Trump vmesaval v preiskavo

V ostalih novicah demokrat kar poblogal povezave med Trumpom in Rusijo na svoji podstrani kongresa


A lahko daš še en graf povezav Trumpa z Izraelom? Ker Izrael je v skrbeh da jim Trump ne bo pustil diktirati politike USA.

Before Abbas Meeting: Will Trump Let Israel Continue to Dictate American Policy?

dice7 ::

janex je izjavil:

A lahko daš še en graf povezav Trumpa z Izraelom?

Nasel sem se bolj zaskrbljujoce povezave!

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: dice7 ()

janex ::

dice7 je izjavil:

janex je izjavil:

A lahko daš še en graf povezav Trumpa z Izraelom?

Nasel sem se bolj zaskrbljujoce povezave!

Putin je samo lutka od Obongota!

Pac-Man ::

Matako je izjavil:

Eh tolko dolgo se mi pa ne da čakati. Nixon je bil še v predinternetnih časih - danes je leto in pol preprosto predolgo. To so 3 netflix sezone!

Pospešite, prosim.
Ameriški (pravni) sistem je bil postavljen v 18. stoletju.

Boš kar čakal.

Matako ::

janex je izjavil:

dice7 je izjavil:

janex je izjavil:

A lahko daš še en graf povezav Trumpa z Izraelom?

Nasel sem se bolj zaskrbljujoce povezave!

Putin je samo lutka od Obongota!

Še huje... v resnici ima vse niti v rokah mala Maša! pa saj _dobesedno_ klečeplazi pred njo!

 - Vladimir, si naredil, kot sem ukazala? - Da! - Harašo, harašo..

- Vladimir, si naredil, kot sem ukazala? - Da! - Harašo, harašo..


janex ::

Matako je izjavil:

Še huje... v resnici ima vse niti v rokah mala Maša! pa saj _dobesedno_ klečeplazi pred njo!

 - Vladimir, si naredil, kot sem ukazala? - Da! - Harašo, harašo..

- Vladimir, si naredil, kot sem ukazala? - Da! - Harašo, harašo..


Verjetno ne bom mogel spisati tega posta do konce, ker me bo KGB prej fental. Ampak moja dolžnost do vseh ljubiteljev mačk je da žrtvujem lastno življenje da se razkrije celotna zarota!

Pravi gospodarji Putina:

Oberyn ::

Excellent decision Mr President. Another Obama cl0wn gone from the swamp.

Tale je dobra. Kot se še spomnimo, je pri nas nekdo fasal plačilni nalog zaradi nedostojnega vedenja na javnem kraju (facebook), ker je policiste Policijske postaje Velenje imenoval klovni. Tule pa nekdo isto trdi kar za komandanta ameriške zvezne policije. Ta mora zdaj fasati vsaj plačilni nalog, če že ne guantanamo, ali pa so ameriški policaji pusiji proti našim.

Cervantes ::

Sicer si nisem želel Trumpa za POTUSa, ampak zabava je vrhunska.

BTW, kaj je to "žitije"?

Zgodovina sprememb…

Cervantes ::

Pa še to:
Assange ponudil službo Comeyu (na RT).
Aja. Clinton would fire Comey too (na FOX).

Zgodovina sprememb…

Pac-Man ::

Cervantes je izjavil:

BTW, kaj je to "žitije"?


Tole, objavljeno še preden je Comey dobil knjižico.

Večinoma temelji na twitih rando tipa s precej klavrnim Fordom Torino?, ki je v 90ih nekaj počel v beli hiši, zdaj pa mu "viri blizu preiskave" na veliko leakajo. Zato sem zadevo pustil pri miru.

1) nekatere trditve sta potrdila Schindler in Wilson
2) nekaj je potrdil tudi Comey med pričanjem pod prisego
3) neodvisno še CNN včeraj

Bi znalo držat.

jype ::


I bet nobody has the heart to tell conservatives what happens to the fully operational battle station.

janex ::

jype je izjavil:


I bet nobody has the heart to tell conservatives what happens to the fully operational battle station.

Smo se borili proti nacistom, da bomo obdržali slovenski jezik. Očitno vas bo treba spet malce spucati.

Cervantes ::

Veš kaj.
Če daš tole na Google translate...
Tole vsaj vsi razumemo.

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Cervantes je izjavil:

BTW, kaj je to "žitije"?


Tole, objavljeno še preden je Comey dobil knjižico.

Večinoma temelji na twitih rando tipa s precej klavrnim Fordom Torino?, ki je v 90ih nekaj počel v beli hiši, zdaj pa mu "viri blizu preiskave" na veliko leakajo. Zato sem zadevo pustil pri miru.

1) nekatere trditve sta potrdila Schindler in Wilson
2) nekaj je potrdil tudi Comey med pričanjem pod prisego
3) neodvisno še CNN včeraj

Bi znalo držat.

@ žitije:
Nikad čuo. Pa smo imeli v šoli obvezno srbohrvaščino.

Zgodovina sprememb…

jype ::

janex> spucati


Jawohl, Herr Obergruppensturmhauptführer!


janex je izjavil:

Matako je izjavil:

Še huje... v resnici ima vse niti v rokah mala Maša! pa saj _dobesedno_ klečeplazi pred njo!

 - Vladimir, si naredil, kot sem ukazala? - Da! - Harašo, harašo..

- Vladimir, si naredil, kot sem ukazala? - Da! - Harašo, harašo..


Verjetno ne bom mogel spisati tega posta do konce, ker me bo KGB prej fental. Ampak moja dolžnost do vseh ljubiteljev mačk je da žrtvujem lastno življenje da se razkrije celotna zarota!

Pravi gospodarji Putina:

Putin is the BEST

Cervantes ::

Putin je Car!

Pac-Man ::

Schneiderman, generalni tožilec v NY, prav tako praska okrog Trumpa. Izjava:

Pac-Man ::


President Donald Trump weighed firing his FBI director for more than a week. When he finally pulled the trigger Tuesday afternoon, he didn’t call James Comey. He sent his longtime private security guard to deliver the termination letter in a manila folder to FBI headquarters.

He had grown enraged by the Russia investigation, two advisers said, frustrated by his inability to control the mushrooming narrative around Russia. He repeatedly asked aides why the Russia investigation wouldn’t disappear and demanded they speak out for him. He would sometimes scream at television clips about the probe, one adviser said.


But the fallout seemed to take the White House by surprise. Trump made a round of calls around 5 p.m., asking for support from senators. White House officials believed it would be a “win-win” because Republicans and Democrats alike had had problems with the FBI director, one person briefed on the administration’s deliberations said.

Instead, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) told him he was making a big mistake — and Trump seemed “taken aback,” according to a person familiar with the call.

By Tuesday evening, the president was watching the coverage of his decision and frustrated no one was on TV defending him, a White House official said. He wanted surrogates out there beating the drum.

Instead, advisers were attacking one another for not realizing the gravity of the situation as events blew up. “How are you not defending your position for three solid hours on TV?” the White House aide asked.


At FBI headquarters, one senior official said the bureau was essentially in lockdown, not answering calls flooding in and referring all questions to the Justice Department. “I got nothing for you. Sorry,” said the official. “We were caught totally off guard. But we are not commenting in any kind of way, and referring calls to DOJ.”

Pac-Man ::


Just now: Giuliani here at the Trump hotel, says he thinks Trump was correct to fire Comey.

Giuliani tells me and @RosieGray that he is not a candidate for FBI director.
Just now: a source close to the president tells me Giuliani is 100% in consideration for the position.

Republikanci imajo v senatu 52 stolov, za imenovanje potrebujejo 50 glasov. Upam, da se najdejo trije častni, ki bi glasovali proti. Giuliani je vpleten.


Pac-Man ::

Trump je danes gostil Lavrova. Ameriški mediji niso imeli vstopa, ves material je z ruske strani. Še enkrat, zadeva je potekala v beli hiši. Tip dela medijski harakiri.


Fox News announcing on air right now that they're not using Russian photos of Trump-Lavrov meeting, after WH photogs were shut out.


NO US press allowed in with meeting with @potus so we have to rely on images from Russian state media


Photos of Trump's meeting with Lavrov and Kislyak just hit the Getty wire and they're all credited to Russian news agency TASS

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::


Comey not testifying tomorrow. This is why he was fired now. To get this immediate result.
COMEY will NOT testify at Senate Intel tomorrow as previously planned, but growing calls among Dems on panel for Comey to testify publicly

Comey bi moral pričat, za zaprtimi vrati.

Pac-Man ::


Democrats hold a 16-point lead over Republicans in a generic House ballot, according to a poll released on Wednesday.

The Quinnipiac University Poll found that 54 percent of respondents said they would like to see the Democrats control the House of Representatives, while 38 percent said the Republicans. Eight percent said they did not know or had no answer.

 med anketiranimi je bila glavna asociacija za Trumpa idiot

med anketiranimi je bila glavna asociacija za Trumpa idiot

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::

Motivirajo me komentarji na




Sicer si zadel. Oujea.

Pac-Man ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Republikanci imajo v senatu 52 stolov, za imenovanje potrebujejo 50 glasov. Upam, da se najdejo trije častni, ki bi glasovali proti. Giuliani je vpleten.

So se že pofočkali.


While everyone's busy looking elsewhere, the GOP just LOST the CRA methane rule vote 49-51. Bc Senators McCain, Collins, Graham voted NO. Get the picture? They never cared, even vaguely, about environmental votes. But they voted no. Do the math. Shall we take a bet now that when push comes to shove, to stand up for country, those will be the names? McCain, Graham, Collins.

Vse bo okej.

Pac-Man ::

Kletko močno stresajo. :)


Remember when there were no grand juries, no subpoenas, and no contacts with Russia, ever? Good time.

There is a lot of intel in the wind tonight

Oh, man. There are a lot of clickservatives who are going to have to eat a massive shit sandwich.

Remember when Sarah Huckabee and Kellyanne demanded we stop talking about the Russia story? Pepperidge Farms remembers.

My phone is hotter than the surface of the sun.

I can't speak to the arrests. But I can speak to the Kraken stirring.

1st Murderer (to others): "Stand to it."
Banquo: "It will be rain tonight."
1st M: "Let it come down."
(They set upon Banquo)

jype ::


Ker gre za čistokrvneže, zanje sploh fojb ni treba - tiste muzejske peči zagotovo še delujejo. CO2 nevtralne sicer niso, a morda bi zavoljo tradicije vseeno šlo skozi.

Pac-Man ::

Še malo povzročanja panike med vpletenimi.


Last week when Trump thought he could order Comey to shut down the grand juries-the response was "you'll have to fire me". Comey was ready.

Some good news for the Trump family: According to my sources-there is no reason to believe that Tiffany or Barron will face jail time.

Source: Comey's firing timed to coincide with his trip to Los Angeles in order to gain immediate access to Comey's computer systems/files.

I've spoken with several sources on this trying to gauge mood. Everyone's pissed. They are uniform in their outrage.

Source close to investigation, cannot confirm/deny arrests as early as tomorrow...but..."Comey dismissal is a catalyst for action".

A trusted source says that Rosenstein is a "straight shooter". Frankly-I don't much about him-but I know my source so I'm going with that.

No word yet folks. Still can't confirm for today but...All the players have donned body armor and are waiting for the bugle to sound. If not today-it's soon. Prosecutors are not going to sit on that many sealed indictments indefinitely...would welcome thoughts of @lauferlaw

Trump took his best shot. Soon, the professionals who are upholding the rule of law will, "Cry Havoc and Let Slip the Dogs of War".

Berserker ::

jype je izjavil:


Ker gre za čistokrvneže, zanje sploh fojb ni treba - tiste muzejske peči zagotovo še delujejo. CO2 nevtralne sicer niso, a morda bi zavoljo tradicije vseeno šlo skozi.

Ko tolk omenjaš fojbe, me zanima kdo bi to po tvojem počel? Ti? Antifa? Študentje z transparenti? Levičarji bi danes imeli kaj hitro polne hlače, ko bi se dejansko soočili z masivnim nasiljem. Današnje generacije so nebojevite, mehkužne in poženščene. Medtem ko imaš na nasprotni strani legit paramilitarne odrede desničarjev z avtomatskim orožjem.

Truga ::

To isto so vsi govorili 80 let nazaj, pa smo vidl kako se je koncalo.
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