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Kriptovaluta ki uporablja HDD

Kriptovaluta ki uporablja HDD

Zavesa ::

Pred kratkim sem odkril kriptovalute. Prva valuta, ki pade na pamet je seveda BitCion, ob raziskovanju glede rudarjenja sem odkril, da se CPU/GPU rudarjenje enostavno ne splača.
Nato sem naletel na BurstCoin, ki za rudarjenje uporablja "diske" oz. prostor na disku z minimalno porabo energije zadeva je postala zanimiva.....
Če vas zanima si spodaj poglejte posnetke in forume.

how to:

Kratek opis:
Welcome to the Central Hub for All Things BURST! BURST is a digital cryptocurrency and decentralized crypto platform that is used by people all over the world. The Most Popular digital cryptocurrency currently worldwide is Bitcoin, (which is simply a currency, albeit the most groundbreaking currency and technology to ever exist.) BURST is far more than just digital money, BURST is the world’s first crypto platform to have Smart Contracts, (which these days is the most widely known aspect of Ethereum) BURST is also the first cryptocurrency to be publicized for being able to perform direct cross-chain coin transfers (a transfer with no central exchange, also known as “Atomic Cross Chain Transfers”.) BURST also has the busiest decentralized asset exchange in existence, operating on the blockchain.

The BURST Nation Team is available along with developers, coders and other experts in technology (and everything blockchain related,) within the busy discussion forums on this hub. Make sure to jump on in, register a username of your choice, and mingle with the community that is growing beyond anyone's expectation. Decentralized blockchain technology at your fingertips, BURST.




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popster ::

C:/urrency? sej bi sharal celo sda1 particijo da bi vedel da se pokrije.

Zavesa ::

Še ena odlična razlaga zakaj bi/je vredno rudarjenje BurstCoina

next3steps ::

TL;DR. Hitro.
Ker predvidevam da je bulšit.

MaterVola ::

Vredno ogleda ...

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TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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