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youtube / 60 fps / IE

youtube / 60 fps / IE

Glugy ::

Torej povsod berm da se da 60 fps gledat na IE11 pa mi nikakor ne rata, da bi delal.
Vklopu sm HTML5 na youtube.com/html5 pa ni deloval. Recimo ko hočm pogledat:

ni 60 fps opcije:

A kdo ve zakaj ne bi delal?

sumoborac ::

YouTube said it was coming, and it's finally here. Google's uber-popular video site now supports clips running at up to 60 frames per second. But don't get too excited if if you're not running Chrome, as the new increased frame rate doesn't appear to work in anything but Google's browser.

Prid sm al pa tm ostan...

Glugy ::

"A big caveat is that it does not work in all browsers yet. It does work in Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox (Nightly) and Internet Explorer (11) but not in Opera or Chromium for example."

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