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"snemanje" iger

"snemanje" iger

Scarecrow ::

mene zanima če obstaja kkšn program s katirim bi lahko snemal kar gledam na računalniku?(igro counter-strike-tako kot je posnet superplayers cs movie).
ps TV kartice NIMAM

.smidge. ::

Camtasia je eden.:)
Jst se bom smeju na sirokoooo ...

Hammer ::

(sic) ::

Ker je takšno početje ZELO zahtevno, celo če misliš snemati med igranjem CSja, ti priporočam naslednje (tako se snemajo ti filmi);

- posnameš demo
- demo spremeniš v TGA slike
- TGAje spremeniš v MPEG
- MPEG skodiraš v AVI (divX).

Fuck you all!!!

Scarecrow ::

- posnameš demo
- demo spremeniš v TGA slike
- TGAje spremeniš v MPEG
- MPEG skodiraš v AVI (divX).

a se to s kkšnim prugramom nrdi?

(sic) ::

Ne rabiš nobenega programa. Za CS gre takole:

startmovie < file > - the commands 'startmovie' and 'endmovie' start and stop recordding to a video stream, that is basically a bunch of bitmap images in a single file. You use the command like this: From the console type in: startmovie then enter a map using the map command from the console. I have had problems starting up the comand while in a map with the current version of half life but not with the origional CD copy. You need to issue the endmoive command to stop it. Note that this takes up a large amount of disk space. Then you need to compile a program called 'mkmovie' in the valve utils from the SDK (see the misc files section), and use this program to extract all the bitmaps from within the single video stream file. Then you use a program such as Adobe Premiere to string them together into an AVI, or mpg if you have the plugins. Be sure to import them such that their duration is only frame. You need a fast computer to do this properly, if not you will get like 15 frames per second, which is fine for most people, and still gets you a useable ingame video stream. If you have a slow pc, be sure to set the avi to 15 frames per second, but if your pc is fast then 24 or 30 frames per second is good too.

Fuck you all!!!

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