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the origins of life, vol. 2

the origins of life, vol. 2

T-h-o-r ::


o tem ne vemo nič, zaenkrat pa tudi v laboratorijih še niso uspeli ustvariti razmer, iz katerih bi se spontano razvili organizmi ... vse do zdaj

Za delovanje metabolizma/presnove, morajo delovati vse reakcije v celici, ki pa delujejo le če so
primerni katalizatorji (anorganski) / encimi (organski). Ker je bilo v oceanu veliko organskih molekul,
vendar ne dovolj skoncentriranih, da bi katalizatorji lahko delovali, se je razvila lipidna membrana, ki je
omejevala zgoščene organske snovi in encime, da so v njej lahko potekale prebavne reakcije.

sploh ne rabimo kdo ve kako zapletenih pogojev, da se spontano pojavijo iskrice življenja, kot so dokazali znanstveniki par dni nazaj


Metabolic processes that underpin life on Earth have arisen spontaneously outside of cells. The serendipitous finding that metabolism – the cascade of reactions in all cells that provides them with the raw materials they need to survive – can happen in such simple conditions provides fresh insights into how the first life formed. It also suggests that the complex processes needed for life may have surprisingly humble origins.

"People have said that these pathways look so complex they couldn't form by environmental chemistry alone," says Markus Ralser at the University of Cambridge who supervised the research.

But his findings suggest that many of these reactions could have occurred spontaneously in Earth's early oceans, catalysed by metal ions rather than the enzymes that drive them in cells today.
Why have a civilization anymore
if we no longer are interested in being civilized?

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