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Slovenščina in tujke

Unknown_001 ::
Unknown_001 je izjavil:
In ja eni so potem z mano tudi probali malo pogermaniti besedišče sam so še vedno ostali pri LoL ful kul safr in podobnimi spačenkami.
Men je najbolj zabavno to, kako so vecini ljudi njihove spacenke povsem nekaj sprejemljivega, spacenke od drugih pa so nekaj najbolj groznega pod soncem. :)
Ni njihov stil ... :) ?
Za njih nekaj novega... +tipična menatliteta malega uma - vse kar je drugačno je grozno zanič, treba šikanirati... bolj po domače: v osnovi vsi ki odstopajo od povprečja morajo bit popljuvani in posrani :)
Wie nennt man einen Moderator mit der Hälfte des Gehirnis ?

BigWhale ::
Ja, saj ti razlagas isto. Tvoj nacin govora je bil tebi sprejemljiv, drugi so pa uporabljali spacenke. :)
V resnici ste pa oboji poceli isto. :)
V resnici ste pa oboji poceli isto. :)

Unknown_001 ::
Ja, saj ti razlagas isto. Tvoj nacin govora je bil tebi sprejemljiv, drugi so pa uporabljali spacenke. :)
V resnici ste pa oboji poceli isto. :)
Iz teksta morda tako izgleda, ker za nemške tujke nisem omenil da so popačenke... :) Drugače tud jaz te svoje izraze smatram kot defekt v jeziku, da ne bo pomote... jaz sem se njim prilagodil tako kot so se oni meni-> nisem se in sem zapovrh šel v skrajnosti (kar sem tudi zapisel da je bilo nalašč)... :> Mimogrede, pa se trudim čim manj spreminjati govor in govoriti slovnično pravilno, ker se mi zdi prav in ker se prek tretjega hriba v sloveniji s tujkami ne boš kaj dosti razumel... :)
Wie nennt man einen Moderator mit der Hälfte des Gehirnis ?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Unknown_001 ()

einstein :P ::
Zadnje čase malo razmišljam, pa sem sklenil, da svoje razmišljanje še javno predstavim.
Verjetno nisem edini, ki opažam, da se v slovenščini vse bolj uporabljajo tujke, ki izvirajo iz angleščine. Vsi vemo, zakaj ravno iz angleščine - ker je najbolj razširjena. Kot dobrega poznavalca slovenskega jezika, me uporaba tujk precej moti, še posebej, če se z nekom pogovarjam in kakšne besede ne razumem... pa ne govorim sedaj o konkretno angleških besedah, lahko gre zgolj za poslovenjeno angleščino, angleške kratice ipd. Kako bi bilo, če bi jaz utaknil kakšen italijanski izraz? Kdo od vas bi me razumel?
Če pogledamo nekaj Evropskih narodov (iz mojih izkušenj): Italijani in Španci angleščino slabo govorijo, zato imajo toliko raje materni jezik. Tudi Francozi neradi govorijo angleško, zato sem jih kot turist sprejel kot "hladen narod". Če pogledamo Slovence, pa je čisto drugače - marsi kdo bolje pozna angleško kot slovensko slovnico.
Počasi se bližam 30. letu starosti in kolikor se spomnim svoje mladosti, je bilo včasih čisto drugače. Tujk ni bilo toliko, zato sem nekako obdržal spoštovanje do maternega jezika. Današnja mladina pa ne zna ničesar povedati, ne da bi uporabila "ful", "kul", "izi" itd. Če nekdo tako govori pri 10. letih starosti, potem se res vprašam, kako bo govoril čez 20 let. Najbolj žalosto pa se mi zdi, da je take izraze slišati tudi po medijih, kar slabo vpliva na slovensko populacijo.
To bi bilo za začetek moje mnenje. Lahko bi še marsi kaj povedal, a mislim, da ste me vsi razumeli. Zanima me, kako vi gledate na uporabo tujk v slovenščini. Rad bi slišal še kakšno mnenje.
Evo, če bi rad slišal kakšno mnenje:
marsikdo in marsikaj se prvo, kot prvo piše skupaj (tako da tudi ti, ki si ju pisal narazen očitno nisi nek poznavalec slo. jezika)
"utaknil", kot si napisal, tudi ni slovenska beseda, kot drugo
kot tretje, si tudi kakšno vejico kje spustil, tako da predlagam, da se raje naučiš slovenskega jezika, preden se hvališ, kakšen poznavalec si in se pritožuješ nad mladino.
Pač je mladini bolj KUL, če reče "KUL", namesto "super", ali "zakon"...

nokkj ::
Na vrhu so pa gumbki, kjer se lahko pogleda količinska razmerja tujk iz raznih jezikov po petdesetletnih obdobjih, pa skupaj za vse tujke.
Borrowed words in English: tracing the changing patterns
In Borrowed Words: A History of Loanwords in English I examine how words borrowed from different languages have influenced English throughout its history. The above feature summarizes some of the main data from the book, focussing on the fourteen sources that have given the most words to English, as reflected by the new and revised entries in the Oxford English Dictionary.
Using the date buttons at the top of the graphic, you can compare the impact that different languages have made on English over time. In the "per period" view, you can see the proportions of words coming into English from each source in 50-year slices from 1150 up to the present day. Compare for instance how the input from German has grown and then declined again from 1800 to the present day. (The earliest period, pre-1150, is much longer than 50 years, because more precise dating of words from this early stage in the history of English is very problematic.)
If you switch to the "cumulative" view, then you can see how the total number of loanwords from each language has built up over time. Here the shifts from one 50-year period to another are rather less dramatic, but the long-term shifts are still very striking. You can see, for instance, how German, Spanish, and Italian all slowly come to greater prominence. You can see this very clearly if you select any start date and then press the "play" button. (If you would like to see the numbers behind the graphic, a selection of graphs and charts from Borrowed Words are available on our companion website.)
A truly global sweep
The data lying behind this graphic reflects some of the biggest changes in the history of English. Today English borrows from other languages with a truly global sweep. For instance, borrowing from Japanese has shot up over the past hundred years. Words like judo, sushi, or tsunami have broken through into the vocabulary familiar to everyone. If we look back to the 1800s, Latin, French, Greek, and German are much more dominant. This owes a great deal to the specialist vocabularies of science, technology, and learning; compare for example oxygen, borrowed from French (but formed from elements of Greek origin), or paraffin, borrowed from German (but formed from elements of Latin origin). Looking a little further back, in the 1500s, 1600s, and 1700s there are familiar words entering English from Spanish, like guitar or cargo or (ultimately from languages of the Americas) potato or tomato, and from Italian, like macaroni, opera, or piazza. There is a slightly earlier seam of borrowings from Dutch, like deck, luck, or pickle.
The elephant in the room
However, the elephant in the room is how Latin and French dominate the picture in just about every period. Even the Anglo-Saxons borrowed from Latin (e.g. fork, street, wine), and ever since the Norman Conquest English has been borrowing hugely from French and Latin - quite often taking the same word partly from each of these languages, especially in the medieval period. Words like government, pay, science, or war (from French), or action, general, person, and use (French and/or Latin) have become an indispensable part of English. Even among the 1000 most frequently used words in modern English, not far short of 50% have come into the language from French or Latin. Numbers do not always tell us everything, though: the total of loanwords from early Scandinavian is relatively low, but the language of the Vikings has left some of the most intimate traces in the vocabulary of English, with words like leg, skin, sky, and even they, their, and them.
Borrowed words in English: tracing the changing patterns
In Borrowed Words: A History of Loanwords in English I examine how words borrowed from different languages have influenced English throughout its history. The above feature summarizes some of the main data from the book, focussing on the fourteen sources that have given the most words to English, as reflected by the new and revised entries in the Oxford English Dictionary.
Using the date buttons at the top of the graphic, you can compare the impact that different languages have made on English over time. In the "per period" view, you can see the proportions of words coming into English from each source in 50-year slices from 1150 up to the present day. Compare for instance how the input from German has grown and then declined again from 1800 to the present day. (The earliest period, pre-1150, is much longer than 50 years, because more precise dating of words from this early stage in the history of English is very problematic.)
If you switch to the "cumulative" view, then you can see how the total number of loanwords from each language has built up over time. Here the shifts from one 50-year period to another are rather less dramatic, but the long-term shifts are still very striking. You can see, for instance, how German, Spanish, and Italian all slowly come to greater prominence. You can see this very clearly if you select any start date and then press the "play" button. (If you would like to see the numbers behind the graphic, a selection of graphs and charts from Borrowed Words are available on our companion website.)
A truly global sweep
The data lying behind this graphic reflects some of the biggest changes in the history of English. Today English borrows from other languages with a truly global sweep. For instance, borrowing from Japanese has shot up over the past hundred years. Words like judo, sushi, or tsunami have broken through into the vocabulary familiar to everyone. If we look back to the 1800s, Latin, French, Greek, and German are much more dominant. This owes a great deal to the specialist vocabularies of science, technology, and learning; compare for example oxygen, borrowed from French (but formed from elements of Greek origin), or paraffin, borrowed from German (but formed from elements of Latin origin). Looking a little further back, in the 1500s, 1600s, and 1700s there are familiar words entering English from Spanish, like guitar or cargo or (ultimately from languages of the Americas) potato or tomato, and from Italian, like macaroni, opera, or piazza. There is a slightly earlier seam of borrowings from Dutch, like deck, luck, or pickle.
The elephant in the room
However, the elephant in the room is how Latin and French dominate the picture in just about every period. Even the Anglo-Saxons borrowed from Latin (e.g. fork, street, wine), and ever since the Norman Conquest English has been borrowing hugely from French and Latin - quite often taking the same word partly from each of these languages, especially in the medieval period. Words like government, pay, science, or war (from French), or action, general, person, and use (French and/or Latin) have become an indispensable part of English. Even among the 1000 most frequently used words in modern English, not far short of 50% have come into the language from French or Latin. Numbers do not always tell us everything, though: the total of loanwords from early Scandinavian is relatively low, but the language of the Vikings has left some of the most intimate traces in the vocabulary of English, with words like leg, skin, sky, and even they, their, and them.
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