Forum » Igre » Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (Deus Ex Universe)
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (Deus Ex Universe)

vostok_1 ::

ahac ::
Kaj so te to zdaj spet en bullshit preorder sistem izumli.![]()
Očitno so se gamerji dovolj pritoževal:
Shutting Down Augment Your Pre-Order
At both Square Enix and Eidos-Montréal, we've been listening to everything you've had to say about the Augment Your Pre-Order program. When it was first conceived, we wanted the program to give you more choice about what you received in terms of pre-order incentives - because we've seen in the past that when we choose those packages ourselves, and split them across regions, it has caused frustration. We quickly noticed that this approach created even more frustration than before, resulting in a resounding amount of negative feedback.
We've spent a lot of time reading through all of your comments, working to understand how we can try to make things right for you. After much thought and reflection, we decided to close down the program and make all of the incentive content available to anyone who pre-orders Deus Ex: Mankind Divided or purchases a Day 1 edition of the game. Additionally, the release date will no longer be changed in accordance with pre-order numbers, and everyone will gain access to the game on February 23rd, 2016.
Your feedback and input is of the utmost importance to us-- as it's your loyalty and passion for our franchises that gives us the opportunity to continue providing you with great gaming experiences.
To our faithful fans who've already pre-ordered: we will be taking care of everything necessary to ensure that all of the changes to the program will be automatically applied to your purchase. Meanwhile, we'd like to thank everybody for their feedback - we know this wouldn't have happened with a game that nobody cared about, and we're just focusing now on delivering a game that lives up to your hopes and expectations.
Thanks for your support!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: ahac ()

Izi ::
To so torej prvi pravi vtisi resničnih igralcev:
- Examiner: If you skip side content in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, you will be sorry
- Examiner: Meaningful choice isn't always in a story
- Examiner: Eidos talks doing Human Revolution justice and pushing choice forward in Deus Ex
- The Verge: Exploring Deus Ex: Mankind Divided’s massive new cyberpunk world
- IGN: The Smart Evolution of Mankind Divided
- Eurogamer: Storytelling in Mankind Divided
- PC Gamer: Shaping up to be the best DX yet
- Rock Paper Shotgun: All Signs Suggest It’s An Improvement On Its Predecessor In Every Way
- Games Radar: Reinventing the art of side quest
- GameSpot: What playing the same level for 3 hours taught me
Pa še en video:
Hacking and Attacking Gameplay

oo7 ::
Square Enix and Eidos Montreal have announced that Deus Ex: Mankind Divided has been delayed until 23 August 2016 so developers Eidos Montreal can have more time to work on "tuning, iterations and refinement". The release date was originally set for February 2016 on PS4, Xbox One and PC.

oo7 ::
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Will Use Temporal AA, Improved TressFX Technology, and More - Biggest Level is "One Square Meter in Size"
The biggest level in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided comes in at "one square kilometer in size," and featuring as many as 300 million polygons that are used for "10,000 to 80,000 objects" that will be present at any given time

Izi ::

oo7 ::
We're officially done. We had a few performance capture pickups last week, actually. I drove to Montreal a lot this year and last year, but we're done. The game looks incredible, I love the story, I love where they're taking the story.
I'm really, really happy with the story in particular. It's really good this time.
The endings - I'm not going to give them away, but they're definitely different than the last time. The choices that you are offered are game-changers, in the literal sense of the word. In the last game, there were I think six or seven endings that you could get with some very minor changes, depending on how you played. In this game, the way you play affects the story, less the character. We know our character now.
So the way you play affects exactly the people you meet, the sidequests you complete, it could change an entire arc of the story. This game is going to have, I think, amazing replay value. Even I'll go through it and be 'How did I get here?" and they would explain to me 'Because you did this, this and this, because of this character'.
The game is so dense, so thick in terms of plot and the world. The world is so vast now, in terms of all the people you meet and the different things they're going through. I hope people play it twice, or even three times, to experience the entire thing.

ales85 ::

vostok_1 ::
Problem je ker najbrž mi ne bo laufalo na mojem PCju iz leta 2011.

Izi ::
Tudi moj PC je v osnovi letnik 2008

Ti PC-ji so še vedno več kot primerni za običajne 1080p (1920x1080) resolucije.
Čim se preseravaš s kakšnimi WQHD (2560x1440) resolucijami pa moraš seveda imeti najnovejše kar sploh obstaja, da lahko kolikor toliko tekoče poganjaš igre.
Kdor pa ima najnovejši 4K UHD (3840x2160) monitor pa lahko na igre kar lepo pozabi za naslednjih 10 let

Sssaga ::
i5 2500K NI 2008 letnik.
Sam športam i7 920 in mu 1440p predstavlja enak problem kot 720p. I wonder why ;)
It's all about Pent... GPUs :D

PredatorX ::

Izi ::

Tako da bi rekel, da PC-ji letnik 2008 res niso več najbolj uporabni za novejše igre

vostok_1 ::
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

vostok_1 ::
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

Izi ::
Adamove zmožnosti (skilli, augmenti) so tukaj lepo opisani in prikazani (z video GIF-i).
Pravzaprav bomo pravi čarovnik katerega skillov se ne bi sramoval noben Sorcerer iz fantazijskih iger

Samo nekaj izmed naših zmožnosti:
Invisibility - Nevidnost za pacifiste
Titan shield - Diamantni oklep neranljivosti za Rambote.
Icarus Dash - "Kljuka", ki te potegne na nedosegljiva visoka mesta je postala tako rekoč obvezna v vseh modernih igrah in tudi tukaj ne manjka
Icarus Strike - Skakali bomo iz velikih višin in ob pristanku skurili vse živo
Smartvision - Gledanje sovražnikov skozi stene
Remote hacking - Hekanje vsega elektronskega kar na daljavo
Tesla arm - Električni napad iz naše umetne roke, ki bo lahko hkrati skuril do kar 4 sovražnike
Casie - Computer Assisted Social Interaction Enhancer - Naš osebni računalnik, ki nam bo pomagal pri pogovorih, analiziral mimiko in obnašanje sogovornikov, celo zaznaval količino feromonov in ponujal dodatne opcije pri pogovorih.
Novi Challenge mode:
Za konec bo v glavnem meniju igre bo še ena dodatna opcija in sicer Deus Ex: Breach
Tu bomo igrali enega drugega Hackerja in ne Adama Jensena. To bo online mode z mapami, ki bodo vsebovale cel kup posebnih izzivov in seveda online lestvice, kjer se bodo prikazovali naši rezultati

vostok_1 ::
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

Izi ::
Čeprav roko na srce se mi ne zdi pretirano lepši od prvega dela.
Prvega dela? Imam občutek, da prvega dela še videl nisi. Tole sedaj je že peti del Deus Ex in vsak naslednji del je kar opazen napredek kar se tiče grafike.
Nekaj razlike je pa že opaziti

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Izi ()

vostok_1 ::
...seriously, prvi del novega
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

Sssaga ::
Don't just game.
Do Sex!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Sssaga ()

L1nK ::
Čeprav roko na srce se mi ne zdi pretirano lepši od prvega dela.
Prvega dela? Imam občutek, da prvega dela še videl nisi. Tole sedaj je že peti del Deus Ex in vsak naslednji del je kar opazen napredek kar se tiče grafike.
Nekaj razlike je pa že opaziti![]()
ne vidim razlike.
ps. je kdo zasledil kje kaj o steelbook izdaji?

Izi ::
scipascapa je izjavil:
zavvi. drugače najceneje
Še zdaleč ne.
Trenutne najnižje cene za PC so okoli 30€. Jaz čakam, če bom kjer dobil za okoli 25€, potem grem v nabavo

Zanimivo, da je verzija za PC spet najdražja. Prekleti konzolaši imajo kljub višji original ceni večje popuste.
Za XBox One je tukaj za 25,37 €:
Za PS4 imaš tukaj za 28,00 €:
Za PC pa je tukaj za 30,39 €:

Izi ::

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided has gone gold

scipascapa ::
da ne bi kdo kupoval in potem bil banan....oboje - mutna posla.
za pc raje tu, pa še fb 5% bolj zaneslivi.

oo7 ::
OS: Windows 7.1SP1 or above (64-bit Operating System Required)
CPU: Intel Core i3-2100 or AMD equivalent
Graphics: AMD Radeon HD 7870 (2GB) or NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 (2GB)
OS: Windows 10 64-bit
CPU: Intel Core i7-3770K or AMD FX 8350 Wraith
RAM: 16 GB
Graphics: AMD Radeon RX 480 - 1920 x 1080 or NVIDIA GTX 970 - 1920 x 1080
HDD/SSD: 55GB (Including DLC)

vostok_1 ::
OS: Windows 7.1SP1 or above (64-bit Operating System Required) .... OK
CPU: Intel Core i3-2100 or AMD equivalent ... OK
Graphics: AMD Radeon HD 7870 (2GB) or NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 (2GB) ... FUCK
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

oo7 ::
CGMagazine 10/10
GameWatcher 9,5/10
IGN 9,2/10
High-Def Digest 4,5/5
Attack of the Fanboy 4,5/5
IBTimes UK 4,5/5
PlayStation Universe 9/10
TheSixthAxis 9/10
GBAtemp 9/10
PlayStation LifeStyle 9/10
PC Gamer 88/100
Xbox Achievements 88%
GamingTrend 85/100
Polygon 8,5 / 10
PC Invasion 8/10
The Digital Fix 8/10
Destructoid 8/10
Forbes 8/10
Game Informer 7/10
Push Square 7/10
VideoGamer 7/10
Paste Magazine 6/10
Hardcore Gamer 3/5
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