Forum » Igre » Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Deus Ex: Human Revolution

oo7 ::
Tam na desni strani monitorja so 4 okncki . In jst imam tam za posebn vid , da vidis cez steno in Typhoon .
2 mi pa manjkata pa me zanima katere stvari so to pa s cim jih odklenes .
Hvala in lp
2 mi pa manjkata pa me zanima katere stvari so to pa s cim jih odklenes .
Hvala in lp

kmetek ::
kdor še nima, nima več izgovorov, da je draga:
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Standard Edition [Download] 9,99$
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Standard Edition [Download] 9,99$

lopov ::
kdor še nima, nima več izgovorov, da je draga:
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Standard Edition [Download] 9,99$
SPodaj piše:
Product Details
Downloading: Currently, this item is available only to customers located in the United States and who have a U.S. billing address.

frudi ::
Nastaviš si US naslov, pa je.
1ACDoHVj3wn7N4EMpGVU4YGLR9HTfkNhTd... in case I've written something useful :)

kmetek ::
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Steam account required.
Steam account required.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: kmetek ()

Bor H ::
Se kej ve če bo še kak DLC al je to to? Načeloma kupujem špile ko imajo kul ceno z vključenimi DLCji (zato še zmer čakam New Vegas pa Mafio 2).

mr1two ::
Sej to bi tudi jest rad vedu, kupiš goty pa je. Rad bi imel komplet, nebi pa zdej plačal tolk, pa pol še kej... Skup nej dajo za razumno ceno(dxhr to je :)), pa da je škatlirana varianta.

mr1two ::
Nima veze, itak so vse na steam vezane. Sam tisti filing manjka, da nekaj dejasnko imaš, če ni škatle. Tistih par cifer in črk pač ni fora :)

Netrunner ::
kakšen fail .. a ima še kdo problem da igra crkne ko pri pogovoru izbere levo možnost? ..enostavno vrže na dekstop .. se ne da normalno igrati saj prej ali slej levo možnost potrebuješ
ima kdo enak problem .. oz. bolj me zanima rešitev
ima kdo enak problem .. oz. bolj me zanima rešitev
Doing nothing is very hard to do... you never know when you're finished.

kuglvinkl ::

Netrunner ::
sem zbrisal oni exe fajl pa sem dal check integrity na steamu .. zaenkrat dela .. samo kar nekaj te ta bug .. nima logike :)
Doing nothing is very hard to do... you never know when you're finished.

Bor H ::
Končno se spravljam v nakup Deus Exa (na GMG je akcija za 6$, pa neki dobroimetja imam gor tko da bom pokuru...).
Zanima me če se splača Augmented vzet? Kot vidim gre sam za neke videje pa stripe pa soundtrack. Kaj pa DLCji? Missing Link bom vzel v prvi akciji, Explosive Mission pa Tactical Enhancement me pa begata, mi zgleda bolj kot nekaj kar olajša življenje novim igralcem al se motim?
Zanima me če se splača Augmented vzet? Kot vidim gre sam za neke videje pa stripe pa soundtrack. Kaj pa DLCji? Missing Link bom vzel v prvi akciji, Explosive Mission pa Tactical Enhancement me pa begata, mi zgleda bolj kot nekaj kar olajša življenje novim igralcem al se motim?

blblb ::
Končno se spravljam v nakup Deus Exa (na GMG je akcija za 6$, pa neki dobroimetja imam gor tko da bom pokuru...).
Zanima me če se splača Augmented vzet? Kot vidim gre sam za neke videje pa stripe pa soundtrack. Kaj pa DLCji? Missing Link bom vzel v prvi akciji, Explosive Mission pa Tactical Enhancement me pa begata, mi zgleda bolj kot nekaj kar olajša življenje novim igralcem al se motim?
Explosive mission pack ti lahko jaz podarim na steam-u. Imam odvec.
lp, blblb

Highlag ::
DLC missing link je eno dodatno poglavje in je kar zanimivo. Začeš sicer z nule. Upam, da bodo spisali še kakšno takšno zgodbico. Ostalo je pa dodatna oprema, ki ti je na voljo. Uporabnost explosive packa in podobnih?? Za kakšno stvar mogoče, samo v igri, kjer je stealth taktična odločitev, ni nujno potrebna. Če nabildaš revolver ne rabiš bazooke okoli vlačit.

Never trust a computer you can't throw out a window

Bor H ::
Explosive mission pack ti lahko jaz podarim na steam-u. Imam odvec.
lp, blblb
Hvala! Dobiš ZS :)
Sem se odloču za obično edicijo, je bila 6$, Augmented pa 12$... Tactical Enhancement bom pa ignoriral ker ne vidim smisla da mam že na začetku igre dodatnih 10k creditsov. Sam še missing link morm dobit :)

RejZoR ::
Jezst sem pa vseeno kupil dodatka, sem ju enkrat ujel za nek majhen znesek na Steamu. Missing Link sem pa ravno začel igrat čeprav sem ga kupil kmalu po izzidu (isto je bilo eno fajn znižanje).
Angry Sheep Blog @

Bor H ::
Pa ja, sej je mal drag tale Missing Link, 10€ na steamu, verjetn bom počakal znižanje, itak bo kmalu kmalu summer seal na Steamu, lani se je začel 30. junija, do takrat mam pa dovolj špilov.

RejZoR ::
Zadeva sploh ni kratka za dodatek. Zdele sem pogledal čas igranja in imam gor 9,1 ur. Je pa res da je to moj tip igre in si zanj vzamem čas da vtaknem nos v vsako luknjo, prebrskam vsak predal, potiho pospravim cela nadstropja sovražnikov brez da bi javilo niti Alerted itd itd.
Ne vem, men je The Missing Link bil kar kul. Sicer sem rabil kar nekaj časa od nakupa, da sem se ga spravil igrat ampak zdej ko sem ga preigral na Hard se mi celotna izkušnja zdi kar fajn. Sploh ker nakoncu ne rabiš surove sile kot pri prejšnjih šefih ampak lahko stvar opraviš tudi potiho...
Ne vem, men je The Missing Link bil kar kul. Sicer sem rabil kar nekaj časa od nakupa, da sem se ga spravil igrat ampak zdej ko sem ga preigral na Hard se mi celotna izkušnja zdi kar fajn. Sploh ker nakoncu ne rabiš surove sile kot pri prejšnjih šefih ampak lahko stvar opraviš tudi potiho...
Angry Sheep Blog @

medenko ::
kdo ve kje dobiti DEUS EX 1 in 2 poceni razen na steamu za 17,99€? kaj niso ponavadi poleti akcije na steamu?

figula ::
Če ti ni izpod časti kupit rabljene, bi rekla da ima Mantis občasno zalogo. Sedaj ima dvojko (Invisible war)za 6 EUR, z malo spremljanja bi pa verjetno tudi enko urajmal. Jaz sem si kar dopolnila svoje kolekcije.

rogi2010 ::
kdo ve kje dobiti DEUS EX 1 in 2 poceni razen na steamu za 17,99€? kaj niso ponavadi poleti akcije na steamu?
Pa pohiti ker ne vem do kdaj bo še, glede na to da je že drugi dan up.

Bor H ::
Dobra cena, je bila že kak mesec nazaj tut ;) Missing link pa ne kupovat, ker bo v kratkem na Steamu za manj kot 3€ (vsaj bil je že 2.75, ni hudič da ne bo spet med razprodajami).
Bi pa z veseljem še enkrat odigral HR, sam kaj ko se mi ne da ubadat z bosi..
Bi pa z veseljem še enkrat odigral HR, sam kaj ko se mi ne da ubadat z bosi..

kmetek ::
deus ex 1 2,49EUR
deus ex 2 2,49EUR
vse komplet z HR + DLC in vsemi dodatki za jeftinih 13,74EUR pa to ne moreš verjeti !!!!

deus ex 1 2,49EUR
deus ex 2 2,49EUR
vse komplet z HR + DLC in vsemi dodatki za jeftinih 13,74EUR pa to ne moreš verjeti !!!!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: kmetek ()

Sssaga ::
A bi še kdo rad majico kupu? Kolkr gledam prek amazona al pa uradne eidos strani, sam nimam računa še.
Misl kdo kej naročat al mate že kajj doma :)
Misl kdo kej naročat al mate že kajj doma :)

Furbo ::
To je pa res zastonj. Skoda da jo že imam. :)
i5-13600K, Noctua NH-D15, STRIX Z790-F, 32GB DDR5, 2TB Samsung 990PRO,
Toughpower GF3 1000W, RTX3070, ALIENWARE AW3423DWF, Dell S2722QC
Toughpower GF3 1000W, RTX3070, ALIENWARE AW3423DWF, Dell S2722QC

fireX88 ::
Na steamu akcija za ceno slabega pira 2,99€.
sm kupu, čeprav neverjamem da bom igral :D

todman74 ::

fireX88 ::
Na steamu akcija za ceno slabega pira 2,99€.
sm kupu, čeprav neverjamem da bom igral :D
In zakaj ne? Igra je zelo dobra (vsaj zame).
ja no, vem da igra ni slaba, vendar je problem čas. shoguna ki sem si ga kupil lani na steamu nisem še enkrat obrnil :D

kmetek ::
Na GMG jo imate skoraj gratis....
tudi DEUS EX 1 in 2....
tudi DEUS EX 1 in 2....
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: kmetek ()

Alamar ::
All DLC is Included
The "Missing Link," which was available as DLC for the original and Tong's rescue mission that shipped with the Augmented Edition have been seamlessly integrated into the narrative flow of the game. The Missing Link still has players lose their abilities at the beginning but they will be able to bring all the new augmentations and weapons into the regular game after the content is completed and their missing skill points will be awarded back to them.
New Game+ Mode & Achievements
The highly requested New Game+ mode has added to the Director's Cut, letting players carry over their augmentations and weapons from their first playthrough. All the achievements from the original game, including the Missing Link DLC achievements and new Director's Cut achievements are built into the game as well.
Boss Battles & A.I. Improvements
In terms of the revamped boss battles, all the maps have been reworked to include options for stealth and hacking, allowing players to solve the encounters without firing a single bullet (although the bosses still have to be killed in some way). Eidos Montreal had originally made tweaks to the A.I. for the Missing Link DLC that has now been applied to the entire game and now two energy cells recharge in all but the highest difficulties, allowing for more experimentation and use of augmentations.
Visual Augmentation
The improvements in the visual department consist of smoother shadows, better lighting and anti-aliasing which are now part of the whole game. According to Eidos Montreal's Emile Pedneault, the Director's Cut on Wii U is even "sharper than the PC version," likely referring not to the actual sharpness of the resolution but to the graphical improvements originally found in the "Missing Link" DLC which were applied to the whole game while also being improved even further.
Exclusive Bonus Content
Also included in the Director's Cut are a 45-minute Making Of-documentary and around eight hours of developer commentary from Eidos Montreal in the vein of Valve games like Half Life 2 or Portal that have small icons appearing in the world that trigger the audio files which can then be played back even while the player continues to explore the level.
Additionally, five languages (German, English, Spanish, French, Italian) are available on the disc in both subtitle and audio form including the ability to mix and match. And finally, a left-handed control option has also been added with four preset layout variations.
The "Missing Link," which was available as DLC for the original and Tong's rescue mission that shipped with the Augmented Edition have been seamlessly integrated into the narrative flow of the game. The Missing Link still has players lose their abilities at the beginning but they will be able to bring all the new augmentations and weapons into the regular game after the content is completed and their missing skill points will be awarded back to them.
New Game+ Mode & Achievements
The highly requested New Game+ mode has added to the Director's Cut, letting players carry over their augmentations and weapons from their first playthrough. All the achievements from the original game, including the Missing Link DLC achievements and new Director's Cut achievements are built into the game as well.
Boss Battles & A.I. Improvements
In terms of the revamped boss battles, all the maps have been reworked to include options for stealth and hacking, allowing players to solve the encounters without firing a single bullet (although the bosses still have to be killed in some way). Eidos Montreal had originally made tweaks to the A.I. for the Missing Link DLC that has now been applied to the entire game and now two energy cells recharge in all but the highest difficulties, allowing for more experimentation and use of augmentations.
Visual Augmentation
The improvements in the visual department consist of smoother shadows, better lighting and anti-aliasing which are now part of the whole game. According to Eidos Montreal's Emile Pedneault, the Director's Cut on Wii U is even "sharper than the PC version," likely referring not to the actual sharpness of the resolution but to the graphical improvements originally found in the "Missing Link" DLC which were applied to the whole game while also being improved even further.
Exclusive Bonus Content
Also included in the Director's Cut are a 45-minute Making Of-documentary and around eight hours of developer commentary from Eidos Montreal in the vein of Valve games like Half Life 2 or Portal that have small icons appearing in the world that trigger the audio files which can then be played back even while the player continues to explore the level.
Additionally, five languages (German, English, Spanish, French, Italian) are available on the disc in both subtitle and audio form including the ability to mix and match. And finally, a left-handed control option has also been added with four preset layout variations.

RejZoR ::
Nice :) Imam DX:HR in Missing Link, tko da me bo upgrade prišel zelo ugodno. I'll take it :) Nekako bo treba počakat do nadaljevanja, ki pride kdo ve kdaj :) Do takrat pa bom še enkrat prešpilal zadevo.
To rundo moram probat rešit ono pilotko pri pristajanju na kitajskem, ker je pri prvem preigravanju nisem. Pa par drugih stvari bi tokrat naredil drugače...
To rundo moram probat rešit ono pilotko pri pristajanju na kitajskem, ker je pri prvem preigravanju nisem. Pa par drugih stvari bi tokrat naredil drugače...
Angry Sheep Blog @

RejZoR ::
To je čar takih iger. DX1 sem preigral velikokrat pa sem vsakič našel kakšen nov zračnik, kakšen nov trik, prebral kaj zanimivega na računalniku oz se odkrižal varnostnika na kakšen drugačen način. Recimo Half-Life je super igra ampak ker nima tega je preigravanje dost manj zanimivo. Preigraval sem ga vglavnem zaradi grafičnih predelav tekom let (HiDef pack, Source verzija, Black Mesa total conversion mod za HL2)
Oz podobno z Deus Ex 2. Čeprav je bil v osnovi precej poneumljen je imel vseeno cel kup različnih poti kako rešit neko stvar in to mi je blo vedno pri teh špilih ful zabavno.
Oz podobno z Deus Ex 2. Čeprav je bil v osnovi precej poneumljen je imel vseeno cel kup različnih poti kako rešit neko stvar in to mi je blo vedno pri teh špilih ful zabavno.
Angry Sheep Blog @
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