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Napake v filmih

(sic) ::
Predvsem zanimive so tele o Matrixu:
In one scene towards the end of the movie, just before Neo kills Agent Smith, you can clearly see a circle with a coloured outline on the Agent's shirt a second or so before Neo jumps into his chest. It was probably some sort of guide for the computer effects people and they forgot to air-brush it out.
When Neo is shooting thousands of bullets out of the Gatling Minigun from the helicopter, there is a shot of "cases" and links falling from the machine gun onto the helicopter floor. Only those "cases" are complete rounds, bullet and all instead of just empty, spent cases.
In the lobby scene, after the SWAT team has entered, one of the SWAT guys charges, firing his M16 at Trinity. After she kicks him while he's putting in a new clip, he drops a shotgun, not an M16.
Fact 1: Anyone who is still a part of the Matrix is a potential host for an Agent. Fact 2: Agents can see though the eyes of any "matrixed" human (ex. Agent Smith saw what the subway bum saw). Fact 3: The Agents knew that Morpheus would contact Neo. Taking these facts into consideration, why did the Agents have to plant a homing bug on Neo? They knew that Morpheus wanted to contact Neo so why not just monitor everything that Neo saw, wait until he met up with Morpheus and then take over Neo's body and kill Morpheus and his entire team? In fact, after the bug was taken out of Neo, the Agents still had full access to his sensations so why didn't they see what he saw?
If the Oracle can see the future, and according to Morpheus "she would say she knows enough", how could she have no idea that Cypher would try to screw them all over?
Morpheus tells Neo that the Matrix exists because "The human body generates more bioelectricity than a 120V battery, and over 25000 BTU's of body heat". Surely it would be much more effective to use animals to generate all this "bioelectricity" than humans. There would be no need for an energy-consuming Matrix at all, or at least you would need only a very simple one.
Takšnih in še hujših napak je v Matrixu veliko - do sedaj so jih odkrili 186 !!!
Predvsem zanimive so tele o Matrixu:
In one scene towards the end of the movie, just before Neo kills Agent Smith, you can clearly see a circle with a coloured outline on the Agent's shirt a second or so before Neo jumps into his chest. It was probably some sort of guide for the computer effects people and they forgot to air-brush it out.
When Neo is shooting thousands of bullets out of the Gatling Minigun from the helicopter, there is a shot of "cases" and links falling from the machine gun onto the helicopter floor. Only those "cases" are complete rounds, bullet and all instead of just empty, spent cases.
In the lobby scene, after the SWAT team has entered, one of the SWAT guys charges, firing his M16 at Trinity. After she kicks him while he's putting in a new clip, he drops a shotgun, not an M16.
Fact 1: Anyone who is still a part of the Matrix is a potential host for an Agent. Fact 2: Agents can see though the eyes of any "matrixed" human (ex. Agent Smith saw what the subway bum saw). Fact 3: The Agents knew that Morpheus would contact Neo. Taking these facts into consideration, why did the Agents have to plant a homing bug on Neo? They knew that Morpheus wanted to contact Neo so why not just monitor everything that Neo saw, wait until he met up with Morpheus and then take over Neo's body and kill Morpheus and his entire team? In fact, after the bug was taken out of Neo, the Agents still had full access to his sensations so why didn't they see what he saw?
If the Oracle can see the future, and according to Morpheus "she would say she knows enough", how could she have no idea that Cypher would try to screw them all over?
Morpheus tells Neo that the Matrix exists because "The human body generates more bioelectricity than a 120V battery, and over 25000 BTU's of body heat". Surely it would be much more effective to use animals to generate all this "bioelectricity" than humans. There would be no need for an energy-consuming Matrix at all, or at least you would need only a very simple one.
Takšnih in še hujših napak je v Matrixu veliko - do sedaj so jih odkrili 186 !!!

Tomi ::
Še ena napaka, ki sem jo sam našel. v Ringu (ameriški verziji) Noah slika Rachel z Olympusom C220z. Slika jo s flešem, in od tega, da odpreš fotoaparat do slikanja mine najmanj 12 sekund (refresh fleša). V filmi se o seveda zgodi v krajšem času.

(sic) ::
Ma, če se zraven spraviš k gledanju filma samo zaradi odkrivanja napak jih najdeš veliko.
Tiste v Matrixu pa so res hude - od lukenj v zgodbi,... odseva kamere,... camer-man v ozadju,...
V čem se razlikuje ameriška verzija od originala? Je zgodba ista?
Tiste v Matrixu pa so res hude - od lukenj v zgodbi,... odseva kamere,... camer-man v ozadju,...
V čem se razlikuje ameriška verzija od originala? Je zgodba ista?
Fuck you all!!!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: (sic) ()

Tomi ::
Ameriška je remek japonske verzije in je malo prirejena. Zaradi specifike določeni liki niso enako, ali pa ne izpadejo enako, pa tudi osnovni problem je malo drugačen. Fabula je pa bolj ali manj enaka.

Avenger ::
Ja, z napakami v Matrixu se kar strinjam, razen s tole: If the Oracle can see the future, and according to Morpheus "she would say she knows enough", how could she have no idea that Cypher would try to screw them all over?
Orakeljca je povedala toliko kolikor je Neo ali pa Morpheus moral vedeti, da se bo zgodilo tako, da se stvar ugodno razplete.
Orakeljca je povedala toliko kolikor je Neo ali pa Morpheus moral vedeti, da se bo zgodilo tako, da se stvar ugodno razplete.

It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for something you are not.

darh ::
O teh napakah smo že enkrat govorili... dejstvo je, da je The Matrix vidlo dost več ljudi kot naprimer recmo film Hudson Hawk (Bruce Wills)... tak da je najdenih veliko več napak kot bi lih blo recimo v slednjem...
Ampak če pustimo vse na strani... film (The Matrix) rula (z vsakim ogledom sicer malenkost manj... sam ok)
Ampak če pustimo vse na strani... film (The Matrix) rula (z vsakim ogledom sicer malenkost manj... sam ok)
Excuses are useless! Results are priceless!
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