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The Evil Within

nuclear ::
Tole se zaj igra, najbolj vroca roba. Sporocim ko koncam.
Asus G14 2023 - Ryzen 7940HS - 32GB DDR5 - GeForce RTX 4080 - 990 PRO 4TB

--MiRaLdInJo ::
The Evil Within The Assigment DLC Walktrough na moji mašini:
Enjoy :)
Enjoy :)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: --MiRaLdInJo ()

dronyx ::
Pri tej igri je daleč najhujši sovražnik računalnik. Čeprav imam čisto povprečen PC (i5, HD 7850, 8GB) preprosto ne znam spremeniti nastavitev tako, da bi igra delovala koliko toliko tekoče in očitno je to celo namerno narejeno. Samo na tak način izpade "grozljivo" tudi GTA V na Pentium 4 PC.

dronyx ::
Tisti ki ste preigrali že vse tri DLC-je...ali je zgodba kaj bolj jasna? Namreč ko končaš osnovno igro veliko reči ostane nepojasnjenih...

oo7 ::
The Evil Within 2 in development hints leaked job description
The creator of Resident Evil is allegedly working on sequel to his most recent survival horror, which may mean a reveal at E3 in June.
The creator of Resident Evil is allegedly working on sequel to his most recent survival horror, which may mean a reveal at E3 in June.

oo7 ::
The Evil Within 2 | The Twisted, Deadly Photographer
Not only will Sebastian have to contend with the myriad horrific creatures waiting for him in The Evil Within 2, he'll also have to deal with the human "monsters" who have made their way into the new STEM world.
Wretched creatures like Stefano Valentini, an artist with dark proclivities and unbounded imagination. You'll see examples of his work scattered throughout Union - from grisly photographs of his victims, to the "moment of death" tableaus he creates, capturing the last seconds of a person's life in a tangible, looping scene. Learn more about the man behind the art in the latest story trailer for The Evil Within 2.
The Evil Within 2 releases worldwide Friday the 13th, October 2017 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.
Not only will Sebastian have to contend with the myriad horrific creatures waiting for him in The Evil Within 2, he'll also have to deal with the human "monsters" who have made their way into the new STEM world.
Wretched creatures like Stefano Valentini, an artist with dark proclivities and unbounded imagination. You'll see examples of his work scattered throughout Union - from grisly photographs of his victims, to the "moment of death" tableaus he creates, capturing the last seconds of a person's life in a tangible, looping scene. Learn more about the man behind the art in the latest story trailer for The Evil Within 2.
The Evil Within 2 releases worldwide Friday the 13th, October 2017 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

KnightMare ::
Pa kaj res tako čakate to dvojko? Prvi del je zame največji šrot kar jih premore horror žanr. Nekje na ravni Resident Evil 6, če ne še slabše.

Gregex ::
KnightMare je izjavil:
Pa kaj res tako čakate to dvojko? Prvi del je zame največji šrot kar jih premore horror žanr. Nekje na ravni Resident Evil 6, če ne še slabše.
Sem enakega mnenja. Sicer enko preigral do konca, a sem se prav mučil dokončat. Sama igralnost ni ne vem kaj, grafika bolj uboga, o kameri raje nebi zgubljal besed.

KnightMare ::
Exactly. Če bi bil cel špil tak kot je prvi chapter bi bil prav spodoben horror - tak kakršenga so v trailerjih obljubljali in the first place. Ostalo je čisti ripoff Resident Evila z invalidnimi mehanikami in poraznim stealthom.

oo7 ::
Jaz sem prvi del samo probal meni tudi ni bila igra všeč. Neketarim pa je všeč drugače ne bi delali nadaljevanja.

KnightMare ::
Fanboyi, ki kupijo vsak drek pod katerega se podpiše znan japonski game director. Ista pesem je bila z Metal Gear.

dronyx ::
Upam, da bo dvojka vsaj tako (slabo) optimizirana, kot je bil prvi del, oziroma da ne bo še slabše.

oo7 ::
OS: Windows 7/8.1/10 (64-bit versions)
Processor: Intel Core i5-2400 / AMD FX-8320 or better
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 660 2GB / AMD HD 7970 3GB or better
Storage: 40 GB available space
OS: Windows 7/8.1/10 (64-bit versions)
Processor: Intel Core i7-4770 / AMD Ryzen 5 1600X or better
Memory: 16 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 1060 6GB / AMD RX 480 8GB or better
Storage: 40 GB available space
OS: Windows 7/8.1/10 (64-bit versions)
Processor: Intel Core i5-2400 / AMD FX-8320 or better
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 660 2GB / AMD HD 7970 3GB or better
Storage: 40 GB available space
OS: Windows 7/8.1/10 (64-bit versions)
Processor: Intel Core i7-4770 / AMD Ryzen 5 1600X or better
Memory: 16 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 1060 6GB / AMD RX 480 8GB or better
Storage: 40 GB available space

oo7 ::
Zanimivo. Minimalne zahteve so celo manjše kot pri enki?
Igra ima nov pogon
The Evil Within 2 Doesn't Run on Id Tech 5 or 6, Tango Created Custom STEM Game Engine

dronyx ::
Ocene so dobre, večinoma nad 80%. Kot kaže pa ni več sežiganja zombijev s šibicami. Ta del je bil meni eden boljših "game mehanik" v enki. Sploh ker nisi nikdar vedel ali bo zadeva uspeli, ali jih dobiš po buči.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: dronyx ()

dronyx ::
Ali bi tole delalo na HD 7850? Je sicer pod minimalnimi zahtevami, ampak ta grafična kartica je po moje boljša od GTX 660 2GB. Za nakup nove čakam že pol leta na zlom kripto valut in razprodaje grafičnih, samo tega kar ni in ni...

oo7 ::
Ali bi tole delalo na HD 7850? Je sicer pod minimalnimi zahtevami, ampak ta grafična kartica je po moje boljša od GTX 660 2GB. Za nakup nove čakam že pol leta na zlom kripto valut in razprodaje grafičnih, samo tega kar ni in ni...
Evil Within 2 PC Performance Review | BAD GPU USAGE

dronyx ::

Alien123 ::
r9 390.. fpsji mi dropajo konstantno pod 60 fpsjev, tudi pri low kot pri ultra.. že zbrisal igro

dronyx ::
Za razliko od številnih drugih (kritikov, igralcev) je meni drugi del bistveno slabši od prvega. Prvi del je imel vsaj zame dobro atmosfero, okolico, nekatere težke šefe (sploh na višjih težavnostih), več vrst sovražnikov, solidno zgodbo (čeprav za moj okus nekoliko preveč zmedeno)...Večino tega so v drugem delu "popravili" (tudi po zaslugi "kritik"). Zgodba je sedaj trivialno banalna (go in, get her out), namesto linearnih nivojev so dodali še nekakšen mini "open world" (če bo izdan tretji del lahko pričakujemo še lootbox-e), nekateri linearni nivoji so sedaj postali "walking simulator", puzzle oh...kot bi igro delali za predšolske otroke (katere številke moraš seštet, da dobiš 10!?)...zadnjo tretjino igre sem se pa prav mučil, da sem prišel do konca.

oo7 ::
Bethesda blocks resale of unopened, second-hand The Evil Within 2 copy
"Unless you remove all Bethesda products from your storefront...we intend to file a lawsuit against you."
Bethesda has reportedly blocked the sale of a second-hand, still-sealed copy of The Evil Within 2 on the Amazon Marketplace, in a move that could have wide-ranging implications for the sale of used Bethesda games.
"Unless you remove all Bethesda products from your storefront...we intend to file a lawsuit against you."
Bethesda has reportedly blocked the sale of a second-hand, still-sealed copy of The Evil Within 2 on the Amazon Marketplace, in a move that could have wide-ranging implications for the sale of used Bethesda games.

oo7 ::
Shinji Mikami Reveals He'll Be at E3 2019 - The Evil Within 3 Inbound?

oo7 ::
The Evil Within 3 seemingly teased in Hi-Fi Rush Easter egg

oo7 ::
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