Forum » Igre » Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 (Call of Duty 12 (2015) Treyarch)
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 (Call of Duty 12 (2015) Treyarch)

abyssus ::

matija14 ::
Wow, tole pa je novica!!!!!!!
Treyarch community
Treyarch community
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: matija14 ()

Seba22 ::
Asus ROG B650E|Ryzen 7800X3D|DDR5 32GB|NVMe SSD 3TB|EKWB AIO 360|RTX 4080
Dell Alienware 27" 1440p GSYNC Ultimate|CAN-AM Renegade 1000cc 2022
Dell Alienware 27" 1440p GSYNC Ultimate|CAN-AM Renegade 1000cc 2022

Tr0n ::
Jaz bi pocakal na prve MP PC streame in opise. So ze marsikaj obljubljali za PC verzijo, pa potem ni blo nic iz tega.

abyssus ::
Tudi dokaj poceni:
Sem pred leti tukaj vzel COD4 cdkey pa še vedno dela, tako da je verjetno kar legit.
Sem pred leti tukaj vzel COD4 cdkey pa še vedno dela, tako da je verjetno kar legit.

oo7 ::

Tr0n ::

Shadowstorm ::
na steamu nastavjo new zealend lokacijo, njim se prej dan zacne in lohk dan prej igrajo, neki tazga

oo7 ::
Sem igral malo in dela dobro sploh če primerjam lahnsko leto z Advanced warfare, ki je bilo ogromno težav ob izidu.
Pri beti sem imel vedno visok ping danes sem imel nizkega tam okoli 77.
Grafika se mi zdi ista kot pri Adwanced warfare.
Mape so mi dobre ravno tako gameplay je super mi je igra Black Ops 3 dosti bolj všeč kot Adwanced warfare.
Singleplayerja še nisem probal zaenkrat sem igral samo multiplayer.
Edino miška se mi zdi še vedno nekam počasna to sem opazil že pri beti. Ko sem igral beto sem imel eno staro miš pa sem mislil, da je zaradi tega pa sem kupil drugo pa se mi zdi isto.
Pri beti sem imel vedno visok ping danes sem imel nizkega tam okoli 77.
Grafika se mi zdi ista kot pri Adwanced warfare.
Mape so mi dobre ravno tako gameplay je super mi je igra Black Ops 3 dosti bolj všeč kot Adwanced warfare.
Singleplayerja še nisem probal zaenkrat sem igral samo multiplayer.
Edino miška se mi zdi še vedno nekam počasna to sem opazil že pri beti. Ko sem igral beto sem imel eno staro miš pa sem mislil, da je zaradi tega pa sem kupil drugo pa se mi zdi isto.

vaščan ::
People Pre-Order game because it is called call of duty and that is how mediocre shity optimized game becomes best seller.
Vsako leto vam prodajo nov cod in vsako leto ga prednaročite vsako leto je slabši in vsako leto več takih trunčkov men je vse skup že mal smešno.
Podobno kot s apple in samsung ko pride nov model hop po njem. Če so včasih znal ldi manipulirat da so se vojskval in gradil piramide znajo zdej manipulirat da kupujejo šaro.
Sory tko je. Že na leta ne igram več coda ker je khhhm kkkhhmm noobska igra že dolgo časa.
Vem da sem pritisnil na občutljive točke ampak to je moje skromno mnenje.
Vsako leto vam prodajo nov cod in vsako leto ga prednaročite vsako leto je slabši in vsako leto več takih trunčkov men je vse skup že mal smešno.
Podobno kot s apple in samsung ko pride nov model hop po njem. Če so včasih znal ldi manipulirat da so se vojskval in gradil piramide znajo zdej manipulirat da kupujejo šaro.
Sory tko je. Že na leta ne igram več coda ker je khhhm kkkhhmm noobska igra že dolgo časa.
Vem da sem pritisnil na občutljive točke ampak to je moje skromno mnenje.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: vaščan ()

razerznak2 ::
Dan izida in sploh ne mores online spilat ker majo take garbage serverje, banda noobska, igra pa tud garbage od katastrofe
Vesoljec nacist

Kaj ::
Danes že igral kakšno uro in dela kot puter. (Max nastavitve, R9 390, FX 8320)
Špil je pa zanimiv
Špil je pa zanimiv

DarwiN ::
Edina dobra stvar glede CODa je že dolgo Elpresador. :)
Review. Game fuckin sucks. :)
Ampak moraš tipa poznat in razumet njegovo cinično trolanje, drgač bojda ni zanimiv.
Review. Game fuckin sucks. :)
Ampak moraš tipa poznat in razumet njegovo cinično trolanje, drgač bojda ni zanimiv.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

Seljak ::
Tudi meni deluje igra tekoče brez zatikanja in prav tako se mi zdi zanimiva,čeprav sem dejal,da mi ne bo,za to se posipam z pepelom.

oo7 ::
AapocalypseE je izjavil:
Po videu sodeč mi ni najbolj všeč multi.
Tisti udarni val v tla je res kar nekaj.
Kateri udarni val?

oo7 ::
AapocalypseE je izjavil:
Ko skočiš v zrak in z obema rokama vdariš ob tla in s tem ubiješ nasprotnika.
Aja to je odvisno katerega specialista imaš saj to ne moreš delati non-stop, ko enkrat narediš potem moraš čakati, da se napolni.
Gravity spikes

Seljak ::
Vse igre so mišljene za "froce". Eni so froci sodeč po letih eni pa po srcu,kakor vzameš. Jaz sen "froc" po srcu,ker rad igram igre. Če želiš realnost pojdi v vojsko ali pa k plačancem.

AapocalypseE ::
Ja, ampak to je too much že kaj delajo. Ne vejo več kaj dodat in dodajajo kar nekaj kar jim pade na pamet...
Drugače pa vse igre niso namenjene frocom, če smo že pri tem.
Cod 4 še je edini dobri stari pravi cod.
Drugače pa vse igre niso namenjene frocom, če smo že pri tem.
Cod 4 še je edini dobri stari pravi cod.

abyssus ::
Igra je načeloma OK, igram jo na PS4. Single player kot single player, zaenkrat zgodba še ni nekam zanimiva - pač streljanje vse okoli. Bolj me moti dejstvo, da so CUT scene očitno posnete v 30FPS, igra pa teče v 60FPS in mi ti FPS dropi grejo pošteno na živce in dodobra uničijo užitek med igranjem - sploh ko je recimo kakšen cut scene, ko je dolg samo 2-3 sekunde in je med igro, res ogabno. Igra sicer lepo teče, čeprav je očitno kar nekaj težav s strežniki - stvar je še toliko bolj nadležna, ker če se ne poveže s strežnikom, nimaš dejansko svojega napredka v single player, tako da niti igrati ne moreš, razen da greš vse znova. Multiplayer še nisem nekaj probal, glih do lvl 6, ampak zaenkrat ni kaj za povedat. Zombiji pa mi ne sedejo, pa če je ne vem kaj - prav nekak razočaran sem, ker Treyarch zombiji so bili po navadi svetovni, tile so pa bolj ali manj kar nekaj. Verjetno bo potrebno en čas, da pogruntam vse, kaj je po mapi. Je pa zgleda po zaključeni kampanji še zombie mode kampanja, kar zna biti zelo zanimivo. :D
Ta ideja o specialistih mi je zelo všeč, tako da ne vem, zakaj se bunite, če je eden dokaj nerealen: halo, saj pa je večina igre nerealne, zato pa je igra. Zapičili pa ste se tudi v enega specialista, me prav spomni na komentarje o Guitar Hero Live, kjer je igra zanič samo zato, ker je notri komad od Skrillexa :D Zraven je vsaj 300 Rock komadov, oni se pa zapičijo v enega in s tem igro označijo za slabo. Pravi ste no. Ne vem, kaj pridete še komentirat igro, če pa itak veste, da je vsako leto ista. :) Pustite nam užitek, katerim je igra všeč pa bo to to.
EDIT: Če bo kdo naročil iz, lahko potrdim, da je zadeva v škatli, ne digital. :)
Ta ideja o specialistih mi je zelo všeč, tako da ne vem, zakaj se bunite, če je eden dokaj nerealen: halo, saj pa je večina igre nerealne, zato pa je igra. Zapičili pa ste se tudi v enega specialista, me prav spomni na komentarje o Guitar Hero Live, kjer je igra zanič samo zato, ker je notri komad od Skrillexa :D Zraven je vsaj 300 Rock komadov, oni se pa zapičijo v enega in s tem igro označijo za slabo. Pravi ste no. Ne vem, kaj pridete še komentirat igro, če pa itak veste, da je vsako leto ista. :) Pustite nam užitek, katerim je igra všeč pa bo to to.
EDIT: Če bo kdo naročil iz, lahko potrdim, da je zadeva v škatli, ne digital. :)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: abyssus ()

oo7 ::
Malo o specialistih v igri Black ops III
Ruin is an all-rounder
You won't need to reinvent your basic COD game with this guy, as he's an overdriven version of a classic all-rounder. Ruin's Gravity Spikes special weapon is a handy reflex-oriented area of effect attack, on call to get you out of trouble if caught unawares or to pre-preemptively strike at more than one enemy for an easy multi-kill. His special ability, Overdrive, enhances movement speed. On the one hand this is great for confident players to accelerate their usual route, but we've found it to be not so helpful for an average player as the last thing you want to do is literally run into more trouble.
Outrider requires finesse
In our view this bow-and-arrow Specialist is the most exciting new addition to the COD playing field. She's a finesse character, with subtleties of strength on the release of her Sparrow shots - the longer you hold down the trigger, the further an arrow flies and the more powerful it'll hit. With practice you'll gauge how much taut is required to simply arch a few shots into where enemies are taking cover, or time the release to land just as your target rounds a corner or ducks out of hiding. Again, as per the general advice above, the Vision Pulse is best for tracking specific opponents; somebody you already spied heading into a series of corridors or that you suspect is above/below your position.
Prophet feels a little bit OP
No offense to the 'professionals' using him wisely, but we've found that Prophet can boost a newcomer's game more so than the others. His Glitch teleportation ability immediately wipes an 'Oh crap!' moment, where you stumble upon impossible odds - it won't recover a kill though, so you still need to keep your eyes peeled for danger ahead. The Tempest special weapon is as fun for the user as it is infuriating for those caught in its paralysing tether. If you're sticking to the 'no running' rule that cautious players abide by, there's a good chance your K/D will improve fast with Prophet.
Battery causes the most chaos
Though it won't improve your overall game, it is certainly fun to behave kind of carelessly with Battery and her War Machine grenade launcher. The explosives bounce around harmlessly before making contact, but they're ideal for the objective-based Domination mode where players tend to be bunched together. Also, guys that are tough to flush out from the station platform in Metro will at least be sent scurrying into the open for your team-mates to take down. Yet again, the special ability Kinetic Armor [sic] may seem like a win-button manoeuvre as it deflects indirect enemy fire. But since you're likely to be going up against head-shot specialists it's more of an evasion tool.
Seraph is for the aggressive player
Seraph, a masked ninja type, is unlocked at Level 22. She is an entirely aggression-oriented character to enhance the game of players confident in acquiring targets fast. You'll need to know the maps and have a feel for the flow of the opposition team before unloading with the Annihilator revolver that over penetrates targets. Her Combat Focus ability boosts points awarded toward scorestreaks, so only useful in the hands of somebody practiced at 5+ kill streaks.
Nomad is great for setting traps
Nomad, unlocked at Level 28, can put the pressure on to suit his approach, marking out territory with H.I.V.E. trap pods that release explosive nano-drones, else knowing exactly where he'll respawn after being killed using Rejack. The latter can catch average players by surprise by returning swiftly from the dead, but wiser players will have checked your profile before the round starts. If you're downed once, you'll be downed a second time.
Reaper is a bully
The Reaper robot unlocked at Level 34 is equally overbearing with its Scythe mini-gun, effective from mid range. Its Psychosis decoy clones are best deployed at mid- to close-range for maximum confusion. Nobody falls for it from distance.
Reaper is a bully
The cool Spectre Specialist unlocks at Level 40, and is purpose built for guys that sprint the entire map looking for melee kills. Active Camo gives you the drop on opponents, though as soon as you strike that's your cover blown. Ripper is a sword that beats standard melee attacks to the kill. It doesn't last very long though... probably just as well.
Ruin is an all-rounder
You won't need to reinvent your basic COD game with this guy, as he's an overdriven version of a classic all-rounder. Ruin's Gravity Spikes special weapon is a handy reflex-oriented area of effect attack, on call to get you out of trouble if caught unawares or to pre-preemptively strike at more than one enemy for an easy multi-kill. His special ability, Overdrive, enhances movement speed. On the one hand this is great for confident players to accelerate their usual route, but we've found it to be not so helpful for an average player as the last thing you want to do is literally run into more trouble.
Outrider requires finesse
In our view this bow-and-arrow Specialist is the most exciting new addition to the COD playing field. She's a finesse character, with subtleties of strength on the release of her Sparrow shots - the longer you hold down the trigger, the further an arrow flies and the more powerful it'll hit. With practice you'll gauge how much taut is required to simply arch a few shots into where enemies are taking cover, or time the release to land just as your target rounds a corner or ducks out of hiding. Again, as per the general advice above, the Vision Pulse is best for tracking specific opponents; somebody you already spied heading into a series of corridors or that you suspect is above/below your position.
Prophet feels a little bit OP
No offense to the 'professionals' using him wisely, but we've found that Prophet can boost a newcomer's game more so than the others. His Glitch teleportation ability immediately wipes an 'Oh crap!' moment, where you stumble upon impossible odds - it won't recover a kill though, so you still need to keep your eyes peeled for danger ahead. The Tempest special weapon is as fun for the user as it is infuriating for those caught in its paralysing tether. If you're sticking to the 'no running' rule that cautious players abide by, there's a good chance your K/D will improve fast with Prophet.
Battery causes the most chaos
Though it won't improve your overall game, it is certainly fun to behave kind of carelessly with Battery and her War Machine grenade launcher. The explosives bounce around harmlessly before making contact, but they're ideal for the objective-based Domination mode where players tend to be bunched together. Also, guys that are tough to flush out from the station platform in Metro will at least be sent scurrying into the open for your team-mates to take down. Yet again, the special ability Kinetic Armor [sic] may seem like a win-button manoeuvre as it deflects indirect enemy fire. But since you're likely to be going up against head-shot specialists it's more of an evasion tool.
Seraph is for the aggressive player
Seraph, a masked ninja type, is unlocked at Level 22. She is an entirely aggression-oriented character to enhance the game of players confident in acquiring targets fast. You'll need to know the maps and have a feel for the flow of the opposition team before unloading with the Annihilator revolver that over penetrates targets. Her Combat Focus ability boosts points awarded toward scorestreaks, so only useful in the hands of somebody practiced at 5+ kill streaks.
Nomad is great for setting traps
Nomad, unlocked at Level 28, can put the pressure on to suit his approach, marking out territory with H.I.V.E. trap pods that release explosive nano-drones, else knowing exactly where he'll respawn after being killed using Rejack. The latter can catch average players by surprise by returning swiftly from the dead, but wiser players will have checked your profile before the round starts. If you're downed once, you'll be downed a second time.
Reaper is a bully
The Reaper robot unlocked at Level 34 is equally overbearing with its Scythe mini-gun, effective from mid range. Its Psychosis decoy clones are best deployed at mid- to close-range for maximum confusion. Nobody falls for it from distance.
Reaper is a bully
The cool Spectre Specialist unlocks at Level 40, and is purpose built for guys that sprint the entire map looking for melee kills. Active Camo gives you the drop on opponents, though as soon as you strike that's your cover blown. Ripper is a sword that beats standard melee attacks to the kill. It doesn't last very long though... probably just as well.

oo7 ::
Call of Duty Black Ops 3 v treh dneh 550 mio $$$$$$
Black Ops 3 bucks Call of Duty's recent sales decline with $550m launch
igra se prodaja kot vroče žemlje tako, da drugo leto 100% nov Call of Duty
Black Ops 3 bucks Call of Duty's recent sales decline with $550m launch
igra se prodaja kot vroče žemlje tako, da drugo leto 100% nov Call of Duty

razerznak2 ::
igro vseno nabavil,
mape so porazne razen combine , nuketown pa kot nuketown (kaos) ,trebalo bi doddat mape z cod4 cod2 in mw3
serverji porazni , katastrofa
orožja bedna, ( ni ta future za mene)
scorestreaki pa tud čudni , rabiš 500 score za UAV wtf , morajo dat navadno 3 kille ali 300 scora za uav?ali?
specialist pa se mi tudi nekako ne dopade
mape so porazne razen combine , nuketown pa kot nuketown (kaos) ,trebalo bi doddat mape z cod4 cod2 in mw3
serverji porazni , katastrofa
orožja bedna, ( ni ta future za mene)
scorestreaki pa tud čudni , rabiš 500 score za UAV wtf , morajo dat navadno 3 kille ali 300 scora za uav?ali?
specialist pa se mi tudi nekako ne dopade
Vesoljec nacist

Red_Mamba ::
razerznak2 je izjavil:
igro vseno nabavil,
mape so porazne razen combine , nuketown pa kot nuketown (kaos) ,trebalo bi doddat mape z cod4 cod2 in mw3
serverji porazni , katastrofa
orožja bedna, ( ni ta future za mene)
scorestreaki pa tud čudni , rabiš 500 score za UAV wtf , morajo dat navadno 3 kille ali 300 scora za uav?ali?
specialist pa se mi tudi nekako ne dopade
sj to se je ze po trejlerjih vidlo da bo crap
[st.slika test]
Linkedin >>
Mamba's Crypto & ICO's:
Linkedin >>
Mamba's Crypto & ICO's:

loveJDM ::
Ker ne vem več kaj bi igral,me zanima kaj se trenutno bolj splača kupit Advanced Warfare ali tega Black Opsa?

DarwiN ::
Ker ne vem več kaj bi igral,me zanima kaj se trenutno bolj splača kupit Advanced Warfare ali tega Black Opsa?
To je tako kot bi vprašal, kaj se trenutno bolj splača, ustrelit v koleno ali v komolec? ;)
Naredi si uslugo on kupi Battlefield 4. Learning curve bo sicer bolj počasen, ampak ko enkrat osvojiš osnove, boš uvidel luč.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

oo7 ::
Ker ne vem več kaj bi igral,me zanima kaj se trenutno bolj splača kupit Advanced Warfare ali tega Black Opsa?
COD Black Ops 3 je men osebno eden boljših mulitiplayerjev posebej v zadnjem času, ko mi Ghost in Adwanced warfare nista bila preveč všeč.
Single playerja pa še nisem sprobal.

z3ro ::
Advanced Warfare ne kupovat, preveč skakanja po zraku za moje pojme. Black ops 3 je dosti boljši kar se tega tiče.

oo7 ::

TOP ::
Ma obe sta za en drek.AW mam in je tam za silo,ta nov COD BO3 je pa samo kopija AW z malo drugačnimi mapami orožji in malo manj skakanja,grafa je ista in to je tud use.Na koncu je še vedno najbolša BF4.Uglavnem če se nočeš prehitro naveličat ne kupuj,ker jaz sem se.

scipascapa ::
Res ne vem, od kje se najde toliko papkov za 550 mio $...dobro če pogledaš to je nekje 55$ na igro, je to 10 mio papkov na svetu...kar je kar hitro glede na velikost United Shit of Assholes....potem pa EU doda nekaj.....
Sramota za vse, ki kupujete ta skret.
Sramota za vse, ki kupujete ta skret.

DarwiN ::
Podobno kot velja za današnje hollywoodske blockbusterje ala Iron Man, Fantastic Four, Captain America itd, ki ravno tako zaslužijo tone denarja, a bi v nekem bolj razvitem svetu dejansko morale biti kinodvorane povsem prazne pri teh copy/paste klišejskih jajcah. Fast and Furious 7, Terminator 6, itd. :) Ampak tko pač imamo... Pravzaprav za COD še nekako razumem, ker je igra pač namenjena otrokom, kar ni nič slabega, ampak vseeno jim ni treba vsako leto plačat 50€, ko pa so vsi produkti skoraj identični.. Če je že treba kupit, počakaš 3 mesece in jim daš 15-20€..
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

Machete ::
To še ni vse. Siznpes je takoj 100€. Za popolnoma isti krep kot leto prej. Sam ponavadi vsakega drugega ali tretjega nabavim za 30eur, pa še to mi je žal :)
LC1000|Asrock-H470PG|i7-10700K|2x16GB|RTX-3080 EAGLE|W10Pro
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+

abyssus ::
Kaj jamrate? Ste morali komu dati denar za COD? Če vam igra ni všeč, ne igrajte in bodite tiho, nas pa pustite igrati.

oo7 ::
Kaj jamrate? Ste morali komu dati denar za COD? Če vam igra ni všeč, ne igrajte in bodite tiho, nas pa pustite igrati.
Ne sekiraj se itak se vedno najbolj pritožujejo tisti, ki teh iger sploh ne igrajo

oo7 ::

abyssus ::
Bi rekel, da kar nikoli. To pa zato, ker hočejo v igri prikazat (v Multiplayer) čim boljše in čim bolj zanimive kill streake, če pa zadevo daš nazaj v drugo svetovno vojno pa ravno tega ne moreš. Bo treba WW2 pozabit, vsaj pri Call of Duty. Morda se motim. :)
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
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» | Call of Duty: Black Ops IIII [Call of duty (2018)] (strani: 1 2 )Oddelek: Igre | 14971 (9532) | oo7 |
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