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Materijal za steklo keramične plošče ?

Materijal za steklo keramične plošče ?

#000000 ::

Zanima me iz kakega materijala je narejena steklo keramična plošča ? Sem googlal pa ne vem kaj naj iščem, ve kdo slučajno ? LP

PacificBlue ::

Glass-ceramic is originally a glass, called precursor glass, whose specific chemical composition makes it possible to bring about a controlled crystallization by suitable thermal treatments called ceramic processing treatments. This specific structure which is partly crystallized gives the glass-ceramic unique properties. During ceramic processing treatments, the following phases are generally observed: a nucleation phase during which the nuclei on which the crystals will form coalesce, and a crystallization phase during which the crystals form and then grow. The viscosity of the glass decreases during the initial heating, has a minimum value just before crystallization, and then increases under the effect of crystallization. Nucleation takes place at around 700 at around 900 takes place at around 1100 1000

Various material belonging to the family of the lithium aluminosilicate glass-ceramics are used as support for cooking articles: ?-quartz glass-ceramics, black in appearance, slightly transparent in the visible, and to varying degrees transparent in the infrared, and ?-spodumene glass-ceramics, white in appearance, opaque in the visible, and slightly transparent in the infrared. Because of their optical properties, the use of ?-spodumene glass-ceramics is only associated with induction heating, but more and more, induction plates are using black glass-ceramic plates for aesthetic reasons. The thickness of the glass-ceramic plates is generally approximately 4 mm except in the case of certain professional applications in which case the thickness can be increased to 5 or 6 mm. Other colors or optical appearances can be produced using glass-ceramic with different compositions or which have undergone various treatments.


#000000 ::

Hvala za tole. Bom mal pogledal, na ebayu slabo kaže, bom še mal google obrnu okol, rabim samo tako steklo, brez kuhalnika ipd. Hvala in LP

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