Forum » Kaj kupiti » Nakup v Nemčiji - slaba izkušnja
Nakup v Nemčiji - slaba izkušnja
mirch ::
Imam slabo izkušnjo z nakupom v Nemčiji. Namreč preko spleta sem kupil televizijo v trgovini:
Sedaj žal odziva ni?! Kaj sedaj? Kaj lahko storim? Obstaja kakšni poslovni imenik za Nemčijo?
Sedaj žal odziva ni?! Kaj sedaj? Kaj lahko storim? Obstaja kakšni poslovni imenik za Nemčijo?
Magic1 ::
Če si plačal prek paypal-a potem ni problema, daš dispute pred 45 dnem plačila. Drugače pa ne vem..
mat xxl ::
Pa si kaj preveril prodajalca pred nakupom, ali si bil srečen, ko je bila najnižja cena ..........sedaj si pa povsem nesrečen.....?
Saintek ::
tukaj sem našel en forum v Nemčiji o tej trgovini, očitno nisi edini.,69411...,69411...
Zheegec ::
Če si plačal s Paypalom ne bi smelo biti težav... Drugače bo potrebno pa vložiti zasebno tožbo ali pa upati, da se teženje obrestuje.
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
balkanec ::
Evo jest mam tud en podoben problem z levati iz Avstrije. Narocil sem en device za 200 evrov in jim ga placal preko Unikredit banke. Po veckratnem tezenju so bili odgovori :
"We are sorry for being delayed with our answer. The counter will be sent directly from Germany. We still don't have the confirmation, that it is on the way. Please be patient, we inform you as soon as we have the validation from Germany.
Gold Marketing"
"Did you receive the parcel? As long as we know, it was sent last week from Germany to you. If you didn't receive it until now, please contact us also. We are very sorry! The German guy told us, it has been sent. Please be patient. We will find a way to clarify this.
Thank you for your patience."
Zanima me, ce je se kdo imel podobno tezave in kje bi se jih dalo prijaviti na kako avstrijsko inspekcijo?
Hvala za pomoc.
"We are sorry for being delayed with our answer. The counter will be sent directly from Germany. We still don't have the confirmation, that it is on the way. Please be patient, we inform you as soon as we have the validation from Germany.
Gold Marketing"
"Did you receive the parcel? As long as we know, it was sent last week from Germany to you. If you didn't receive it until now, please contact us also. We are very sorry! The German guy told us, it has been sent. Please be patient. We will find a way to clarify this.
Thank you for your patience."
Zanima me, ce je se kdo imel podobno tezave in kje bi se jih dalo prijaviti na kako avstrijsko inspekcijo?
Hvala za pomoc.
Ti si ziher pozigalec !!!
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
» | (strani: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 )Oddelek: Loža | 89401 (781) | OmaDesala |
» | Deli za vozilaOddelek: Kaj kupiti | 1651 (1345) | Polanc |
» | Account on Hold: Response RequiredOddelek: Loža | 2357 (982) | T_F_7 |
» | Banka trdi da je bilo plačilo izvedeno z nezakonitimi sredstvi (strani: 1 2 )Oddelek: Loža | 21718 (17044) | mat xxl |
» | Pošiljanje paketa v Nigerijo (strani: 1 2 )Oddelek: Problemi človeštva | 24299 (14184) | St235 |