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Pošiljanje paketa v Nigerijo

Pošiljanje paketa v Nigerijo


k1ll3r ::

Elow. Jst sm dau na bolho oglas za nokio 8800 sapphire arte. In sta se mi takoj javila 2 iz nigerije. Dau sm jim tud podatke od računa :S Neki sm brau da je to nateg. Danes sem bil na DHLu sem že mislil poslat in je bla poštnina 166€ pa še ena mi je rekla na sprejemnem okncu tm da je blo dostkrat do zdj da niso dobil nakazanga denarja te k so pošiljal pakete. Evo še to k mi je pošiljala.

Najprej to:


moje ime je Serena Smith iz Združenega kraljestva bom zanima nakup postavko za mojega sina in jaz bi rad vedel več o tem pogojem (nove ali rabljene) in bi želeli vedeti več kosov za prodajo .. lahko dobite nazaj na moj e-poštni sserena58@rocketmail.com in bomo lahko razpravljali
Več o plačilu in ladijskega!.


Gospa Smith Serena.


Pojdi nazaj k meni s svojo polno bančne podatke, tako da sem lahko za plačilo,

Ime imetnika računa:
Bančni račun:
Podružnice banke
Ime banke.
Strošek + pošiljkah dajatev prek registra Post

Lahko pošljete paypal zahtevek za plačilo na moje Email: serena.smith919 @ gmail.com

Serena smith.

In sm ji res dau moje podatke. Nato pa pošlje to:
Dear Seller,
I would like to inform you that the payment has now been sent to your account and the money with the shipment cost to Nigeria has been deducted from my account, please get back to me as soon as you are notified by my bank. I want the item to be shipped asap and i will like to have the tracking number.
Also i want you to send the shipment tracking number to my bank for verification and i want to inform you that i only want to send this item to my pastor for his birth day Gift....once bank verify the shipment number your account will credited.
Hope to read from you asap

Here is the shipping address

ZIPCODE: 23439

I want the item to be shipped by your Speed post 5-7 days to him in Nigeria for his birthday gift .

Try and get back to me soonest.

Best Regard

Serena Smith

prikaz podrobnosti 12:59 (Pred toliko urami: 4)



Great to read from you, i will wait for the shipment scan receipt and tracking number to be confirmed the shipment from you. also you will need send my bank the scan receipt of the shipment so they can activate your account immediately.

I will wait to read from you soon.

Best Regard

Serena smith.

Nato dobim od banke še te stvari:

Dear Valuable Blaž Kreculj,

We have received a TRANSFER ORDER placed by our Client (Serena Smith) to have the sum of (EUR300.00) transferred to you as a payment for your (Nokia 8800) and it has been successfully processed and has consequently been APPROVED. The Money will be TRANSFERRED to the account Details Stated Below, Please verify that the Details (As entered by the buyer) are correct:

Transfer Receipt Confirmation



Blaž Kreculj
Skb d.d



If there is an error in the details, Please send contact our Customer Service Department at ptt.managementtransfer@consultant.com.

Your Money will NOT be TRANSFERRED to your ACCOUNT until shipment has been verified. This measure is taken in order to protect both Payee and Buyer's interests and to reduce the occurrence of fraudulent activities. You can have the shipment confirmed/verified by contacting Abbey Bank Online Payment stating the Transaction Number and a Proof of Shipment in your message.

Due to the fact that Abbey Bank processes thousands of TRANSFERS daily,We RECOMMENDS contacting the Customer Support Representative that has been assigned to this particular Order directly. This ensures speedy verification of shipment as well as prompt dispatch the Transfer.

You can go ahead right now to Ship Out the Item to your Buyer and send a Proof of Shipment to Abbey Bank in Order to Activate your Bank account within the next 24HOURS you will receive your Money when you have sent us the Shipment Tracking Information or a Copy of the Shipment Receipt for Verification.

We are kindly sorry for any inconvenience or delay, but we will need to verify your Bank account very well and see that there will be no Mistake. Also you can contact the Abbey Bank direct with this e-mail address for further enquiry at ptt.managementtransfer@consultant.com. Once shipment has been verified, You will receive a "FINAL CONFIRMATION"email from Abbey Bank informing that the TRANSFER has been credited into your account.

Thank you for using Abbey Bank.


Kenneth D........... Lewis
Chairman, CEO and President

in še 2.

Dear Customer Blaž Kreculj,

We hereby congratulate you for using Our Service for your online transfer We have received a transfer of the total amount (EUR300.00) which was transfer to you by Mrs Serena Smith for the (Nokia 8800)

The Transfer has been successfully processed and approved but before we can remit the funds to your account we will need to verify the shipment of the item to your buyer first and once this has been done we will remit the funds immediately to your account in the next 24 to 72 Hours and you will be able to cash your money at your bank.

So you can make the Shipment of the items to your buyer and send us the shipment tracking number and the scanned receipt from the Delivery courier which was used for the shipment so as for the verification of the shipment and once we got this we will remit the funds to you account immediately.

We Waiting for the the Shipment Tracking number from you.

Thanks for using Abbey Bank online transfer.


Kenneth D. Lewis
Chairman, CEO and President

Mislim da je vse skupaj nateg. In ne bom pošiljal tega tja v Nigerijo h navideznemu sinu. Kaj menite vi?

Lp Blaž
  • spremenil: k1ll3r ()

bluefish ::

Itak, da je nateg. Že to, da je prvo sporočilo prevedeno z Google Translate + da nekdo iz Nigerije bere Bolho.
Si pa naredil napako, ko si pošiljal podatke + da jih objavljaš tukaj.

Sicer pa še nekoga na tem forumu snubijo Nigerijci: Posiljanje v tujino Pay Pal?

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: bluefish ()

k1ll3r ::

Dau sm tle sm ime pa priimek. Ja vem da sm naredu napako da sm jim poslou moje podatke.

bluefish ::

potem upam, da je tole izmišljeno: SI56031191000114759

k1ll3r ::

A je lohk kj zlo narobe če sm to naredu da sm jim poslou podatke?

bluefish ::

načeloma ne, saj se ne gre za podatke kreditne kartice,...

k1ll3r ::

Sm pa vidu tle na netu da se velik to dogaja. Upam da bo use uredu da nebodo kj sral.

Icematxyz ::

Če si karkoli posredoval s čim lahko dobijo dostop do tvojega transakcijskega računa potem da. Je to zlo narobe da si jim poslal. Drugače pa ti lahko pišejo le razglednico za božič. Če si jim dal naprimer ime priimek in naslov prebivališča.

k1ll3r ::

Dau sm jim sm nalov kje žvim pa TRR sm številko transakcijskega nbene kode pa to.


Zdaj pa povejte en primer kaj lahko naredijo z tvojim računom? Nakažejo denar>:D

Icematxyz ::

Sama številka transkacijskega računa načeloam ne omogoča sama po sebi nič. Kvečjemu da. Lahko ti nakažejo denar.

Furbo ::


Če dobro prebereš bodo KAO nakazali šele ko boš ti poslal. NATEG.

Če nisem bil dovolj jasen : NATEG, ne pošlji
i5-13600K, Noctua NH-D15, STRIX Z790-F, 32GB DDR5, 2TB Samsung 990PRO,
Toughpower GF3 1000W, RTX3070, ALIENWARE AW3423DWF, Dell S2722QC

k1ll3r ::

Se mi je od začetka zdle da je to nateg. Sm kje taki najdejo lih u sloveniji na bolhi ns. Zj te skor povsod že hočjo nategnt.

Hardstyle ::

k1ll3r kolko si star? Si pismen? Si neumen?

hooger ::

k1ll3r kolko si star? Si pismen? Si neumen?

Samo ugibam:

13, ne, da

Utk ::

hehe, glih v sloveniji...sej so povsod. Po moje je bil to Đuro. Ali pa njegov sosed.

Okapi ::

Nikar ničesar ne pošiljaj, dokler ne dvigneš denarja (in preveriš, da ni ponarejen:-)
Drugače pa, v Sloveniji se najde kar nekaj Nigerijcev, ki lahko sodelujejo v nategu, poleg tega pa lahko tudi od tam najdejo spletne strani, kjer se roba prodaja. Daš v gugla nekaj aktualnih naprav hkrati in dobiš vse mogoče trgovine in spletne strani z malimi oglasi. Potem pa pač vržeš milijon vab in čakaš, da kakšen naivec kaj pošlje.


k1ll3r ::

Eo kaj mi je zdj poslala k sm ji reku da je prevelka poštnina. Pa kr misl da ji bom poslou. Sploh ji nm več pisu. Zgleda de me hoče prepričat da ni to nateg.


Good to read from you but don't worry about the expensive of the shipment i have added shipment to you r money so go and ship the item in the morning and send me scan receipt of the shipment and they will activate your account immediately so go out in the morning and make the shipment don so you can get your money on time.

I wait to read from you.

Best Regard

Serena Smith.

P1P1 ::

Pred kratkim sem prodajal na bolhi dva iPod toucha 16 in 32GB pa še nek starejši telefon SE W950. Za vse tri stvari sem dobil od te ženske mejl (Serena Smith) da rabi ali za sina ki kao praznuje ali za moža ki tut kao praznuje rojstni dan.

Pa najbrš nisva edina. Tako da sicer ne vem kolk daril se da v Nigeriji za rojstni dan, samo če ti tole ne smrdi, potem se rabiš resno zamislt.
Q6600 3.2Ghz, Rampage Formula, X-FI Titanium Fatal1ty,
9800GTX+, Velociraptor 300Gb, Teamgroup Extreme dark

k1ll3r ::

Ma zdj mi še za ipod toucha mi je pa en rob smith poslou. Te so prou mutavi.

WarpedGone ::

Just ignore them and they will go away.
Zbogom in hvala za vse ribe

darkstar ::

Meni se je isto serena wiliams javila, da bi kupila xbox360 za sina v nigeriji za roj. dan.
Pa da je denar ze na, na paypalu nakazan, samo poslati se moram, pomoje tudi!!

k1ll3r ::

Ja pač zdj probavajo tko zaslužt dnar, da pač probajo nategnt čim več ldi. Sj pomojm jih dost pošle kj tja. Sm ni mi jasn kko nrdijo da je kao neki banka potrdila. Use jim rata narest.

It Now Safe For You To Ship Out.

Dear Esteemed Customer: Blaž Kreculj.

We are hereby informing you that the Payment Confirmation which you received earlier is now approved and is ready to be released to your bank once you comply with this process. We will like you to know that we are expecting the shipment tracking number from you today. We advise you to go and make the shipment now.

Go ahead with the Shipment of the item being ordered from you by our client ( Rob Georgia ) and send us the Shipment Tracking Number for the Shipment Verification.

Once the shipment has been confirmed the total amount of ( 350.00 Euros ) will be remitted to your bank, from Scotia Bank straight into your Bank Account.

The process which you will have to follow so that you can get your money are being stated below:

[1]. Go ahead and Ship out the item ordered from you by our client.
[2]. Send the Shipment Tracking Number to our us for the Shipment verification.
[3]. You will have to be patient till when the Shipment Verification Process will be over which will take up to 5-6 Hours.
[4]. Your account would be credited immediately the Shipment Verification Process is Over.


So as soon as you follow up these process you have no problem with the Management and you will get your fund in your bank account easily and quickly. We wait to read from you as soon as possible.


* Email: transfersection@minister.com

Thank you for using Scotia Bank.

Kenneth D. Lewis, CEO and President

Kenneth D. Lewis
Chairman, CEO and President

KandazaR ::

Mislim če vam ni že čudno, da te kontaktira kupec iz anglije al nigerije (niti ni pomembno), ki bi rad kupil neko rabljeno stvar mobitel, xbox..., ki jo prodajaš na bolhi.

Utk ::

minister.com, to pa res ni fake.

Okapi ::

Pa če ti piše sam Chairman, CEO and President, potem tudi mora biti vse OK, ne?:D:D:D


XsenO ::

Odgovori jim, da je poslano in si izmisli en tracking number.
1 + 1 = 1

BigWhale ::

Vidis, tko bi lahko DDOS napad na nigerijce nardil... Vsi bi jih zasuli z maili, kam naj kaj posljejo in potem vsi rekli, da so poslali in potem si vsak en cronjob nastima, da vsak dan po tri maile poslje kjer jih sprasuje ce ze lahko poslje paket in kje je njegov denar. :P

kixs ::

Nikar ničesar ne pošiljaj, dokler ne dvigneš denarja (in preveriš, da ni ponarejen:-)

Ta je zmagovalna :))

ABX ::

Nigeria (random besedilo) nateg.
Vaša inštalacija je uspešno spodletela!

k1ll3r ::

Hahah, kaj so mi zdle napisal adijo pamet :D Spodi pod ABBY bank aproved je pa kr en podpis.

Dear Customer ,

We are contacting you regarding the transaction between you and (Mrs Serena Smith) we have completed making the payment transfer and your money is ready in your pending account, but before we can activate your account you have to make the shipment and attach to us the shipment Receipt and the shipment tracking number to track- trace and confirmed the shipment and once your shipment is confirmed with shipment status, we will contact your bank to activate your account directly you will receive your money in your account safe and Secure , we urge you to provide to us the shipment tracking number and the attach scan copy for protection and safe guard between you and the Verified Buyer because the money have been deducted from the Buyer account and cannot be Refund back to (His/ Her) account without your order we urge you to act fast on the shipment as soon as possible so that your account will be credited immediately after shipment verification.


preem ::

ja pofejkej en račun ne - logo od DHLa gor rukn pa adijo.

k1ll3r ::

Eo zrihti račun pa si deliva 50/50 če dobim. :D

AndrejS ::

Raje pošlji en kamen v paketu, pa noter napiši naj se z njim 3x po glavi rukne.

k1ll3r ::

Ja sm da mu pošlm kamn ke je 166€ :D Pa do pou kile more bit težk :P

rokp ::

Malo si tukajle poglejte, kaj vse delajo: http://www.419eater.com/
Vcasih se prav pase malo nasmejat kaksni zgodbici...

bibip ::

Na en mail dobivam dnevno razne dobitke po par milijonov funtov, dolarjev, evrov. Zgleda, da sem najbogatejši zemljan. Ampak sem tako skromen, da denarja preprosto nočem vzet. Včasih se jim zahvalim v stilu "F word", če se mi da. >:D
Dobivam tudi druge ponudbe in vabila. Prodam mail, če kdo hoče. :))

Če nekaj zveni prelepo, je prevelika verjetnost, da je nateg. Veliko jih tudi nategnejo. Nekateri so pa že tudi nastradali, ker so šli dol k njim urejat "milijonske zapuščine" "daljnih sorodnikov".

smusan ::

Živjo vsem


Dal sem na bolho računalnik link(če koga zanima): http://www.bolha.com/oglas382705733/rac... in se mi je oglasil en človek iz VB, ki hoče kupiti za svojega sina moj ramučnalnik, ki je v Nigeriji. WTF sem si mislil, kdo bi kupil računalnik iz drugega kontinetna in potem pošiljal računalnik, ki je težek skoraj 20 kil in je sama poštnina 550 evrov. Ime mu je Dennis Richardson (sem napisal v Google pa mi je vn hitlo ambasador Dvstralije v Združenih Državah Amerike?!?), še email dennisrichardson247@yahoo.com

To mi je napisal:
Thanks for your reply since the item is in good condition i will like to buy it for my son school in Nigeria i am Dennis from London. i will buy it like that graphics card.

So i will like you to send me your full bank info so that i can make the transfer to your bank account once my bank notify you with the payment confirmation you can be able to ship the item thro DHL or EMS EXPRESS also don't forget to send me the total cost and the shipping cost to my son address in Nigeria. so kindly get back to me fast for the payment now.

your bank info
SWIFT CODE............

Shipping Address
Name:Ayo Tobi
Address; 22 oba-adeshida road
State: ondostate

i wait for your reply now

Zdel se mi je nateg zato sem šel na banko, odprl nov račun, ki nima nič stanja in ne more it v misus in sem mu poslal nazaj, od takrat pa več nisem slišal zanj, verjetno ker sem napisal, da ne pošiljam dokler ne dobim denarja na račun :). Tukaj je še mail:


Here my bank information:

BANK NAME: Banka Koper, d.d., Pristaniška 14, SI 6502 Koper
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 10100-0046265018
IBAN: SI5610100-0046265018
A/C HOLDERS NAME: Sanel Mušanović
TOTAL COST: 1600 Euro

I dont know the real total cost so i rounded up to 1600 euro. I hope this will be enough. If 1600 will be too much money, then if you like i can send the rest to your son with computer.
When i will get money I will go to DHL and send a computer and I will e-mail you the tracking number.

Yours Sincerery,

Utk ::

To ni še en nateg, ampak je isti kot prej.

smusan ::

To je res, to sem napisal, ker sem hotel vas prisilit k branju, da vas opozorim. Se opravičujem. Razlika je, ker je tu nekdo drug.

krneki ::

Če vam je dolgcajt se lah s temi v nedogled pogovarjate ;)
Mogoče lah tekmujemo kolk dolg lahko enega vlečemo...več mailov vam napišejo nazaj, več točk dobite :P

veverrca ::

Živjo. Jaz sem tudi dobila eno elektronsko pošto, da bi tisti gospodič rad kupil moj SE k sem ga imela v oglasu na bolhi..sam sem jo že nažalost izbrisala, ker slovenščina je bla pa tok u ku... ..drgač pa pošl mu neki..kej tazga, da ko bo odpru tist človek, da se bo pokakcu u hlačke..:D


koyotee ::

js bi mu poslal malo moke, antrax varianta ;)

alpa eno vudu lutko prebodeno z iglami, pa namazano s tr00 blood :P
Rear DVD collector!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: koyotee ()

darkstar ::

Zanima me ce se lahko kje pogleda od kod prihajajo maili s katere drzave, se dadobiti ipje

popster ::

mislim da je to car maila da si bolj kot ne aninimen

jype ::

Nič nisi anonimen. V vsakem e-mailu točno piše od kod je in po kateri poti je prišel do tebe.

darkolord ::

V vsakem e-mailu točno piše od kod je in po kateri poti je prišel do tebe.
Ja, za en korak nazaj. Od kje pa izvira pa velikokrat ne piše.

jype ::

darkolord> Ja, za en korak nazaj.

Tisti korak, ki pobriše pot, zabeleženo pred njim, je za e-mail očitno odgovoren.

Meni sicer vedno ostane celotna pot. Eden od spamov danes je recimo prišel od

Received: from pygfx.citykom.de (muedsl-82-207-232-025.citykom.de [])
by mojmailserver (Postfix) with SMTP id 4A74298197
for mojmailnaslov; Sat, 28 Feb 2009 20:55:27 +0100 (CET)

Windows box z virusi, ki je del botneta za spammerje, i guess.

darkolord ::

Ja, sam da je from lahko prejsnji mail server oz gateway

chucki ::

moje ime je Serena Smith iz Združenega kraljestva bom zanima nakup postavko za mojega sina in jaz bi rad vedel več o tem pogojem (nove ali rabljene) in bi želeli vedeti več kosov za prodajo .. lahko dobite nazaj na moj e-poštni serena.smith919 @ gmail.com in se bomo lahko razpravljali
Več o plačilu in ladijskega!.


Gospa Smith Serena.

HAHA ..... Mam jst oglas na bolhi za LCD in zgleda , da se mi je ista javla. xD

Vredno ogleda ...

TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

nigerijci še vedno harajo po bolhi

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