Forum » Loža » Account on Hold: Response Required Account on Hold: Response Required
cortez ::
Hočem naročit robo iz USA, ki bo dostavljena na USA naslov. Plačilo je bilo izvedeno z mojo Visa el. z mojim EU naslovom. Vse je šlo skozi, naslednji dan pa sem dobil tole :
from :
subject :Account on Hold: Response Required
Greetings from
Unfortunately, we are currently unable to process your pending order(s), including order 002-3392547-0414660. To avoid cancellation of your order(s), we request that you fax us a copy of the billing statement associated with the debit or credit card provided as payment. Our fax number is 001-206-266-1838 when faxing from outside the US, or 206-266-1838 from within the US. This statement should include the following information:
* Name as it appears on your credit or debit card
* Address on file with the card issuer
* The customer service phone number for your financial institution.
On your fax, please provide the email address used when placing your order and the order number you received in your email confirmation.
Do note that the statement must be sent via fax as we are unable to interpret attachments via email. Please also note that you will be unable to access your account as it has been placed on hold pending receipt of your fax. Please do not place a new order or open a new account as this may result in additional delays.
If you are unable to send the fax, please ask the issuer of your debit or credit card to contact us so we may verify your account details. The card issuer can reach us via the above fax number. The fax should include the name, phone number and fax number of a specific representative with whom we can correspond if necessary.
Please don't hesitate to email us should you have any questions, and thank you for your interest in shopping at
Account Specialist
Moje podatke mi je banka poslala preko faxa-a amazonu v USA.
Ali je imel že kdo podoben problem in kako ga je rešil. Hvala za info.
Hočem naročit robo iz USA, ki bo dostavljena na USA naslov. Plačilo je bilo izvedeno z mojo Visa el. z mojim EU naslovom. Vse je šlo skozi, naslednji dan pa sem dobil tole :
from :
subject :Account on Hold: Response Required
Greetings from
Unfortunately, we are currently unable to process your pending order(s), including order 002-3392547-0414660. To avoid cancellation of your order(s), we request that you fax us a copy of the billing statement associated with the debit or credit card provided as payment. Our fax number is 001-206-266-1838 when faxing from outside the US, or 206-266-1838 from within the US. This statement should include the following information:
* Name as it appears on your credit or debit card
* Address on file with the card issuer
* The customer service phone number for your financial institution.
On your fax, please provide the email address used when placing your order and the order number you received in your email confirmation.
Do note that the statement must be sent via fax as we are unable to interpret attachments via email. Please also note that you will be unable to access your account as it has been placed on hold pending receipt of your fax. Please do not place a new order or open a new account as this may result in additional delays.
If you are unable to send the fax, please ask the issuer of your debit or credit card to contact us so we may verify your account details. The card issuer can reach us via the above fax number. The fax should include the name, phone number and fax number of a specific representative with whom we can correspond if necessary.
Please don't hesitate to email us should you have any questions, and thank you for your interest in shopping at
Account Specialist
Moje podatke mi je banka poslala preko faxa-a amazonu v USA.
Ali je imel že kdo podoben problem in kako ga je rešil. Hvala za info.
- spremenil: cortez ()
cortez ::
No, dobil spet odgovor od, ki mi zahteva billing statement-izpisek kartičnega poslovanja za mojo kartico. Samo kot je meni znano, dobiš to samo, če imaš kreditno kartico, ne pa tudi debetno ( V mojem primeru VISA electron). Le-ta je direktno vezana na TRR in od TRR dobiš izpisek v katerem so navedene postavke za VE.
On May 8, 2012, at 3:20 AM, wrote:
> Thank you for contacting us at
> We received your fax, however it did not contain the information
> required to process your order.
> As previously indicated, please fax us a copy of a recent credit card
> *billing statement* (206-266-1838 from within the US or
> 001-206-266-1838 internationally) for the credit card presented for
> your order(s). The statement should include the following
> information:
> - The name on the account
> - The billing address on the account
> - The billing telephone number on the account
> To ensure that your fax is processed in the most timely manner, please
> be sure it includes the email address used when placing your order,
> and/or the order number you received in your email confirmation.
> Please note that your account and order will remain on hold
> pending receipt of this fax. We apologize for any inconvenience this
> may cause you and appreciate your patience with our security measures.
> Feel free to contact us should you have any questions or concerns.
> Thank you for your interest in shopping at
> Sincerely,
> Account Specialist
On May 8, 2012, at 3:20 AM, wrote:
> Thank you for contacting us at
> We received your fax, however it did not contain the information
> required to process your order.
> As previously indicated, please fax us a copy of a recent credit card
> *billing statement* (206-266-1838 from within the US or
> 001-206-266-1838 internationally) for the credit card presented for
> your order(s). The statement should include the following
> information:
> - The name on the account
> - The billing address on the account
> - The billing telephone number on the account
> To ensure that your fax is processed in the most timely manner, please
> be sure it includes the email address used when placing your order,
> and/or the order number you received in your email confirmation.
> Please note that your account and order will remain on hold
> pending receipt of this fax. We apologize for any inconvenience this
> may cause you and appreciate your patience with our security measures.
> Feel free to contact us should you have any questions or concerns.
> Thank you for your interest in shopping at
> Sincerely,
> Account Specialist
s1m0n ::
Kontaktiraj direktno amazon na njihovi strani ("Contact Us") in jih povprašaj ali gre to za zaupanja vreden email!
St235 ::
Oni rabijo izpisek vezan na kartico, ad preverijo istovetnost lastnika. Jim je rpavzarpav vseeno ali dobijo celoten izpisek ali samo kartico. Pač jim obrazložiš za kakšno kartico gre in priložiš izpisek.
cortez ::
No tole so mi še poslal :
Greetings from
Unfortunately your recent order(s), including - could not
be processed. If you would still like to receive the item(s), we ask
that you place a new order. Please accept our sincere apologies for
any resulting inconvenience.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns, and
thank you for shopping at
Account Specialist
I'm sorry we are unable to determine if your VISA electron debit card would go through before you place the order.
Hence, I would suggest you to place your new order with your VISA electron debit card.
If there is any problem after you place your order, we will contact you to resolve it for you.
We hope to see you again. Have a nice day !
I'm committed to providing world class customer service. Please tell me how I did by clicking the appropriate link below.
Did I solve your problem?
Greetings from
Unfortunately your recent order(s), including - could not
be processed. If you would still like to receive the item(s), we ask
that you place a new order. Please accept our sincere apologies for
any resulting inconvenience.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns, and
thank you for shopping at
Account Specialist
I'm sorry we are unable to determine if your VISA electron debit card would go through before you place the order.
Hence, I would suggest you to place your new order with your VISA electron debit card.
If there is any problem after you place your order, we will contact you to resolve it for you.
We hope to see you again. Have a nice day !
I'm committed to providing world class customer service. Please tell me how I did by clicking the appropriate link below.
Did I solve your problem?
borutz ::
problem je ker ti hoces dostaviti na ameriski naslov z kartico , ki ima naslov drugacen.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: borutz ()
borutz ::
V njihovih(amazonovih) oceh si ti oseba , ki je pridobila dostop do amazon accounta Janeza novaka in si bo sedaj nekaj z njegovo kartico narocila na svoj ameriski naslov.
Amazon sedaj hoce da mu ta oseba, poslje izpis transakcije ki jo je opravil.
Te pa seveda on nima ker transakcijo oz. izpis transakcij dobi Janez Novak po posti.
Kot so ti ze rekli, pridobi izpis transakcije in jim poslji
Amazon sedaj hoce da mu ta oseba, poslje izpis transakcije ki jo je opravil.
Te pa seveda on nima ker transakcijo oz. izpis transakcij dobi Janez Novak po posti.
Kot so ti ze rekli, pridobi izpis transakcije in jim poslji
cortez ::
@borutz :
Ne prodajat buč. Kako jim bom poslal potrdilo transakcije, če pa le-te niso izvršil. Kartica je nova, še ni bila uporabljena, razen za to naročilo.
Izpisek od banke jim nič ne more pomagat, ker je kartica VE direktno linkana na TRR in na izpisku ni nobenih podatkov o kartici.
Na banki so mi potrdili, da če ima nekdo tvojo številko VE in ve issue date kartice, lahko tudi brez CVC kode plačuje preko neta.
Kartica je moja, podatki na amazon računu so moji, dostava bi bila v USA na prijateljev naslov.
Ne prodajat buč. Kako jim bom poslal potrdilo transakcije, če pa le-te niso izvršil. Kartica je nova, še ni bila uporabljena, razen za to naročilo.
Izpisek od banke jim nič ne more pomagat, ker je kartica VE direktno linkana na TRR in na izpisku ni nobenih podatkov o kartici.
Na banki so mi potrdili, da če ima nekdo tvojo številko VE in ve issue date kartice, lahko tudi brez CVC kode plačuje preko neta.
Kartica je moja, podatki na amazon računu so moji, dostava bi bila v USA na prijateljev naslov.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: cortez ()
St235 ::
Kartica je moja, podatki na amazon računu so moji, dostava bi bila v USA na prijateljev naslov.
In zato, ker je akrtica nova amazon upravičeno sumi, da gre za zlorabo.
Izpisek od banke jim nič ne more pomagat, ker je kartica VE direktno linkana na TRR in na izpisku ni nobenih podatkov o kartici.
So pa na izpisku tvoji osebni podatki, na podlagi katerih lahko amazon oceni, da imaš fizičen dostop do bančnih izpiskov in ne samo kartice. Lahko, da jim bo to dovolj.
Še vedno lahko zraven priložiš tudi sken kreditne kartice, kjer je vidna tako št akrtice kot TRR.
Na banki so mi potrdili, da če ima nekdo tvojo številko VE in ve issue date kartice, lahko tudi brez CVC kode plačuje preko neta.Odvisno kje, če sistem zahteva CVV ali ima celo dvostopenjsko preverjanje potem ne.
T_F_7 ::
Tudi jaz sem dobil zgornje sporočilo od Kupil svoja prva dva izdelka na Amazonu v enem naročilu. Prvega sem že dvignil na Amazon lockerju čez mejo, drugega sem naročil na sedež podjetja kjer delam, ki je tudi čez mejo. Hočejo izpisek moje Vise Electron predplačilne, ki je vezana na mojo Viso kartico/TRR, kjer je naj bo vidna številka kartice (zadnje 4 cifre) in ime in priimek, vendar številke kartice na izpisku ni. Sem bil na banki in mi niso znali pomagati. Poslal sem jih izpiska obeh kartic in tudi sken obeh kartic, kjer sem seveda zakril vse razen zadnjih 4 številk in seveda obrazložitev vsega in so mi tudi to zavrnili. Kaj lahko sploh še naredim?
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