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Aretiranih 700 protestnikov "Occupy Wall Street"

Aretiranih 700 protestnikov "Occupy Wall Street"

Zero0ne ::

Thousands of Occupy Wall Street protesters swarmed the Brooklyn Bridge Saturday, shutting down car lanes and setting up yet another tense showdown with the NYPD.

Roughly 700 people were arrested after standing in the roadway, blocking the Brooklyn-bound lanes. Traffic in the opposite direction was slowed -- but still running after the 4 p.m. standoff.

An army of cops swooped in after the demonstrators took over the bridge's pedestrian walkway and flooded onto the car lanes heading to Brooklyn. The showdown halted traffic on the bridge for nearly three hours.

While some of the protesters claimed cops set a trap for them, NYPD spokesman Paul Browne insisted the arrests came after the demonstrators were warned multiple times to stay off the roadway.

"Some complied and took the walkway without being arrested," Browne said. "Others proceeded on the Brooklyn-bound vehicular roadway. The latter were arrested."

Najdi razlike:

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  • zavaroval slike: OmegaBlue ()

mtosev ::

Rusija in Amerika
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro
moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013

vorantz ::

mtosev je izjavil:

Rusija in Amerika

Povej nam kaj je zmagal fante

LordTado ::

A je to tam joker na sliki pa hčer?:)
Pol še mora Batman nekje bit.

Rippy ::

While some of the protesters claimed cops set a trap for them

To je precej "cut" verzija tega, kar sem včeraj bral na eni drugi strani. Nadaljuje se tako, da so policaji protestnike vzpodbujal, da hodijo po cesti in celo z njimi hodili. To je izjemno verjetno glede na to, da so dober teden zazaj poskušali storiti vse, da bi nastala panika in nasilje (neopravičeno škropljenje s solzilcem, aretacije mirnih protestnikov).

In še The Daily Show -najbolj verodostojne novice v Ameriki (nažalost res:)


SomethingEls ::

Ironično kako jamrajo ravno največji podporniki države... to kar zagovarjajo pa naj imajo.

PS: Najboljše pri tem protestu je, da tele opice ljudi iz Wallstreeta sploh ne ganejo. Na enem videu se jih vidi kako popivajo šampanjec na balkonu nad ulico.
Silly Rabbit, Trix are for Kids

gendale ::

zakaj raje ne začnejo z atentatni na bančnike in politke + njihove družine
seznam zanč moderatorjev in razlogov da so zanč
gor je mavrik apple uporabniček (mali možgani in mali penis)

SomethingEls ::

zakaj raje ne začnejo z atentatni na bančnike in politke + njihove družine

Če bi se kaj tagega dogajalo se teli protestniki ne bi sekirali.

Oni zagovarjajo silo, in dokler jo naj jo tudi izkusijo. Tudi, če bi nekdo zagovarjal serijskega morilca se mi ne bi smilil, če bi ga ta nato ubil.
Silly Rabbit, Trix are for Kids

jype ::

Urby-Kris> Oni zagovarjajo silo,

Ti bi pa rad, da vse pobijejo.

SomethingEls ::

Silly Rabbit, Trix are for Kids

jype ::


SomethingEls ::

jype je izjavil:


Mater ti pa si troll...
Silly Rabbit, Trix are for Kids

jype ::

Ti pa lažnivi kljukec, pa sva si bot.

jype ::

Če so davki sila, potem je večja sila storjena protestnikom, saj bolj ogroža njihovo eksistenco kot eksistenco premožnih, ki so bili tudi največji prejemniki "bailouta".

Videti je, da ne razumeš preveč dobro, kako reči funkcionirajo.

SomethingEls ::

Če so davki sila, potem je večja sila storjena protestnikom, saj bolj ogroža njihovo eksistenco kot eksistenco premožnih, ki so bili tudi največji prejemniki "bailouta".

Videti je, da ne razumeš preveč dobro, kako reči funkcionirajo.

Največ davkov še vedno plačujejo najbogatejši, ki pa imajo od teh najmanj. Seveda so nekatere banke dobile denar od države česar ne podpiram. Ampak te so samo posledica vaše tribalistične ideologije. Žanjete pač kar ste sejali.
Silly Rabbit, Trix are for Kids

Brane2 ::

SomethingEls je izjavil:

Če so davki sila, potem je večja sila storjena protestnikom, saj bolj ogroža njihovo eksistenco kot eksistenco premožnih, ki so bili tudi največji prejemniki "bailouta".

Videti je, da ne razumeš preveč dobro, kako reči funkcionirajo.

Največ davkov še vedno plačujejo najbogatejši, ki pa imajo od teh najmanj. Seveda so nekatere banke dobile denar od države česar ne podpiram. Ampak te so samo posledica vaše tribalistične ideologije. Žanjete pač kar ste sejali.

On the journey of life, I chose the psycho path.

jype ::

Urby-Kris> vaše tribalistične ideologije.

Ta ideologija je kar lepo tvoja, je ni treba lepit name.

SomethingEls ::


Dober argument! Če bi bil z juretu nasprotne strani bi ga že zbrisal.
Silly Rabbit, Trix are for Kids

Brane2 ::

A, rabiš več ? Evo, recimo tole:

S točno temi argumenti lahko braniš recimo fevdalizem. Ko začnejo tlačani kraljuj utrujat,d a je izkoriščevalski prasec, jim ta lepo odvrne, da je največji donator v deželi. Ko na kak praznik ukaže slavje in teče vino in se je, tega ni sposoben ponoviti nihče drug.

Je kralj zaradi tega že sam po sebi najbolj koristno bitje v deželi ?

Če zanemariš vlogo biričev in ostalih, potem mu res mogoče iz riti sije sonce...

Tole za začete. Če rabiš več, povej.
On the journey of life, I chose the psycho path.

SomethingEls ::

Tole za začete. Če rabiš več, povej.

Ne si že dokazal, da ne dojemaš...

Jaz se ne strinjam z državnim podpiranjem bank, podjetji in posameznikov (sem ne spadajo samo bogati)... samo pravim, da so tu bailout-i posledica močne države, ki pa jo protestniki podpirajo.

Tvojo primerjava s kraljem je pa bolj kiljeva ker je temu bolj podobna država, ki si je zmonopolizirala krajo in ljudi hipnotizira z "zastonj" darilci ipd.
Silly Rabbit, Trix are for Kids

Brane2 ::

Ni res. Bailoutiu so posledica šibke države, ki je pokleknila.
On the journey of life, I chose the psycho path.

jype ::

Urby-Kris> Tvojo primerjava s kraljem je pa bolj kiljeva ker je temu bolj podobna država, ki si je zmonopolizirala krajo in ljudi hipnotizira z "zastonj" darilci ipd.

Ti pa očitno ne razumeš, kako delujejo sodobne demokratične države in si domišljaš, da so bogati tako zabiti, da niso sposobni s pomočjo sredstev, ki jih imajo na voljo, manipulirati. Zdi se ti, da je Enron samo propaganda, da so stroški, ki jih velika podjetja prevalijo na celotno družbo skozi različne oblike opustošenj, zgolj posledica "preveč močne države", hkrati pa obdavčitev enačiš s silo, ker ubožcem konec meseca ostane zgolj štiristo tisoč evrov.

SomethingEls ::

Ni res. Bailoutiu so posledica šibke države, ki je pokleknila.

Če ne bi imela v moči talat bailoutou jih ne bi bilo.

Ti pa očitno ne razumeš, kako delujejo sodobne demokratične države in si domišljaš, da so bogati tako zabiti, da niso sposobni s pomočjo sredstev, ki jih imajo na voljo, manipulirati. Zdi se ti, da je Enron samo propaganda, da so stroški, ki jih velika podjetja prevalijo na celotno družbo skozi različne oblike opustošenj, zgolj posledica "preveč močne države", hkrati pa obdavčitev enačiš s silo, ker ubožcem konec meseca ostane zgolj štiristo tisoč evrov.

Glavni vzrok za vse povezave med podjetji in državo je močna država.

"Podjetja" ni ena velika entiteta ampak jih je več... in ne obnašajo se vsa enako.
Seveda pa vsem podpornikom tribalistične mentalitete privoščim, da jih podjetja čim bolj oberejo v okolju kot so ga ustvarili. You reap what you sow.
Silly Rabbit, Trix are for Kids

Brane2 ::

SomethingEls je izjavil:

Če ne bi imela v moči talat bailoutou jih ne bi bilo.

Takrat bi se sesul denarni sistem in kmalu zatem bi se začelo nasilje.
On the journey of life, I chose the psycho path.

jype ::

Urby-Kris> Seveda pa vsem podpornikom tribalistične mentalitete

To si v tej temi predvsem ti sam. Vsi ostali smo civilizirani, sam pa si očitno imun na pridobitve civilizacije.

Brane2 ::

SomethingEls je izjavil:

Glavni vzrok za vse povezave med podjetji in državo je močna država.

In kako je država postala "močna" po tem tvojem scenariju, ki se je začel očitno v tržnem kapitalizmu ?

Očitno hočeš rečt, da je nekoč vladal tržni red, potem pa je močna država zjebala vse.

Kako je do nje prišlo na trgu ?

Saj meni je jasno, da je države preveč.

Daleč preveč.

Ampak to še ne pomeni da je močna. Ravno tako kot razširjeno srce ne pomeni močno srce.

Država je narasla ampak nejna vsebina je trhla. Skurbala se je s tržnimi interesi naskrivaj.

Tako firme, ki jo upravljajo kot lutko sploh ne nastopajo transparentno na trgu. Zanje trg ne velja.
On the journey of life, I chose the psycho path.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Brane2 ()

SomethingEls ::

To si v tej temi predvsem ti sam. Vsi ostali smo civilizirani, sam pa si očitno imun na pridobitve civilizacije.

Malo manj sikaj no...

Očitno hočeš rečt, da je nekoč vladal tržni red, potem pa je močna država zjebala vse.

Pretty much...

Kako je do nje prišlo na trgu ? In kako je država postala "močna" po tem tvojem scenariju, ki se je začel očitno v tržnem kapitalizmu ?

Ni se začel v tržnem kapitalizmu. Zmeraj v preteklosti je bila država zelo močna. Potem, ko je bila ustanovljena Amerika, je za nekaj časa izgubila moč... zdej jo pa spet pridobiva. Nevem kaj misliš s "kako je do nje prišlo na trgu"... saj ni prišlo do nje na trgu... pač si je država postopoma pridobivala pooblastila (če ti ni všeč beseda "moč" v tem kontekstu)
Silly Rabbit, Trix are for Kids

jype ::

Urby-Kris> Malo manj sikaj no...

Ne, ne bom. Kar ti praviš je to, da lahko močnejši počne, kar želi. Sicer se poskušaš prepričat, da ni res, da zakone pišejo premožnejši, a dokler eksistenca revnejših ni tako močno ogrožena, da se temu uprejo in pridemo v naslednji cikel socialne izravnave, so premožnejši dovolj močni, da se na državo lahko požvižgajo.

SomethingEls ::

Ne, ne bom. Kar ti praviš je to, da lahko močnejši počne, kar želi. Sicer se poskušaš prepričat, da ni res, da zakone pišejo premožnejši, a dokler eksistenca revnejših ni tako močno ogrožena, da se temu uprejo in pridemo v naslednji cikel socialne izravnave, so premožnejši dovolj močni, da se na državo lahko požvižgajo.

Nevem kaj od tega sem jaz rekel...

Right... in kje vidiš podjetje, ki ima moč brez države i.e. se lahko nanjo požvižga?
Silly Rabbit, Trix are for Kids

Zgodovina sprememb…

SomethingEls ::

Ne, ne bom. Kar ti praviš je to, da lahko močnejši počne, kar želi. Sicer se poskušaš prepričat, da ni res, da zakone pišejo premožnejši, a dokler eksistenca revnejših ni tako močno ogrožena, da se temu uprejo in pridemo v naslednji cikel socialne izravnave, so premožnejši dovolj močni, da se na državo lahko požvižgajo.

Nevem kaj od tega sem jaz rekel...

Right... in kje vidiš podjetje, ki ima moč brez države i.e. se lahko nanjo požvižga?

Silly Rabbit, Trix are for Kids

Zgodovina sprememb…

donfilipo ::


Ultra liberalec zagovarja svobodni del trga (kao, čeravno je tu regulacij več kot kjerkoli drugje in intervencij direkt od davkoplačevalcev v solidarno pomoč:), v primeri z besnimi občani, ki nočejo plačevati pizd iz svojih žepov.

I wonder why?

Nemara je to zato, ker po desni doktrini, je vse kar je gosposko dobro?;((
In times of Universal Deceit, telling the truth
becomes revolutionary act. Orwell

Zgodovina sprememb…

jype ::

Urby-Kris> Right... in kje vidiš podjetje, ki ima moč brez države i.e. se lahko nanjo požvižga?


Ramon dekers ::

dajmo si pogledati dejstva.

Vse banke vodijo židje, vse bonitetne hiše vodijo židje, torej lahko rečemo da so posredno pod kontrolo bank tudi podjetja in ne države. Zakaj? Ker so le te v kurcu, in če hoče podjetje denar mu le tega omogoči sicer država, ampak denar ji da banka + obresti. Vse to plačujemo mi.

Torej dejstva:

J.P. Morgan

Niso Kitajci, Slovenci temveč preprosto židje, ki so vpleteni čisto povsod. Še na konferenci ki je potekala na Jalti, ameriški predsednik ni mogel bre Rockefelerja.

4 leta že traja recesija, Hitler je v 4 letih brezposelnost znižal skoraj na nulo. Bil je edini ki se je lahko kosal z bankirji, edini ki je delal v korist naroda. Torej podajmo še nekaj dejstev:

"From the very outset of his rule, Hitler, whose main short-term goal was the economic revival of Germany with the help of German nationalist bankers and industrialists, won popular support of the nation. Hitler adopted an aggressive full-employment campaign. Between January 1933 and July 1935 the number of employed Germans rose by a half, from 11.7 million to 16.9 million. More than 5 million new jobs paying living wages were created. Unemployment was banished from the German economy and the entire nation was productively engaged in reconstruction. Inflation was brought under control by wage freeze and price control. Besides this, taking into account the lessons learned during 1914-18, Hitler aimed at creating an economy that would be independent from foreign capital and supply, and be well protected from another blockade and economic war. For Germans, all of the above was proof that Hitler was the one who had not only brought Germany out of economic depression but would take it directly to prosperity with new pride. German popular trust in the Fuehrer rose dramatically.

In September 1936, British economist John Maynard Keynes, whose ideas had been credited as behind US president Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal, prepared a preface for the German translation of his book, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money. Addressing a readership of German economists, Keynes wrote: "The theory of aggregate production, which is the point of the following book, nevertheless can be much easier adapted to the conditions of a totalitarian state, than ... under conditions of free competition and a large degree of laissez-faire. This is one of the reasons that [justify] the fact that I call my theory a general theory. Although I have, after all, worked it out with a view to the conditions prevailing in the Anglo-Saxon countries where a large degree of laissez-faire still prevails, nevertheless it remains applicable to situations in which state management is more pronounced." Keynes clearly understood that the greater the degree of state control over any economy, the easier it would be for the government to manage the levers of monetary and fiscal policy to manipulate macroeconomic aggregates of total output, total employment, and the general price and wage levels for purposes of moving the overall economy into directions more to the economic-policy analyst's liking.

The radical Spartacists in Germany regrouped themselves as the Communist Party in 1920. They continued their opposition to the liberal government of the Weimar Republic. From 1923-29, the Communists always obtained about 10% of the seats in the Reichstag. Unlike elitist Italian Fascism, Nazism had a high regard for the German peasant. Unlike Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany, while imposing sweeping government control over all aspects of the economy, was not a corporate state.

In four short years, Hitler's Germany was able to turn a Germany ravaged by defeat in war and left in a state national malaise by the liberal policies of the Weimar Republic, with a bankrupt economy weighted down by heavy foreign war debt and the total unavailability of new foreign capital, into the strongest economy and military power in Europe. How did Germany do it? The centerpiece was Germany's Work Creation Program of 1933-36, which preceded its rearmament program. Neo-liberal economists everywhere seven decades later have yet to acknowledge that employment is all that counts and living wages are the key to national prosperity. Any economic policy that does not lead to full employment is self-deceivingly counterproductive, and any policy that permits international wage arbitrage is treasonous. German economic policies between 1930 and 1932 were brutally deflationary, which showed total indifference to high unemployment, and in 1933 Hitler was elected chancellor out of the socio-economic chaos.

The financing of Nazi economic-recovery programs drew upon sovereign credit creation techniques already experimented prior to Hitler's appointment as chancellor. What changed after 1933 was the government's willingness to create massive short-term sovereign credit and the its firm commitment to retire in full the debt created by that credit. Short-term sovereign credit was important to change the general climate of distrust on government credit. The quick rollover of short-term government notes created popular trust within months in German sovereign credit domestically.

Hitler told German industrialists in May 1933 that economic recovery required action by both the state and the private sector. The government's role was limited to encouraging private-sector investment, mainly through tax incentives. He expressed willingness to provide substantial public funding only for highway projects, not for industry. Investment was unlikely if consumers had no money to spend or were afraid because of job insecurity to spend money to buy products produced, and Hitler understood that workers needed decent income to become healthy consumers. Thus full employment was the kick-start point of the economic cycle. To combat traditional German fear of the social consequences of appearing better off than their neighbors, Nazi propaganda would psychologically stimulate the economy by developing a lust for life among consumers.

Hitler stressed on May 31, 1933, that the Reich budget must be balanced. A balanced budget meant reducing expenditures on social programs, because Hitler intended to reduce business taxes to promote needed private investment. To avoid reducing social programs, a large work program without deficit spending had to be financed outside of the Reich budget. Hitler resorted to "pre-financing" (Vorfinanzierung) by means of "work-creation bills" (Arbeitsbeschaffungswechseln), a classic response of using monetary measures to deal with a fiscal dilemma.

Under the scheme of "pre-financing" with work-creation bills, the Reich Finance Ministry distributed these WCBs (three months, renewable up to five years) to participating credit institutions and public agencies. Contractors and suppliers who required cash to participate in work-creation projects drew bills against the agency ordering the work or the appropriate credit institutions. These credit institutions then accepted (assumed liability for payment of) the bills, which, now treated as commercial paper, could rediscount the bills at the Reichsbank (central bank). The entire process of drawing, accepting and discounting WCBs provided the cash necessary to pay the contractors and suppliers. The experience of successful rollover every three months quickly established credit worthiness. The Reich Treasury undertook to redeem these bills, one-fifth of the total every year, between 1934 and 1938, as the economy and tax receipts recovered. As security for the bills, the Reich Treasury deposited with the credit institutions a corresponding amount of tax vouchers (Steuergutscheine) or other securities. As the Treasury redeemed WCBs, the tax vouchers were to be returned to the Treasury. Hitler increased the money supply in the German economy by creating special money for employment.

In the US Banking Panic of 1907, J P Morgan (1837-1913) did in essence the same thing. He strong-armed US banks to agree to settle accounts among themselves with clearinghouse certificates he issued rather than cash and thus illegally increased the money supply without involving the government, and ended up owning a much larger share of the financial sector paid for with his own paper, ironically with the gratitude of the government. The difference was that the economic benefit went to Morgan personally rather than to the nation as in Nazi Germany and the private money was used to save the banks rather than to save the unemployed.

Nazi economic experts understood that sovereign credit creation for purposes of job creation posed no inflationary threat and that it would be a far more responsible policy than the conservative approach of tax increases and welfare cuts to balance government budgets. The idiotic policy of monetary restraint and social-spending reduction to balance government budgets in order to pay foreign debts is still being advocated by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in debtor nations around the world - except for the United States, the world's largest debtor nation, which uses dollar hegemony as an escape hatch or, more to the point, escape hedge. Redeeming WCBs did burden the 1934-39 Reich budget, but the decline in Reich expenditure for welfare support and other tax subsidies as a result of full employment recovery more than offset the redemption payments. The surplus was then used to reduce public debt and taxes further.

There were legal, political and institutional restrictions unique to Germany on the scope of the Reichsbank that virtually dictated resources to WCBs as a way of putting 6 million unemployed Germans back to work. But the principle of WCBs can be applied to the US or China or any other country today to combat unacceptably high levels of unemployment. Alas, this common-sense approach is faced with firm opposition rationalized by obscure theories of inflation in most countries. The real reason is that the banking sector can reap excess profit by treating high unemployment as an externality in the economy that translates high unemployment and low wages directly into corporate profits. The profit from high unemployment is kept in private hands, while the cost of high unemployment is socialized as government expenditure.

In 1933, Hitler sought to reassure Germany's business leadership that Nazi rule was consistent with the preservation of the free-market system, because he needed the support of the industrialists. He could buy that support by keeping wages down during the recovery, but any rigorous effort to curb prices and profits would alienate the business community and slow down economic recovery. Instead, Hitler sought to restore profitability to German business through reduced unit cost achieved by increasing output and sales volume, rather than through a general increase in prices (Mengenkonjunktur, niche Preiskonjunktur - output boom, not price boom). Adoption of "performance wage" (Leistungslohn - payment on a price-rate basis) increased labor productivity, thereby driving costs down and profit up. Some upward price movements were permitted to adjust price relationships between agricultural and manufactured products and between goods with elastic and inelastic demands, also to prevent price wars and below-cost dumping. These principles of "output boom, not price boom" and "performance wage" could also work in combating inflation today in many economies generally and China specifically.

Hitler saved the German farmers from their heavy debt burden through relief programs and through subsidized farm prices. The stable farm income came at the expenses of the middlemen institutions, but Hitler sustained popular support by the provision of living income to consumers. Had Nazi Germany been a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO), this option would have been foreclosed to it. Hitler sought price stability only in sectors critical to the national economy and to the ultimate goal of rearmament. Germany had no overall price policy until the 1936 Four Year Plan, which concentrated economic authority in the hands of Hermann Goering for war production and put an end to regulated free-market policies.

Business managers generally make investment and employment decisions based on their judgment of the prospect for new orders. The difference between German economic recovery under Hitler and US economic stagnation under Roosevelt in the 1930s was the degree of uncertainty for new orders for goods. Hitler made it clear that after 1936, a major rearmament program would make heavy demand on German durable-goods and capital-goods industries without the need to export. With that assurance, German industry could plan expansion with confidence. Roosevelt was unable to provide such "confidence" to industry and had to rely on anemic market forces until after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii."

vir: Assia times

Pa naj se še kdo vpraša zakaj hudiča je Hitler sovražil žide.


Tako nekako sedijo na nas in nas vlečejo za nos.

Zgodovina sprememb…

jype ::

Antisemitistične blodnje.

Ne drži, da vse banke vodijo židje, niti ne drži, da so židje kakorkoli zavezani kakršnikoli židovski zaroti.

Ramon dekers ::

kdo govori o kakšni zaroti, podatki govorijo sami zase.

Še enkrat Jure ko bodo zgornje osebe v mojem postu, Somalajci, Avstralci....in bodo banke nadzoravane, neodvisne med seboj, takrat bomo lahko govorili da je trg tak kakršen mora biti.

Ne me pa jeb... da je to normalno da banke dajejo kredite državam na podlagi bonitetnih hiš oz njihovih ocen, kjer je sporno to da so iste bonitetne hiše prodajale oz. ocenjevale nepremičninske kredite skuapj z zavarovalnico AIG. In ko je to počilo je prišla kriza. Nevem kaj mi hočeš povedati Jure? da sem antisemit ker podajam dejstva? Oprosti, ampak argamentirana debata ni v stilu ne nimaš prav, si antisemit, to je čista teorija zarote...bla bla bla.

kaj pa po tvoje drži? daj razsetli nas da bomo lažje dojemali kako potekajo zadeve. Kitajska bi bila še danes revna država če ji svetovna banka ne bi odobrila kreditov za izgradnjo infrastrukture, kakšne pogoje pa je zahtevala za to pa ne ve nihče.

Zgodovina sprememb…

jype ::

Ramon dekers> da sem antisemit ker podajam dejstva?

Nobenih dejstev ne podajaš (no, morda sem in tja kakšno vmes), antisemitizem se pa jasno vidi po tem, da potegneš črto in za skupni imenovalec zapišeš ŽIDJE in skleneš, da bi bili svetovni problemi rešeni, če se reč... Pokrajša.

Ramon dekers ::

ja pa povej hudiča kdo vodi banko J.P. Morgan? je to Obama, mogoče ameriško ministrstvo za finance? Sem, samo zapisal da se ve zakaj je Hitler sovražil žide.

Sicer pa kaj je zate dejstvo? Če ne prilagam dejstev je to fikcija, lahko mi pa potem ti poveš kako je delovala nacistična Nemčija pod vodstvom Adolfa Hitlerja? Mogoče imaš ti drugačne podatke za koliko in kako je znižal brezposlenost, zalaufal gospodarstvo, razbremenil državo dolgov...

jype ::

Ramon dekers> ja pa povej hudiča kdo vodi banko J.P. Morgan?

Človek, ki ga lastniki postavijo tja.

Ramon dekers> lahko mi pa potem ti poveš kako je delovala nacistična Nemčija pod vodstvom Adolfa Hitlerja?

Slabo. Kršila je človekove pravice. Če nacistična Nemčija ne bi morila invalidov, kradla političnim nasprotnikov nacističnih oblasti in jih pretepala, bi se težko izdajala za uspešno.

Ramon dekers> Mogoče imaš ti drugačne podatke za koliko in kako je znižal brezposlenost, zalaufal gospodarstvo, razbremenil državo dolgov...

Ja, imam. _Pobil_ in _pokradel_ je večino zasebnega premoženja tistih, ki so uspešno vodili svoja podjetja, preden se je razpasel nacionalsocializem.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: jype ()

#000000 ::

No pa smo spet pri final solution

Ramon dekers ::

"Človek, ki ga lastniki postavijo tja."

tole ni kredibilen odgovor, žal.

"Slabo. Kršila je človekove pravice. Če nacistična Nemčija ne bi morila invalidov, kradla političnim nasprotnikov nacističnih oblasti in jih pretepala, bi se težko izdajala za uspešno."

umori se dogajajo tudi sedaj, pa ne samo invalidov, v Afriki za ohranjanje statusa quo kar otroke, tudi posiljuje se jih IN? S temi dejanji se ne izda nobena država za uspešno, profitirajo pa samo korporacije, ogromno korporacij.

"Ja, imam. _Pobil_ in _pokradel_ je večino zasebnega premoženja tistih, ki so uspešno vodili svoja podjetja, preden se je razpasel nacionalsocializem."

V čem je problem? Pobijemo Hilde, Zidarje, J.P. Morgane in naredimo dražvo takšno kot mora biti - suvereno, ji vrnemo delovna mesta, ponos... Btw. Nemčija je bila na kolenih po prvi svetovni vojni. Malo si poglej kakšno je bilo stanje, tega stanja ne bi rešilo nobeno (uspešno) podjetje.

Zgodovina sprememb…

jype ::

Ramon dekers> tole ni kredibilen odgovor, žal.

Ja kako ni, porkamadona! Kdo pa je na čelu banke, če ne točno človek, ki ga _lastnik, ki ima edini dolžnost in privilegij postavit_, postavi tja?

Ramon dekers> V čem je problem? Pobijemo Hilde, Zidarje, J.P. Morgane in naredimo dražvo takšno kot mora biti - suvereno, ji vrnemo delovna mesta, ponos...


Ramon dekers ::

"Ja kako ni, porkamadona! Kdo pa je na čelu banke, če ne točno človek, ki ga _lastnik, ki ima edini dolžnost in privilegij postavit_, postavi tja?"

no pričakoval sem bolj konkreten odgovor. Ime in priimek, pa da se potem razpravlja dalje...

"Ramon dekers> V čem je problem? Pobijemo Hilde, Zidarje, J.P. Morgane in naredimo dražvo takšno kot mora biti - suvereno, ji vrnemo delovna mesta, ponos..."

Seveda, dali so nam FB, GEY PARADE, TALENTE... odvzeli pa (nam) bodo dostojno življenje, ubili srednji sloj... Torej samo še tepci in njihovi nadrejeni.
No ja mogoče bi ti zgoraj opisane nagradil za njihova uspešna dela. Aja saj so že bili nagrajeni in to s pomočjo države. Res nam gre super.

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