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Prva demonstracija "hladne" fuzije ?

Prva demonstracija "hladne" fuzije ?

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gruntfürmich ::

Okapi je izjavil:

Nastanek zlata v LENR transmutacijah ni nova stvar.
Alkimisti so to počeli že v srednjem veku. In ravno tako niso nikomur zaupali pravega recepta.>:D


ne laži loocasu. se bo fant zasekiral. alkimisti so delali zlato iz svinca, ne volframa.
in se grem stavit da rossi pozna tudi ta recept (ali pa ga bo v kratkem odkril, in bomo potem sami doma v edogu pridelovali zlato z viškom energije iz ecata)
"Namreč, da gre ta družba počasi v norost in da je vse, kar mi gledamo,
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...

Matev ::

in bomo potem sami doma v edogu pridelovali zlato z viškom energije iz ecata)

in ne bo več krize

gruntfürmich ::

kaka kriza?:D
"Namreč, da gre ta družba počasi v norost in da je vse, kar mi gledamo,
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...

zee ::

Mentalna/intelektualna :))
Linux: Be Root, Windows: Re Boot
Giant Amazon and Google Compute Cloud in the Sky.

_Dormage_ ::

Ne vem, če še kdo sledi temu.
Pripravlja se konferenca kjer bo Rossi predstavil E-Cat.
8. September, 2.15 pm E-Cat Technology for Industrial and Home Applications
Live stream naj bi bil tukaj

lonz ::

No, tole si pa bom res ogledal.
...arrrrrr, shiver me timbers...

bluefish ::

Da vidimo. Močno sicer upam, da ne bo prikazana črna škatla kot do sedaj in neke kvazi meritve.

Loocas ::

1. Predstavljen bo neodvisen report (verjetno ne samo en, temveč dva.. iz julija in avgusta) testa hotcata.. torej bistveno naprednejše verzije eCata, ki naj bi delovala s 1200 C (eCat samo pri 110-120 C). Same naprave ne bo na tej konferenci.

to je to:


2. V oktobru se pričakuje še neodvisen test s strani ene ali dveh univerz te verzije eCata.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • zavaroval slike: Gandalfar ()

Lion29 ::

Loocas, full spremljam, sam so se mi zamerli pri defkalionu, da niso meli tiskovke z nedovisnimi reporti avgusta, kot so obljubljali.... s pretvezo, da se selijo v kanado... sem vsaj defkalion imel za bolj zanesljive, čeprav so grki....

bomo pa vidli, kaj bo zdaj rossi izčaral... berem, da gre vse počasi a dokaj gladko naprej, vključno s patentacijo
Founder and CTO @ Article-Factory.ai

Loocas ::

saj.. teh strani, ki to spremljajo je na kupe in ni noben problem bit na tekočem, če imaš 10 minut časa na dan...

jah, Defkalion se je precej ustavil; imajo sicer delujočo LENR napravo, vendar občutne probleme s kontrolo procesa (so recimo eno leto za Rossijem).

Po drugi strani pa je presenetil Celani z demonstracijo na NI weeku v začetku avgusta, poleg tega pa naj bi v mesecu dveh demonstriral LENR napravo z neskončnim COP-om (torej brez dovajanja energije za vzdževanje procesa). Mimogrede, naj bi tudi Rossijev HotCat deloval približno polovico časa brez dovajanja energije (v času dovajanja energije pa s COP=3, torej skupno COP=6).

_Dormage_ ::

Zakaj pa bi blo boljše, da deluje na višji temperaturi?

Lion29 ::

visja temperatura visja konverzija termo energije v električno
Founder and CTO @ Article-Factory.ai

_Dormage_ ::

Da, ampak naslov na konferenci pravi "Home Applications".
1200 stopinj imet doma...
A ni point hladne fuzije, da je "hladna" :))

Truga ::

1200 stopinj je precej hladno za fuzijo..

Lion29 ::

sej fuzija je hladna, končen produkt je ta toplota
Founder and CTO @ Article-Factory.ai

_Dormage_ ::

To pa ima smisel, hvala!

Loocas ::

obstajata najmanj dve verzije Catov:

eCAT: tja do 120C, namen uporabe je predvsem ogrevanje -> ta aparat je v procesu certifikacije. Gre pravzaprav za module, ki so tvorili 1MW elektrarno testirano lani oktobra.

HotCAT: uporaba v industrijske namene, med drugim tudi za pridobivanje električne energije ... najnižja temperatura, ki je še sprejemljiva za ta namen je 400C. Z razvojem naj bi Rossi dosegel temperaturo 1200 C (stabilno). Ta HotCAT naj bi bil testiran s strani profesorjev fizike/kemije ter drugih relevantnih oseb prvič v juliju in drugič v avgustu. Report s teh testov naj bi bil predstavljen konec tega tedna. Temu bo sledil še neodvisen test ene ali dveh univerz, ki naj bi bil predstavljen naslednji mesec, torej oktobra.

Gre za zelo majhno napravo. Za pridobivanje 1MW energije naj ne bi bil več potrebnen prostor enega kontejnerja (test iz oktobra 2011), temveč le prostor velikosti 1.2 x 0.4 metra. LINK

Loocas ::

mimogrede (pravkar prišlo):

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Loocas ()

Zheegec ::

aha, same naprave ne bo, bodo pa "neodvisna" poročila :) dobra, me prav zanima koliko časa bodo še vlekli to stvar dalje.
Stranke, ki ga že imajo so zadovoljne?
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014

PaX_MaN ::

Loocas je izjavil:

to je to:


Loocas je izjavil:

eCAT: tja do 120C, namen uporabe je predvsem ogrevanje -> ta aparat je v procesu certifikacije. Gre pravzaprav za module, ki so tvorili 1MW elektrarno testirano lani oktobra.
HotCAT: uporaba v industrijske namene, med drugim tudi za pridobivanje električne energije ... najnižja temperatura, ki je še sprejemljiva za ta namen je 400C. Z razvojem naj bi Rossi dosegel temperaturo 1200 C (stabilno).

Model je ponovno razvil (električni) kamin?

guest #44 ::

Oh boy! :8)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: guest #44 ()

lonz ::

A je kdo gledal; men žal ni ratal.
...arrrrrr, shiver me timbers...

guest #44 ::

Zdi se mi škoda nabijat view count za take natege.

celada ::

guest #44 je izjavil:

Zdi se mi škoda nabijat view count za take natege.

Kaj si res presenečen, da je to nateg?

nekikr ::

Nekateri še vedno sveto verujejo v to...celo na tem forumu v tej debati...

lonz ::

Tole temo po tihem spremljam, ker je bila ena tema prej (sedaj zaprta) polna beliverjev, ki so uporabljal zelo ostra načela. Pač beliverji. Eden od teh je praktično garantiral, da bo e-cat prišel ven v roku enega leta od predstavitve. Spremlam, čeprav mi je jasno, da ko od zadeve ne bo nič one par let bodo e-catarji tulil da jih je pa naftni lobij torpediral...
...arrrrrr, shiver me timbers...

Zheegec ::

kakšno veliko naftno podjetje bi dalo ves svoj denar za tako stvar, ne pa preprečila.
Sedaj je cel kup podjetij, ki vrtajo in rafinerirajo nafto. Če imaš pa nek čist in učinkovit vir energije, ki ga imaš patentiran samo ti, lahko zavladaš trgu zelo hitro.
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014

nekikr ::

Kakšnih 10 dni nazaj mi je znanec rekel, da je nek tip izumil eno tak stroj, ki da ven veliko več energije, kot je da notri. Ko sem mu povedal, da fizikalno to ni možno je rekel, da sigurno še ne vemo vsega, da pa tega ni na trgu samo zato, ker naftarji to skrivajo. Moj reply je bil točno tak :) Čemu bi imeli stotine vrtin in umazanega dela, če imajo pa lahko en lep strojček...

Valentin ::

nekikr je izjavil:

Kakšnih 10 dni nazaj mi je znanec rekel, da je nek tip izumil eno tak stroj, ki da ven veliko več energije, kot je da notri. Ko sem mu povedal, da fizikalno to ni možno je rekel, da sigurno še ne vemo vsega, da pa tega ni na trgu samo zato, ker naftarji to skrivajo. Moj reply je bil točno tak :) Čemu bi imeli stotine vrtin in umazanega dela, če imajo pa lahko en lep strojček...

Ker ne bi imeli več zaslužka z nafto. Če bi bila energija zastonj, ne bi več rabili nafte spljoh... >:D

Senitel ::

Valentin je izjavil:

Ker ne bi imeli več zaslužka z nafto. Če bi bila energija zastonj, ne bi več rabili nafte spljoh... >:D

Zastonj energija je en tak pojem, ki v omejitvah fizike (to vključje fuzijo in hladno fuzijo ali kakršne koli fantazije se že pojavljajo tu okrog), kot jo poznamo danes, ne bo nikoli izpolnjen. Lahko bo energija cenejša kot danes, zastonj pa ne bo.
Tudi če imaš en tak poceni vir energije (beri cenejši kot nafta) ti to ne pomaga čisto nič, če s tem virom ne moreš poganjat avtomobilov. Imamo komot hidro elektrarne, termo elektrarne, jederske elektrarne ampak nobenega od teh virov ne moreš uporabit za poganjanje svojega štirikolesnika. Kljub napredku baterij, lahko rezervoar še vedno shrani več energije kot paket baterij istega volumna in teže.

That said: če si recimo en zloben Taxaco in imaš cel portfolio patentov za "free energy", si brez problema privoščiš izdelavo nafte iz resource-ov, ki so poceni in energije, ki jo imaš "zastonj". Da narediš en fajn profit moraš samo še odpustit vse une delavce na naftnih ploščadih, da se nehajo za brezveze zafrkavat in neki vrtat v zemljo.
[Sarcasm on]Ampak očitno ta želja po profitu še ni dovolj velika in zlobni naftni lobiji še vedno raje po nepotrebnem plačujejo folk, kot da bi si žepe nabasali do amena.[Sarcasm off]

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Senitel ()

RejZoR ::

Sta itaq samo dva načina. Al neke nove ultra trpežne baterije, ki delujejo praktično ko kondenzator ali pa onboard generator energije kot so npr gorivne celice. To kar imamo trenutno je povsem zgrešen sistem, ki se ne bo nikoli prijel, če ga bojo obdržali v trenutni obliki.

Nekako pa ne vidim hladne fuzije aplicirane v osebnih avtomobilih. Fajn bi sicer bilo, ampak dvomim,d a se bo kaj takega zgodilo.
Angry Sheep Blog @ www.rejzor.com

energetik ::

RejZoR je izjavil:

Nekako pa ne vidim hladne fuzije aplicirane v osebnih avtomobilih. Fajn bi sicer bilo, ampak dvomim,d a se bo kaj takega zgodilo.
Tuki je bolj problem, da ni hladne fuzije kot pa to, kako jo aplicirati v avto.

darkolord ::

Ker ne bi imeli več zaslužka z nafto. Če bi bila energija zastonj, ne bi več rabili nafte spljoh...
Mislil je reči, da če imajo oni tak stroj, zakaj ne bi raje zastonj ustvarjali elektrike in jo prodajali, kakor da se ukvarjajo s kompliciranim (dragim) črpanjem in predelavo nafte.

Zheegec ::

Ker ne bi imeli več zaslužka z nafto. Če bi bila energija zastonj, ne bi več rabili nafte spljoh...

Da, ampak kot rečeno - nafto črpa cel kup podjetij, ki so si konkurenca. Če pa Shell odkupi patent za "hladno fuzijo" pa lahko z njim povozi svojo konkurenco in zavlada trgu proizvodnje energije in postane najbolj vredno podjetje na svetu praktično čez noč.
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014

PaX_MaN ::

Lahko, če se ljudstvo ne spunta in počaka ~20 let da patent poteče.

gruntfürmich ::

sigurno da še ne vemo vsega, to je dejstvo. morda bomo nekoč pridobivali energijo iz vakuma, prepletanja strun, morda vzporednega vesolja, kdo ve... ampak tega sigurno ne bo pogruntal tale monsenjor rossi
"Namreč, da gre ta družba počasi v norost in da je vse, kar mi gledamo,
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...

gruntfürmich ::

sigurno da še ne vemo vsega, to je dejstvo. morda bomo nekoč pridobivali energijo iz vakuma, prepletanja strun, morda vzporednega vesolja, kdo ve... ampak tega sigurno ne bo pogruntal tale monsenjor rossi
"Namreč, da gre ta družba počasi v norost in da je vse, kar mi gledamo,
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...

Vikking ::

Loocas je izjavil:

saj.. teh strani, ki to spremljajo je na kupe in ni noben problem bit na tekočem, če imaš 10 minut časa na dan...

Zgleda da ne pravih strani, stvari glede Rossija in njegovega "natega" potekajo nekako takole, citiram:

• University of Uppsala measured nickel and copper compounds in Rossi-supplied used ECat catalyst. Swedish physics professor Kjell Aleklett stated that copper isotope ratios were found to be the same as in nature and not what would be expected from a fusion reaction. Also, the percentage of copper was too high for any known nickel reaction.

• Kullander and Essen’s trip to witness an ECat demonstration was paid for by Rossi.

• Rossi claims that there is a self-destruct mechanism on the E-cat fusion reactor that prohibits unauthorized inspection of the internals.

• Rossi has five criminal convictions including two jail terms for the ‘sheik of Brianza’. Rossi was a fraud.

• Petroldragon was a failed venture. Despite claims of technology that converted waste to oil, there is no evidence of any oil production.

• Thermoelectric converter technology provided for the U.S. Department of Defense was a failure. Only eight of twenty-seven devices functioned. They produced 1 watt of power versus the 800 to 1000 watts claimed. Later devices produced no more than regular devices commercially available.

• Rossi has a fraudulent degree from fraudulent Kensington University.

• Rossi claims that the ECat is ready for commercialization, yet he appeals to folks to come up with a cold fusion plant design that he will pay for. He wants it to cost around 500 Euros per kW. He needs it in the next two months.

• NASA study shows that steam production from a Rossi demonstration could come from electrical heater input.

• Julian Brown from the European Patent Office was a Rossi supporter. He witnessed an ECat demonstration and concluded that the ECat technology wasn’t real.

• Long-time LENR supporter, and initial Rossi supporter Steven Krivit changes his mind after witnessing an ECat demonstration.

• Rossi says that there are no Ecats except with him. Rossi also says that there are 97 Ecats in continuous operation in 4 countries.

• Rossi says that the ECat operates at about 500 deg.C. Rossi also says that the ECat operates at about 1500 deg. C which is above the melting point of nickel used in his catalyst. He then said the reactor operated at 600 deg. C, 1000 deg. C and 1200 deg. C.

• Rossi calls detractors ‘snakes and clowns’, some paid, with various despicable agendas. He states that he is being blackmailed.

• Rossi has had at least twelve ‘demonstrations’, none of which have credibly demonstrated the ECat technology.

• The latest October 6 ECat demonstration is saddled with extraneous unnecessary equipment (e.g. heat exchanger) that complicate measurements.

• The October ECat demonstration weight measurements were determined by a bathroom digital scale calibrated by two men who knew their weight.

• Rossi’s demonstrations show small temperature differences when a simple reduction in water flow would show large and easily measurable temperatures difference.

• Rossi’s public demonstrations usually have unnecessary phase changes (water to steam) that complicate interpretation.

• Rossi used a relative humidity meter during some demonstrations and erroneously reached steam quality conclusions.

• All of Rossi’s demonstrations are witness tests. Rossi runs them. Guests watch or participate under Rossi’s supervision. There are no known independent third party tests.

• Conclusively validating ECat energy generation is easy, yet Rossi has never allowed it.

• Despite claims of continuous operation for days, weeks and months, actual demonstrations have only lasted for hours.

• The Defkalion partnership with Rossi ended up a fiasco.

• The claimed major American investor and 1 MW demonstration in the United States ended up as a fiasco.

• Rossi claims that he has a fusion reaction but that there is no gamma or neutron radiation found in fusion reactions.

• There are no known ECat collaborators. Close colleague Focardi states that he has no knowledge of key ECat technology. Rossi has made it clear that the ECat is his show and no one else. Rossi also states that in the event of his death, he has organized ECat commercialization to continue.

• Despite claims of huge ECat energy release, even the most optimistic interpretation of demonstration data shows modest energy.

• Rossi states that ECat probably doesn’t work due to cold fusion, but due to weak interactions between nuclei without actual fusion happening. Contradicting this, Rossi states that ECat fuses nickel and hydrogen protons to produce copper.

• Rossi thinks that he can easily send fusion reactors to the United States with no Customs or government issues.

• Rossi’s pretentiously named Journal of Nuclear Physics in reality is his own personal blog. He claims that papers published on his blog are peer-reviewed.

• Despite supposedly being consumed by his ECat work, Rossi spends a lot of time on his blog.

• One of the advisers for the Journal of Nuclear Physics is Michael Melich. Melich styles himself as a covert intelligence agent tasked by the U.S. government to promote and keep an eye on cold fusion.

• Another adviser is Professor George Kelly of the University of New Hampshire. The University does not know of any such professor. There was a Professor George Kelly but he was in the field of Psychology. That Professor George Kelly is dead.

• Rossi’s blog is heavily moderated to screen out posts that ask tough questions.

• With the exception of one Italian patent, Rossi has been unsuccessful getting ECat patents.

• Large heat release from nickel in a hydrogen atmosphere has been known in industry for over 50 years. ‘Anomalous’ heat from nickel/hydrogen reactions was first recorded in 1936.

• Rossi (and Focardi) have been unsuccessful in getting published in mainstream peer-reviewed scientific journals.

• Despite numerous statements of ECat testing at Universities of Uppsala, Stockholm and Bologna, no tests have taken place to date.

• Despite numerous misleading indications, Rossi has no endorsement from the University of Bologna. Endorsements from folks like Focardi and Levi, are personal. The head of the University of Bologna physics department is embarrassed by the things Focardi has said.

• Rossi claims that an ECat installed in 2007 operates 24 hours a day providing heat to the EON factory at via Carlo Ragazzi 18 in Bondeno. EON is owned by Rossi. Rossi also claims he is producing hot water in his home with an ECat. There has been no independent confirmation of either application.

• Despite claims of successful, continuous operation at EON, the ECat did not run in September 2011 in front of NASA and a potential third party investor during a two-day period.

• Rossi says he has received no compensation for his ECat yet AmpEnergo is said to have granted money to Rossi.

• Rossi claims that once he gets proceeds from ECat sales, 50% of the money will be used for expansion and 50% to treat children with cancer. Rossi says he will personally look for families who cannot afford the treatment for their children.

• Rossi claims that his ECat will use Stirling engines to produce electricity despite the fact that the largest known Stirling engine is only 0.75 MW.

• Professor Peter Ekstrom of Lund University calls Rossi’s invention a scam and pseudoscience. His statement is based on the unlikelihood of a chemical reaction being strong enough to break the Coulomb barrier, the lack of gamma radiation, the lack of explanation for the claimed excess energy, the lack of expected radiation after fusing a proton with nickel, the unexplained presence of 11% iron in the spent fuel, and the fact that the 10% copper in the spent fuel had the same isotope ratios as natural copper. He also questioned the steam velocity and the possibility of liquid water in the ECat outlet tube.

• Nuclear chemist Camillo Franchini says that the Energy Catalyst can’t work properly because it doesn’t follow the laws of physics.

• ECat fusion theory is sparse, basically consisting of hydrogen atoms penetrating nickel to produce copper and release energy.

• Rossi was caught on-camera at the electric input controls during a Mats Lewan demonstration.

• The majority of ECat demonstrations only include specifically Rossi invited guests.

• Rossi says he was collaborating with National Instruments. NI said they weren’t.

• Rossi said that the eCat from his end-October 2011 ‘demonstration’ was sold to a secret customer, delivered to U.S. with the installation being supported by Rossi. This eCat hadn’t moved by January, 2012.

• The representative of the ‘secret customer’ who validated Rossi’s eCat in October, 2012 (the infamous NATO colonel), turns out to be an old Rossi crone from the Petroldragon days.

• Rossi’s approach to scamming folks by selling licenses is revealed in Australia.

• Believers tout Kullander as a Rossi supporter. He was supposed to issue isotope analyses in late 2011. We’re still waiting.

• Rossi told Florida authorities that he has no manufacturing facilities in the U.S. He’s publicly stated that he does have manufacturing facilities in the U.S.

• These manufacturing facilities are supposed to be producing a million eCats in 2012. Other than ‘Rossi says’ there is no evidence of production anywhere.

• Rossi touts having a working relationship with Siemens. Siemens says nothing.

• In summer of 2012, the University of Bologna again denies working with Rossi, contrary to Rossi’s claims.

lonz ::

nuff said
...arrrrrr, shiver me timbers...

andromedar ::

iz e-catworld.com:

...glede hot-cat zadeve:

Dear Dr Joseph Fine:

You are perfectly right: in fact we are designing the new 1 MW plants, for hot temperature, and the dimensions will be those of a cylinder with a diameter of 1.2 m and a lencth od 0.4 m.
Is shocking, I myself are surprised, but it is so.

Warmest Regards,

Nekak mi te dimenzije, ki jih navaja Rossi nikakor ne gredo skupaj s slikami, ki jih je objavil...

Torej cilinder s premerom 1.2 metra in dolžino 40 cm. Says Andrea Rossi :) Is shocking, he himself are surprised, but it is so :))

Mogoče tip ni glup, mogoče je samo skrajno nesposoben...

Senitel ::

A si ti resen? Tipu je ratal dobit cel kup fanatičnih privržencev, ki so na lepe besede pripravljeni vržt fiziko pod vlak. Ratal mu je izvlečt bog ve kolk € od raznih investitorjev (pa sploh ne išče € >:D). Vplest mu je ratal celo organizacijo kot je NASA in dobit podporo vsaj od enega njihovega zelo visoko rangiranega človeka pred kamero. Kaj je pa tebi uspelo?
Oh ne, on ni niti slučajno glup, še manj pa nesposoben. Samo njegov end-game se ne konča z ecat-om namesto centralne v tvoji kurilnici.

guest #44 ::

Senitel je izjavil:

A si ti resen? Tipu je ratal dobit cel kup fanatičnih privržencev, ki so na lepe besede pripravljeni vržt fiziko pod vlak. Ratal mu je izvlečt bog ve kolk € od raznih investitorjev (pa sploh ne išče € >:D). Vplest mu je ratal celo organizacijo kot je NASA in dobit podporo vsaj od enega njihovega zelo visoko rangiranega človeka pred kamero. Kaj je pa tebi uspelo?
Oh ne, on ni niti slučajno glup, še manj pa nesposoben. Samo njegov end-game se ne konča z ecat-om namesto centralne v tvoji kurilnici.

Ture, but he's still a fake!

Lion29 ::

Founder and CTO @ Article-Factory.ai

Okapi ::

Siemens seveda nič ne ve o tem.:))


Lion29 ::

res? nisem zasledil...

sem pa zaseldil tukaj, kjer je povzetek novic, da naj bi rossi posredoval nek dokument za certifikacijo.... za katerega naj na tisti ustanovi nebi vedeli nic...

castna, da ne vme, kaj naj si mislim o tem papku
Founder and CTO @ Article-Factory.ai

Vikking ::

Še ena novička:

"Swedish investment in E-cat halted after test"

Izvorna novica: http://www.nyteknik.se/nyheter/energi_m...

"A group of Swedish private individuals since the summer preparing an investment in the controversial energy invention E-cat. Now halted investment because the technology did not work in a test last week.
no heat energy is found beyond the input electrical power.
Investor Group had instructed the SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden , to monitor the measurement, and the researchers who attended measuring an input electrical power that was two to three times higher than Rossi himself measured. The measurement used the SP called True RMS instruments."

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Vikking ()

Okapi ::

Sigurno zarota naftnih družb.;)

SplitCookie ::

Zarota fizikov in matematikov !
SplitCookie> Prevoziš RDEČO ! jype> Ja? A to je kaj posebnega?
Ramon dekers> Ječa je lahko naravno okolje potem ko se adaptiraš.
jype> CPP ne spoštujem _NIKOLI_

Matev ::

mogoče se pa rosi zaveda da bi mu izum prinesel zgolj nesramno veliko denarja in slave

pa zato ne želi tega

ker ve da denar pokvari človeka

gruntfürmich ::

morda pa rozi ve, da človeštvo še ni zrelo za ta korak; namreč za brezplačno in večno energijo.
samo dobro nam hoče, v obeh primerih!
"Namreč, da gre ta družba počasi v norost in da je vse, kar mi gledamo,
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...

Zgodovina sprememb…

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OKAPI JE CAR (strani: 1 2 )

Oddelek: Loža
5211936 (7838) celebro

Avto na vodo

Oddelek: Znanost in tehnologija
359550 (8228) Spajky

Nove superbaterije - tokat iz Slovenije (strani: 1 2 )

Oddelek: Elektrotehnika in elektronika
7014864 (12545) kronik

Nova neumnost

Oddelek: Loža
266364 (5010) marvin42

Delujoč reaktor hladne fuzije kmalu v vsakem domu! (strani: 1 2 3 428 29 30 31 )

Oddelek: Loža
1510172403 (133823) Gandalfar

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