Forum » Loža » Prodajam Renault Megane l 2003 in dobim zanimivo ponudbo
Prodajam Renault Megane l 2003 in dobim zanimivo ponudbo

Go-ahead ::
Dear Seller, I am very glad to receive the information of your Vehicle and I will buy your car at your giving price, but i will like to confide in you as regards to a business proposal i would want us to work together like blood relations. I am a war veteran with the United Nations troop in Afghanistan, on war against terrorism. I served in the 1st Armored Division in Kabul. Based on the United States legislative and executive decision for withdrawing troops from Afghanistan come next year, I have been redeployed to come and work in your country on the platform of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) soon. Our mission is to help beef up terrorist targeted states, mostly the United States and the European Union on the war against terrorism. I will need a Vehicle for myself and to SET UP CONSTRUCTION COMPANY AND OTHER INVESTMENT and that is why I contacted you. On the other hand, i would like to inform you that i have in my possession the sum of 16.2 million U.S. dollars. Which i made from crude oil here in Afghanistan. I deposited this money with a Red Cross agent informing him that we will contact the real owner of the money. It is under my power to approve who is eligible for this money. I would invest the money in your country as soon as you agree to keep this fund safe in your country for business and other investment purposes through you, but you will advise me on that because i am not a business culture person. I can not move this money into the United States, because i will be in your country for about 4 years, so i need someone i could trust. If you accept, I will move the fund to Europe, where you will be the beneficiary, because i am a uniformed person and i can not parade such an amount, so i need to present someone as the recipient. Im an American and an officer for intelligence, that i have a 100% authentic means of transferring the money through diplomatic courier Service. I just need your acceptance, and everything is done. Please, if you are interested in this transaction, i give you the complete details you need for us to implement this transaction successfully. I decided to contact someone i could trust and real and not imaginary, and that is why i went to a safe place in the car web i can be sure that the person is real. I think i can trust you, where we are now we can only communicate through our military facilities, communication is secured, so nobody can monitor our e-mails, then i can explain in details to you. I will only reach you by e-mail, because our Calls might be monitored, i have to be sure, i have to deal with someone i could trust. If you are interested, please send me your personal mobile number so that the diplomat in London UK can call you for inquiries and how to bring the box that contain my money to you. If you are not interested, do not respond to this e-mail and delete this Message if no response after 3 days, i will then search for someone else. I wait for your contact information details, so that we can go on. In less than 4 days the box should be in your possession, and i will come for my money. I will give you 30% of the total and 70% for me. I hope i have been fair to this deal. Get back to me with your full information: Your full name ........................... Your full address ....................... Your direct phone number ......... Regards, Ctp Mark Woroby
Dear Seller, I am very glad to receive the information of your Vehicle and I will buy your car at your giving price, but i will like to confide in you as regards to a business proposal i would want us to work together like blood relations. I am a war veteran with the United Nations troop in Afghanistan, on war against terrorism. I served in the 1st Armored Division in Kabul. Based on the United States legislative and executive decision for withdrawing troops from Afghanistan come next year, I have been redeployed to come and work in your country on the platform of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) soon. Our mission is to help beef up terrorist targeted states, mostly the United States and the European Union on the war against terrorism. I will need a Vehicle for myself and to SET UP CONSTRUCTION COMPANY AND OTHER INVESTMENT and that is why I contacted you. On the other hand, i would like to inform you that i have in my possession the sum of 16.2 million U.S. dollars. Which i made from crude oil here in Afghanistan. I deposited this money with a Red Cross agent informing him that we will contact the real owner of the money. It is under my power to approve who is eligible for this money. I would invest the money in your country as soon as you agree to keep this fund safe in your country for business and other investment purposes through you, but you will advise me on that because i am not a business culture person. I can not move this money into the United States, because i will be in your country for about 4 years, so i need someone i could trust. If you accept, I will move the fund to Europe, where you will be the beneficiary, because i am a uniformed person and i can not parade such an amount, so i need to present someone as the recipient. Im an American and an officer for intelligence, that i have a 100% authentic means of transferring the money through diplomatic courier Service. I just need your acceptance, and everything is done. Please, if you are interested in this transaction, i give you the complete details you need for us to implement this transaction successfully. I decided to contact someone i could trust and real and not imaginary, and that is why i went to a safe place in the car web i can be sure that the person is real. I think i can trust you, where we are now we can only communicate through our military facilities, communication is secured, so nobody can monitor our e-mails, then i can explain in details to you. I will only reach you by e-mail, because our Calls might be monitored, i have to be sure, i have to deal with someone i could trust. If you are interested, please send me your personal mobile number so that the diplomat in London UK can call you for inquiries and how to bring the box that contain my money to you. If you are not interested, do not respond to this e-mail and delete this Message if no response after 3 days, i will then search for someone else. I wait for your contact information details, so that we can go on. In less than 4 days the box should be in your possession, and i will come for my money. I will give you 30% of the total and 70% for me. I hope i have been fair to this deal. Get back to me with your full information: Your full name ........................... Your full address ....................... Your direct phone number ......... Regards, Ctp Mark Woroby
- spremenilo: Go-ahead ()

5er--> ::
Nisem niti prebral celega, pa ti lahko povem da je nateg. (PS: pred kakšnim mesecem je bil na tem forumu še en uporabnik, ki je dobil "isto" ponudbo.)

Go-ahead ::
Pa še en kupec
i am interested in buying your Vehicle ,so what is the last price? you can contact me via email Thanks captain Von Bushcurve
OBISKOVALEC: captain Von Bushcurve
Datum komentarja: 13.12.2010 15:02:13
IP uporabnika:
i am interested in buying your Vehicle ,so what is the last price? you can contact me via email Thanks captain Von Bushcurve
OBISKOVALEC: captain Von Bushcurve
Datum komentarja: 13.12.2010 15:02:13
IP uporabnika:

Go-ahead ::
OBISKOVALEC: Captain Woroby Mark.
TELEFON: 206-309-4275
Datum komentarja: 14.12.2010 4:51:51
IP uporabnika:
Dodatni podatki za prvega ponudnika
TELEFON: 206-309-4275
Datum komentarja: 14.12.2010 4:51:51
IP uporabnika:
Dodatni podatki za prvega ponudnika

SleepLess ::
Meni pa ni jasno kaj si bodo pomagali s številko mobilnega telefona? Klici iz drugih držav na tvoj račun? Oziroma kakšne so sploh možnosti zlorabe če nekdo pozna tvojo tel. številko ?

bdoxx ::
so lahko kar velike . ., par mescov nazj je bilo par situacij, če si se javo na neko številko iz tujine, pol ni šlo prekinit oz neke podobniga oz ti je ful impulzov nabilo . .

Keyser Soze ::
so lahko kar velike . ., par mescov nazj je bilo par situacij, če si se javo na neko številko iz tujine, pol ni šlo prekinit oz neke podobniga oz ti je ful impulzov nabilo . .
Nau držal Franci.
OM, F, G!

djordjevic ::
so lahko kar velike . ., par mescov nazj je bilo par situacij, če si se javo na neko številko iz tujine, pol ni šlo prekinit oz neke podobniga oz ti je ful impulzov nabilo . .
Urbana legenda.
No grave is deep enough to keep us in chains.

Keyser Soze ::
Če veš da se moti, potem napiši tudi kaj je bilo res.
Klic lahko BP prekineš.
Če pa naskrivaj kličeš 090 hotline, je pa takšnale bajka dober izgovor pred neučenimi starši.
OM, F, G!

IceIceBaby ::
Ne dela. Preverjeno. Če te kličejo iz nigerije in vzameš ven baterijo in SIM kartico telefon še vedno naprej dela.
True story!
True story!

IceIceBaby je izjavil:
Ne dela. Preverjeno. Če te kličejo iz nigerije in vzameš ven baterijo in SIM kartico telefon še vedno naprej dela.
True story!
Tole bo v naslednji novici za novo super duper baterijo^^

bdoxx ::
djordjevic je izjavil:
so lahko kar velike . ., par mescov nazj je bilo par situacij, če si se javo na neko številko iz tujine, pol ni šlo prekinit oz neke podobniga oz ti je ful impulzov nabilo . .
Urbana legenda.
nakaj je blo govora - verjetno prenapihnjena zadeva :D ?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: bdoxx ()

IceIceBaby ::
Še svojega linka ne prebereš do konca :)
V elektronskem sporočilu je veliko ljudi prejelo opozorilo o telefonski prevari. Uporabnik prejme neodgovorjeni klic številke iz tujine. Z vrnitvijo klica pa lahko strošek telefoniranja znese tudi 2000 evrov.

bdoxx ::
sam poguglal na hitro nisem niti prečital ne zdaj ne pred mesci :D, vem samo da se je govorilo otem

T-h-o-r ::
IceIceBaby je izjavil:
Ne dela. Preverjeno. Če te kličejo iz nigerije in vzameš ven baterijo in SIM kartico telefon še vedno naprej dela.
True story!
tell more
jaz bi tudi super telefon, ki dela brez baterije

Why have a civilization anymore
if we no longer are interested in being civilized?
if we no longer are interested in being civilized?

amigo_no1 ::
Seveda, energijo za delovanje dobiva iz devete dimenzije.
Drug takšen telefon ima Chuck Norris
Drug takšen telefon ima Chuck Norris

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: amigo_no1 ()

flood ::
no s to temo razen tega, da si delaš reklamo za avto kaj si še hotu doseči?
Asus A7N8X-X, Athlon xp 2700+, Radeon 9550 Gt, 1Gb ram, 120Gb Hitachi,...
laptop: i3-330m, ati 5650, 4gb ddr3, 500Gb,...
laptop: i3-330m, ati 5650, 4gb ddr3, 500Gb,...

koyotee ::
kdo pa še kupuje renoje xD
Rear DVD collector!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!

Go-ahead ::

sandmat ::
dej mu ti en business proposal, pa mu ponudi snemanje audio knjig. sm nekje zasledil na netu eno hudo dolgo zgodbo, kako so enga nigerijca nategnil, a se slučajno kdo linka spomni?

vorantz ::
Ne najdem točnega linka do unega (je res epic za brat :D) sam maš kup teh strani, ko nazaj nategujejo nigerijce

iggy ::
na moj spamerski email:
bom z veseljem poročal o dogajanju :D
bom z veseljem poročal o dogajanju :D
Hey, you're fat!

T0RN4D0 :: :)
Ne vem kaj je tako zanimivega na teh mailih, vsak dan je nekdo fasciniran nad njimi.
Ne vem kaj je tako zanimivega na teh mailih, vsak dan je nekdo fasciniran nad njimi.
(\__/) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny
(='.'=) into your signature to help him gain
(")_(") world domination.
(='.'=) into your signature to help him gain
(")_(") world domination.

koro13 ::
Men so hotl da jim v Nigerijo pošlem telefon, ko sm mel oglas ba bolhi :)
Neka Mary Ann kao, pa sm se tak režao zraun z njeno angleščino, hahaha ;)
Neka Mary Ann kao, pa sm se tak režao zraun z njeno angleščino, hahaha ;)

Go-ahead ::
na moj spamerski email:
bom z veseljem poročal o dogajanju :D
Pravkar sem mu poslal tvoj e-mail, na katerem se lahko dogovarjaš za posel. Obvezno poročaj o dogajanju.
Milijone $$$$ pa deliva v razmerju 80 % meni ostalo je tvoje.

bender rodri ::
Men so hotl da jim v Nigerijo pošlem telefon, ko sm mel oglas ba bolhi :)
Neka Mary Ann kao, pa sm se tak režao zraun z njeno angleščino, hahaha ;)
Forum se bo pa tebi "režao" s tvojo slovenščino!

Glede strani - zanimivo, mogoče še sam pričnem sodelovati

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: bender rodri ()
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
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» | Nigerijci odgovorni za še eno življenjeOddelek: Novice / Zasebnost | 5061 (3852) | Oxford |
» | Mednarodna prodaja!Oddelek: Loža | 5209 (4562) | razzor |