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OGLoc ::

Mene zanima Risc cevovodi imajo 5 stopenjski pipeline, kakšnega pa imajo x86? (pač procesorji od intela in AMD)

Dr_M ::

It’s been a little over two years since Intel introduced the world to their first Core 2 processors utilizing their next-generation Conroe microarchitecture. Based somewhat off their Pentium M “Yonah” CPU core, Conroe restored Intel’s leadership position in CPUs. The chip boasted a wider execution core, allowing the processor to complete up to four full instructions simultaneously, along with a more efficient 14-stage pipeline improving IPC (instructions per clock) in comparison to Pentium 4/D. If you recall, this was one of the chief weaknesses in Core 2’s predecessor, Pentium 4/D. Pentium 4 processors sacrificed the amount of work performed per clock in exchange for more pipeline stages, 31 in the case of latter Pentium D processors. Essentially Intel made a conscious decision to sacrifice IPC in exchange for higher clock speeds. Ultimately this decision came back to haunt them when Pentium 4/D had trouble scaling to higher clock speeds of 4GHz and beyond.

To mislis?
Ponavadi 10-14.
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

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