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Nova anketa: letošnja nadgradnja strojne opreme


kuglvinkl ::

Če smo že ravno pri pocenitvah, dan po predstavitvi Conrojev, bo AMD spet znižal cene. klik.

itak37 ::

:D :D :D AMD Athlon 64 X2 will receive price cuts up to 50%:D :D :D

amigo_no1 ::

Amd Thunderbird @ 1Ghz mi popolnoma zadošča , samo še 256 sdrama morem kupiti 8-O pol pa bo :)

Že nekaj časa ne kupujem novih stvari iz trgovih, ampak počakam da cena malo pade (čez 3 let bo itaq vse kar je danes po 55Ksit po 10 Ksit >:D ) Je pa fino videti da cene padajo :D

zee ::

@dr.J: malo vranico (še iščem najbolj primerno ime za te dve kišti):D
Linux: Be Root, Windows: Re Boot
Giant Amazon and Google Compute Cloud in the Sky.

celada ::

Če smo že ravno pri pocenitvah, dan po predstavitvi Conrojev, bo AMD spet znižal cene. klik.

Preprosto mam rd cenovne vojne :D

nastyboy ::

Na hrvaškem so cene še nižje, glede na to da je izven EU, in dobiš DDV povrnjen,
Razlike so kar velike AMD 3800 X2 pri nam 75000, na hr. pa 60000 (brez DDVa)
Seveda je treba pol to robo prešvercat, pa mogoč še nazaj it po to razliko (DDV) čeprav so to včasih tut na meji izplačevali.

Razmislite o tem če greste letovat na Hrvaško.

PS. pa to je šele procesor, kje je pol šele plata, pa ram, grafična....
Za bolj low budget procesorje, pa ne vem če se splača v isti meri...

Včasih v Avstrijo, zdej na Hrvaško

Poguglajte pa sami.. :)



7900GT za ene 50k >:D

ombre ::

Letos sem že posodobil mašino (dodaten disk, nov procesor, grafa + plata)
Mogoče pa dam še kako grafo z AGP not (bolšo od 6800)
OmbreMan - Galaxy of knowledge

Azrael ::

Verjetno ne bom nič posodabljal, razen če kje staknem kakšnega poceni Tualatina. BX je zakon.
Nekoč je bil Slo-tech.

opeter ::

Ja, Intel 440BX chipset je res zakon. Ampak, čakaj, a BX res podpira Tualatin? Ker jaz sem svojega Tualatina 1,2 GHz uporabljal na Via Apollo Pro 133T chipsetu. :8)
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) -> http://tinyurl.com/na7r54l
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
RTVSLO: http://tinyurl.com/74r9n7j

Azrael ::

Off topic:


Uradno BX ne podpira Tualatin jedra, neuradno pa deluje odlično, ampak je potrebna majhna modifikacija. Tudi na tem forumu ni malo zadovoljnih uporabnikov s takim compom. Uporabi funkcijo iskanje z besedami Tualatin, Tulac in podobno.
Nekoč je bil Slo-tech.

Pyr0Beast ::

Kaj? Posodobil?
Ne, vse bom prodal, ja to bo to :)
Pa se gremo s eno 486 s 640k rama furat dalje
Some nanoparticles are more equal than others

Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place

Spock83 ::

Jaz bom nadragdil svoj mini serverček iz P3 900mhz na kakšnega najcenejšega dual core + plošča + ram.

Barton 3200+, 1,5 GB rama in Geforce 6800 LE bo še nekaj časa zadostoval.

Jst ::


Ali pa računalnik, v katerem bo Cell procesor (ali pa dva). (vsaj mislim, da se bo tudi to dalo dobiti - pa ne mislim ps3)

Od kdaj je Cell x86 compatible? Kakor vem ni torej ne bo delal noben program (razen v emulaciji - POČASNOOOOOOOOO) itak pa ni nobenega OSa zanj. Okej, Linux bo za Cell v roku enega meseca če bo zadeva izšla. Bottom line? Pozabi na Cell v desktopu.

Kdo je pa rekel, da rabim x86 arhitekturo? V kolikor sem seznanjen, bodo programi namenjeni za osX tekli normalno na Cell-u. (PPE - PowerPC with AltiVec). Stvar programerja (mene:) je pa, koliko bom lahko izkoristil vektorske enote (SPE).
Islam is not about "I'm right, you're wrong," but "I'm right, you're dead!"
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|

PrimozR ::

Čaki, dons k je like 90% računalnikov doma x86, ti NE BI mel x86? Torej boš odpisal Windows in Linux (kot rečeno, ta se bo kmalu portal). Glede OS Xa, misliš Xbox? Xbox uporablaj PPC procesorje, Cell !!!= PowerPC.

Jst ::

PIPI, take it easy.

Tu imaš eno dokaj zabavno-tehnično povezavo.


The Power Processor Element (PPE)

The PPE is a conventional microprocessor core which sets up tasks for the SPEs to do. In a Cell based system the PPE will run the operating system and most of the applications but compute intensive parts of the OS and applications will be offloaded to the SPEs.

As an example lets say I was running an audio synthesiser application. The OS and most of the application would run on the PPE but the highly intensive audio generation and processing would be off-loaded to the SPEs.

The PPE is a 64 bit, "Power Architecture" processor with 512K cache. Power Architecture is a catch all term IBM have been using for a while to describe both PowerPC and POWER processors. This type of microprocessor is not used in PCs but compatible processors are found in Apple Macintosh systems. The PPE is capable of running POWER or PowerPC binaries.

While the PPE uses the PowerPC instruction set, it is not based on an existing design on the market today. That is to say, it is NOT based on the existing 970 / G5 or POWER processors. It is a completely different architecture so clock speed comparisons are completely meaningless.

The PPE is a dual issue, dual threaded, in-order processor. Unlike many modern processors the hardware architecture is an “old style” RISC design, i.e. the PPE has a relatively simple architecture. Most modern microprocessors devote a large amount of silicon to executing as many instructions as possible at once by executing them "out-of-order" (OOO). This type of design is widely used but it requiring hefty amounts of additional circuitry and consumes large amounts of power. With the PPE, IBM have not done this and have instead gone with a much simpler design which uses considerably less power than other PowerPC devices - even at higher clock rates.

This design will however have the downside of potentially having rather erratic performance on branch laden applications. Such a simple CPU needs the compiler to do a lot of the scheduling work that hardware usually does so a good compiler will be essential. That said, the Cell's high bandwidth memory and I/O subsystems and the PPE's high clock speed and dual threading capability may well make up for these potential performance deficiencies.

Some of the technology in the PPE has been derived from IBM's high end POWER series of CPUs, Like POWER5 the PPE has the ability to run 2 threads simultaneously. When one thread is stalled and is waiting for data the second thread can issue instructions keeping the instruction units busy. IBM's hypervisor technology [Hyper] is also used allowing the Cell to run multiple operating systems simultaneously. According to IBM the Cell can run a normal OS alongside a real time OS with both functioning correctly.

Another interesting point about the PPE is that it includes support for the VMX vector instructions, (also known as "AltiVec" or "Velocity Engine"). VMX can speed up anything from financial calculations to operating system functions though it (or its PC equivalents) don't appear to be that widely used currently. One company which does use VMX extensively is Apple who use it to accelerate functions in OS X, it would not have been a huge job for Apple to utilise the PPE in the Cell.

A lesser known feature which appears to be present is memory tags required by some of IBM's "big iron" operating systems. I don’t know the purpose of these tags (they are optional in power architecture) but the Cell is said to be capable of running OS/400 [The400] and this requires them. It is not confirmed these are present but if so it looks like IBM could have some interesting plans for the Cell which involve rather more than gaming... IBM’s Unix variant, AIX is also said to be running on Cell. (Note: none of this is confirmed).

The PPE is an interesting processor and it looks likely that similar cores will turn up in systems other than the Cell. The CPU cores used in the XBox360 while different, appear to be derived from the same original design.

As mentioned above the PPE has been simplified compared to other desktop processors, I discuss the reasons behind this and their implications in part 4.

A 4GHz PowerPC sounds like a pretty potent processor until you realise that the PPEs are really just used as controllers in the Cell - the real action is in the SPEs:


Kaj bolj jasno? Pa ne, jaz to ne bi rabil za Word, pa UT2004 laufat. :)
Islam is not about "I'm right, you're wrong," but "I'm right, you're dead!"
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|

PrimozR ::

Hm... Se oproščam za napad, to se zgodi če en mulc misli da nekaj ve v bistvu pa ne... Če želiš opravljati precej specifična dela, bolj mogoče. A za preboj na desktop še vedno ne vidim šans. x86 je preveč razširjen... Kot primer lahko dam Itanium procesorje, popolen polom.

Jst ::

> to se zgodi če en mulc misli da nekaj ve v bistvu pa ne

A me imaš za mulca, ki "misli, da nekaj ve?"

Jaz rabim to za eno čisto specifično nalogo in me sploh ne zanima x86 združljivost - OS Windows, Office...

Cell je, po njihovem PR, sposoben predvajati okoli 40 HD kanalov naenkrat. P4 3.0 je pa sposoben samo enega. Vektorsko procesiranje - PPE - v Cell-u.
Islam is not about "I'm right, you're wrong," but "I'm right, you're dead!"
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|

PrimozR ::

Mislu sem sebe.

Vredno ogleda ...

TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

se splača am2????

Oddelek: Kaj kupiti
232283 (1584) kuglvinkl

Nova anketa: količina delovnega pomnilnika (RAM-a) v vašem primarnem računalniku

Oddelek: Novice / Ankete
404121 (2626) MrStein

Google se je odločil za AMD

Oddelek: Novice / Procesorji
285563 (3379) zigi

AMD zvišuje cene (strani: 1 2 )

Oddelek: Novice / Procesorji
569094 (7320) Meamoto

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