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Google Chrome

Google Chrome

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rok_p ::


Matek ::

cool da so naredli to. Skoda le da ni officalno. Kaj flash se da instalirat v protable brez admin pribiliegij, ker ce ne ni razlike med portable oz je pointless?
Ni pointless, point je v tem, da je portable, za razliko od navadne verzije.
Bolje ispasti glup nego iz aviona.

taryka ::

jaz bi pa vprašala kako si shraniš v chromu nov zaznamek?

c00L3r ::

jaz bi pa vprašala kako si shraniš v chromu nov zaznamek?

V naslovni vrstici pred naslovom je zvezdica. S tem dodaš zaznamek.

trnvpeti ::

pa se je tudi firefox malo premaknil proti chrome

Tr0n ::

Info od enega izmed developerjev Chrome browserja.
Latest Chromium/Google Chrome news.

We're working on our next Dev channel update. (The Dev channel is a way you can keep using Google Chrome and get autoupdates, but be on something very close to our current trunk. We really want more people on it, so if you're interested, visit http://dev.chromium.org/getting-involve... to find out more.) We're hoping will go out starting tonight or tomorrow, pending some testing.

The main cool stuff about this version is that it fixes a lot of plugin problems, like Flash eating 100% of your CPU, embedded videos not playing, or really bad page-scrolling performance on pages with plugins. If you were having plugin issues, hopefully this update will make them better.

Of course there are other changes too. And if you haven't changed to the dev channel yet, you should note that past builds fixed things like the "can't scroll up on my laptop" bug, problems with Google Spreadsheets and Facebook, and lots of other high-profile complaints.

For those curious about our trunk development, last night we landed a huge change that brings us forward from the WebKit version that was used for Safari 3.1 (roughly February timeframe) to a WebKit of about a month ago. Getting seven months or so of WebKit changes means things like our Acid3 score jumped from 79 to 97, middle-mouse autoscroll (a much-requested feature!), parallel script loading for speedier web page loading, and many more. Of course, we also managed to regress our performance and memory usage a bunch and break a lot of our tests, so we'll have to fix those :(

For those interested in communications between Chromium and Google (especially the tinfoil hat crowd), we made a blog post last night with (I hope) more than you ever wanted to know about everything that happens. See http://blog.chromium.org/2008/10/google... . There are lots of conspiracy theories around but really the team here is trying to do right by users and doesn't want to hide anything, so hopefully this is helpful info.

Preemptive FAQ: Mac/Linux are still a ways off, extensions are even further off.

Pinturicchio ::

A mi lahko kdo pove kako se uvozi certifikat (npr. od klika) v google chrome? Nikjer ne najdem možnosti za uvoza certifikatov.

moowy123 ::

Kar se tiče importa ni problema ker zazna podobno kot explorer certifikate ... bolj je problem ker ne zna delati z njimi na primeren način in zato stvar ne deluje.

Tr0n ::

Chrome se ne podpira klient certifikate. Baje pride kmalu.

WamPIRe- ::

Mi lahko nekdo pove kako izklopiti opozorilo "Are you sure you want to send a form again? ...." pri pošiljanju forme še 1x (pri browser igri, ko pošiljam napade in mi tako ne bi bilo treba potrjevati klika "BACK" v Safariju). Upam da razumete kaj želim ;)

Volk| ::

Mogoce kdo ve kako lahko v Chromu odpres priponko, ne pa da moras shranit pa pol odpret...
Da ne bom odkrival tople vode
Izobražen je tisti človek, ki ve, kje bo našel tisto, česar ne ve.

Tr0n ::

V vsakem primeru se shrani in potem odpre. Pac kliknes spodaj v download baru in se ti bo, ko se bo downloadala, sama odprla.

Volk| ::

Ja, to sem opazil, samo sem mislil da je tako "fansy" kot Firefox :)
Izobražen je tisti človek, ki ve, kje bo našel tisto, česar ne ve.

Tr0n ::

Nic ni kaj fansy. Pac se shrani v nek temp ali vnaprej dolocen folder in se potem samo odpre, kar pa ni ravno najbolj varno.

Tr0n ::

100% Acid3 @ Chrome (Official Build 20299)

Pesimist ::

Zakaj mi na Win7 vsakic ko ga pozenem po daljsem casu neuporabe zacne iskat proxy nastavitve. To je zelo motece in ce nebo slo odpravit leti z brco v rit dol, namrec kaj mi pomaga najhitrejsi start ce isce potem samega sebe.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pesimist ()

@nny ::

Je že možno v Chrome uvoziti digitalni certifikat in kako?
Ali bo ta opcija popolnoma odpadla? :|

DMouse ::

Chrome uporablja sistemske digitalne certifikate oz. tiste, ki so nameščeni v Internet Explorer. Dela, brez problemov.

@nny ::

Se pravi, da moram imeti naložen tudi IE ali FF?

Tr0n ::

Ne. :)

Google Options / Under the Bonnet / Manage Certificates / Import...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Tr0n ()

@nny ::

Tr0n je izjavil:

Ne. :)

Google Options / Under the Bonnet / Manage Certificates / Import...

Ahem, Linux!
NOTE: SSL client authentication with personal certificates does not work completely in Linux, see issue 16830 and issue 25241.

P.S. Google Chromium/Options/Under the Hood/Manage Certificats... tako pa bo.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenila: @nny ()

Tr0n ::

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