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Nehalem- preliminarni testi...

Nehalem- preliminarni testi...

Brane2 ::

Na Hexus.net pravijo, da so se imeli priložnost na kratko poigrati z Nehalemom. Dali so skozi nekaj iger in sintetičnih testov, kjer je Intel tradicionalno močan in so bili visoki scorei pričakovani, pa vendar so rezultati videti zelo dobri.

Sicer pa KLIK
On the journey of life, I chose the psycho path.

DJ MartiNi ::

AMD bo zopet moral imeti ugodno cenovno politiko, če bo hotel kaj prodati, kajti tale Nehalem je precej močna zadeva. Z najbrž temu ustrezno ceno.
Ryzen 7 7700/ASRock B650 LiveMixer/2x16GB G.Skill Ripjaws S5 5200/RX 580 8GB
Athlon X2 BE-2400/Foxconn A7DA-S/2x2GB Mushkin PC2-6400/Radeon HD3300

Brane2 ::

Saj ravno to je fajn. AMD pruihaja ven s 45nm Shanghai, pa je zalit ko rit. Pridno delajo in se ne hvalijo dosti.

Slišati pa je šepetanja, da bo zadeva gate trgala. Saj ni nujno,d a je boljša od Nehalema- ko vidiš zadevo in kaj je na plošči, ti je jasno,d a to ne bo poceni. Tudi Intel ne bo čez noč nehal delat C2D. N azačetku bo toraj zadeva za najzahtevnejše uporabnike, AMD pa se bo moral cenovno prilagoditi.

Kar pomeni kupe hudičevo dobrih Phenomov 45nm za male pare... o)
On the journey of life, I chose the psycho path.

Spc ::


jest10 ::

Bloomfield, the desktop part, will be available with frequencies of 2.66GHz, 2.93GHz, and 3.2GHz, priced, we believe, at $266, $532, and $999,

Če bo tako, bo tole čisto solidna cena. Cenjši je malo dražji, kot Q9xxx na podobnih frekvencah.

g. Oden ::

AMD bo moral ukinit Black Edition in odklenit vse svoje procesorje, če bo hotel parirat tem Nehalenom. Pa čimprej izdat 45nm procesorje in vse ostalo umaknit iz prodaje.

x45 ::

počakajmo kolk bodo plošče, pa navijanje bo po potrebi avtomatsko ( po moje ne več kot 15 % ).

jest10 ::

Navijanje bo tako avtomatsko, kot tudi ročno-vsaj na 1366 podnožju. Pri cenejši platformi pa mogoče zna biti na voljo le avtomatsko.

BuBBle.D ::

Jaz bom po teh "člankih" sodeč najverjetneje preskočil nehalem, saj poleg brskanja po netu igram občasno le igre, v katerih nehalem ni hitrejši od C2D. Bo pa nehalem bomba za vsak workstation PC.
|MSI MPG Z690 EDGE|Intel Core I7-13700K|64GB Viper Steel 3600Mhz|
|Zotac Trinity 3090 OC|EK-Nucleus AIO CR360 Lux D-RGB|
|ASUS TUF Gaming GT501|Corsair AX1200W|Samsung Odyssey G7 32"|

jest10 ::

Mogoče bi pa prej počakal uradne teste, kjer bodo plate z delujočimi gonilniki...

Zadeva naj bi se kar dobro navijala

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: jest10 ()

x45 ::

Prve Nehalem OC porodne težave:

Asus warns about Core i7 memory Voltages

Could cause permanent damage to the CPU
Although we've been aware of the CPU and memory Voltage issue of the Core i7 and the X58 chipset, the first official word on it all has come not from Intel, but rather Asus by the means of a sticker on the memory slots of its P6T Deluxe motherboard.

This seems to indicated that the solution to the problem wasn't as easy as it was thought to be and seperating the Voltage might either be more complicated, or it could just be that the first generation of X58 will have to live with combined Vcore and Vmem.

The sticker reads "Accord to Intel CPU SPEC, DIMMS with Voltage settings over 1.65V may damage the CPU permanently. We recomment that you install the DIMMs with the Voltage setting below 1.65V" and if that's not warning enough, we don't know what is, as frying a Core i7 won't be a fun or cheap experience.

You can find the sticker picture as well as a few more additional pictures of the P6T Deluxe motherboard here

Also read

X58 boards with separate voltage possible
Nehalem only supports DDR3 800 or 1066

Icematxyz ::

Bo C2D še kar nekaj časa tiktakal v mojem sistemu.

Pyr0Beast ::

Oj, že spet bi radi šparali na regulaciji ..
Some nanoparticles are more equal than others

Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place

Vredno ogleda ...

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TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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