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cod4 ne deluje:(( help!!

cod4 ne deluje:(( help!!

taker& ::

glih sem inštaliral cod4 in v multiplayerju ko grem noter mi javi microsoft windows : iw3mp.exe ne deluje več!


plis pomagajte v čem je problem


Rotaidal ::

Prižgem avto, ga dam v prvo prestavo in crkne... wtf?! Kaj je narobe?

Ja malo več je traba napisat ne?:P


Fantje! GOOGLE!!!

I cannot run iw3mp.exe / iw3sp.exe it errors with 'iw3xx.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close'
There are a number of possible reasons for this happening:
Some onboard soundcards - Start ->Control panel -> Sounds and audio devices-> options -> properties. Pick Recording and then turn stereo mix ON.
Realtek onboard soundcards - Make sure you are using the newest drivers available. Some have reported that having a mic plugged in can fix this problem.
Realtek onboard soundcards - Sometimes disabling / enabling these can make it work (even if you dont use them for sound)
Realtek onboard soundcards and vista - Sometimes uninstalling the realtek driver and letting vista find its own works.
AthlonXP and Sempron (not 64bit) - Go into the cod4/miles folder and rename 'mssmp3.asi' to 'mssmp3.bak'. The miles sound system included is known to have issues with 32bit processors. NOTE: This will disable ambient music in the game. An alternative mssmp3.asi can be found Here! so you can have music.
Dual X2900xt in crossfire mode - Downloading the WDM driver from the Ati/AMD Site is known to fix this.
As always if you have problems, Try to update all drivers (motherboard, soundcard, graphics card) to the newest available. Most can be found at your motherboard manufacturers website ( www.asus.com www.msi.com.tw www.via.com.tw www.gigabyte.com.tw etc.)



El Nino ::

Maš original?

taker& ::

ja samo nimam vpisanega org key:PP

bluefish ::

no, beri Rotaidal-ov post.

G33K & G33K ::

ja to je tut mene zajebaval. poj smm pa mal probavu sm pa ugotovu de bi mogu met mikrofon prkloplen. tk de če maš visto se ti splača probat to.

majeric0 ::

Če ti to kaj pomaga...povej pol:

Tam ko maš Snemanje(ang.: Recording) če maš samo Line in klikni z desno v prazni prostor ter klikni Pokaži onemogočene naprave(ang.: Show disabled devices) ko ti jih pokaže omogoči Stereo MIX in ti bo delalo oz mojemno prijatlu je ko sme to naredo.

bluefish ::

3/4 leta je že minilo. Morda bo pomagalo komu drugemu, samo je malo čudno naslavljati avtorja.

KoMar- ::

Yet another one...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: KoMar- ()

kiki95 ::

meni nedela cod4 mp, ko grem not mi napiše ne deluje več.
PS: nedela mi na prenosniku mikrofon, ma to kaj veze s tem, ker pišejo nekej za sound card.

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