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Voyage Century Online

Voyage Century Online

TilonSLO ::

To je igra v kateri si lahko pirat, mornar, trgovec, raziskovalec... Ta igra je "Free Forewer". Zame je ena izmed najboljsih free MMORPG-jev.
Uradna stran: http://vc.igg.com/index.php
Download: http://vc.igg.com/download.php

Good Guy ::

na kterem serverju se pa splača igrat?
Naj računalnik dela za vas^^

TilonSLO ::

Najbolj se splača igrat na serverju Columbus saj je tam največ Slovencev, res je pa da najbolj lagga pa še to samo zvečer v mestu Sevilla, drugače pa je najboljše, tam obstaja tudi Slo guild imenuje se SLO_mafija, ce bo kdo zacne naj me vprasa, v igrici mi je ime TilonSLO.

TilonSLO ::

A boš začeu igrat?

TilonSLO ::

Tole je pa s foruma:
This is a F2P ,first 3D nautical online game, Voyage Century is based on the real history and world geography of the Great Geographical Discoveries in the 16th century. During exploring of four years, Voyage Century insists on an idea, letting you know the world and popularizing geography and history knowledge. And this game is going to be FREE forever. This game consist a lot of system : production system, battle system, trading system, PK system and Figured head system and of course more...compare to other pirate game such as PKO, World of pirate and pirate puzzle this game consist of the best pirate system I can ever see. Let me show you some of the example : Not only you can fight with the monster in the land, you can get into sea PVP area and PK with other people outside there! or you can fight with pirates. Another System which I didn?t mention above is the exploring system, pirate system, combat system, guild system. This game consist of skills not only the fighting skill but the thinking skill. Exploration system is one of the major system in the game, which consist a lot of content. The land , sea, the rural area in the city, the desolate and uninhabited island, and the bizarre new species, findings, vestiges ,forest, out shores , in shores will be obstacles for the novice players so if you get frustrated about this don?t give up! But when players get to professional this game will be starting to be fun to you and will actually help you in the future if you play this game

1st Impression:
The graphics of the game is eventually attracted me and my buddies. While I was browsing the game list I saw tons of people commenting that the game graphics was cool and realistic and so I give it for a try a WOW! it look 100% same like the Screenshot posted there. The deep blue sea and buildings look realistic and what I love the most is Day, Night and Dawn, the color of it makes me leave a memory .Then when I start to upgrade my ship, rename it, stock provision (which I will tell you guys later on) and buy sailors and prepare to explore the sea! When I starting to this game I saw people cutting wood for timbers and sell it to other people, fighting chickens and turtle training their fighting skill so me too went to fight turtle. After that I got my job as a battler to have fun in sea! so started to PK and fight in sea. The battling was fun cannons was here and there...and so I keep upgrading my ships and lets hope I will be the best pirate ever in online xD!

A ground-breaking massively multiplayer online nautical game that features visually powerful, intense combat and adventure on land and sea, Voyage Century is a dream game for armchair captains everywhere. Trade, craft, wage war around the world, even search for buried treasure, Voyage Century offers just about everything imaginable from the 16th century seafaring era.

prana_pro ::

ej mene pa zanima ce kdo igra na tem ta novem serverju k jst tm igram pa bi bil zlo vesel če je še kdo tm da bi lohka skupi igrala.

jizzer ::

o.0??? Guild name pa je res carski...PR0 se res vidi da ste neki noobeki n0ter ;) hah... res verjamem da ste pro vsi ste max cap?

-=aVa=- ::

igra ker na da gama?
Small acts.. Big difference.. Save our planet!

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