Forum » Igre » Gothic III
Gothic III

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Video (14MiB).
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Verjetno izide proti koncu 2006, can't wait! :)
Video (14MiB).
Neuradni podatki:
The old Khorinis seems really ridiculously small if you compare it with the world where the new adventures of the nameless hero will take place. The continent of Myrthana is three times bigger than the island of Khorinis. If one will have to walk or if one will be able to ride on animals wasn´t betrayed by the developers yet. But it seems like you will be able to do so, if we trust in their facial expression. Stefan Kalverman showed us a map of the whole GIII-world. We ask him some question about the problems that you have by writing the story and try vainly to steal the map. But the world will be divided in different zones. There will be dangerous deserts, frozy icelands and big forests - with special monsters for each zone, that have their own daily routines. They will also look for food and hunt in packs. One will also be able to observe them.
At the request of the fans the developers also decided to assemble 20 (!!!) cities and villages. Many of them were conquered by orcs so the hero will be able to revolt against them with other humans. This will go on like this: The habitants of a town have some sort of superior AI. If the hero beats a specific number of orcs, the enslaved habitants will pluck up courage and follow the hero to fight for their freedom. Actions like these will improve the hero´s esteem and help the hero to convince strong NPC´s to fight at the hero´s side. The esteem will be very important. Some races will benefit from an action and others will be annoyed. So you´ll always have to be careful what you´re doing!
GIII will be give the player more opportunities than the first two parts. There won´t be chapters any more but you won´t loose the plot. There also will be different strands perhaps even different ends depending on what you have done in the game.
One won´t be able to build a permanent party, just like in the predecessors, but will meet old friends like Diego. "Old friends like these will have their own story and potentially one can take every habitant of the world into the party or trade with him. But the PB´s will limit this to concentrate on the "cool" characters. These "recruts" will follow you as far as you reach a special point. There will be six races and other than in the predecessors the player will have to choose his guild later. Furthermore there will be six jobs, that one will be able to work at, like the blacksmith ot even a gladiator! Here the player will have the possibility to take part in fights with special rules. "You´ll start fighting in a tiny, little stone circle and afterwards you´ll have to beat your enemies in big arena," says the game designer.
He´s also telling about shields and new weapons and wands, that you will be able to equip at the same time. The whole interface will be more intuitional and there will be more possibilities to configure it. The same with the graphics options: Everybody will have enough possibilities to exhaust his/her system. We also were able to see some scenes from the game. Everything was still at the development stage but we were really enthused. The whole world is hand-modelled and not built with a construction set. The forest for example looks like a real-world-forest.
There´s no stone that is looking exactly like another one, there are a lot of individual places that are coming across really solid. The monsters and NPC´s are looking fantastic (as you can see at the screenshots). The technics like Normal Mapping and the Ragdoll System are used on a grand scale. But GIII won´t have a multiplayer mode. While our hero was having a lot of adventures, there was fought a big war at the continent between the orcs and the humans. In GIII one will be able to enter the big continent for the first time. But now the orcs have conquered it and are in the driver´s seat. They conquer entire cities, enslave the humanity and are not any more the birdbrained monsters, but an own race with its own culture and own goals.
But it´s still worse: The magic has disappeared from the Gothic-world.
Therewith the developers want to prevent that the player already begins the game as the unbeatable supercharacter from the predecessor. But the hero (as already confirmed) won´t be as weak as in the beginning of GI or GII. Hey... this guy killed dragons and packs of orcs yet... he´ll already have some basic-abilities and is getting better in the game. Of course one will find the magic again in the course of the game. But the summoning of really strong creatures like demons only will be possible at special locations.
Verjetno izide proti koncu 2006, can't wait! :)
- zavaroval slike: Predator ()

ill_nino ::
1 in 2 sem preigral večkrat, kakšne mislite da bodo zahteve za 3.

Are you crazy?
Yes sir!
Yes sir!

kihc ::
Če bo res taka grafika kot na sliki in v filmčku, potem na nivoju dooma 3 100%. Seveda pa čez 2 leti to ne bi smel biti noben problem.

njok ::
Gothic ni bil nikoli prizanesljiv do low-end strojne opreme, in glede na slike tudi cez leto do takratnega ne bo. Delal bo pa.

njok ::
Uradni datum je zacetek 2006, ce upostevamo zamude + prevajanje v anglescino lahko recemo kar proti koncu 2006. Eni tukaj govorijo o dveh letih, to pa ne vem od kje se je vzelo. ;)

Flamer ::
Ja, treba je rect da zgleda ze precej narejeno. Pa, a ni blo tko receno da pride konc leta nemska v verzija vn, pa da pride pol cez en mesec al tko ENG vn?

usavko ::
Ker so najprej trdil, da bo izšel oktobra 2005, so verjetno preložili zaradi zamude na začetek 2006, tko da jst ne verjamm, da bo izšla konec 2006. Drgač pa glede na grafiko zgleda, da bom mogu menat comp...
Tok dobrega špila pa še nisv vidu.... A se vm zdi, da bodo kje zajebal sceno? Mislm, ker se dostkrat zgodi, da je nov špil v nekaterih pogledih slabši od prdhodnika...


DominusSLO ::
Čisto možno, da bom zaradi te igrice moral menjavati pc... upam pa, da ne..
gothic2 je bla noro dobra igrica, edino prehitro je končala
gothic2 je bla noro dobra igrica, edino prehitro je končala

usavko ::
Men se ni zdela premajhna soba, sploh če si use počistu. Če si delou use misije, k si jih lahko, pol je blo pa kr uredu... pa še dodatek, k si lahko biu pr piratih. Komi čakam... A so že kej rekl kakšne so minimalne zahteve za ta špil?

Ferdinand :: Screenshots]
"To talk in public, to think in solitude, to read and to hear, to inquire and to answer inquiries, is the business of a scholar."
--Samuel Johnson, Chapter VII, The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia--

MrBrightside ::
morrowind rules!!!!!
Gothic je na zalost le arkada :(, ker sem ga v prvo obrnu ze v 3 dneh,
morrowind sem igral pa pol leta ;)
Gothic je na zalost le arkada :(, ker sem ga v prvo obrnu ze v 3 dneh,
morrowind sem igral pa pol leta ;)

karafeka ::
Hehe, v 3 dneh si ga obrno? Ma ja, enko mogoče bi še šlo, če bi igral res neprekinjeno, Dvojko pa nemogoče da končaš tak hitro.
Mnja, jst mam sam eno željo.... da bi gothic 3 lavfal enako hitro kot dvojka na istem sistemu :).
Mnja, jst mam sam eno željo.... da bi gothic 3 lavfal enako hitro kot dvojka na istem sistemu :).

ill_nino ::
Gothic 3 bi moral imeti tisti random element ki ga ima diablo, da bi ga lahko nabijal v nedogled, pa brez cheatov.

Are you crazy?
Yes sir!
Yes sir!

MrBrightside ::
Ja, res bi mogel imeti nekaj kar bi zgodbo naredilo bolj nakljucno kot pa linearno. Sej ne pravim da mi ga ni bilo vsec obrniti. Pravzaprav sem ga po tem ko sem se s paladinom sprehodil, na vsak nacin to hotel storiti se kot mage in sem tudi to prespilal. Tudi trojko bom obnru, je pa res da se morrowindovega cetrega dela veliko bolj veselim, kot katerigakoli spila :D

usavko ::
Kva so hude slike, to prou ne morš verjet... Sam k jst ne bom mogu met tko lepe grafike... Sam to bo nor špil. Kok cd-jov bo oz. dvd-jov?

R33D3M33R ::
karafeka: Hehe, v 3 dneh si ga obrno? Ma ja, enko mogoče bi še šlo, če bi igral res neprekinjeno, Dvojko pa nemogoče da končaš tak hitro.
O ja, je mogoče, jaz sem jo obrnil v tolikšnem času s tem, da sem naredil še vse žive side queste, pobil vse orke okoli gradu, temeljito počistil gozdove v obeh svetovih in prišel do levela 38
Sem pa igral 41 ur - 3 dni
MrBrightside: morrowind rules!!!!!
Gothic je na zalost le arkada :(, ker sem ga v prvo obrnu ze v 3 dneh,
morrowind sem igral pa pol leta ;)
Morrowind ravno preizkušam pa ima obupen vmesnik, tepežkanje je grozno in četudi sem slišal več pozitivnih stvari o tej igri, se je enostavno ne morem navaditi...
O ja, je mogoče, jaz sem jo obrnil v tolikšnem času s tem, da sem naredil še vse žive side queste, pobil vse orke okoli gradu, temeljito počistil gozdove v obeh svetovih in prišel do levela 38

Sem pa igral 41 ur - 3 dni

MrBrightside: morrowind rules!!!!!
Gothic je na zalost le arkada :(, ker sem ga v prvo obrnu ze v 3 dneh,
morrowind sem igral pa pol leta ;)
Morrowind ravno preizkušam pa ima obupen vmesnik, tepežkanje je grozno in četudi sem slišal več pozitivnih stvari o tej igri, se je enostavno ne morem navaditi...
Moja domača stran:
Na spletu že od junija 2002 ;)
:(){ :|:& };:
Na spletu že od junija 2002 ;)
:(){ :|:& };:
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: R33D3M33R ()

pURan ::
preskok iz gothica v morrowind zna bit bolec... se bolj boli ce gres pol na Neverwinter Nights...
sicer pa...lohka me date iz koze sam jest pa mislm da bojo zajebal. pa se zahteven bo kot svinja. grafika je bla v 2 se kr ql (vsaj pol k si nastimu kri detail na level 3) . v trojki bo svinjsko huda,sam kar se tem avtorjem rado zgodi : HROSCI !!!!
sicer pa...lohka me date iz koze sam jest pa mislm da bojo zajebal. pa se zahteven bo kot svinja. grafika je bla v 2 se kr ql (vsaj pol k si nastimu kri detail na level 3) . v trojki bo svinjsko huda,sam kar se tem avtorjem rado zgodi : HROSCI !!!!

R33D3M33R ::
Hrošči so pa res tak huda napaka Gothica. Enkica je bila brez popravka zelo zelo težko normalno igralna, saj se je ful sesuvala, takoj si kak quest "uničil", če si preveč raziskoval pa še kaka napaka se je našla. Dvojkico so močno popravili, čeprav je imela spet par sočnih hroščev (recimo kak quest je bil completed, četudi sem ga zafušal, nekaterih pa sploh nisem mogel dokončati).
Mogoče bo pa trojka revolucionarna, upajmo da
Mogoče bo pa trojka revolucionarna, upajmo da

Moja domača stran:
Na spletu že od junija 2002 ;)
:(){ :|:& };:
Na spletu že od junija 2002 ;)
:(){ :|:& };:

Chronoboy ::
Boli ce gres na Nwn? osebno se ne strinjam, saj meni sta tako Gothic kot Nwn enako vsec. In se nekaj: z enako nestrpnostjo pricakujem tako Gothic III kot Nwn2, ki pa pride pol leta kasneje. :/

Mavrik ::
Meni je osebno hujši preskok iz Morrowinda v Gothic... ker sistem kontrol je zastavljen debilno da crkneš... potem pa še niti vseh se ne da nastavljati (vsaj jaz nisem našel tipk za udarce v stran). Pa še kamera je trda ko kamen in lik štorast.
The truth is rarely pure and never simple.
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