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System Shock 3

System Shock 3


oo7 ::

System Shock 3 teased by Otherside Entertainment : http://www.othersidetease.com/strawberr...

System Shock 3 is real, and in development at Otherside Entertainment. Little else is known save that Otherside is counting down to a reveal in the early hours of next Monday morning (14 December).


Zmajc ::

Hu de fak so "Otherside Enterntainment"?

Kurzweil ::

Že tale slika z napisom "System Shock 3" izgleda, kot da bi odprl Photoshop za par minut. Sicer pa tudi njihova spletna stran izgleda obupno. Ko pa preberem opis tega studia, pa pomislim na dve stvari in sicer da bo deformirana še ena legendarna serija/franšiza in da je začel Uwe Boll z razvojem iger.

Welcome to OtherSide Entertainment! We're a brand new game studio focused on rebooting classic game franchises. For our first title we're bringing back the classic Ultima™ Underworld franchise, which we're calling Underworld Ascendant™. Our team include some of the folks who created the original franchise. When we made the original we looked to redefine the fantasy RPG genre. With the reboot we're going right back to innovating, and our goal is to make the franchise more vital than ever. We are just getting started so little to see as yet, but rest assured, in the weeks to come we will be showing more and more. In the mean time we'd love to hear from you, because as fans you are an essential part of this franchise. Hit us up on Twitter @otherside_games and let us know what you loved about the Underworlds. Stay tuned here for updates and news.

-Paul Neurath, Founder

Nimam ravno pretirano dobrega občutka, mogoče prav nasprotno imam zelo slab občutek :|

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Kurzweil ()

Zmajc ::

Sem malo pogledal. Paul Neurath je ustanovitelj Looking Glass-a ki ga je pozneje popacal EA.

Ti bo znalo biti ok. Looking Glass so bli legende.


Če Paul Neurath stoji za tem, pol imam jaz definitivno dober občutek :D

oo7 ::

Warren Spector joins System Shock 3 and Underworld Ascendent studio


Warren Spector je bil direktor in producent pri igri Deus Ex iz leta 2000 :) Deus Ex @ Wikipedia

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: oo7 ()

Izi ::

Opa, tole pa postaja resno 8-)
Najprej sem bil samo optimističen, ko sem slišal za SS3, sedaj ko se je pridružil še Warren Spector pa to počasi prehaja v Hype :))

Warren Spector je igričarska legenda. Najbolj legendarne igre, ki so se za večno zapisale v zgodovino, so vse po vrsti njegove:
Wing Commander, Ultima, System Shock, Thief, Deus Ex, ...

vostok_1 ::



ampak....we have yet to see how will it turn out. Čeprav SHODAN bi morala biti že v menopavzi by now.
Nazadnje preigral pred kakimi 10 leti.

Upam da bo vsaj nek Deus EX HR nivo. Modernizirano, ampak ne totalno retardizirano.

Izi ::

vostok_1 je izjavil:

SHODAN bi morala biti že v menopavzi by now.

Umetna Inteligenca se ne stara in bo še vedno enako grozljiva kot 22 let nazaj, ko se je prvič pojavila.
Kot zanimivost lahko omenimo, da je bila SHODAN večkrat izbrana za najbolj grozljiv lik v igrah vseh časov.



SHODAN ima Božji kompleks, za povrh pa sovraži ljudi. Za njo smo ljudje vredni toliko kot insekti, na kar nas tudi stalno opozarja.
Izbrali so jo za igričarski lik, ki bi ga igralci izmed vseh kdajkoli narejenih likov v igrah, z največjim užitkom ubili >:D
Potem je pobrala tudi nagrado za najboljšega šefa v zgodovini iger. Pa vedno je pri vrhu na lestvicah najbolj grozljivih likov in tudi najboljših ženskih likov. Dejansko pa sploh nima spola, razen da uporablja ženski avatar in govori s popačenim preskakujočim ženskim glasom.

Vprašanje ali jo bodo v SS3 kaj posodobili.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Izi ()

Izi ::

Da ne bo prihajalo do zmede lahko omenimo, da glede Sytem Shocka trenutno potekata dva povsem ločena projekta z drugimi izdelovalci.

1. Predelava System Shock 1
2. Izdelava System Shock 3

1. Remake SS1 opravlja Night Dive Studios in bo kommpletna grafična predelava celotne kultne igre System Shock 1 iz leta 1994.
Ne gre samo za višjo resolucijo in nove teksture, ampak popolno posodobitev z novim grafičnim motorjem. Uporabili so Unity Engine. Na ogled so že prve slike saj ta projekt poteka že nekaj mesecev.
Več o tem tukaj: Upcoming System Shock remake first look

2. Izdelavo System Shock 3 pa so si zadali pri OtherSide Entertainment. Projekt je še popolnoma v začetni fazi in o njem ta hip bolj razmišljajo in se dogovarjajo, kot pa kaj konktetnega delajo. Trenutno še intenzivno delajo na igri "Underworld Ascendant", ki naj bi bila nadaljevanje kultne igre Ultima Underworld.

opeter ::

Nikoli nisem igral SS serijo. Je podobna Bioshocku samo v vesoljskem oz. ZF okolju?
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) -> http://tinyurl.com/na7r54l
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
RTVSLO: http://tinyurl.com/74r9n7j

Izi ::

opeter je izjavil:

Nikoli nisem igral SS serijo. Je podobna Bioshocku samo v vesoljskem oz. ZF okolju?

Direktni naslednik System Shocka (1994) je Deus Ex (2000), ki ga je potem nasledil BioShock (2007).
Če že primerjamo potem bi jaz primerjal System Shock z Deus Ex. BioShock je meni osebno čisto drugačna igra.
BioShock ima okolje iz 60. let prejšnjega stoletja in je kot tak bližje Fallout igram.
System Shock in Deus Ex pa sta čisti Sci-fi in imata povsem drugačen, bolj resen, občutek. Obe sta sci-fi streljačini, s precej RPG elementi, kjer sebe skozi igro nadgrajujemo s kibernetičnimi vsadki in smo proti koncu igre že bolj robot kot človek.

Prvi System Shock se dogaja na vesoljski postaji, ki kroži okoli Saturna. Ta postaja je bila namenjena znanstvenim raziskavam kot so genetika, biologija in robotizacija. Dokler ni kontrole nad postajo prevzela zlobna umetna inteligenca imenovana SHODAN in vse raziskave spremenila sebi v prid.
Mi pa smo Hacker, ki ga po dolgi uvodni zgodbi pošljejo na postajo, da bi ustavil SHODAN, ki si je začela domišljati da je Bog in si za cilj zadala uničenje celotnega človeštva skupaj z Zemljo vred.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Izi ()

vorantz ::

Bioshock (vsaj prvi, druge nism tolk igral) je idejno direkt naslednik ss2 samo z drugacno zgodbo pa bol popreproscenim sistemom nadgradenj

vostok_1 ::

Fak, me je primla volja še enkra preobrnit z OSA.

Bioshock me je po prvih pr minutah že odvrnil.

opeter ::

Hvala, Izi.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) -> http://tinyurl.com/na7r54l
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
RTVSLO: http://tinyurl.com/74r9n7j

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: opeter ()

Izi ::

Sicer je to tema o SS3, ampak bom kar tukaj omenil, da ima GOG akcijo in je dal za 48 ur na voljo System Shock 2 zastonj.
Namen je da testirajo skrajne zmogljivosti svojega GOG Galaxy clienta.

GOG poletna razprodaja 2016 se je začela 2 uri nazaj, torej je še 46 ur časa za zastonjsko verzijo SS2


opeter ::

Izi je izjavil:

Sicer je to tema o SS3, ampak bom kar tukaj omenil, da ima GOG akcijo in je dal za 48 ur na voljo System Shock 2 zastonj.
Namen je da testirajo skrajne zmogljivosti svojega GOG Galaxy clienta.

GOG poletna razprodaja 2016 se je začela 2 uri nazaj, torej je še 46 ur časa za zastonjsko verzijo SS2


Emmm ...

Gog.com - starejšni naslovi, DRM free
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) -> http://tinyurl.com/na7r54l
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
RTVSLO: http://tinyurl.com/74r9n7j

Izi ::

opeter je izjavil:

Emmm ...

Gog.com - starejšni naslovi, DRM free

Ah, sorry, ne preberem vseh tem. Ne bo škodilo, če je tudi tukaj omenjeno :P

opeter ::

Izi je izjavil:

opeter je izjavil:

Emmm ...

Gog.com - starejšni naslovi, DRM free

Ah, sorry, ne preberem vseh tem. Ne bo škodilo, če je tudi tukaj omenjeno :P

Seveda ne bo škodilo. Se strinjam. :)
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) -> http://tinyurl.com/na7r54l
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
RTVSLO: http://tinyurl.com/74r9n7j

vostok_1 ::

Že mam na steamu, muahahaha. Well ok, sm plačal. Za top 5 igro komot dam tisti denar.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

oo7 ::

System Shock 3 reveals 'dream' development team :)


With almost a century of experience between its team leaders alone

In December, Otherside Entertainment--the team behind Ultima Underworld successor Underworld Ascendant--teased a third System Shock game before promising to "rekindle the legendary fantasy RPG series." In February, Warren Spector officially joined the developer and immediately headed up development, and now Otherside has announced the team he'll be overseeing--a well-experienced crew whose team leaders boast a total of 90 years experience.

Deus Ex and Deus Ex: Invisible War's lead writer Sheldon Pacotti will be filling the role of design director, for example, while Arturo Pulecio brings a wealth of experience from the likes of Lord of the Rings Online, Dungeons and Dragons Online and Warhammer Online, as SS3's art director.

Jason Hughes--who played key roles in the development of Wing Commander, Star Wars, and Epic Mickey--assumes the position of tech director, and of course Spector himself played integral roles in crafting Underworld, System Shock and Deus Ex, not to mention Epic Mickey and its sequel Epic Mickey: The Power of Two.

Furthermore, working under these team leaders is a no less impressive squad of talent. "In addition, the team is consulting with members of the original System Shock teams within OtherSide Entertainment, including creative director Paul Neurath (System Shock, System Shock 2), lead designer Tim Stellmach (System Shock, Thief: The Dark Project) and art director Nate Wells (System Shock 2, BioShock)," reads a statement released by Otherside.

"OtherSide Austin will engage the talents of Terri Brosius, the voice behind the System Shock series' malevolent AI, SHODAN, and concept artist Robb Waters (System Shock, BioShock). Outside creative consultants include Doug Church, game director on the original System Shock game."

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: oo7 ()

vostok_1 ::

Dick is out. Paper towels nearby.

I'm ready.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

ufek ::

Komaj čakam na prvi trailer. ;((

ufek ::

First concept images from System Shock 3: http://www.polygon.com/features/2016/8/...

 Did you think I'd forgotten you, insect?

Did you think I'd forgotten you, insect?

oo7 ::

ufek je izjavil:

First concept images from System Shock 3: http://www.polygon.com/features/2016/8/...

 Did you think I'd forgotten you, insect?

Did you think I'd forgotten you, insect?

System Shock 3 Development Has Officially Begun :)

Zdaj pa samo še vprašanje kdaj igra izide. Tam okrog 2019?

ufek ::

Upam samo, da ne bo next HL3. :)

oo7 ::

ufek je izjavil:

Upam samo, da ne bo next HL3. :)

po moje ne bo pa še dobra ekipa dela igro. Med tem, ko bomo čakali System Shock 3 bomo vmes pa lahko preigrali še System Shock Remake :)

ufek ::

Ja, tega se tudi jaz veselim, še posebej ker nisem SS1 nikoli igral.

oo7 ::

Starbreeze Will Publish Otherside's System Shock 3

Today, Starbreeze announced a deal with Otherside Entertainment to publish System Shock 3. The Swedish company will invest $12 million to bring the game to PC and other platforms.

System Shock 3 is being developed by a team of veterans led by Warren Spector. It's still in early development, so don't expect it to be released anytime soon.


Bo Andersson-Klint, Starbreeze CEO, said:

System Shock is one of those iconic franchises in the history of games that still gets my blood going and Mr. Spector is one of the founding fathers of the modern action RPG. We're greatly looking forward to bringing System Shock 3 to players world wide in our collaboration with Otherside Entertainment and Warren Spector's team. I'll be first in line to play.

Izi ::

Hm, eno leto in pol od prve najave pa so še vedno v začetni fazi izdelave.
Teh 12 milijončkov finančne injekcije je lahko dvorezen meč. Založnik jim ta denar ni kar šenkal, sedaj se bodo ves čas vmešavali in zna se zgoditi da bodo preveč pritiskali na izdelovalce in bomo na koncu dobili polizdelek.

oo7 ::

tarstream by Starbreeze - premiering an exclusive live-streamed event May 10

Starting 9am PST / 12pm EST / 6pm CEST, the segments will include features and titles such as:

OVERKILL's The Walking Dead
Psychonauts 2
System Shock 3 :D
Exclusive PAYDAY 2 announcement
"A Veterans of the Industry" panel featuring Warren Spector, Tim Shafer and Bo Andersson.
RAID: World War II
Deliver Us The Moon
Trailers and unveils
Community interaction and giveaways and more


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: oo7 ()

oo7 ::

Warren Spector's sure System Shock 3 will stand out from the pack

New images pull back the curtain on the series' return

Spector's return to the series comes more than 23 years after the original System Shock, hailed as an innovative action role-playing game at its time of release. Although he wasn't involved with System Shock 2, Spector told Polygon that returning to the series after two-plus decades was an easy decision.

"I produced System Shock and played System Shock 2 so I'm pretty familiar with the universe," Spector said. "And there were some fictional loose ends to explore and tie up. That sounded like fun. Also, SHODAN. You know what I mean?"

SHODAN, the A.I. being that terrorizes the player throughout every System Shock game, is absent from what we saw today. Yet she'll again play a significant role in System Shock 3, just as Spector told us last August. The game picks up where System Shock 2 left off, when -- spoiler alert for the 1999 RPG -- SHODAN takes the form of a human woman.


Early concept art

As genre-defining as System Shock 2 and its predecessor were in the 1990s, the concept -- "you alone on a space station," as Spector called it -- has come to feel commonplace these days, in the post-BioShock era. The recent release of Prey, which pays obvious homage to System Shock developer Looking Glass Studios in myriad ways, may further point to the genre's mainstream familiarity.

Now that System Shock's setting and storyline isn't quite so unique, is Spector concerned about System Shock 3 failing to stand out among the pack?

"I think having more immersive simulation games out there is all to the good," said Spector. "Based on what I've seen of Prey so far, there are some similarities but I assure you we're doing stuff that team didn't do, just as they did stuff we're not. I'm not worried about people getting confused."

System Shock 3 remains a ways ahead; it's due out on PC and consoles, but no release window has been specified. Spector mentioned during the Starbreeze livestream that the team would be "transitioning into pre-production" soon. For more concept art, check out the gallery below.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: oo7 ()

oo7 ::

Ta intervju še ni bil objavljen.

Warren Spector talks System Shock 3

Waren Spector ata prve igre Deus Ex :)

Ta igra tudi najbrž skoraj sigurno ne bo izšla letos bi rekel 2019/20 ?

vostok_1 ::

Sam da ne bo shooter.
2 je bila res pinnacle of balanced gaming. In vedno me spreleti srh ko slišim prasico.

Hey, M-Power. Warren Spector is jewish. ;)
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: vostok_1 ()

oo7 ::

Citadel Station will take a "very different form" in System Shock 3

During that chat, we thought it might be impolite to not ask how System Shock Three is coming alongside. According to immersive sim luminary Warren Spector, growth is "just far enough along".

"Well, SHODAN will appear," Spector says. "And Citadel Station may make an look however in a really completely different type to what you're used to. I believe folks will likely be stunned.

"Beyond that, I suppose the hacker goes to point out up. That's actually all I need to say proper now, I'm sorry."


oo7 ::

System Shock 3 returns to OtherSide after Starbreeze sell publishing rights


oo7 ::

Polovica igre naj bi bila že narejena.

We have very much enjoyed working with Starbreeze on System Shock 3. They've been a great partner. As developers themselves they understand the challenges of game development and that's been refreshing. However, in light of Starbreeze's current situation, we decided together that it would be best for us to go our separate ways for now. We wish them the best of luck.

OtherSide is rolling forward with System Shock 3. Warren Spector has built a great team and the game is more than halfway completed. At its core, it already feels like a System Shock game, while at the same time introducing new elements to the franchise. As the original creators of the game, we want to see this game made as much as our fans do.

From Warren himself: "We parted ways with Starbreeze (amicably), which means we are in the process of lining up a new publishing partner. Happily, given the pedigree of System Shock and the progress we've made so far there's already a lot of interest. Has the situation affected development? Not really. The team is still, as we say, 'psyched and cranking' - in other words, continuing as normal. I'm confident we can bring System Shock 3 to market and have it take its place as a leading title in the immersive simulation genre."


Izi ::

Prvi dražilnik in nekaj slik 8-)


oo7 ::

Remake bo imel unreal engine System shock 3 pa Unity.

oo7 ::

System Shock 3’s search for a new publisher has attracted “a lot of interest”, according to OtherSide Entertainment, but the studio’s not ruling out self-publishing the game if it has to.


oo7 ::

Interview with Warren Spector on System Shock 3


oo7 ::

System Shock 3 Pre Alpha Gameplay Teaser 1080p

Tole zgleda zelo dobro :D

scipascapa ::

holly shit, če je tole komaj alpha....kaj bo šele retail hehe

oo7 ::

Igra naj bi izšla drugo leto ? Kot kaže bo prej zunaj kot remake prvega dela.

gumby ::

Ken nima več prstov vmes?
my brain hurts

oo7 ::

gumby je izjavil:

Ken nima več prstov vmes?

Ken ima nov svoj studio - Ghost Story Games @ Wikipedia

System Shock 3 dela Warren Spector - Warren Spector @ Wikipedia

oo7 ::

As Warren Spector told Gamespot, System Shock 3 will not feature any classes. Therefore, gamers will be able to create their own character from scratch. Not only that, but the game will also feature augmentations, similar to those found in Deus Ex.


oo7 ::

Slabe novice :(

It looks as if System Shock 3 may be in development hell

OtherSide Austin, developer of System Shock 3, has had significant layoffs over the past few months. According to the LinkedIn profiles of those associated with System Shock 3, everyone from the senior producer to senior software engineer, senior graphics programmer, lead programmer and level designer all parted ways at the end of 2019.

Kotaku's Jason Schreier has got the inside scoop of sorts, admitting it's "Definitely accurate that they've downsized. I know Warren Spector is still working on the game, and working on finding a way to make it happen. Don't know how many other people are still there."


oo7 ::

Še je upanje ?

OtherSide is 'still here' and working remotely, but the fate of System Shock 3 is still unknown


oo7 ::

Ownership of System Shock 3's website has been transferred to Tencent


Tencent is Asia's second-biggest company by market value ($490bn) and has invested in more than 800 companies including Epic Games, Activision Blizzard and Ubisoft.

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TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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