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kaj je centrecom fh824u

kaj je centrecom fh824u

farko ::

Dobil sem centrecom fh824u in ne vem niti koliko je to vredno ali je to mogoče router ali za razdelitev oziroma vzpostavitev domačega omrežja.Ima 24 vhodov za mrežni kabel.
Prosim če je komu to kaj poznano naj mi napiše in če je uporabno za kar bom zelo hvaležen prej pa ne bom nič poskušal.

zee ::

verjetno si dobil switch.

kaj to je? tukaj.
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Giant Amazon and Google Compute Cloud in the Sky.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: zee ()

farko ::

zee ni sem jaz to tudi prvo mislil.

Jakka ::

Res težko v google vpisat? klik :\

Allied Telesyn CentreCom FH824u

The 25-port CentreCom FH824u hub from Allied Telesyn performed the slowest of the hubs in our throughput and transaction-rate testing. Note, however, that it was only slightly more than 10 percent below the leader in the testing, as were most of the hubs. All the devices were so close in their performance that it's difficult to pick one from another on that basis alone.

The hub is managed through a local menu-driven interface accessed through a console connection in the back of the hub. We found the menu-driven program difficult to use. It is too sensitive to key presses, often reading one key press as two. This meant that we frequently wound up where we had started in the menu-item selection process. For example, pressing a key to go the previous menu got us to that previous menu, and then back to the menu where we had pressed the key in the first place. In the midst of that process, we managed to reset the baud rate to something that our terminal program could not provide. The result was gibberish on the screen. There is a fix available--involving entering data while restarting the hub-- that you can get by calling technical support, which we did. The tech-support people quickly solved the problem for us.

The Web interface is very good. The management program allows for a standard set of monitoring and control features.

farko ::

hvala za odgovore ga ne bom uporabljal dal ga bom naprej tist ki ga bo rabil stvar dela in to zelo dobro.

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