Forum » Pomoč in nasveti » Hitrost DVD medijev?
Hitrost DVD medijev?
Lery ::
Imam 8x dvd snemalnik.Zdaj me pa zanima glede hitrosti DVD medijev?
Ali lahko s tem snemalnikom snemam samo DVD medije od 1-8x hitrosti ali lahko tudi 16x medije?
Ponavadi na dvd-jih piše to:
* This media is compliant with the new standards for 8X speed DVD+R recording. However, using this media with the 2.4X-speed DVD+RW/+R drives that do not support higher speed recording speeds may result in writing errors, failures in retrieval of data, or damage to the data recorded on this media. 4x drives might require a firmware upgrade, so please check with your drive manufacturer.
** This media is compliant with the new standards for 1X-4X speed DVD+R recording. However, using this media with the 2.4X-speed DVD+RW/+R drives that do not support 4X recording speeds may result in writing errors, failures in retrieval of data, or damage to the data recorded on this media.
*** This media is compliant with the new standards for 16x DVD+R recording. However, using this media with the lower speed DVD+RW/+R drives that do not support higher speed recording speeds may result in writing errors, failures in retrieval of data, or damage to the data recorded on this media. Older drives might require a firmware upgrade, so please check with your drive manufacturer.
Ali lahko s tem snemalnikom snemam samo DVD medije od 1-8x hitrosti ali lahko tudi 16x medije?
Ponavadi na dvd-jih piše to:
* This media is compliant with the new standards for 8X speed DVD+R recording. However, using this media with the 2.4X-speed DVD+RW/+R drives that do not support higher speed recording speeds may result in writing errors, failures in retrieval of data, or damage to the data recorded on this media. 4x drives might require a firmware upgrade, so please check with your drive manufacturer.
** This media is compliant with the new standards for 1X-4X speed DVD+R recording. However, using this media with the 2.4X-speed DVD+RW/+R drives that do not support 4X recording speeds may result in writing errors, failures in retrieval of data, or damage to the data recorded on this media.
*** This media is compliant with the new standards for 16x DVD+R recording. However, using this media with the lower speed DVD+RW/+R drives that do not support higher speed recording speeds may result in writing errors, failures in retrieval of data, or damage to the data recorded on this media. Older drives might require a firmware upgrade, so please check with your drive manufacturer.
Yossarian ::
Če imaš 8 x snemalnik, dvomim, da boš lahko brez posebnega FW-ja snemal 16 x, ker ti to snemalnik ne bo dopuščal.
Sicer pa ti Nero sam ponudi, s kakšno hitrostjo se lahko posname tvoj plošček in tam boš točno videl, česa je zmožen tvoj snemalnik.
Včasih se tudi zgodi, da npr. na ploščku piše, da lahko snemaš le npr. z 8 x hitrostjo, Nero pa ti ponudi možnost, da lahko snemaš z večjo.
Sicer pa ti Nero sam ponudi, s kakšno hitrostjo se lahko posname tvoj plošček in tam boš točno videl, česa je zmožen tvoj snemalnik.
Včasih se tudi zgodi, da npr. na ploščku piše, da lahko snemaš le npr. z 8 x hitrostjo, Nero pa ti ponudi možnost, da lahko snemaš z večjo.
Nikoli se ne prepiraj z idiotom, ker te bo potegnil
dol na svoj nivo in te premagal s svojimi izkušnjami.
dol na svoj nivo in te premagal s svojimi izkušnjami.
SasoS ::
Snemaš lahko vse medije, pač z nižjo hitrostjo. Tisti warning je še iz časov 2x in 4x snemalnikov, ker ko so prišli prvi 4x mediji so pogruntali da se nekateri snemalniki z njimi samouničijo (cough*pioneer a03*cough)...
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