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Half-Life 2 problem

Half-Life 2 problem

tt2 ::

Imam original HL2 in so mi pred kratkim poslali sporočilo z naslovom Steam account - Forgotten password, kjer piše nek postopek za obnovitev cd-keya, vendar angleški ravno ne razumem dobro in zato ne vem kako naprej

Highlag ::

In mi naj zvemo kaj v pismu piše preko telepatije? :\
Never trust a computer you can't throw out a window

tt2 ::

Dear Steam user (account name: XXXXXXX),

This is an automated message generated by Steam account administration.

Steam has detected that your copy of Half-Life 2 Retail Standard has already been registered to another Steam user. Your product's CD-Key (the number printed on the CD case which you were asked to type in after installing the game) matches one already in our database.

The CD-Key you entered is: XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX

You will not be able to play Half-Life 2 Retail Standard unless you provide an unclaimed CD-Key. To provide an unclaimed CD-Key, you will need a copy of Half-Life 2 Retail Standard which has not already been registered on Steam. Double-click on the name of the game in Steam's "Games" window and then follow the given instructions.

For further help or product support, please visit http://www.steampowered.com


The Steam Support Team
To contact us, email support@steampowered.com

This notification has been sent to the e-mail address you provided when you created your Steam account. For information on Valve's privacy policy, please visit http://www.valvesoftware.com/privacy.htm


CD-Key, ki si ga uporabil za registracijo, je bil ze uporabljen. Ce je igra nova, jo vrni, ce si jo od koga kupil, ti mora dat se Uporabnisko ime/geslo racuna.

tt2 ::

Pre tem sem še dobil sporočilo
Dear Steam user (account name: XXXXXX),

This is an automated message generated by Steam account administration to help you reset your Steam password.

Please enter the following code into the 'Verification Code' field of the 'Forgotten Password' dialog. (Enter the code exactly as written. You can use copy/paste operations to enter the code):


Please also enter the *answer* to the following question into the 'Secret Answer' field of the same dialog:


IMPORTANT: Please do not reply to this message to attempt to reset your password -- that won't work. You must enter the above information into the Steam application.


The Steam Support Team
To contact us, email support@steampowered.com

SasoS ::

da ti ni kdo sunil kodo? Si prepričan da je email prišel od Steama oz. Valve?

tt2 ::

Sigurno je od steama. in kaj zdaj?????

Shybby ::

Double-click on the name of the game in Steam's "Games" window and then follow the given instructions.

For further help or product support, please visit http://www.steampowered.com

Tole nardi, pa bo.
Če ne pa se zmeni z prodajalcem igre, da je ključ že bil uporabljen,in da hočeš pač drugo igro/ključ.

tt2 ::

Saj ravno ta del ne vem kje to moram naredit???

Shybby ::

Dvoklik na igro v steamovem okencu, pa sledi na vodilom.

za ostalo knokavtiraj na steamovem forumu. http://www.steampowered.com

tt2 ::

Na katero igro?????

DOOM_er ::

ja Half Life 2 najbrž
Robots will steal your job. But that's OK

tt2 ::

Ni mi ravno jasno kje in kako kikneš na HL2l????

Shybby ::

a si naložil Steam?

tt2 ::

Ja imam naložen steam vendar ne vem kje naj kliknem tale games in HL2???

tt2 ::

Kje se pa naredi tole:
Please enter the following code into the 'Verification Code' field of the 'Forgotten Password' dialog. (Enter the code exactly as written. You can use copy/paste operations to enter the code):

Please also enter the *answer* to the following question into the 'Secret Answer' field of the same dialog:

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (vprašanje)

Shybby ::

Potem imaš v task barju desno spodaj polek ure steam ikono.klikni najnjo z desnim in se ti odpre meni kjer imaš med drugim tudi games. pol pa sledi navodilom.

Če ti ne uspe je pa najbolše da knokavtiraš prodajalca in mu poveš kje je problem!

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