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E-mail teroristi na Finskem

E-mail teroristi na Finskem

G-man ::

Človek ne ve ali bi se smejal ali bi se jokal...

Finnish Culture Minister: citizens concerned about copyright are "terrorists"

Finnish copyfighter Herkko Hietanen sez, "Finnish copyright law is in its last stretch in Parliament. It places considerable limits on fair use and right to import works. Citizens are writing to the MPs who are planning to take action to remove some of the most Draconian parts of the law. Members of Parliament are reportedly receiving 600 e-mails a day about copyright issues. The Minister of Culture is calling the worried citizens who sent the e-mail terrorists! It is reported that this is the first time that such citizen activism has emerged in Finland. There has been discussion in press about the corruption behind the scenes."

Copyright law has received much attention in Finnish press for the past three days.

The new Finnish copyright law is in its final stage in parliament. What started over 10 years ago in WIPO has led to an evil law and citizens are protesting it. Members of parliament are reportedly receiving over 600 e-mail a day about the new law and its flaws.

Citizens sending mail are terrorists
The ex-minister of culture, Kaarina Dromberg (who was responsible for the first version of the law) has been making statements that the members of parliament are victims of e-mail terrorism. The current minister of culture (ex-miss Finland Tanja Karpela) has said that there are certain forces behind the e-mail flood. She is right. The e-mails were send by worried normal citizens. The ones that elected parliament. The ones that have enjoyed freedoms of consuming copyrighted material. The citizens that are affected deeply by the new law that takes those rights away.

Zame terorizma več ni, je samo še borba za pravico.

Thomas ::

Naduvani birokrati proti podivjanim antiglobalistom.

Slednji samo čakate na najmanjši povod, da glorificirate teroriste.

Prve, bi jest dal na trg. Privatiziral državo, kar se da. Začenši s CIA.

Druge naj potem ukrotijo privatniki, ki bodo seveda nadomestili tele idiotske birokrate.
Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi

G-man ::

Poglej si dokumentarec v 3-h delih: The Power Of Nightmares.

Dogodek na Finskem je še en dokaz več, da se lahko besedo terorist uporablja dosti bolj poljubno in manipulativno kot bi si lahko to dovolili.

Thomas ::

Da bi teoristično grožnjo kar ignorirali? V imenu česarkoli?

IMO nikakor.
Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi

Azrael ::

G-man ali lahko prilepiš še link do te novice?

Če prav razumem napisano je 10 letno sprejemanje (slabega?) zakona o avtorskih pravicah na Finskem, zelo razjezilo nekatere in ti so, ko so bili zamujeni vsi roki za morebitne spremembe, zasuli ministrstvo za kulturo s kupom spama. Z ministrtva pa je prišel odgovor, da je to navaden terorizem oz. izsiljevanje.

Da bi si o tem lahko ustvarili mnenje ali lahko sodili, kdo je nesposoben ali prepotenten, manjka precej podatkov, saj niti ne vemo kaj vse je s spornim zakonom narobe in tudi o verodostojnosti novice ne vemo nič.
Nekoč je bil Slo-tech.

G-man ::

:8) Ajme, res sem pozabil. Zadevo sem dobil na boingboing.net, oni so pa linkali od tu.

@Tomas: ne ignorirat teroristično grožnjo ampak jo redefinirat.

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