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WinXP & WinME
Kriko ::
Imam instalirane WinXP in WinME. Problem pa je sledeč.
WinME dela brez problemov WIn XP pa večkrat zmrzne. Kaj bi lahko bil problem??
WinME dela brez problemov WIn XP pa večkrat zmrzne. Kaj bi lahko bil problem??
Tr0n ::
Si jih instaliral na locene particije? Si najprej WinME instaliral in potem WinXP? Ce ne, potem naredi tako.
andrej ::
TrOn: Vrsti red sploh ni pomemben. Pomembno je, da vsak OS nistalisar na drugo particijo...
kriko: malo bolj bi pomagalo, ce bi povedal kateri buil, kaksen hardware uporabljas, kaksne gonilnike, kaksne programe, kdaj se je zacelo to dogaja, itd...
kriko: malo bolj bi pomagalo, ce bi povedal kateri buil, kaksen hardware uporabljas, kaksne gonilnike, kaksne programe, kdaj se je zacelo to dogaja, itd...
Kriko ::
Najprej sem unstaliral WinME nato XP. Uporabljam RC1 2505!
Moja konfiguracija.
Abit KT7A, TB 850,256 Ram,Prophet 4500, IBM DTLA 30GB, 300W Macase, Teac 8x8x32 , Pioneer 116, zvočna Muse XL!
Gonilniki so 4 in 1 so 4.32 za grafično imam 7114 za win 2000.
Se je pa začelo takoj po instalaciji. Namreč če pustim računalnik dlje na miru v WINXP zamrzne ali pa tudi kar med delom, se pa pojavlja dokaj pogosto. V WinME tega ne dela!
Moja konfiguracija.
Abit KT7A, TB 850,256 Ram,Prophet 4500, IBM DTLA 30GB, 300W Macase, Teac 8x8x32 , Pioneer 116, zvočna Muse XL!
Gonilniki so 4 in 1 so 4.32 za grafično imam 7114 za win 2000.
Se je pa začelo takoj po instalaciji. Namreč če pustim računalnik dlje na miru v WINXP zamrzne ali pa tudi kar med delom, se pa pojavlja dokaj pogosto. V WinME tega ne dela!
OrlyTM ::
Aha ... Gec ma prov, se je že začelo, folk je začel uporabljat enega izmed najpopolnejših OS-ov ever build :)))
Sej si hotu to rečt ane
Sej si hotu to rečt ane
<b>Fear is in The Eye Of The Beholder. Don't let it be You!</b>
<b>Fear is in The Eye Of The Beholder. Don't let it be You!</b>
G[e]c ::
Seveda Orly besede si mi iz ust vzel
Predlagam pa da zamenjas RC1 za final, ceprov tud RC1 ne bi smel stekat a ne Orly, XP nima veze kera verzija more delat k marija
Predlagam pa da zamenjas RC1 za final, ceprov tud RC1 ne bi smel stekat a ne Orly, XP nima veze kera verzija more delat k marija
JLP ::
Ja no RC1 je že kr star build. Probej kej novejšga staknt an. Pa mal prever da ni kak drjver za težava kriv. Sploh pa ne tlač VIA 4in1 na WinXP mašino k majo WinXP te drajverje že vgrajene tko k Win2k SP2.
Ja no RC1 je že kr star build. Probej kej novejšga staknt an. Pa mal prever da ni kak drjver za težava kriv. Sploh pa ne tlač VIA 4in1 na WinXP mašino k majo WinXP te drajverje že vgrajene tko k Win2k SP2.
Live long and prosper!
Tr0n ::
andrej: vrstni red je pomemben zato, ker imajo novejse verzije sistemov tudi bolj izpopolnjen multiboot. seveda dela tudi obratno, ampak mislim, da imas tako najmanj tezav.
The following is the preferred order for installing Microsoft OSs on dual-boot or multiboot systems: MS-DOS (including Windows 3.1 and Windows for Workgroups—WFW), Win9x, NT, then Win2K or WinXP.
This installation order works best for several reasons. First, the installer for each successive Windows-family product (Win9x, NT, Win2K) has been, for the most part, progressively better at recognizing the presence of its predecessors and accommodating a multi-OS configuration with them. With a few minor exceptions (e.g., Win95 OSR 2.x eliminates the ability to boot MS-DOS 6.x), each Windows version is better than its predecessors at preserving existing OS installations on a multi-OS system.
In addition, if you follow the suggested installation order, things are less likely to go awry during the multiboot-configuration process. The most common problem that users experience when they install OSs out of order (e.g., Win9x after NT or Win2K) is that the new OS overwrites the previous OS's boot sector. However, you can usually remedy this situation by running the Win2K Repair tool, which is available during Win2K setup. Under NT, this boot sector blowout problem is usually the result of a Win95 installation and is less likely to happen with Win98. However, in my experience with out-of-order installations on Win2K systems, I've found that even Win98 is prone to exhibit this boot sector-overwriting behavior.
The following is the preferred order for installing Microsoft OSs on dual-boot or multiboot systems: MS-DOS (including Windows 3.1 and Windows for Workgroups—WFW), Win9x, NT, then Win2K or WinXP.
This installation order works best for several reasons. First, the installer for each successive Windows-family product (Win9x, NT, Win2K) has been, for the most part, progressively better at recognizing the presence of its predecessors and accommodating a multi-OS configuration with them. With a few minor exceptions (e.g., Win95 OSR 2.x eliminates the ability to boot MS-DOS 6.x), each Windows version is better than its predecessors at preserving existing OS installations on a multi-OS system.
In addition, if you follow the suggested installation order, things are less likely to go awry during the multiboot-configuration process. The most common problem that users experience when they install OSs out of order (e.g., Win9x after NT or Win2K) is that the new OS overwrites the previous OS's boot sector. However, you can usually remedy this situation by running the Win2K Repair tool, which is available during Win2K setup. Under NT, this boot sector blowout problem is usually the result of a Win95 installation and is less likely to happen with Win98. However, in my experience with out-of-order installations on Win2K systems, I've found that even Win98 is prone to exhibit this boot sector-overwriting behavior.
Sodom ::
Jaz mam beta 2... pa delajo kot treba...
I am falling fast, I'm right in the final hour
future turns to past, been sent to hell and back
future turns to past, been sent to hell and back
andrej ::
TrOn: Win9x sploh nimam nikakrsnega multiboota, tako da je cisto vseeno al instaliras WinXP al win 9x... cisto vseeno..
Vrsti red je malo bolj pomemben ce instaliras win2k in win XP. Tukaj se malo pozna, ni pa kriticno.
Vrsti red je malo bolj pomemben ce instaliras win2k in win XP. Tukaj se malo pozna, ni pa kriticno.
Justy ::
No, no.....
Tron je samo lepo povedal kako se lepo ognes nepotrebnim tezavam in dal res dober nasvet. Dejte met mal sotrpljenja z drugimi.
Ocitno nekateri se vedno niso navodil ne da bi jih blo treba...
Tron je samo lepo povedal kako se lepo ognes nepotrebnim tezavam in dal res dober nasvet. Dejte met mal sotrpljenja z drugimi.
Ocitno nekateri se vedno niso navodil ne da bi jih blo treba...
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