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simnov ::

gta san andreas gold ,doom3 gold......................
  • zaklenil: gkovac ()

harvey ::

a je tolk težko vpisat v googla....

GTA: San Andreas is the latest in a series of Grand Theft Auto games that only became popular when GTA 3 came out for Playstation 2. Followed up by the best-selling GTA: Vice City, the GTA series quickly became famous. The new title in the series takes on a whole new perspective, replacing the main character of Tommy Vercetti with Carl Johnson. With a myriad of new cars and space to roam in, GTA: San Andreas looks like it will be just as popular if not more than its prequels.

Gold zadeva pomeni, da je zadeva prešla zadnja testiranja, popravke dopolnitve in da gre taka verzija v "izdelavo" in do kupcev. Podobno kot pri programju RC1, RC2, final.

gkovac ::

Uporabi iskalnike... temo zaklepam.
"Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse."

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