Slo-Tech - Z le 100 izdelanimi primerki je Phenom II TWKR zagotovo eden najbolj ekskluzivnih procesorjev sploh. A z odličnimi navijalskimi sposobnostmi, ki naj bi jih procesor imel, je vseeno odlično orodje za AMDjeve tržnike. Zato se je AMD odločil izvesti navijalsko prireditev, kamor so pripeljali nekaj teh procesorjev, najzmogljivejše matične plošče, grafične kartice in napajalnike, nekaj sto litrov tekočega dušika in tekočega helija in najboljše navijalce s celega sveta. Rezultati so bili, v veselje tržnega oddelka, odlični. Poleg rekorda v 3DMark 2005 pri 6,6 GHz in z dvema Radeonoma 4870 X2 je verjetno najpomembnejši dosežek navitje procesorja prek 7 GHz. Za frekvenco 7000,4 MHz so potrebovali matično ploščo DFI z AMDjevim veznim čipovjem 790FX in digitalnim napajanjem procesorja, za hlajenje pa sta skrbela tekoči dušik in tekoči helij. Dosežek žal nima CPU-Z verifikacije, kar ga naredi praktično neveljavnega, a glede na konkurenco, ki s Core 2 Quad in Core i7 procesorji komaj preseže 6 GHz, vseeno osupljivega.
Me pa moti samo ena stvar; doma imam Athlona X2 7750 BE in če spremenim množilnik v BIOS-u na gigabytki (in nič drugega!), mi potlej ne dela funkcija cool&quiet, ampak mi deluje vseskozi na privzeti frekvenci (2900, 3000...) ter mi ne zbija napetosti. Škoda...
Ko ne gre več, ko se ustavi, RESET Vas spet v ritem spravi.
@blueFish bi se strinjal s teboj, če ne bi imel AMD 770 chipseta
sej me to ne bi toliko motilo, ampak ga imam pri monitorju in me vsak hrup moti, na privzeti frekvenci pa razumljivo ventilator bolj vrti (navkljub PWM funkciji), saj se tudi bolj greje.
Ako imel bi denar, bi si zalmanov stolp omislil, tako pa... šmrc šmrc pa na drevo
Ko ne gre več, ko se ustavi, RESET Vas spet v ritem spravi.
Pa dajte no. Mater ste pametni. Kot da se komu zdi smiselno prodajat 100 procesorjev po magari 5000€. Tele proce so pač dali marketingu da iz njih izžame točno to, kar marketing počne: t.j. en velik kup P.R.-a. Nima smisla služit s tako serijo procesorjev.
Pa saj običen Phenom II tudi gre preko 7GHz-jev ne?
Saj TWKR so cherry picked običeni Phenom II.
A good way to earn 1000$ more per a CPU...
Žal ne, tistih 100 bodo potalali med top navijalce, revije/testne strani, itd. Sicer je kasneje možnost maloserijske proizvodnje teh procov, a zaenkrat je tole le mana za marketingarje :D
Žal ne, tistih 100 bodo potalali med top navijalce, revije/testne strani, itd. Sicer je kasneje možnost maloserijske proizvodnje teh procov, a zaenkrat je tole le mana za marketingarje :D
Eden (vsaj) je že v večnih loviščih. Počasi postajajo ogrožena vrsta.
To je The one Who Knows .... R so pa dali zraven, da napeljuje na to besedo.
Ubistvu je to kar si ti napisu TOWK + R
Since the AMD Phenom II X4 TWKR 42 Black Edition processors are something special, we figured that we'd sit down with the AMD marketing team from Austin and ask them a few questions.
Why is AMD sending out TWKR processors?
To give the hardcore enthusiast/overclockers some love. There has been a lot of support and AMD wanted to give back with parts that have characteristics that are specifically attractive to OC’rs: can handle more voltage and scale really well under extreme conditions (LN2 and LHe).
What does the name TWKR stand for?
Nothing too clever here – tweaker – the affectionate name we’ve given to those talented few that really know the in’s and out’s of extreme overclocking
So a site that said this is incorrect: "AMD has said that TWK stands for "Those Who Know".
In one of John Taylor’s blogs he talks about TWK (tweaks) as ‘those who know.' The TWKR processor does play on that, too, to some extent. In each case it’s talking about people AMD cares about – tweakers of AMD processors and those that know.
Why does the processor top say 42 on it?
We had to give the part a model number so we went for 42 (4 cores at 2 GHz) and also it’s a bit of an homage to ‘Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy’ as it is the answer to What is the meaning of life, the universal and all things…
How much higher of an overclock should we expect over a Phenom II X4 955?
About 100MHz on air and about 200MHz with extreme cooling…at least that’s what we’ve seen, but as usual, individual results may vary based on their specific part and their experience/skill.
So, 100 MHz to 200 MHz faster than a Phenom II 955 overclock... What happened to the rumored 500MHz faster a few weeks back?
As for 500MHz better…I don’t remember anyone claiming that. You guys have the parts so I’d be curious what you accomplish and how that compares to your 955 results.
Some people say that TWKR's are just early Phenom II X4 965's? True?
No. And I have to say a lot of information out there right now on 965 is not correct.
Will this ever go retail and if so what is pricing?
Right now this is just for the good of the community and not for sale.
How rare are these processors? Are they 1 out of 100 or 1 out of 100,000?
There are less than 100 of these that I know of, and unlike our competitor we don’t have the means or process in place to sort through thousands of processors. All AMD Phenom II processors have great potential and we have a few secrets on what we look for as the glass comes off the line…so far we’ve found what we’re looking for. When everything performs well it isn’t too tough to find fast chips.