Forum » Kriptovalute in blockchain » Bitfnex app scam ali dejansko deluje
Bitfnex app scam ali dejansko deluje

tamika ::
Sem mamica, in designer, zanima me zgolj ali je aplikacija
scam ali dejansko deluje?
2x sem si uspela nakazati zdaj so pa zneski ze kar visoki in strah v kosteh - plačati moram "tax", ker se mi je nabralo 17. 000usdt ali sem se z. in naj si zaliŽem rane? eno za drugo...
hvala za vaŠ čas in odgovore -
mami samohranilka
scam ali dejansko deluje?
2x sem si uspela nakazati zdaj so pa zneski ze kar visoki in strah v kosteh - plačati moram "tax", ker se mi je nabralo 17. 000usdt ali sem se z. in naj si zaliŽem rane? eno za drugo...
hvala za vaŠ čas in odgovore -
mami samohranilka
- polepsal: kuglvinkl ()

robba22 ::
Nisem kliknil na Link, ampak kadar moraš plačevati nekakšne taxe, gre ponavadi za scam. Pa ime je zelo podobno pravi kripto menjalnici.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: robba22 ()

Kripto mesi ::
Deluje brez problema, ampak samo za tiste, ki niso samohranilci, tako da žal, tebi ne bo delovalo. Liži rane rajši.
P.S. boljše samohranilka kot samomorilka
P.S. boljše samohranilka kot samomorilka
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Kripto mesi ()

A. Smith ::
Prava stran Bitfinex je tukaj:
Tebe, @tamika, so pa nasamarili.
Poznam že nekaj ljudi, ki so jih nategnili s temi fejk stranmi. Napotki so sledeči.
- sprijazni se, da denarja ne boš videla
- prekini stike s temi ljudmi, ker so nateguni in bodo želeli, da jim nakazuješ denar
- zaboga, ne nakaži jim niti centa, dovolj so te že obrali!
Nasedla si prevari, moje sožalje. Prekini s temi ljudmi stike in NE zakoplji se še globlje v drek.
Tebe, @tamika, so pa nasamarili.
Poznam že nekaj ljudi, ki so jih nategnili s temi fejk stranmi. Napotki so sledeči.
- sprijazni se, da denarja ne boš videla
- prekini stike s temi ljudmi, ker so nateguni in bodo želeli, da jim nakazuješ denar
- zaboga, ne nakaži jim niti centa, dovolj so te že obrali!
Nasedla si prevari, moje sožalje. Prekini s temi ljudmi stike in NE zakoplji se še globlje v drek.
"Be professional, be polite,
but have a plan to kill everyone you meet".
- General James Mattis
but have a plan to kill everyone you meet".
- General James Mattis

tamika ::
Ne vem kako vam prilep slikico aplikacije apak odgovor na dvig 12000USDT je bil, da potrebujemolacati davek- preberite!!
"You need to pay 5306USDT to complete your tax avoidance process. After you complete your tax avoidance funds, the amount you paid will be submitted to the tax department for processing. After the processing is completed, this amount will be added to your account balance. , you can withdraw money together
KAR ME BEGA SO PA DEJENA MNENJA- ENI PRAVIJO DA S TEM "SLUZIJO" po 60-100Usdt NA DAN- kar se je izkazalo resnicno.... Manse vsote grejo dol gor hitro....
Jaz vam lahko uslugo vrnem z dobrim designom ali prebovo stanovanja - v tem pa sem dobra.
Link za app;
"You need to pay 5306USDT to complete your tax avoidance process. After you complete your tax avoidance funds, the amount you paid will be submitted to the tax department for processing. After the processing is completed, this amount will be added to your account balance. , you can withdraw money together
KAR ME BEGA SO PA DEJENA MNENJA- ENI PRAVIJO DA S TEM "SLUZIJO" po 60-100Usdt NA DAN- kar se je izkazalo resnicno.... Manse vsote grejo dol gor hitro....
Jaz vam lahko uslugo vrnem z dobrim designom ali prebovo stanovanja - v tem pa sem dobra.
Link za app;

matic492 ::
Če nisi troll, in so te dejansko nategnali imaš zgoraj že odgovor. NE ODPIRAJ VEČ TE STRANI, NE NAKAZUJ VEČ DENARJA IN POZABI NA DENAR, denarja ne bo nazaj nikoli. Prijava policiji in življenje naprej.
To je scammer taktika 101, prvo nakazilo naivnežem dejansko izplačaš, da pridejo nazaj z večjimi zneski.
KAR ME BEGA SO PA DEJENA MNENJA- ENI PRAVIJO DA S TEM "SLUZIJO" po 60-100Usdt NA DAN- kar se je izkazalo resnicno.... Manse vsote grejo dol gor hitro....
To je scammer taktika 101, prvo nakazilo naivnežem dejansko izplačaš, da pridejo nazaj z večjimi zneski.
X670 Gaming X, R9 7900X, 64GB, EVGA RTX 3090 XC3, HX1000
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: matic492 ()

DarwiN ::
Ja, upam da ne trolaš, saj je to tvoj prvi oz. drugi post na slotechu. V tvojo prid sicer govori dejstvo, da si račun odprla leta 2019.
Ampak očitno si žrtev "pig butchering" sheme.. Pogooglaj malo in preveri na youtubu.. Najprej te z manjšimi zneski/dobički hranijo, ti dajo upanje in si kupijo lažno kredibilnost, posledično začneš vlagat večje zneske in takrat te zakoljejo kot pujčeka (pig butchering).
Ampak očitno si žrtev "pig butchering" sheme.. Pogooglaj malo in preveri na youtubu.. Najprej te z manjšimi zneski/dobički hranijo, ti dajo upanje in si kupijo lažno kredibilnost, posledično začneš vlagat večje zneske in takrat te zakoljejo kot pujčeka (pig butchering).
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: DarwiN ()

Machete ::
Naše šole ocenjujejo pa športno vzgojo in znanje pravil nekih obskurnih športnih disciplin, kar je bizarka totalna, na drugi strani imamo pa življensko in predvsem logično nepismene 'tamike' in ostale resnične in neresnične trole..
LC1000|Asrock-H470PG|i7-10700K|2x16GB|RTX-3080 EAGLE|W10Pro
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Machete ()

PersonaRuda ::
Ne vem kako vam prilep slikico aplikacije apak odgovor na dvig 12000USDT je bil, da potrebujemolacati davek- preberite!!
"You need to pay 5306USDT to complete your tax avoidance process."
Ne vem zakaj folku ne klikne ali nima logike, da če moreš za nakazilo 12.000 usd plačati 5.500 usd davka, da enostavno ne odpiše, da naj odštejejo ta davek od 12.000 usd in razliko nakažejo (v tem primeru 6.500 usd). Tako je vedno bilo in bo, če gre za legalen posel. Če pa gre za nateg, pa se ti morejo vsi alarmi prižgati, ko nekdo zahteva denar za nakazilo, da gre potem za prevarante.
Imaš dve možnosti:
a) napiši to kar sem ti omenil zgoraj
b) nakaži jim teh 5.500 usd za plačilo davka
V obeh primerih ti več ne boš videla nič od teh 12.000 usd. Nič! Ker si se ujela v primež prevarantov. Na linke katere daješ pa mi tudi sama logika pravi, da ne klikam na njih, ker ne hodim na glih vsako čunga-lunga stran, katero se posta na forum...

matic492 ::
Sej ni davek ampak je "Tax avoidance process" lol hahaha. Torej pranje denarja?
X670 Gaming X, R9 7900X, 64GB, EVGA RTX 3090 XC3, HX1000

PersonaRuda ::
Saj je vseeno za kaj je. Naj odtegnejo od zneska in razliko nakažejo. To je point in to pomeni, da potem ne gre za nateg. Kak pa ti njim še nekaj nakažeš, pa veš da gre za nateg, ker na točno takšen način takšni nigerijski princi živijo in potem postajo te svoje slike o svojem premoženju, katerega so na točno takšnih naivnežih dobili.
tamika - ti samo nakaži teh 5.500 usd ker počasi bo spet ta nigerijski princ potoval s svojo družino v Dubai in letalo je potrebno plačati. In ta dopust bo plačan s tvojim in tebi podobnim denarjem:
Nigerijski princ Ismailija Mustafa in njegov sin Muhamed Aval Mustafa
tamika - ti samo nakaži teh 5.500 usd ker počasi bo spet ta nigerijski princ potoval s svojo družino v Dubai in letalo je potrebno plačati. In ta dopust bo plačan s tvojim in tebi podobnim denarjem:
Nigerijski princ Ismailija Mustafa in njegov sin Muhamed Aval Mustafa
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: PersonaRuda ()

fikus_ ::
bitfnex =/= bitfinex
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: fikus_ ()

Machete ::
Dobiš TR za prvo nakazilo na PM. Donos ca 200% na mesec. (Majkemi).
LC1000|Asrock-H470PG|i7-10700K|2x16GB|RTX-3080 EAGLE|W10Pro
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+

Utk ::
Kdo na svetu, ki ni scamer, je že kdaj registriral domeno kot je Pozna kdo resno internet stran z minusom v naslovu? Če dodamo še prvi del, bitfnex, ki je zelo podoben (kolk tolk) legit menjalnici, dobimo pa res zmagovalno kombinacijo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Utk ()

bopexa ::
Sem mamica, in designer, zanima me zgolj ali je aplikacija
scam ali dejansko deluje?
2x sem si uspela nakazati zdaj so pa zneski ze kar visoki in strah v kosteh - plačati moram "tax", ker se mi je nabralo 17. 000usdt ali sem se z. in naj si zaliŽem rane? eno za drugo...
hvala za vaŠ čas in odgovore -
mami samohranilka
Zanimivo, da je pohlep ljudi še vedno tako velik, da nasedajo na kriptovaluten scam. Te bo izučilo, tisti zneski so samo številke na internetni strani. Povej, ko boš ta denar ven dobila

Mimogrede, imam bolj trden posel zate, ravno mi je umrl bogat stric v Tanzaniji in bi moral spraviti 400 miljonov v EU mimo FURSa. Če mi posodiš svoj bančni račun in prispevaš 50.000 eurov za takse, se lahko zmeniva.
Aja, folk ne nasede na vsako sranje, če ni kripto omenjen... popravek, bogat kriptovalutni stric.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: bopexa ()

ToniT ::
Zanimivi pogoji uporabe:
These Terms and Conditions are governed by the following terminology and principles of interpretation:
Agents Contract and these Terms & Conditions
Rebate Charge: the fee on the Agents Account Information Provider webpage. Account Information Provider: documents and information on our Agents' Services.
Attached to these Terms and Conditions is the Agents' Contract.
Services: the agents' services we've pledged to deliver for the platform, as defined in the Agents Contract.
1.0 Interpretation:
A) Words following the terms, such as, for example, must be construed as illustrative and shall not restrict the meaning of the previous words, description, definition, phrase, or term.
B) Unless otherwise noted, capitalized words used in these Terms and Conditions (but not defined in these Terms and Conditions) shall have the meanings provided in the Agents Contract.
1.2 Terms & Conditions:
A) These are the terms and conditions for our platform services. Please carefully consider these Terms & Conditions before signing the Agreement. These Terms and Conditions describe who we are, how we will provide you with our services, what to do if a problem develops, and other essential information. If you feel any issue with these terms, please submit feedback to customer service. In addition, we may take legal action against your misbehavior over the rating application procedure so that you may get penalized by the law.
B) These Terms and Conditions will govern our Agreement to exclude any other terms and conditions that Application Developer(s) may attempt to impose, incorporate, or imply trade, custom, practice, or course of business.
Note: You are jointly and severally liable for your duties and responsibilities under this Agreement, including your liabilities, if there is more than one Application Developer. This implies that we may pursue our rights against you for any violation of this Agreement by taking extra action against your conduct. Our continual assumption is that our agents will pay attention and cooperate with us.
A) Agents must finish rating all the applications (40) within 24 hours to assure effective rating collecting.
B) Early termination of applications rating is NOT allowed as it would halt rating collecting.
C) Agents are prohibited from posting or distributing false content on social media or other platforms.
D) Each user will be randomly assigned 0-4 package rating in 40 ratings, each package rating will contains 1-3 application(s)
E) The minimum withdrawal requirement is to complete 40 ratings and a minimum withdrawal of 100 USDT or more before being allowed to withdraw funds
F) Before exiting employment, each agent must complete three sets of applications rating. Note: 3 sets of applications means 120 times the applications rating
The corporation has the right to add to or amend the terms of the agreement.
These Terms and Conditions are governed by the following terminology and principles of interpretation:
Agents Contract and these Terms & Conditions
Rebate Charge: the fee on the Agents Account Information Provider webpage. Account Information Provider: documents and information on our Agents' Services.
Attached to these Terms and Conditions is the Agents' Contract.
Services: the agents' services we've pledged to deliver for the platform, as defined in the Agents Contract.
1.0 Interpretation:
A) Words following the terms, such as, for example, must be construed as illustrative and shall not restrict the meaning of the previous words, description, definition, phrase, or term.
B) Unless otherwise noted, capitalized words used in these Terms and Conditions (but not defined in these Terms and Conditions) shall have the meanings provided in the Agents Contract.
1.2 Terms & Conditions:
A) These are the terms and conditions for our platform services. Please carefully consider these Terms & Conditions before signing the Agreement. These Terms and Conditions describe who we are, how we will provide you with our services, what to do if a problem develops, and other essential information. If you feel any issue with these terms, please submit feedback to customer service. In addition, we may take legal action against your misbehavior over the rating application procedure so that you may get penalized by the law.
B) These Terms and Conditions will govern our Agreement to exclude any other terms and conditions that Application Developer(s) may attempt to impose, incorporate, or imply trade, custom, practice, or course of business.
Note: You are jointly and severally liable for your duties and responsibilities under this Agreement, including your liabilities, if there is more than one Application Developer. This implies that we may pursue our rights against you for any violation of this Agreement by taking extra action against your conduct. Our continual assumption is that our agents will pay attention and cooperate with us.
A) Agents must finish rating all the applications (40) within 24 hours to assure effective rating collecting.
B) Early termination of applications rating is NOT allowed as it would halt rating collecting.
C) Agents are prohibited from posting or distributing false content on social media or other platforms.
D) Each user will be randomly assigned 0-4 package rating in 40 ratings, each package rating will contains 1-3 application(s)
E) The minimum withdrawal requirement is to complete 40 ratings and a minimum withdrawal of 100 USDT or more before being allowed to withdraw funds
F) Before exiting employment, each agent must complete three sets of applications rating. Note: 3 sets of applications means 120 times the applications rating
The corporation has the right to add to or amend the terms of the agreement.

Machete ::
Haha random visokoleteče fraze :)
LC1000|Asrock-H470PG|i7-10700K|2x16GB|RTX-3080 EAGLE|W10Pro
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+
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