Forum » Loža » Kje je fora takih mailov, ki jih dobivam?
Kje je fora takih mailov, ki jih dobivam?

Jon ::
V zadnem letu sm dobu 948400 mailov v takem stilu..prvic je blo se zanimivo? Sam kje je fora, kwa hocjo in kdo so? :)
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am Barrister Melber Agom, the Attorney to late GENERAL ROBERT
GUEI Ex-Military Head of State of Ivory Coast, who was murdered along
with the interior minister on the 19th of September 2002.
I contacted you because of my need to deal with
persons whom the family had had no previous personal
relationships. Since their father's murder, they have been subjected to all
sorts of harassments and intimidation with lots of negative
reports emananting from the Government and the Press about this family, the
present Government of LAURENT GBAGBO has also ensured that their
bank accounts are frozen and all assets seized.
It is in view of this that I seek your co-operation and assistance in
the transfer of this sum of thirty Million United States
Dollars only (US$30,000,000.00) being one of their father's funds.
the present Government seized all their properties and frozen all their
accounts both at home and overseas.
their only hope now is this cash their father carefully packed and deposited
as Artifacts with a Securty/Finance Company in the Netherlands and that
prompt my visit to the Netherlands to look for a partner that will help
them in clearing the deposit from the security company.
The security/Finance Company based on my instructions will release the
fund to you. You are to be presented as their business partner who will be
for us in subsequent ventures and in truth you will be fronting
for us in the areas of business you deem profitable.
To show their preparedness and appreciation to conduct this business
with you, we shall give you and your family US$4.4M of the funds and
20% commission on all proceeds realized from the investment of this
fund. Also, US $1.5 Million is set aside for any eventual cost that
may occur in the process of this transaction.
Please, I need your full support and co-operation for the success of
this venture. I plead with you to treat as urgent and confidential.
This is a delicate issue, which demands a great degree of secrecy,
taking into consideration their current political status.
Also, endeavor to contat me through the email address.
I await your immediate response.
Barrister Melber Agom.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am Barrister Melber Agom, the Attorney to late GENERAL ROBERT
GUEI Ex-Military Head of State of Ivory Coast, who was murdered along
with the interior minister on the 19th of September 2002.
I contacted you because of my need to deal with
persons whom the family had had no previous personal
relationships. Since their father's murder, they have been subjected to all
sorts of harassments and intimidation with lots of negative
reports emananting from the Government and the Press about this family, the
present Government of LAURENT GBAGBO has also ensured that their
bank accounts are frozen and all assets seized.
It is in view of this that I seek your co-operation and assistance in
the transfer of this sum of thirty Million United States
Dollars only (US$30,000,000.00) being one of their father's funds.
the present Government seized all their properties and frozen all their
accounts both at home and overseas.
their only hope now is this cash their father carefully packed and deposited
as Artifacts with a Securty/Finance Company in the Netherlands and that
prompt my visit to the Netherlands to look for a partner that will help
them in clearing the deposit from the security company.
The security/Finance Company based on my instructions will release the
fund to you. You are to be presented as their business partner who will be
for us in subsequent ventures and in truth you will be fronting
for us in the areas of business you deem profitable.
To show their preparedness and appreciation to conduct this business
with you, we shall give you and your family US$4.4M of the funds and
20% commission on all proceeds realized from the investment of this
fund. Also, US $1.5 Million is set aside for any eventual cost that
may occur in the process of this transaction.
Please, I need your full support and co-operation for the success of
this venture. I plead with you to treat as urgent and confidential.
This is a delicate issue, which demands a great degree of secrecy,
taking into consideration their current political status.
Also, endeavor to contat me through the email address.
I await your immediate response.
Barrister Melber Agom.

bezerk ::

temu se rece Nigerijska prevara 419, staro kot zemlja, včasih so to posiljali po navadni posti, danes pa preko emaila. Najbolj neverjetno je, da je to multimiljonski biznis !!! Noro, kako so ljudje naivni in neumni.

R33D3M33R ::
Takih mailov sem jaz že polno dobo : Kitajska, Afrika...
Ti ki si to zmišljujejo bi lahko bili pisci romanov
Ne vem kako lahko kdo nasede .... morda pa le

Ti ki si to zmišljujejo bi lahko bili pisci romanov

Ne vem kako lahko kdo nasede .... morda pa le

Moja domača stran:
Na spletu že od junija 2002 ;)
:(){ :|:& };:
Na spletu že od junija 2002 ;)
:(){ :|:& };:

Mobidick ::
Nekdo omeni, kake bajne vsote bojo dobli, pa se že vsi slinijo. Naivneži. Jaz sploh čitam nena takih mailov, kar pogumno stisnem Shift+Delete, pa je. Pa ta BUTASTA verižna pisma. Joj, kak jih mrzim.
The future is digital!

demoness ::
Folk, tole je kar resna zadeva.
Sem poznala enega tipa, ki je takole stvar dobil iz Nigerije, poklical človeka, se dogovarjal z njim, dobil nekaj ful dobro ponarejenih vladnih listin po faksu (vse podkupljeno), se že zmenil, kako jim bo samo posodil račun svoje firme za pranje denarja in za nagrado dobil x milijonov dolarjev, bil ves navdušen, načrtoval, kaj vse bo kupil s tem... potem so pa prišli k stvari - namreč naj pride dol v Nigerijo z nevemkoliko že - mislim da 500K $$, kot neko varščino za to fantastično transakcijo.
Šele potem se je mal spametoval (ker toliko keša pač ni imel) in šel mal na net gledat, kaj je s tem. In je našel t.i. Nigerian scam. Seveda bi mu dol pobrali keš in ga ubili. Potem se je seveda nehal menit z njimi.
So pa bili tudi nekateri (Slovenci!), ki so si sposodil silne vsote, zastavil hiše, itd. in denar poslali dol, češ kaj vse bodo dobili... trikrat lahko ugibate, kaj SO dobili, in koliko let bodo še morali odplačevat tiste hipoteke...
Sem poznala enega tipa, ki je takole stvar dobil iz Nigerije, poklical človeka, se dogovarjal z njim, dobil nekaj ful dobro ponarejenih vladnih listin po faksu (vse podkupljeno), se že zmenil, kako jim bo samo posodil račun svoje firme za pranje denarja in za nagrado dobil x milijonov dolarjev, bil ves navdušen, načrtoval, kaj vse bo kupil s tem... potem so pa prišli k stvari - namreč naj pride dol v Nigerijo z nevemkoliko že - mislim da 500K $$, kot neko varščino za to fantastično transakcijo.
Šele potem se je mal spametoval (ker toliko keša pač ni imel) in šel mal na net gledat, kaj je s tem. In je našel t.i. Nigerian scam. Seveda bi mu dol pobrali keš in ga ubili. Potem se je seveda nehal menit z njimi.

So pa bili tudi nekateri (Slovenci!), ki so si sposodil silne vsote, zastavil hiše, itd. in denar poslali dol, češ kaj vse bodo dobili... trikrat lahko ugibate, kaj SO dobili, in koliko let bodo še morali odplačevat tiste hipoteke...

Jon ::
Se en dokaz, kako so ljudje lahko naivni in slepi, kadar gre za denar...
Nevem kako sploh komu pride na pamet, da bi to resno jemal. Meni se je zdelo zanimivo, predvsem pa me je zanimalo kaksna fora se skriva v ozadju :)
Nevem kako sploh komu pride na pamet, da bi to resno jemal. Meni se je zdelo zanimivo, predvsem pa me je zanimalo kaksna fora se skriva v ozadju :)

BoGo ::
In bw_ je modro ravnal in povprasal.

There are 10 kinds of people in this world:
Those who understand binary and those who don't.
Those who understand binary and those who don't.

(sic) ::
Samo niti ni tako neumna zadeva...
Denar ti itak NE morejo pobrati z računa. Tako, da ko nakažejo lahko pobereš denar pa spizdiš. Seveda potem tvegaš, da pridejo za tabo in te ubijejo... Razen, če se potem odseliš v tujino.
Denar ti itak NE morejo pobrati z računa. Tako, da ko nakažejo lahko pobereš denar pa spizdiš. Seveda potem tvegaš, da pridejo za tabo in te ubijejo... Razen, če se potem odseliš v tujino.
Fuck you all!!!

Keyser Soze ::
Ja. Eno gomilo termitov za posladek, gotovine pa še videl ne boš.
Zanimivo. Jaz je pa še nikoli nisem dobil. Izgleda, da vejo da sem tudi jaz bolj na nigerijskih finančnih tleh
Zanimivo. Jaz je pa še nikoli nisem dobil. Izgleda, da vejo da sem tudi jaz bolj na nigerijskih finančnih tleh

darh ::
Kolk majo eni časa...
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am a Private Investigator based in Europe. A group
of Government Officials from an African Country
contacted me with a
Proposal. I am to Make contact with you and state their offer, if your Interest is Genuine, you will be Contacted for your Account details to which will be transferred the sum of $33,600,000.00 USD. (20% of which is yours). You are then required to forward the remaining balance (Minus the Interest, handling and tax clearance charges, which Will be offset by Us & Deducted from the transferred sum) to a nominated Bank account in the Cayman Islands. I don't think I need to spell out the importance of Secrecy in this Matter considering the amount involved.
Let me state clearly here that the account that you
would be providing does not need to have funds in it;
it is only needed to be active and be able to receive
So, if I don't hear from you within three days I will
assume you are not interested and will solicit for a
new partner, but if you know you are interested let me
know. List your phone & fax Numbers so we may
communicate with you. This is important as we would
Have to talk about the modalities of the transaction.
Waiting to hear from you.
chukwuemeka okpara
Dr David Idama
Falomo, Lagos.
I am Dr David Idama an Accountant in the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) and I head a seven-man tenders committee in charge of Foreign/Expatriate Contract Awards Review and Payment Approvals (CRPAC). I came to know of your name and address in my search for a reliable and low-key person to handle a very confidential transaction based on unflinching trust as we have not met before. This transaction involves the transfer of huge sum of foreign exchange (the United States Dollars) to a foreign account. There were a series of contracts executed by a Consortium of Multinationals in the oil industry in favour of NNPC among which are:
(1) The expansion and rehabilitation of the ageing pipeline network within Nigeria for crude oil and downstream products distribution and evacuation - US$9 Billion
(2) Contracts for the Turn Around Maintenance (TAM) of the four epileptic refineries in the country
(3) The construction of more storage tanks and maintenance and servicing of old ones for Petroleum Products Storage (Depots) - US$90 Million
(4) The construction of Escravos Gas Poduction Offshore facility. The original value of these contracts was deliberately over-invoiced in the sum of USD Eighteen Million, Five Hundred Thousand
($18,500,000.00) by this
committee (CRPAC) during the awards of the various contract. This sum
($18,500,000.00) has now been approved for payment by this committee (CRPAC)and is now ready to be transfered by the Central Bank of Nigeria to the account of any individual and or company which the CRPAC presents as the beneficiary, since the company that actually executed these contracts has been fully paid their fund and the projects have been officialy commissioned. Consequently, my colleagues and I are willing to transfer the total amount to your account for subsequent disbursement on our behalf, since we as civil servants and we are also serving in a sensitive foreign payment approval committee (CRPAC) are prohibited by the Code of Conduct Bureau (Civil Service Laws) from opening or operating foreign account and or dealing in foreign exchange in our names. Needless to say, the trust reposed on you at this juncture is enormous. In return, we have agreed to offer you 25% of the transferred sum, while 10% shall be set aside for incidental expenses (internal and external) accrued between the parties in the course of the transaction. The balance will be used to purchase agricultural equipment and medical drugs from your country for importation back to my country. You must however note that this transaction is subject to the following terms and conditions: a) Our conviction of your transparent honesty and diligence
b) That you would treat this transaction with utmost secrecy and confidentiality c) That you have an unflincing trust in us, and our ability to complete all official processes with your co-operation.
(d) That the funds would be transfered to an ordinary account which you have total control over. Modalities have been worked out (secretly) at the highest levels of the relevant government departments involved and the Central Bank of Nigeria for the immediate transfer of funds within 14 working days subject to your satisfaction of the above stated terms. Our assurance is that your role is risk-free. To accord this transaction the legality it deserves and for mutual security of the fund, the whole approval procedures will be officially and legally processed with your name or the name of any company you may nominate as the bonafide beneficiary, as in an ideal situation.It is imperative that you bear in mind that having put in 19 years in the service of the government, I am averse to having my image and career dented. This matter should therefore be treated with utmost secrecy and urgency. Kindly expedite action by contacting me on my e-mail address, indicating your interest in this transaction. For swift response to your reply, kindly indicate your fax and telephone numbers clearly so that I can explain further, especially by fax. I am urgently waiting your reply as payment to foreign contractors is usually made on quarterly basis.
Yours faithfully,
Dr David Idama

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am a Private Investigator based in Europe. A group
of Government Officials from an African Country
contacted me with a
Proposal. I am to Make contact with you and state their offer, if your Interest is Genuine, you will be Contacted for your Account details to which will be transferred the sum of $33,600,000.00 USD. (20% of which is yours). You are then required to forward the remaining balance (Minus the Interest, handling and tax clearance charges, which Will be offset by Us & Deducted from the transferred sum) to a nominated Bank account in the Cayman Islands. I don't think I need to spell out the importance of Secrecy in this Matter considering the amount involved.
Let me state clearly here that the account that you
would be providing does not need to have funds in it;
it is only needed to be active and be able to receive
So, if I don't hear from you within three days I will
assume you are not interested and will solicit for a
new partner, but if you know you are interested let me
know. List your phone & fax Numbers so we may
communicate with you. This is important as we would
Have to talk about the modalities of the transaction.
Waiting to hear from you.
chukwuemeka okpara
Dr David Idama
Falomo, Lagos.
I am Dr David Idama an Accountant in the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) and I head a seven-man tenders committee in charge of Foreign/Expatriate Contract Awards Review and Payment Approvals (CRPAC). I came to know of your name and address in my search for a reliable and low-key person to handle a very confidential transaction based on unflinching trust as we have not met before. This transaction involves the transfer of huge sum of foreign exchange (the United States Dollars) to a foreign account. There were a series of contracts executed by a Consortium of Multinationals in the oil industry in favour of NNPC among which are:
(1) The expansion and rehabilitation of the ageing pipeline network within Nigeria for crude oil and downstream products distribution and evacuation - US$9 Billion
(2) Contracts for the Turn Around Maintenance (TAM) of the four epileptic refineries in the country
(3) The construction of more storage tanks and maintenance and servicing of old ones for Petroleum Products Storage (Depots) - US$90 Million
(4) The construction of Escravos Gas Poduction Offshore facility. The original value of these contracts was deliberately over-invoiced in the sum of USD Eighteen Million, Five Hundred Thousand
($18,500,000.00) by this
committee (CRPAC) during the awards of the various contract. This sum
($18,500,000.00) has now been approved for payment by this committee (CRPAC)and is now ready to be transfered by the Central Bank of Nigeria to the account of any individual and or company which the CRPAC presents as the beneficiary, since the company that actually executed these contracts has been fully paid their fund and the projects have been officialy commissioned. Consequently, my colleagues and I are willing to transfer the total amount to your account for subsequent disbursement on our behalf, since we as civil servants and we are also serving in a sensitive foreign payment approval committee (CRPAC) are prohibited by the Code of Conduct Bureau (Civil Service Laws) from opening or operating foreign account and or dealing in foreign exchange in our names. Needless to say, the trust reposed on you at this juncture is enormous. In return, we have agreed to offer you 25% of the transferred sum, while 10% shall be set aside for incidental expenses (internal and external) accrued between the parties in the course of the transaction. The balance will be used to purchase agricultural equipment and medical drugs from your country for importation back to my country. You must however note that this transaction is subject to the following terms and conditions: a) Our conviction of your transparent honesty and diligence
b) That you would treat this transaction with utmost secrecy and confidentiality c) That you have an unflincing trust in us, and our ability to complete all official processes with your co-operation.
(d) That the funds would be transfered to an ordinary account which you have total control over. Modalities have been worked out (secretly) at the highest levels of the relevant government departments involved and the Central Bank of Nigeria for the immediate transfer of funds within 14 working days subject to your satisfaction of the above stated terms. Our assurance is that your role is risk-free. To accord this transaction the legality it deserves and for mutual security of the fund, the whole approval procedures will be officially and legally processed with your name or the name of any company you may nominate as the bonafide beneficiary, as in an ideal situation.It is imperative that you bear in mind that having put in 19 years in the service of the government, I am averse to having my image and career dented. This matter should therefore be treated with utmost secrecy and urgency. Kindly expedite action by contacting me on my e-mail address, indicating your interest in this transaction. For swift response to your reply, kindly indicate your fax and telephone numbers clearly so that I can explain further, especially by fax. I am urgently waiting your reply as payment to foreign contractors is usually made on quarterly basis.
Yours faithfully,
Dr David Idama
Excuses are useless! Results are priceless!

darh ::
če koga tole zabava... (tole je bilo vse all-caps...) :
dear friend,
my request is anchored on our desire to establish a
lasting business relationship with you. i assure you my
confidence of ability and reliability to prosecute a
pending business transaction which requires maximum
confidence. i am one of the top officials of the
federal government contract review panel, who are
interested in the importation of goods into the country
with funds which are presently trapped in nigerian
other to commence this business we solicit your
assistance to enable us transfer into your account the
said trapped funds.
the source of this fund is as follows:
during the last military regime here in nigeria,
members of the armed forces ruling council set up
companies and award them selves contract which were
grossly over invoiced in various ministries.
the present government has set up a contract review
panel and we have identified a lot inflated funds,
which are presently floating in central bank of nigeria
ready for payment.
we have therefore, been delegated as a matter of trust
by my colleagues of the panel to look for an overseas
partners into whose account we could transfer the sum
of ($35,000,000,00.usd).
hence we writing you this letter, we have agreed to
share the money,
1.30% for the account owner (you)
2.60% for us the officials.
3. 10% to be used in the settling taxation and all
local and foreign expenses.
it is from the 60% that we wish to commence the
importation business , pls note that this transaction
is 100% save and we hope to complete the transfer at
least (14) banking days from the date of the receive of
the following information from you. your bankers name
/company's name, address /account, phone, fax number
also give us the name of the account of the beneficiary
through mail.
the above information is to enhancing our communication
and enable us make urgent conversation and to write
letter of claim and job description respectively, we
will use your company's name to apply for payment and
re-award the contract in your company's name.
we are looking forward to doing this business with you
and solicit your confidentiality in this transaction.
best regards.
aduba emmanuel
_________________________________________________________ gratuito, latino y en espańol.
dear friend,
my request is anchored on our desire to establish a
lasting business relationship with you. i assure you my
confidence of ability and reliability to prosecute a
pending business transaction which requires maximum
confidence. i am one of the top officials of the
federal government contract review panel, who are
interested in the importation of goods into the country
with funds which are presently trapped in nigerian
other to commence this business we solicit your
assistance to enable us transfer into your account the
said trapped funds.
the source of this fund is as follows:
during the last military regime here in nigeria,
members of the armed forces ruling council set up
companies and award them selves contract which were
grossly over invoiced in various ministries.
the present government has set up a contract review
panel and we have identified a lot inflated funds,
which are presently floating in central bank of nigeria
ready for payment.
we have therefore, been delegated as a matter of trust
by my colleagues of the panel to look for an overseas
partners into whose account we could transfer the sum
of ($35,000,000,00.usd).
hence we writing you this letter, we have agreed to
share the money,
1.30% for the account owner (you)
2.60% for us the officials.
3. 10% to be used in the settling taxation and all
local and foreign expenses.
it is from the 60% that we wish to commence the
importation business , pls note that this transaction
is 100% save and we hope to complete the transfer at
least (14) banking days from the date of the receive of
the following information from you. your bankers name
/company's name, address /account, phone, fax number
also give us the name of the account of the beneficiary
through mail.
the above information is to enhancing our communication
and enable us make urgent conversation and to write
letter of claim and job description respectively, we
will use your company's name to apply for payment and
re-award the contract in your company's name.
we are looking forward to doing this business with you
and solicit your confidentiality in this transaction.
best regards.
aduba emmanuel
_________________________________________________________ gratuito, latino y en espańol.
Excuses are useless! Results are priceless!

Sandi79 ::
Ej revčki to še ni nič
poglejte tole:
FROM: Prince Tunde O Adisaraki
This letter might surprise you because we have not met neither in person nor by correspondence. But I believe it is one day that you get to know somebody either in physical or through correspondence. I got your contact through some discreet inquiry from the chamber of commerce and industry, you and your organization were revealed as being quite astute in private entrepreneurship, one has no doubt in your ability to handle a financial business transaction.
However,I am the first son of his Royal Majesty, Iginawari Nweke Adisaraki III and the traditional ruler of Eleme Province in the oil area of Rivers State of Nigeria. I am making this contact to you in respect of US 58,000,000.00 (Fifty eight million United States Dollars) which I inherited from my late father. This money was accumulated from royalties paid to my father as compensation by the oil firms located in our area as a result of oil presence on our land which hamper agriculture which is our major source of livelihood. Unfortunately my father died from protracted diabetes. But before his he called my attention and informed me that he lodged some funds on a two boxes with a security firm with an open beneficiary status. The lodgment Security Code Number was also revealed to me, he then advised me to look for a reliable business partner abroad, who will assist me in investing the money in a lucrative business as a result of economic instability in Nigeria.
So this is the main reason why I am contacting you for us to move this money from the security firm to any country of your choice for investment purposes. So I will like you to be the ultimate beneficiary, so that the funds can be moved in your name and particulars to any country of your choice where it will be claimed and invested. Hence my father have had intimated the security firm personnel that the beneficiary of the Box is his foreign partner whose particulars will be forwarded to the firm when due.
But I will guide you accordingly. As soon as the fund reaches, I will then come over to meet you in person, so that we can discuss physically on Investment entials.Based on this instance I and my family have unanimously decided to give you 20% of the total money and annual 5% of the after tax returns on investment for the first three years. Thereafter, the term shall be varied. 2% for charity homes and 3% for expenses, which may arise during the transaction, fax and phone bills inclusive. The balance of 70% you will invest and manage for my family. I hereby guarantee you that this is not government money, it is not drug money and it is not money from arms deal.
Though you have to maintain high degree of confidentiality on this matter.
I will give you all proof of deposit and existence of money once urged and fully satisfied with you capability and honesty. I hope this will be the beginning of a prosperous relationship between my family and your family. Nevertheless if you are for any reason not interest, kindly inform me immediately so that I will look for another contact.
I required also your private phone and fax numbers for easy communication.I am waiting for your quick response through my private phone or fax Number.
I am waiting for your quick response.
Yours faithfully,
Prince Tunde Olusola Adisaraki (For the Family)
In izjava Interpola:
Odsvetujemo vam sodelovanje z ti. "Nigerijsko mafio"
poglejte tole:
FROM: Prince Tunde O Adisaraki
This letter might surprise you because we have not met neither in person nor by correspondence. But I believe it is one day that you get to know somebody either in physical or through correspondence. I got your contact through some discreet inquiry from the chamber of commerce and industry, you and your organization were revealed as being quite astute in private entrepreneurship, one has no doubt in your ability to handle a financial business transaction.
However,I am the first son of his Royal Majesty, Iginawari Nweke Adisaraki III and the traditional ruler of Eleme Province in the oil area of Rivers State of Nigeria. I am making this contact to you in respect of US 58,000,000.00 (Fifty eight million United States Dollars) which I inherited from my late father. This money was accumulated from royalties paid to my father as compensation by the oil firms located in our area as a result of oil presence on our land which hamper agriculture which is our major source of livelihood. Unfortunately my father died from protracted diabetes. But before his he called my attention and informed me that he lodged some funds on a two boxes with a security firm with an open beneficiary status. The lodgment Security Code Number was also revealed to me, he then advised me to look for a reliable business partner abroad, who will assist me in investing the money in a lucrative business as a result of economic instability in Nigeria.
So this is the main reason why I am contacting you for us to move this money from the security firm to any country of your choice for investment purposes. So I will like you to be the ultimate beneficiary, so that the funds can be moved in your name and particulars to any country of your choice where it will be claimed and invested. Hence my father have had intimated the security firm personnel that the beneficiary of the Box is his foreign partner whose particulars will be forwarded to the firm when due.
But I will guide you accordingly. As soon as the fund reaches, I will then come over to meet you in person, so that we can discuss physically on Investment entials.Based on this instance I and my family have unanimously decided to give you 20% of the total money and annual 5% of the after tax returns on investment for the first three years. Thereafter, the term shall be varied. 2% for charity homes and 3% for expenses, which may arise during the transaction, fax and phone bills inclusive. The balance of 70% you will invest and manage for my family. I hereby guarantee you that this is not government money, it is not drug money and it is not money from arms deal.
Though you have to maintain high degree of confidentiality on this matter.
I will give you all proof of deposit and existence of money once urged and fully satisfied with you capability and honesty. I hope this will be the beginning of a prosperous relationship between my family and your family. Nevertheless if you are for any reason not interest, kindly inform me immediately so that I will look for another contact.
I required also your private phone and fax numbers for easy communication.I am waiting for your quick response through my private phone or fax Number.
I am waiting for your quick response.
Yours faithfully,
Prince Tunde Olusola Adisaraki (For the Family)

In izjava Interpola:
Odsvetujemo vam sodelovanje z ti. "Nigerijsko mafio"
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
» | nigerijci še vedno harajo po bolhiOddelek: Loža | 7848 (6773) | sarma832 |
⊘ | SAMI SCAMMERJI. hahahaOddelek: Omrežja in internet | 1277 (1190) | Ziga Dolhar |
» | Nigerijci odgovorni za še eno življenjeOddelek: Novice / Zasebnost | 5072 (3863) | Oxford |
» | Spet nek afrsiki nateg?Oddelek: Loža | 3337 (1941) | Tic |
» | Tožbe proti nigerijskim prevarantomOddelek: Novice / Tožbe | 3907 (3907) | DMouse |