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Fanless Heatpipe CPU Cooling System

Fanless Heatpipe CPU Cooling System

kuglvinkl ::



The only part of the cooling system that became too hot to touch sometimes were the copper blocks mounted on the CPU. During the load tests at 2 GHz, these could be touched for a few seconds, while the rest of the components could be touched for longer periods of time. The copper blocks at the cooler end of the heatpipes were able to be touched during the testing, and were noted to be somewhat cooler than the hotter end. The large heatsink was always warm, but a hand could be placed on them almost all the time.

I also tried aiming a floor fan at the large heatsink to see what effect this would have on the CPU temperatures. During a load testing, the CPU temperature was approximately 5°C lower than without the forced air blowing on the heatsink. This was a rough estimate to gauge the performance of the heatpipes. If the temperature had not dropped, then this would have indicated that the heatpipes were a limiting factor in cooling. Therefore, the temperature could be even lower if design changes were made. These could include increasing the surface area of contact onto the large heatsink, improving surface finish smoothness and fit, using only the highest performance thermal compound, making a vertical tunnel for airflow over the heatsink, and increasing the size of the large heatsink. There are many ways to modify this system, but the existing system has proven to function very effectively at both reducing noise and cooling the CPU in a passive manner.

This design works well for normal usage, and most likely even for extended gaming sessions. The only things necessary for a complete quiet system would be to silence the hard drive, use a passively cooled video card, and a very quiet or passively cooled power supply. Use you own imagination about how to physically integrate drives and a power supply to this system.
Your focus determines your reallity
  • zavaroval slike: kuglvinkl ()

Jebiveter ::

Podoben sistem bo imelo novo Zalmanovo ohisje, ki bo imelo "integrirano" heat-pipe hlajenje za vse glavne komponente (CPU, NB, grafika, disk). Sam sem se navdusil nad idejo vendar sem ugotovil, da tako velika ALU rebra kot jih ima Zalman (obe stranici ohisja) enostavno stanejo prevec.
Zato se lotevam water-cooled verzije tega ohisja, seveda brez big-ass stranic.

Drgac pa je zanimiv koncept, ce le nisi navijlec...
Certainty of death. Small chance of success. What are we waiting for?

kuglvinkl ::

vendar sem ugotovil, da tako velika ALU rebra kot jih ima Zalman (obe stranici ohisja) enostavno stanejo prevec.

In kolk je to? To bi dal delat?
Your focus determines your reallity

kuglvinkl ::

Your focus determines your reallity

Jebiveter ::

Ne, ne bi dal delat, sam bi naredu:D Sam me je minilo, ko mi je eden na Elektro-n forumu odgovoril naslednje:

Lej hladilna rebra sem dobil pri Mali elektronika - Smlednik. On ima to na zalogi in ti jih odreže na poljubno dolžino. Točneje gre za model HR300 z višino 23cm. Cena za oba kosa z črno eloksacijo je okrog 22 jurjev.
Še naslov tega podjetja:

Sm se pa navdusu ko sm vidu, da se taka rebra sploh da dobit!
Certainty of death. Small chance of success. What are we waiting for?

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • zavaroval slike: Predator ()

madmitch ::

Jebiveter: HR300 dimenzije šorina 300mm, višina (cela) 40mm, Višina reber 30mm. Za 22K SIT je lahko pokril skoraj pasjo uto.
Nobody is perfect, my name is Nob Ody

ferdo ::

Ta ideja je super. Kje se da dobi te cevke "heat-pipe" ? in kolko stanejo.

se jih da zvit v poljubno obliko?

edino problem je izvedba sistema teh cevi, če jih imaš premalo ali pa prekratke si omejen pri izdelavi.
.: w w w . s l o - t e c h . c o m :.
.: I can`t believe the news today :.

madmitch ::

Ferdo: glej tukaj
Nobody is perfect, my name is Nob Ody

ferdo ::

ja vse lepo in prav, kje je ta ferma?

PS: ta link "temo" sem že brau

madmitch ::

Če se ti ne da pogledati na njihovio stran, ti res ne morem pomagati.
Nobody is perfect, my name is Nob Ody

ferdo ::

OK, bom najdu, hvala za pomoč in lahkonoč.

Vredno ogleda ...

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TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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