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ZDA predsedniške volitve 2020

ZDA predsedniške volitve 2020

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Pac-Man ::



The $500k that financed the deal between RUDY GIULIANI & LEV PARNAS’s company, FRAUD GUARANTEE, came from a Long Island lawyer named CHARLES GUCCIARDO, who accused @HillaryClinton of “perpetrating a fraud on the American people” in 2016.

PARNAS & FRUMAN met GUCCIARDO at an @AmericaFirstPAC event at @TrumpDC feat. TRUMP & @DonaldJTrumpJr. Gucciardo donated $50k to the PAC after the event & explained at the time he'd been trying to meet @POTUS.
“I just want to shake his hand!”

The month after @TrumpDC event, PARNAS & GUCCIARDO took a group trip to Israel with @Scaramucci (& others). Here they are at a holy site.
During the trip, Parnas & Fruman were "trying to rope people into their game,” per Scaramucci.

When PARNAS returned from Israel, he agreed to pay GIULIANI $500k. But Parnas didn’t have $. GUCCIARDO paid, thinking "he was investing in a reputable co.” for which Giuliani would be the spokesman.
*Rudy didn't promote the co. & it doesn't have any biz

RUDY GIULIANI agreed to be godfather to LEV PARNAS’s son, & attended the bris, along with FRAUD GUARANTEE investor CHARLES GUCCIARDO.
They also spent time together at the Ohel of the Lubavitcher Rebbe in 11/18 & at a @NCYIYoungIsrael gala in 3/19.

ZDA so res padle nizko. Zunanjo politiko jim krojijo off brand Stekli psi.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Veteranski zvezni tožilec:


A few thoughts from inside the Roger Stone courtroom today:

The prosecution’s opening statement was thorough, methodical and workmanlike. The evidence sounds compelling, consisting “mostly” (per the prosecutor) of written documents, texts, emails and records.
Stone’s own words in these documents (together with his boastful TV appearances) will be used to prove he lied to Congress and threatened/tampered with a witness - Randy Credico.

The lies fall into 5 categories:
1. Stone claimed he had no emails/texts/docs pertaining to Assange; When in fact he had 100s
2. He lied about Credico being his only intermediary to Assange when it was predominantly Jerome Corsi
3. He lied when he testified that he never asked an intermediary to do anything re: Assange when he, in fact, asked Corsi to go to a London & get emails from Assange
4. He lied when he said he has no written communications w/any intermediary (again, 100s)
5. He lied when he said he never discussed anything he learned from his intermediary with the Trump campaign. He did-with Bannon snd Manafort.

Fun fact: prosecutor mentioned Donald Trump w/in the first 2 minutes of his opening statement but didn’t mention Bob Mueller until near the end of his hour-long opening (he quoted Stone as instructing Credico to “tell Mueller to go fuck himself.”)
The prosecutor told the jury Gates, Bannon, Credico and others will testify.

In my opinion and experience, this case is extremely strong given Stone’s own paper trail. A bit like shooting fish in a barrel. Roger will sink like a . . .
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

jype ::


Pac-Man ::

Bo moral plačati 2 mio $, ker je svojo dobrodelno fundacijo zlorabil v politične namene.

Prav tako so mu na sledi, da se malim donatorjem na srečolovih obljubljeni obroki s Trumpom nikoli ne zgodijo.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::

Bloomberg bo vrgel klobuk v ring. Tweetstorm.


If you want to point a finger at two men with absolute certainty of guilt when Trump gets re-elected by Bloomberg and Tom Steyer. I can't explain to you even a tenth of their resources would do to alter the battlefield in this campaign.
If they really cared about defeating Trump both of those men would be up on the fucking air right now with a massive tv and digital campaign nuking the living shit out of him in the 15 swing States. But no. They have to jerk themselves off in public.
In my new book Running Against the Devil I talked about the danger of third party and vanity candidates in an equation where the forces arrayed against Trump cannot afford to lose a single vote. The groups these men fund on the outside currently will be put to their service.
And honestly, Steyer rankles me more than Bloomberg and some ways. Mike at least made a fuck ton of money and was Mayor.
There is no Democratic party leadership that can stop these two men but if there was Tom Perez would be bringing down the wrath of God.
they're popping corks in Trump headquarters right now.

Pls remember this during the "Dems in Disarray!" narrative blitz that's about to take over cable news, thanks to Bloomberg.
Overall, Democrats' satisfaction with their 2020 candidates is the highest Gallup has ever recorded—ever—this late in a presidential primary.

Asked for a reaction to the Bloomberg news, @WalshFreedom tells me, “Bloomberg should instead put $100 million into a Michael Bennett or Amy Klobuchar superpac.”
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

arnecan1 ::

dice7 je izjavil:

Under President Trump, there are now more troops in the Middle East than when he took office, and he has continued the mission for tens of thousands of others far from the wars of 9/11.

Sirjenje laznih novic vama gre odlicno od rok

Seveda:)) Vojaki v Evropi, na Japonskem, Evropi, Savdski Arabiji....

Trumpu se lahko marsikaj očita, predvsem v notranji politiki. Najhujša svinjarija v zunanji politiki je izdaja Kurdov, drugače pa je svetlobna leta pred Bushom, Obamo, demokrati in neokonzervativci.

Pac-Man ::

arnecan1 je izjavil:

Trumpu se lahko marsikaj očita, predvsem v notranji politiki. Najhujša svinjarija v zunanji politiki je izdaja Kurdov, drugače pa je svetlobna leta pred Bushom, Obamo, demokrati in neokonzervativci.

Bruh, izpod katere skale si se prikotalil?

Trump je želel eliminirati Gadafija in za plačilo vzeti 50-75% libijske nafte. V njegovih besedah: "It'll be very easy & very quick."

Rare Donald Trump Deleted Video from 2011 on Libya: Take out Gaddafi, Take the Oil
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

ZDA so res padle nizko. Zunanjo politiko jim krojijo off brand Stekli psi.

Iz pričanja Fiona Hill (presidential advisor) @ Wikipedia

Hill: Parnas and Fruman were "notorious" and had "been involved in all kinds of strange things in Venezuela."
More from Hill on Russia's position on a Venezuela-for-Ukraine Grand Bargain:
'You stay out of Ukraine or you move out of Ukraine, you change your position on Ukraine, and, you know, we'll rethink where we are with Venezuela.'
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Bo moral plačati 2 mio $, ker je svojo dobrodelno fundacijo zlorabil v politične namene.

Zakaj? Zato, avtor je novinar na WaPo, skoraj vsak tvit ima povezavo na njihov članek.


@realdonaldtrump just agreed to a set of restrictions on his decision-making, designed to prevent him from doing this again.
The man who runs the U.S. govt has lost his right to run a NY charity – at least, w/out special monitoring by outsiders.

SO…what exactly did @realdonaldtrump do to deserve this?
I wanted to give you a brief recap, including shout-outs to all the Post readers and Trump staffers who made this possible (on purpose or by accident)

IN THE BEGINNING, there was Iowa. A Trump rally in Waterloo, february 2016. And a gigantic check, from a small charity few people had ever heard of...The Donald J. Trump Foundation.
BUT…This wasn't right. By law, charities aren't supposed to get involved in campaigns at all. But here, the Trump Foundation was a prop for one.
Another weird thing. Trump said he had raised $6M for donations like this one. But he only gave away $3.1M of it, and stopped. The rest was still sitting in the Trump Fdn., unspent.

Then I got help from @CLewandowski_, Trump’s campaign manager at the time. In May, he called to say Trump had given away another $1 million of the money I was looking for.
That was helpful.
It was 100% wrong. The $1M was actually still in Trump's pocket, unspent and un-donated.
But still, helpful. It gave us something to look for.

I looked for the money, and many of you all amplified my search on Twitter. Eventually, Trump admitted it -- and he actually gave the $1M away.
That was astounding: under the spotlight of a presidential campaign, it appeared that @realdonaldtrump had tried to dodge or delay fulfilling a pledge to veterans.
So, we asked, what was he doing before now?
What was the Trump Foundation used for?

--Trump had used $258,000 from the charity to pay off legal settlements for his for-profit businesses, including a lawsuit with a guy who’d been denied a $1M hole-in-one prize at a Trump golf course. And he'd used $30,000 of the charity's money to buy large portraits of himself. One of them was found (thanks to reader @alkaguilar and Univison's @Enrique_Acevedo) hanging on the wall at Doral.

At the time, Trump campaign spokesman @BorisEP – now a Sinclair commentator – said Doral was actually doing the charity a favor!
After all, it was storing the charity’s art collection on its wall. And for free!

Also, @realdonaldtrump once stole a seat onstage at a ribbon-cutting for a nursery school that served children with AIDS.
The seat was reserved for a big donor.
Trump had given $0.
That one still blows my mind. Trump did the macarena with the kids, then left without giving a dollar.

Now, fast forward. The NY AG filed suit, alleging "persistently illegal conduct" at the Trump Foundation. The judge made Trump pay $2M in damages.
Now, since the truth abt the Foundation has come to light, Trump has paid $3.3M to right mistakes and fulfill un-met promises.

Now, Trump has agreed to 3+ pages worth of conditions, if he ever returns to charity work.
The president can launch a nuclear war alone. But in NY, he's not allowed to start a charity w/out extra supervision.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.


Belopolti učitelj je pretepal temnopoltega učenca! Rasizem v ZDA je zbezljal izpod kontrole zaradi Trumpa!


NewGreandeal ::

KAVINSKY je izjavil:

Belopolti učitelj je pretepal temnopoltega učenca! Rasizem v ZDA je zbezljal izpod kontrole zaradi Trumpa!


Da zaradi ene besede fizično pretepeš sočloveka moraš imeti pa res krhka čustva.


drvo ::

Hec more bit, učiteljica je bila črna, dijakinja pa belka. Je pa res, da je šmrklja prva ruknila, samo ji je blo takoj fulll žal. :)

49106 ::

Z avtoriteto ne gre češenj zobati.

Fritz ::

ZDA - propadla demokracija:
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Pac-Man ::

Sideshow z vonjem po 1984. Doni je med epizodo plesa z zvezdami tvital v podporo Spicerja, ko so ga brcnili ven pa je vse skupaj izbrisal.


President Donald Trump tweeted effusive praise for his former press secretary Sean Spicer's performance on "Dancing With the Stars," then deleted the tweet after Spicer was voted off.


"Vote for Sean Spicer on Dancing with the Stars," the president tweeted at 8:33 p.m., about half an hour into the show.
"He is a great and very loyal guy who is working very hard," Trump said. "He is in the quarterfinals — all the way with Sean! #MAGA #KAG."


He deleted the tweet about an hour later, near the time Spicer was voted off, according to ProPublica's Politwoops tweet-deletion tracker.
Around 10 p.m., Trump posted a new tweet that said: "A great try by @seanspicer. We are all proud of you!"
Business Insider obtained screenshots of the deleted tweet through various websites that log Trump's deleted tweets.

Uradne predsedniške komunikacije morajo biti arhivirane.

Trump seems to have deleted his tweet urging viewers to vote for Sean Spicer on Dancing With The Stars now that Spicer has been voted off
This has to be one of the most unusual potential violations of the Presidential Records Act in history

Presidential Records Act @ Wikipedia
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Danes se začnejo javna zaslišanja, s katerimi bodo demokrati poskušali prepričati javnost.

Prvi na tnalu - William B. Taylor Jr. @ Wikipedia
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

In tale, ki ve o čem govori


Supreme Court lawyer; law professor; extremist centrist. Former U.S. Acting Solicitor General.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::


Uh-oh-- here's the tell that not that many people give a shit about Hunter/Joe Biden. From an RNC email just now.
Remember Liz's golden rule: If you're talking about your internal polling, you're in trouble and reality is nowhere near as good as you're making out.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

VaeVictis ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:


Uh-oh-- here's the tell that not that many people give a shit about Hunter/Joe Biden. From an RNC email just now.
Remember Liz's golden rule: If you're talking about your internal polling, you're in trouble and reality is nowhere near as good as you're making out.

Glede na to, da si aktivno spremljal samo zaslišanje.

Po tvojem spoštovanem novinarskem mnenju, ali je to zaslišanje spremenilo mnenje kakega demokrata ali republikanca?

Pac-Man ::

Metadata šteje.

Če so republikanci spremljali na C-SPAN, da. Na Fox News verjetno ne.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

jype ::

Že dolg ni noben vprašal "kdaj bo impič?"

VaeVictis je izjavil:

Po tvojem spoštovanem novinarskem mnenju, ali je to zaslišanje spremenilo mnenje kakega demokrata ali republikanca?
Nepomembno. Pomembna so dejstva.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: jype ()

VaeVictis ::

jype je izjavil:

Že dolg ni noben vprašal "kdaj bo impič?"

VaeVictis je izjavil:

Po tvojem spoštovanem novinarskem mnenju, ali je to zaslišanje spremenilo mnenje kakega demokrata ali republikanca?
Nepomembno. Pomembna so dejstva.

Kdaj bo impič?

Za sam impič je zgornje vprašanje edino pomembno, kaj si neki Pac-Man, jype, VaeVictis, FOX ali CNN misli je totalno nepomembno.

Če se noben republikanec ne premisli, je impeachment DOA in kot sam nepomemben!

Smrekar1 ::

jype je izjavil:

Že dolg ni noben vprašal "kdaj bo impič?"

Trenuten načrt je izglasovati zadevo do Božiča in jo poslati v Senat kot darilo.

Po pravilih zgornjega doma parlamenta bo to senatorje prisililo v zasedanja in zaslišanja po šest dni na teden, dokler se ne izjasnijo o krivdi.

Fin začetek volilnega leta, ni kaj.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Smrekar1 ()

VaeVictis ::

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

jype je izjavil:

Že dolg ni noben vprašal "kdaj bo impič?"

Trenuten načrt je izglasovati zadevo do Božiča in jo poslati v Senat kot darilo.

Po pravilih zgornjega doma parlamenta bo to senatorje prisililo v zasedanja in zaslišanja po šest dni na teden, dokler se ne izjasnijo o krivdi.

Fin začetek volilnega leta, ni kaj.

Washington Post - Republicans discuss a longer Senate impeachment trial to scramble Democratic primaries

Some Republican senators and their advisers are privately discussing whether to pressure GOP leaders to stage a lengthy impeachment trial beginning in January to scramble the Democratic presidential race — potentially keeping six contenders in Washington until the eve of the Iowa caucuses or longer.

The Democratic senators who remain in the presidential race have all said publicly that the impeachment proceedings are more important than political concerns. But advisers to multiple candidates have been inquiring about the potential timing behind the scenes, and Sanders has spoken about the potential challenges of an extended trial if the Democratic-controlled House votes to impeach Trump and sends the case to the Senate.
“We will do our best to get back to Iowa, to get to New Hampshire, to get to all the states that we have to,” Sanders said Sunday at an event in Charles City, Iowa, when asked about a potential trial in January. “But there’s no question it will make our life a little bit more difficult.”

Smrekar1 ::

VaeVictis je izjavil:

Washington Post - Republicans discuss a longer Senate impeachment trial to scramble Democratic primaries

Some Republican senators and their advisers are privately discussing whether to pressure GOP leaders to stage a lengthy impeachment trial beginning in January to scramble the Democratic presidential race — potentially keeping six contenders in Washington until the eve of the Iowa caucuses or longer.

The Democratic senators who remain in the presidential race have all said publicly that the impeachment proceedings are more important than political concerns. But advisers to multiple candidates have been inquiring about the potential timing behind the scenes, and Sanders has spoken about the potential challenges of an extended trial if the Democratic-controlled House votes to impeach Trump and sends the case to the Senate.
“We will do our best to get back to Iowa, to get to New Hampshire, to get to all the states that we have to,” Sanders said Sunday at an event in Charles City, Iowa, when asked about a potential trial in January. “But there’s no question it will make our life a little bit more difficult.”

Oja, to bi bilo fenomenalno. Kar naj poskrbijo za čim daljše sojenje.

Edini način kako to lahko dosežejo je tako, da povabijo čim več prič in prikažejo čim več dokazov o Trumpovi krivdi. Potem naj ga v farsi vredni Zveze Sovjetskih Socialističnih Republik označijo za nedolžnega, ker da je bila zadeva jasno izvita iz trte.

Brezposelnost jim ne uide.

Pac-Man ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Če so republikanci spremljali na C-SPAN, da. Na Fox News verjetno ne.

Vzamem nazaj?

Fox News Anchors Describe Bill Taylor As a 'Very Compelling' and 'Very Damaging' Witness Against Trump

Baier and Wallace shared their analyses during a recess, as House investigators on Wednesday carried out the first public hearings of the impeachment inquiry against Trump, which centers around his actions toward Ukraine and its leaders.


"Obviously, Taylor is a very compelling witness, in part because he took such detailed notes in all of these conversations, all of these interactions," Baier asserted. The anchor also pointed out that the diplomat had worked under Republican and Democratic administrations, demonstrating that he was not a partisan witness.

Wallace agreed that Taylor's testimony was "compelling." He described the diplomat as "a very impressive witness" and said he "was very damaging to the president."

"I think very nonpolitical," Wallace assessed. "The only thing he talked about was a strong feeling that it was in the U.S. national security interests to support Ukraine in the fight against Russia. But he certainly wasn't taking any partisan position," the anchor explained.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Smrekar1 ::

Vzamem nazaj?

Fox News Anchors Describe Bill Taylor As a 'Very Compelling' and 'Very Damaging' Witness Against Trump

Pred kakim letom dni je Robert Murdoch žvrcnil tavisoke živine na Foxu in jim naročil naj nehajo delovati kot propagandno krilo Donalda Trumpa. Premik je komaj zaznaven, toda za marsikoga vseeno kar boleč.

Poanta je pač v tem, da namerava Fox živeti tudi po Trumpu.

jype ::

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

Poanta je pač v tem, da namerava Fox živeti tudi po Trumpu.

Pac-Man ::

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

Pred kakim letom dni je Robert Murdoch žvrcnil tavisoke živine na Foxu in jim naročil naj nehajo delovati kot propagandno krilo Donalda Trumpa. Premik je komaj zaznaven, toda za marsikoga vseeno kar boleč.

Baier in Wallace sta kolikor toliko resna novinarja, zaslišanje je padlo v njun "hard-news" timeslot popoldne. Ko je ponavadi najmanj gledalcev. Zjutraj (Fox & Friends) in zvečer imajo mnenjski segment, do katerih ta potencialni befel še ni prišel.

V to kategorijo spadajo

klient št. 3 (Sean Hannity)
Trump's former Ukraine ambassador said that Mike Pompeo called Fox News' Sean Hannity to find out about a campaign to oust her

Fejk populist (Tucker Carlson)

Frau Ingraham

Hitra & Drzna (Jeanine Pirro)

in Klovn (Jesse Watters)
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Urbano#Desno ::

jype je izjavil:

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

Poanta je pač v tem, da namerava Fox živeti tudi po Trumpu.

Zakaj? Te objektivni mediji motijo?:)

zmaugy ::

Trump iz riti potegnil novo "ceno" za nadaljevanje prisotnosti v Južni Koreji - iz 1 milijarde na 4,7 milijard na leto. Protesionalci v ameriški vojski so šokirani nad tem bazar pristopom.
V Južni Koreji se sprašujejo ali gre za zaveznike ali najemnike.
Jap, Trump je res darilo za Rusijo pa tudi za druge regionalne sile.


Upam da bo EU izkoristila situacijo in naredila odločne korake k vojaški osamosvojitvi še predno 2020 tega brezveznika ameriški volilci sunejo v rit, ker to je edinstvena priložnost tudi za nas, da se znebimo kaubojcev.
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: zmaugy ()

Smrekar1 ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Baier in Wallace sta kolikor toliko resna novinarja, zaslišanje je padlo v njun "hard-news" timeslot popoldne. Ko je ponavadi najmanj gledalcev. Zjutraj (Fox & Friends) in zvečer imajo mnenjski segment, do katerih ta potencialni befel še ni prišel.

Saj ne pravim, da je Fox postal nekaj kredibilnega. Ni. Samo Murdoch ima načrt kako bo postaja preživela Trumpa in počasi (ampak res počasi) pripravlja teren za odmik od Trumpizma.

Če se javno mnenje začne nezadržno obračati proti Trumpu bo Fox 'News' hitro obrnil jadra. Infrastrukturo že imajo, zato bo obrat lahko izredno hiter. Edini problem je, da Fox 'News' tudi formira precej pomemben del javnega mnenja.

jype je izjavil:


TI bi raje videl, da njihovo nišo prevzame kak Breitbart, kajne?

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Smrekar1 ()

c3p0 ::

Saj ostali tudi živijo od Trumpa, sploh CNN.

MisterM ::

zmaugy je izjavil:

Upam da bo EU izkoristila situacijo in naredila odločne korake k vojaški osamosvojitvi še predno 2020 tega brezveznika ameriški volilci sunejo v rit, ker to je edinstvena priložnost tudi za nas, da se znebimo kaubojcev.

Se strinjam, tudi meni bolj diši EU vojska napram NATO zavezništvu, a trenutno med članicami ni zadosti podpore. Morda bodo pa ravno Donnyeve karafeke obrnile kakšno mnenje, bi bilo pa to verjetno konec NATA.

jype ::

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

TI bi raje videl, da njihovo nišo prevzame kak Breitbart, kajne?
Ne. Naj kar Fox preneha futrat shizofrenike tipa Hannity.

c3p0 je izjavil:

Saj ostali tudi živijo od Trumpa, sploh CNN.
Definitivno, ampak predvsem zato, ker jih desničarji konzumirate, ne zato, ker je Trump kreten.

VaeVictis je izjavil:

Za sam impič je zgornje vprašanje edino pomembno, kaj si neki Pac-Man, jype, VaeVictis, FOX ali CNN misli je totalno nepomembno.

Če se noben republikanec ne premisli, je impeachment DOA in kot sam nepomemben!
Pojma nimaš.

c3p0 ::

jype je izjavil:

c3p0 je izjavil:

Saj ostali tudi živijo od Trumpa, sploh CNN.
Definitivno, ampak predvsem zato, ker jih desničarji konzumirate, ne zato, ker je Trump kreten.

Ne, ampak oranžne pene polni ust in krvi željni skrajni levičarji.

jype ::

c3p0 je izjavil:

Ne, ampak oranžne pene polni ust in krvi željni skrajni levičarji.
Če bi kakšen tak obstajal, bi me resnično skrbelo. Taleče se snežinkice vemo, kdo so, itak pa ta brihtni izmed vas že vedo, da se bliža konec desničarske družbe zla in nepotrebnega trpljenja:

Pac-Man ::

Danes priča Marie Yovanovitch.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

jype ::

A Trump spet ne gleda, pa vmes live tweeta?

jype ::


NO COLLUSION, only incarceration.

Pac-Man ::

Matr, tole je bilo ekspres.

Sem pričakoval telenovelo.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

jype je izjavil:


NO COLLUSION, only incarceration.

Izza odra. Nit, na povezavi gre naprej.


Good morning from federal court in DC where day 2 of jury deliberations in the Roger Stone trial begin at 9:30 am. Here are the two notes the jury sent to Judge Jackson on Thursday.
It’s approaching 9:30 and jury deliberations appear like they will start without any reconvening in court. Judge Jackson has a different case set for a hearing right now, a pretrial bond case in another unrelated federal criminal matter.

Heads up court is reconvening in the Stone trial. We don't know if it's another jury ? or a verdict. Stand by.

My colleague @joshgerstein says it appears to be a note from the jury.

Prosectors and Stone lawyers are being given a document to read.

Now both sides are seated back at their respective tables. Courtroom is pretty silent right now while we wait for Judge Jackson.

"All rise!" - Jackson enters courtroom.

Jackson talking to lawyers at the bench. She is about to bring the jury in. She says there's a note but not what the note says.

Jackson is speaking to DOJ's Jonathan Kravis and Stone attorneys Robert Bushcel and Bruce Rogow. The mic is muted so we don' t know what's being said.

and they just broke... Jury coming in.....

Jackson asks audience to be cool. Sounds like a verdict.

She asked all to maintain decorum and not to visibly react. It indeed sounds like we've got a verdict.

Jury entering courtroom.

here's my verdict form. will try to report count by count.
Jury foreman says they have a verdict.

Stone rises.

Count 1: Guilty
Count 2: Guilty
Count 3: Guilty
Count 4: Guilty
Count 5: Guilty
Count 6: Guilty
Count 7: Guilty
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Oba novinarja na Fox News.

Wow....this is really unprecedented. @realDonaldTrump and Amb Yovanovitch are talking to each other in real time through @Twitter and Television... Something I never thought I would ever see.

That was a turning point in this hearing so far. She was already a sympathetic witness & the President’s tweet ripping her allowed Schiff to point it out real time characterizing it as witness tampering or intimidation -adding an article of impeachment real-time.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Ken Starr se sliši nekam znano...
Ken Starr @ Wikipedia

Ken Starr on Fox News: “The president was not advised by counsel in deciding to do this tweet. Extraordinarily poor judgment… Obviously this was quite injurious.”

Čez pol ure so ga spravili "on message".

Ken Starr explains why Trump’s tweet about Yovanovich is not impeachable offense
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

spegli ::

Pa dobr. Kdo je lastnik tega sranja Fox TV.

Pac-Man ::

Več od "staying on message"

Top headline at Fox News right now. Just beyond parody.
They apparently decided that photo was too flattering.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Tri minute o ratfuckingu s strani Rogerja Stona.

Ratfucking @ Wikipedia

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Sp3m ::

Tale Yovanovitch je sicer simpatična, uglajena in profesionalna gospa, samo povedala ni nič kaj novega, na klicu ni bila in tudi predsednik sam si lahko izbira svoje ambasadorje in jih postavlja in odstavlja, brez kakršnegakoli razloga, in tole je celo izpostavila in se strinja s tem ter tega ne bi spreminjala, plus še vedno ima službo na zunanjem ministrstvu in tudi pravi, da je novi ambasador častivredna oseba.

Med drugim se je celo nasmehnila, ko je Castor rekel, da se na socialnih omrežjih kdaj pa kdaj kaj grdega napiše.

Torej sama ideja, da ji je bilo groženo in se je počutila ogroženo in da ji bo predsednik ali njegovi sodelavci kaj naredili ali pa, da je predsednik prekoračil pooblastila, ker jo je odstavil, je totalen BS!

Kar se pa še ni vedelo in je zanimivo, je pa tole:

Rep. Stefanik proceeded to hammer this point. "For the millions of Americans watching, President Obama's own State Department was so concerned about potential conflicts of interest from Hunter Biden's role at Burisma that they raised it themselves while prepping this wonderful ambassador nominee before her confirmation," Stefanik said. "And yet our Democratic colleagues and chairman of this committee cry foul when we dare ask the same question that the Obama State Department was so concerned about."

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Sp3m ()

VaeVictis ::

Trumpu gre tako slabo, da že naš dežurni poznavalec vsega, komentira, da bo Trump ponovno zmagal.

Mladina (Marcel Štefančič Jr.) - Oblečen za umor -
Trumpu kaže tako slabo kot pred štirimi leti, kar pomeni, da bo volitve dobil
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