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ZDA predsedniške volitve 2020

ZDA predsedniške volitve 2020

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Džoli ::

Med črnci je rekordna zaposlenost! 5.4% 8-)
Demokrati so jim dajali socialno podporo. Trump je zrihtal službe

bluefish ::

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: bluefish ()

Urbano#Desno ::

bluefish je izjavil:

Vključno z namišljenimi: https://eu.usatoday.com/story/money/201... , https://www.vox.com/identities/2019/10/...

Te so še ekstra. :=) 5.4% pa je verjetno podatek uradne statistike. Eni naredijo okolje kjer se da ustvarjati drugi pa porazdeljujejo kaj pa je bolje na dolgi rok na naj presodi vsak sam.

bluefish ::

Eni pa naredijo okolje in hkrati poskrbijo, da imajo korist tudi tisti, ki KapitalistuTM omogočajo koriščenje tega okolja.

jype ::

Urbano#Desno je izjavil:

Hmm ja si ziher da je za tvoj doseg, ki pravi "samo da ni Trump" to dobro? :=)
Preveč druge sodiš po sebi.

Urbano#Desno je izjavil:

Eni naredijo okolje kjer se da ustvarjati
Fracking definitivno pomaga pri okolju.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: jype ()

Pac-Man ::

Tole sem zgrešil, 17. oktober. Zganjajo tako dramo okrog Burisme in vrhovnega tožilca, nato pa takole:


In the months leading up to President Donald Trump's July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, multiple people associated with Trump, both inside and outside of his administration, were engaged in efforts to change leadership at Naftogaz, Ukraine's geopolitically important state-owned oil and gas company.


The common thread in these attempted shakeups of Naftogaz is Rudy Giuliani, Trump's personal attorney who has emerged as a central player in US-Ukraine relations.

Among those pushing for changes at Naftogaz was Perry. During his May trip to Kiev for Zelensky's inauguration, Perry delivered a list of four candidates to replace the existing American member of Naftogaz's international supervisory board, according to a source familiar with Perry's conversations.

Two months earlier, Naftogaz was also in the crosshairs of two associates of Giuliani, Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman. Parnas and Fruman were pushing a scheme at a major energy conference in Houston to replace Naftogaz's chief executive officer with someone who would be more beneficial to their own business interests, according to one American businessman informed of their efforts.


In May, according to a former US official involved in Ukraine, Perry provided names to Ukrainian officials as potential replacements for the American member of the Naftogaz supervisory board.

The board was developed in coordination with the United States and other Western countries during the Obama administration to provide oversight and guard against corruption, a concern in the region, the former official explained. Three members are appointed by the Ukrainian government and four are recommended by the United States and the European Union through consultation with organizations like the International Monetary Fund and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The Ukrainian government must approve the international members, who currently are American, British, French and Canadian, according to the company's website.

Perry's goal, the former official believed, was to replace the current American representative, Amos Hochstein, with someone more known and favorable in Republican circles.
The official said Perry perceived Hochstein, a former diplomat, as an "Obama/Biden" guy in Ukraine. Hochstein is an executive for a Houston-based natural gas company and remains on the Naftogaz board. Hochstein did not provide comment for this story.


In March, the two Soviet-born Americans attended CERAWeek, a large annual energy conference in Houston. In a dinner meeting during the conference, Parnas and Fruman made their pitch to oust Naftogaz CEO Andriy Kobolyev to a senior Naftogaz executive, Andrew Favorov. That is according to Dale Perry, an American energy consultant operating in Ukraine who did not attend the meeting. (Dale Perry and Rick Perry are unrelated).


By Dale Perry's account, Parnas and Fruman appeared to have inside information about the Trump administration's approach to Ukraine. He said Favorov told him these men also said Trump would be replacing the US ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, shortly. Parnas and Fruman suggested to Favorov that Trump would nominate a new ambassador more amenable to the two men's interest in breaking into the Ukrainian energy market.


Dale Perry told CNN that shortly after hearing from Favorov in mid-April he wrote up a memo about what he heard and delivered it to a diplomat named Suriya Jayanti at the US embassy in Kiev. Perry provided the memo to the Associated Press, which first reported on this effort, but declined to share the memo with CNN.


The idea from Parnas and Fruman, Dale Perry said, was for Favorov to take over the company. Perry said Parnas and Fruman also brought up Ukrainian businessman Dymtro Firtash, who has served as the main intermediary between Naftogaz and Gazprom. Parnas and Fruman mentioned Firtash's concern that Naftogaz owed him money and that the new CEO could potentially make that payment.

Aslund zna bit malenkost našpičen, zato sem šel tudi preverjat spodnji tvit in posledično našel zgornjo novico, ki potrjuje povezavo med Parnasom+Furmanom in Firtašem. Hopla, kaj pa če je vse res?

Perry tried to persuade the Ukrainian government to sack the management & board of Naftogaz, to which Russian agent & gas trader Dmytro Firtash owes $1 bn. Did he & the others in the Trump gang aspire to share that $1bn? Firtash works w Trump people.

25. junij


Dmytro Firtash, the Ukrainian power broker whom the United States is seeking to put on trial, built his massive fortune on opaque gas trading with a Kremlin-controlled company.


Despite being under house arrest in Austria since March 2014 as extradition hearings have gone on, he has continued to run his businesses in Ukraine, including oversight of the gas distribution network to the country's regions.

That has angered U.S. officials, who say Firtash has a detrimental impact on the country's economy.

"Firtash still controls intermediaries in the Ukrainian gas industry," Wicker wrote in his letter to the U.S. attorney general in 2018. "Firtash accepts the gas and sells to end-users, but he refuses to pay Naftogaz and pockets the revenue. This scheme is estimated to have cost Ukraine $2 billion thus far."
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Več novinarjev je vložilo FOIA zahtevke za ves material nastal tekom muellerjeve preiskave. Te dni je prišla ven prva runda, sedaj bodo izhajale redno, vsak mesec. Nekdo mora vse pregledat in po potrebi cenzurirat.

Gotta say, picking up this today was a thrill. The first of many monthly releases of Mueller notes coming to @CNNPolitics and @BuzzFeedNews

Buzzfeed ima kompleten dump, 278 strani:

Spisani so tudi prvi članki
The Mueller Report’s Secret Memos
Mueller Memos: Cohen Told Investigators His Lies To Congress Were “Not His Idea”
A Former Trump Campaign Aide Said The Campaign Was "Very Happy" About The Release Of Hacked DNC Emails

Mueller interview notes obtained by CNN show Trump's push for stolen emails
Manafort pushed conspiracy theory blaming Ukraine for election hacking as far back as 2016

Na twitterju se da najti povzetke in mnenja, različni avtorji, pobrano s higginsovega računa.

Bannon to Kushner talking about Paul Manafort three days before the 2016 election: “they are going to try and say the Russians worked with wiki leaks to give this victory to us... can’t let word get out he is advising us.”
//Manafort je bil brcnjen v rit enkrat čez poletje

October 18, 2016 - Erik Prince suggests a script for Trump to use to deflect the growing Russian influence story. This is pretty compelling evidence that Prince misled Congress about whether he advised the Trump campaign in 2016. He basically told lawmakers he sent some policy papers to Bannon and wasn’t even an “informal” adviser.
Remember how Trump referenced a conspiracy theory that Ukraine was involved in the DNC hack in his July call with the Ukrainian president? Trump's campaign was talking about that way back in 2016

a handwritten note on the FBI summary of Michael Cohen's interview - regarding Don Jr.'s meeting with a Russian lawyer at Trump Tower - reads:
"DJT Jr: I have a meeting in order to get dirt on Clinton."
NEW: From FBI 302s we just obtained via #FOIA. READ THIS from Michael Cohen's FBI interview
to say that Flynn had the best Russian contacts of this crew is truly impressive.
//Flynn je na RT večerji sedel poleg Putina
Great detail in @JasonLeopold's hard won FOIA - in late '16, Steve Bannon & Jared Kushner met a UAE delegation in Four Seasons penthouse. Bannon told the FBI he saw a guy in casual attire who "looked like Sean Connery." It was Abu Dhabi's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan
New detail from the #MuellerMemos: Steve Bannon told the FBI — and an unnamed Breitbart employee — that Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump vacationed with a Russian oligarch in August 2016:
//Na Hrvaškem, najverjetneje Roman Abramovič, njegova bivša je prijateljica z Wendi in Ivanko. Ampak sta bila takrat poročena.
From 11 september, in NY:
Ivanka Trump sits with wife of Russian oligarch as she and husband Jared join Wendi Deng, Karlie Kloss...at the US Open
Ivanka was seen laughing as she chatted with Roman Abramovich's wife Dasha Zhukova at the US Open

Roman Abramovich @ Wikipedia
Abramovich was the first person to originally recommend to Yeltsin that Vladimir Putin be his successor as the Russian president.[58]:135 When Putin formed his first cabinet as Prime Minister in 1999, Abramovich interviewed each of the candidates for cabinet positions before they were approved.[39]:102 Subsequently, Abramovich would remain one of Putin's closest confidants. In 2007, Putin consulted in meetings with Abramovich on the question of who should be his successor as president; Medvedev was personally recommended by Abramovich.[58]:135, 271

Chris Hutchins, a biographer of Putin, describes the relationship between the Russian president and Abramovich as like that between a father and a favorite son. Abramovich himself says that when he addresses Putin he uses the Russian language's formal "Вы" (like Spanish "usted", German "Sie", Italian "lei" or French "vous"), as opposed to the informal "ты" (Spanish "tú", German "du", Italian "tu" or French "tu"). Abramovich says that the reason is because 'he is more senior than me'.[59] Within the Kremlin, Abramovich is referred to as "Mr A".[52]

In September 2012, the High Court judge Elizabeth Gloster said that Abramovich's influence on Putin was limited: "There was no evidential basis supporting the contention that Mr Abramovich was in a position to manipulate, or otherwise influence, President Putin, or officers in his administration, to exercise their powers in such a way as to enable Mr Abramovich to achieve his own commercial goals."[60]

Abramovich is one of many Russian "oligarchs" named in the Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act, CAATSA, signed into law by President Donald Trump in 2017.[61]

Delanje političnih klobas ni nikoli lepo.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Božja batina ::

Demokrati so obupani in v zatonu.

Pac-Man ::

Tvoje mnenje.

Moje je, da so praktično vsi trumpovi svetovalci vulkan dezinformacij. Ni čudno, da je povsem zmešan.


Trump’s own campaign was floating the theory that Ukraine, and not Russia, hacked the DNC as early as the summer of 2016, according to new documents obtained by BuzzFeed News from special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.


Manafort and Kilimnik weren’t the only ones pushing the idea that Russia didn’t do it. According to Gates, Michael Flynn, a senior adviser to Trump’s campaign and Trump’s first, short-lived national security adviser, was “adamant” that the Russians weren’t involved. Flynn was skeptical the US Intelligence Community was capable of figuring out who had carried out the attack and suggested he could tap into his own intelligence sources to get the emails, Gates said.


Manafort pushed the theory that Ukraine, not Russia, had orchestrated the attack. It’s a conspiracy theory that’s persisted in right-wing circles, even after the US Intelligence Community concluded Russia was involved
In preparation for his testimony to Congress, "Cohen's message had several components," according to notes of his FBI interview. "COHEN has to keep TRUMP out of the messaging related to Russia and keep TRUMP out of the Russia conversation." He also told investigators that any false testimony was "not his idea."

Cohen told Congress in February, “In his way, he was telling me to lie,” about concealing negotiations to build a Trump Tower in Moscow.
Cohen also "learned the message to have the Russia investigations end early from discussions with TRUMP, SEKULOW" and a third person whose name is redacted.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

c3p0 ::

Trump bo spet zmagal, pa ne zaradi svoje sposobnosti, ampak zaradi demokratske ne-sposobnosti.

jype ::

c3p0 je izjavil:

Trump bo spet zmagal, pa ne zaradi svoje sposobnosti, ampak zaradi demokratske ne-sposobnosti.
To je trenutno najbolj verjeten scenarij.

Reši jih lahko samo žid, ki pridiga strpnost in solidarnost.

Pac-Man ::

Domače branje:

I wrote a piece on "data voids," one way conspiracy theorists and disinformation pushers use language to sneak their ideas into the mainstream.
You should read it and fill the data void in my heart!

Watch your language: “Data voids” on the web have opened a door to manipulators and other disinformation pushers

Two highlights:

— I tell a favorite old blogosphere story from 2004 involving @anildash, angry SEO consultants, and the phrase "nigritude ultramarine"
— I reveal that I always assumed it was @danahboyd who coined the term "data void" because "danah boyd" and "data void" rhyme

Also, I note how this @Newsweek story outing this sort of media manipulation didn't really help things. Check these two screenshots and see if you can figure out why.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::


Your Trumpkins Won’t Say It But You’re in Deep Shit, Donald
You’ll never admit it, and no one in your orbit will tell you, but you’re in the s**t, and it’s getting deeper and more pungent by the hour.

Is this what winning feels like, Donald?

You may think of yourself as the all-time world champion bullshit artist, but even a dull-witted, intellectually incurious slowcoach like you may have noticed that your carefully crafted image, political and personal fortunes, presidential legacy, and reputation are teetering over an abyss. You promised Americans they would grow sick of all the winning, but mostly they’ve grown sick of your shitshow White House, verbal incontinence, outrageous corruption, and the cost of carrying your water.


You’re losing on impeachment. You’re losing on executive power. You’re losing on silencing eyewitnesses to your criminality and instability. You’re losing the legal fight to keep your taxes hidden. You’re losing on foreign affairs, ceding Syria and Kurdistan to Russia, Turkey, and Iran. You’ve lost the trade war. And no, you’re never winning a Nobel Peace Prize for North Korea, because they played you like a fool.

You spent decades tricking small contractors into thinking that you had some magic power to destroy them if they asked to be paid, threatening to litigate them into bankruptcy or at least submission. You used NDAs and confidentiality agreements to silence your sex slaves and employees, but now you’re posting up against real lawyers and real judges who aren’t buying the horseshit arguments of your phalanx of lawyers.

Your belief in virtually unlimited executive power and privilege has been battered in the courts, and that ride is going to get much, much more difficult because your clown legal team is falling severely short of the mark. The executive power bluff you tried to pull has been called and will leave you with fewer protections than you would have enjoyed if you had just kept your trap shut.


Does it feel like winning when Mitch McConnell sits you down and gives you the clear signal that he controls your political fate? You know by now that to protect his majority, he’ll break you in a hot second? It must rankle you that a small, pudgy man from the Deep South holds your future in his soft hands.

Does it feel like winning when you can’t go outside the White House, a property you own, or a carefully vetted yahoo rally without being mocked, ridiculed, and loudly booed? Does it feel like winning when you sense the grim karmic justice of “lock her up” coming back to haunt you? The chanting at the World Series brought home something even your tiny lizard brain can understand; actions have consequences, even for you.

Oh, you’ll resist that assertion and claim you are beloved. Sure, Don. Let’s test it. Go out anywhere, to any public space, and see how they react. It’s not just in liberal blue enclaves. You’re hated almost everywhere, and you know it. Hell, even your vaunted “95 percent of Republicans love me!” claim is getting stressed, with the new Washington Post/ABC poll showing your GOP support is down 20 points, to just 74 percent approval and 22 percent disapproval.


Does it feel like winning when the whistleblower you said didn’t exist, does? Does it feel like winning as more and more witnesses march up to the Hill to testify voluntarily? Truth has always been a poison to you, and these eyewitnesses are flooding the zone with it. With every passing day, their assertions have become clearer, more validated, and more dangerous to your political future.

You tried to use the power of the presidency in a shameless, lawless, reckless political extortion scheme, and even you can’t sufficiently smear every witness who comes forward as if they were some kind of Deep State subversive… and you know it.


Does it feel like winning knowing that the economy is slowing down precisely because of the idiotic trade you foisted upon the country, and that debt and deficits are rising at a rate that would make even Comrade Sanders pull back and mutter, “Too much, man.”


Does it feel like winning when you realize that the senators you bribed this week with campaign donations only rented you their loyalty? Donald, you purchased a few minutes of passion, but you know in your gut most of them heartily despise you.

Like the long line of dead-eyed women who squirmed underneath your sweaty, quivering bulk for your usual 45 seconds of passion, they’re in this as a transaction, not a romance. Just because they'll lie there and take it doesn’t mean they enjoy it. Throw a million dollars at any politician and they’ll produce a convincing simulacrum of an orgasm. You’re familiar with that, aren’t you, Donald?

Does it feel like winning when your Middle East policy disaster swept the killing of ISIS commander al-Baghdadi from the headlines? What genius told you to gild the special ops lily when you could have simply let their heroism speak for itself? Let’s not even talk about the dumb photoshop of the military working dog that moron Dan Scavino tweeted from your feed.


Does it feel like winning when behind closed doors in every caucus meeting, or wherever two or three Republican senators or congressmen gather, that the topic inevitably turns towards how sick they are of defending your bullshit? Does it feel like winning to know that for elected Republicans every day the cost of defying you shrinks, and the cost of defying the voters rises?

Does that feel like winning Donald?

Does it?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Spomnimo: glavni akter te vinjete je (v teoriji) najmočnejši človek na planetu.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Stalinovic ::

jype je izjavil:

Reši jih lahko samo žid, ki pridiga strpnost in solidarnost.

Zakaj podpiraš rasista?

Sanders: If You’re White You Don’t Know What It’s Like To Be Poor [VIDEO]

Pac-Man ::

Kaj novega?

1) Začeli so objavljat prepise zaslišanj, včeraj Jovanovičeva in še en, danes prideta nova dva.
Ni znitkano, na tem računu se da dobit povzetek zaslišanja Jovanovičeve


2) Parnas je zamenjal odvetnika, prej je imel bivšega Donaldovega, ter se odločil za sodelovanje s kongresnimi preiskovalci. Vse zato, ker Trump vztraja, da se ne poznata.


The associate, Lev Parnas, had previously resisted speaking with investigators for the Democrat-led impeachment proceedings, which are examining the president’s pressure attempts in Ukraine. A former lawyer for Mr. Trump was then representing Mr. Parnas.

But since then, Mr. Parnas has hired new lawyers who contacted the congressional investigators last week to notify them to “direct any future correspondence or communication to us,” according to a copy of the letter.

The lawyers also signaled on Monday that Mr. Parnas, who was arrested last month on campaign finance charges, is prepared to comply with a congressional subpoena for his documents and testimony.


The turnabout occurred after Mr. Trump denied knowing Mr. Parnas when he was arrested.

“Mr. Parnas was very upset by President Trump’s plainly false statement that he did not know him,” said Mr. Bondy, whose client has maintained that he has had extensive dealings with the president.


The men hired John Dowd, a lawyer who had earlier represented the president at one stage of the investigation by Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel, into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Mr. Trump signed off on the hiring of Mr. Dowd, according to an Oct. 2 email reviewed by The New York Times.

“I have discussed the issue of representation with the president. The president consents to allowing your representation of Mr. Parnas and Mr. Furman,” Jay Sekulow, another lawyer for Mr. Trump, wrote to Mr. Dowd, misspelling Mr. Fruman’s surname.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Stalinovic ::

A je že impičan?

osternik324 ::

verjetno bo ponovno zmagal Trump... liberalci se pizdijo na njegove izjave, ampak njegovi podporniki tako ali tako ignorirajo njihove izpade. glede na vse horuke glede politične korektnosti jih ne sodim.

c3p0 ::

Pa Beto je out, naše največje upanje...

Pac-Man ::

osternik324 je izjavil:

verjetno bo ponovno zmagal Trump...

Počakajmo vsaj do javnih zaslišanj. Tam dobi vsak član komisije svojih 5 minut in bo TV šov. Teh par 100 stranskih prepisov ne bere nihče normalen in se tehtnica vseeno preveša v škodo Trumpu.


The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

VaeVictis ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

osternik324 je izjavil:

verjetno bo ponovno zmagal Trump...

Počakajmo vsaj do javnih zaslišanj. Tam dobi vsak član komisije svojih 5 minut in bo TV šov. Teh par 100 stranskih prepisov ne bere nihče normalen in se tehtnica vseeno preveša v škodo Trumpu.



Problem te logike je točno zakaj je Trump zmagal in ne "Crooked" Hillary.

Ti bom dal link iz tvojega priljubljenega kanala, da boš razumel o čem govorim.

New polls show Trump would face competitive races with Biden, Sanders, Warren in battleground states

In three states, Warren fared significantly worse than Biden against Trump. Biden got 46% support in Florida, while Warren had 41% there. In Michigan, Biden had 44% support while Warren had 39%. She also lagged behind Sanders here, who had 45% in his matchup with Trump. And in Iowa, Biden's support was at 44% while Warren's was at 40%. Trump's support in each of those matchups holds about even across Democrats.

ps: Pa ne pozabi, da, ko bodo tale zaslišanja, pridejo na vrsto lahko tudi ljudje kakor so Hunter Bidden, John O. Brennan ipd. in so pod prisego, le kaj, le kaj bodo povedali...


Pac-Man je izjavil:

Teh par 100 stranskih prepisov ne bere nihče normalen in se tehtnica vseeno preveša v škodo Trumpu.

Spominja na to temo :))

Kako to, da so bili proti Trumpu pussy shodi, proti Bidenu pa je vse šlo pod tepih?

xxxul ::

paco nima izbire...
Trumpove izjave so, ceprav grde in politicno nekorektne, dostkrat zelo premisljene ker ve da bodo vsi MSM kontra pisali - poglej kako jih je nategnu z Al Baghdadijem - poda par grdih izjav in kar naenkrat ma NY Times naslovnice kako je Al Baghdadi " austere religious scholar"... le kako volilci reagirajo potem?

Pac-Man ::

VaeVictis je izjavil:

Da, elektorski sistem in možnost, da bodo šli demokrati ostro v levo. Vseeno, Trump je v globokem dreku, Project Veritas pa si na vso silo trudi nadzirati medijski cikel.




I’m going to lay this out there as some unpleasant truth and then everyone can flame me and we can go on with our days.

Political campaigns are fundamentally reductive exercises in oversimplifying complex things down to a battle of 30-second soundbites.

That’s reality.

When a topic is big and complicated, it really doesn’t matter what the substantive arguments are for or against a candidate’s position.

All that matters is whether they can effectively evoke emotions that make people love their “ideas” and fear or hate their opponents’.

As someone who worked in communications strategy and messaging, the easiest way to make a message sellable is to tie it to things *people already believe* and *already have strong feelings about*.

If you have to educate someone out of their deeply held emotions, good luck.

Which brings us around to healthcare...

We all know our system is broken. We all know it is atrocious that we don’t have affordable healthcare. We all know we deserve better.

Those issues make people willing to listen to fixes...

However, people also have a lifetime of experience with the government and deep-seated feelings about those experiences.

If the Democratic candidate is running on a Medicare for All plan even remotely close to Bernie’s or Warren’s current model, the ads write themselves.

Imagine a TV spot that slowly scrolls through images like these...
Take a minute to look at each one for three seconds each like you would in a TV ad...And as those images are slowly scrolling by, a solemn voiceover would be saying: “(Democratic candidate) wants you to believe the government can run your healthcare like a well-oiled machine...Americans know better...

And then the spot closes with:

“If (Democratic candidate) wins in November, the same government that runs the post office will be in charge of your health... and there will be nothing you can do about it.”
Again, this is, of course, a vast oversimplification and appeal to emotion.

It plays on existing feelings about all things governmental:

Everyone hates the DMV. Nobody thinks the post office is a bastion of efficiency.

And it plays on Americans deep, deep fears about healthcare.

Imagine those spots running in battleground states.

They would singlehandedly hurt not just the nominee but every race on the ballot.

Only Medicare for All has this unique baggage because only M4A calls for an all-in gamble on the government taking over healthcare management with no recourse if it struggles or fails.

Running against that would be an absolute gift to Republicans.

As I have said five trillion times, I am STRONGLY pro-universal healthcare.

If we ever want to get there, we have to win a whole lot of elections in a whole lot of places.

A candidate running on M4A dramatically increases the likelihood we’ll lose. Dramatically.

KAVINSKY je izjavil:

Kako to, da so bili proti Trumpu pussy shodi, proti Bidenu pa je vse šlo pod tepih?

Ker Biden zaenkrat ni obtožen posilstev.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Master_Yoda ::

Kaj se se vedno kregate ali je bolje ce je modra namesto rdece pofarbane lutke korporacij v beli hisi. Bernie-ja pa tak ne bodo izvolili ...
Dovie'andi se tovya sagain.

Pac-Man ::

Veste? Tu gre za denar projekta Veritas, ki so ga nakazali preko davčnih oaz. Kar je povsem legalno, tako da hvala Kochoma?


Here’s the sting: Project Veritas Action transferred $20,000 from one account of a self-described international financier to Americans United for Change, a non-profit that has ties to Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee. O’Keefe calls the transfer “illegal and dirty campaign dealings.”

But that’s not true. As a non-profit under section 501(c)4 of the tax code, Americans United is not barred from taking foreign cash, much to the dismay of good government advocates. It might not look good, but it’s not illegal.


What’s more, the Sept. 9 transfer receipt shows that the customer who ordered the money moved is registered in Stamford, Conn. The exact address is used by Veritas executive director Russell J. Verney as his residence on his Connecticut voting registration forms. Verney also lists that address on forms filed with the state of Virginia incorporating Project Veritas. And that shell corporation? It lists its address these days as Verney’s Connecticut home—a far cry from the colony formerly known as British Honduras.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

c3p0 ::

Paco nima več orožja proti PV in je potegnil iz rokava neke finančne transakcije? Saj, težko bi ga imel ob dejanskih posnetkih.

Stalinovic ::

Stalinovic ::

Komiji že švicajo :D

Leaked ABC News Insider Recording EXPOSES #EpsteinCoverup "We had Clinton, We had Everything"

Zgodovina sprememb…

xxxul ::

tota novinarka men bl deluje razočarana da ni mela nič od zgodbe kot pa karkol druzga...

jype ::

Desničarji v hudi paniki.

VaeVictis ::

jype je izjavil:

Desničarji v hudi paniki.

Ponavljaš eno in isto kot ovca, sam kaj, ko te praktično nihče več resno ne jemlje, enako kakor praktično nihče več ne bere Pac-Man-ovih traparij.

Kolumne v levičarskih glasilih pa iščejo kandidata, ki bi lahko zmagal in ga ni na listi demokratov.

Kakšen melt-down lahko šele pričakujemo, ko Trump ponovno zmaga volitve...

mzakelj ::

Jest sm se že pripravil na zimo in 2020 :))8-)



Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: mzakelj ()

dice7 ::

Zakaj bi ponovno izvolili Trumpa, ce ni do sedaj izpolnil ene predvolilne obljube..

jype ::

Ubogi desničarji...


Kaj vam sploh še ostane?

Aha, že vem, lahko se veselite, da bo morda kak terorist povzročil izredne razmere!

Pac-Man ::

Stalinovic je izjavil:

Leaked ABC News Insider Recording EXPOSES #EpsteinCoverup "We had Clinton, We had Everything"

1) Nič novega, 22. avgust:


In 2015, the ABC News team of Amy Robach and Jim Hill secured an interview with Giuffre. In a sequence of events confirmed by the network, producers paid for Giuffre and her family to fly from Colorado, where they lived, to New York City and put them up at the Ritz-Carlton hotel on Central Park South. Robach and her news crew interviewed Giuffre on tape for more than an hour about Epstein and his entourage.


The story never aired. And Giuffre has said she was never directly told why.

ABC News would not detail its editorial choices.

One ABC News staffer with knowledge of events says the network received a call from one of Epstein's top lawyers: Harvard law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz. And Giuffre and her lawyers placed great significance on that call.

Dershowitz had been part of the powerhouse legal team that earlier kept Epstein from facing serious federal charges in Florida, which also included former Whitewater independent counsel Kenneth Starr and renowned Miami defense attorney Roy Black.

Dershowitz tells NPR he intervened after learning ABC was on the brink of broadcasting its interview with Giuffre. He says he believes he spoke with two producers and a lawyer within the same 24-hour period.

"I did not want to see [Giuffre's] credibility enhanced by ABC," Dershowitz says.

In a December 2014 court filing in another accuser's lawsuit, Giuffre had alleged Dershowitz was among the prominent men Epstein had instructed her to have sex with when she was a teenager. In early 2015, Dershowitz had rejected her account out of hand in his own court filings.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

jype ::

Let them melt down.

Pac-Man ::

Danes so objavili prepise zaslišanj Sondlanda in Volkerja.

Za generalen povzetek

Za Sondlanda
Miriam se je od včeraj naučila nitit.

Za Volkerja njen kolega

Če se ti ne da nič od tega - Volker pravi, da je ves cirkus okrog Bidna in Burisme bullshit, ki ga je sproduciral Lutsenko in prodal Johnu Solomonu, tedaj The Hill, zdaj Fox News.

For the doubters out there: there's **no truth** to allegations that Biden had Shokin removed to protect his son.

Mogoče še tale od Kotaleče Skale.

The Guy Trump Cited as Proof There Wasn’t a Quid Pro Quo Just Said There Was a Quid Pro Quo
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::

Po branju Volkerjevega pričanja je Giuliani efektivno (pod)predsednik ZDA.

W. je imel Cheneya, Trump ima Giulianija.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

V Kentucky-ju je demokrat premagal trenutnega republikanskega guvernerja. Mitch McConnell @ Wikipedia , mr. Miyagi senata / samoohranitvena ninja, v katerega rokah je trumpova politična usoda, je naslednje leto na volilnem lističu kot senator iz Kentucky-ja.

Trump se tega zaveda. Včeraj, video:

There's a possibly apocryphal story about the king of Saudi Arabia been given an airplane as a gift in the 1930s.

As he is taken up for the flight he is asked, "Your majesty, don't you find this amazing? Isn't this a miracle? Did you ever imagine flying like an eagle?"

The king looks around as the plane flies around the desert, shrugs and says, "It is not supposed to do this?"

That story was on my mind today as I tempered my expectations for this evening.

Republicans are supposed to win Kentucky. They're supposed to win in Mississippi. Hell, they're supposed to win all over Virginia except for NoVa.

If a candidate who did everything last night but wax Trump's balls can't win in Kentucky...

Mayor of Wichita KS went blue tonight.


I spent the day the Senate, talking with Republicans. They are all paying close attention to the KY gubernatorial race. They are not just watching the returns, but President Trump's political capital as they make decisions about how to handle impeachment and their own future.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

jype ::

Get ready for some serious melting, boys!

DrDre95 ::

jype je izjavil:

Get ready for some serious melting, boys!

Demsi bojo to vlekli v nedogled in tedensko pošiljali maile da rabijo donacije za svoj boj proti dobesedno Hitlerju. Samo še 2 tedna, bojo ponavljali, do konca 2024.

Pac-Man ::

Melting initiated, bullshit called.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Smrekar1 ::

Včeraj so bile v nekaterih zveznih državah volitve.

Rezultati so sledeči:

1. Kentucky bo najverjetneje dobil demokratskega guvernerja. Rdečkar se nekaj upira, ampak zaostaja za dobrih 4000 glasov. Rezultat je precej relevanten, ker je v Kentuckiju doma tudi Moskovski Mitch, ki se mu mandat naslednje leto izteče, podpore v anketah ima ~30%.
2. Virginia je šla iz Roja Rojita v demokratsko trdnjavo, slednji so dobili guvernerja in oba doma parlamenta. Naslednje leto imajo štetje prebivalstva in na novo začrtajo meje kongresnih okrožji. Zadnje desetletje je imela Virginia ena izmed najbolj pristransko začrtanih okrožji, pričakovati je občutno bolj primerno zastopstvo v kongresu - Republikanci znajo izgubiti 1-3 sedeže.
3. V Missuriju se stvari niso spremenile in še vedno so slovili rdečkarji.

Vse kaže, da bo Trump na koncu res predsednik, ki ga ZDA potrebujejo. Ker je oduren bo ljudem jasno pokazal zakaj je populizem slaba ideja in morda za kako generacijo ubil idejo. Ker je nesposoben bo to storil brez smrtnih udarcev za njihovo ustavo, kot sta to storila npr. Erdogan in Orban.


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Smrekar1 ()

jype ::

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

Napiše se Misisisippi. Vse kaže, da nisi dorasel nalogi spremljanja ameriške politike.

arnecan1 ::

dice7 je izjavil:

Zakaj bi ponovno izvolili Trumpa, ce ni do sedaj izpolnil ene predvolilne obljube..

Mogoče pa zato, ker ne bombardira drugače mislečih po celem svetu?

Sp3m ::

arnecan1 je izjavil:

dice7 je izjavil:

Zakaj bi ponovno izvolili Trumpa, ce ni do sedaj izpolnil ene predvolilne obljube..

Mogoče pa zato, ker ne bombardira drugače mislečih po celem svetu?

Saj zaradi tega so naši t.i. forumski "levičarji" čisto jezni in vsak dan šimfajo čez Trumpa in hvalijo svoje demokratske kandidate.

ps: Tudi to je glavni razlog, da ga MSM mediji tako sovražijo, sploh "Fake news" CNN, katerim gledanost dnevno upada!

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Sp3m ()

dice7 ::

jype ::

arnecan1 je izjavil:

Mogoče pa zato, ker ne bombardira drugače mislečih po celem svetu?
Pobil jih je največ od vietnamske vojne naprej.

Pac-Man ::

Povzetek zadnjih dni z dobro mero sarkazma.

Local Elections 2019: Thank you, Kentucky! We love you, Virginia! | Full Frontal on TBS
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
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