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ZDA predsedniške volitve 2020
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Pac-Man ::
Time for a brief thread on Hillary, who's back in the news BIGLY (as Donnie would say).
Time for a brief thread on Hillary, who's back in the news BIGLY (as Donnie would say).
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Axios: Platforms give pols a free pass to lie
Over the past week, Facebook and Twitter have codified a dual-class system for free speech: one set of rules for politicians or "world leaders," another for the rest of us.
Nick Clegg ima cushy job. Nisem vedel.
However, a Facebook spokesperson told Business Insider that ads from politicians are not eligible for third-party fact-checking review. Nick Clegg, Facebook's VP of Global Affairs and Communications, publicly announced these policies in a Facebook blog post on Sep. 24.
Nick Clegg @ Wikipedia
Sir Nicholas William Peter Clegg (born 7 January 1967) is a British former politician who served as Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 2010 to 2015 and as Leader of the Liberal Democrats from 2007 to 2015.[2] An "Orange Book" liberal,[3] Clegg served as a Member of Parliament (MP) for Sheffield Hallam from 2005 to 2017 and has been associated with both socially liberal and economically liberal policies.[4][5] He is Vice-President for Global Affairs and Communications at Facebook.[6][7]
Over the past week, Facebook and Twitter have codified a dual-class system for free speech: one set of rules for politicians or "world leaders," another for the rest of us.
Nick Clegg ima cushy job. Nisem vedel.
However, a Facebook spokesperson told Business Insider that ads from politicians are not eligible for third-party fact-checking review. Nick Clegg, Facebook's VP of Global Affairs and Communications, publicly announced these policies in a Facebook blog post on Sep. 24.
Nick Clegg @ Wikipedia
Sir Nicholas William Peter Clegg (born 7 January 1967) is a British former politician who served as Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 2010 to 2015 and as Leader of the Liberal Democrats from 2007 to 2015.[2] An "Orange Book" liberal,[3] Clegg served as a Member of Parliament (MP) for Sheffield Hallam from 2005 to 2017 and has been associated with both socially liberal and economically liberal policies.[4][5] He is Vice-President for Global Affairs and Communications at Facebook.[6][7]
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::
En argument, da ne naložijo vsega v prihajajoč impičment - failsafe. Trump lahko zmaga, demokrati pa prevzamejo večino v senatu. Do 2/3 bodo rabili par republikancev, ampak bo vsekakor lažje.
Red Flags All Over for Senate Republicans
New polls and fundraising reports show key GOP senators in political trouble, which leaves the Democrats with a 50/50 shot to win back control of the upper chamber.
Red Flags All Over for Senate Republicans
New polls and fundraising reports show key GOP senators in political trouble, which leaves the Democrats with a 50/50 shot to win back control of the upper chamber.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Dobra, 9 minut.
George Soros BIG Secrets EXPOSED!!!!!!!!
George Soros BIG Secrets EXPOSED!!!!!!!!
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Tole sem zgrešil. 11. septembra je Rudi tvitnil malo skrajšano reklamo za cunje. V glavnih vlogah ANTIFA in fašo policaj.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Nisi bral Pac-Manovih copy pasta twitov? baje imajo že vse dokaze, samo čakajo na pravi trenutek.

Smrekar1 ::
Zelo zanmivo je opazovati koliko denarja dobijo demokratski kandidati v primerjavi s predsednikom Trump-om.
Here's the run-through of every 2020 Democratic candidate's campaign fundraising.
Trump, RNC blow away top Dems with $125 million fundraising haul in the third quarter
Demokrati: 190 milijonov dolarjev.
Republikanci: 125 milijonov dolarjev.
Trump je torej najjači, ker je nabral 125 milijonov dolarjev. Maga.
Nisi bral Pac-Manovih copy pasta twitov? baje imajo že vse dokaze, samo čakajo na pravi trenutek.
Vsi dokazi za impičment so že javno dostopni. Na novinarskih konferencah je bilo povedanega dovolj, da Trump odleti kot iz frače. Mlinarjevo poročilo ima vsaj deset (10) primerov, ko je Trump oviral roko pravice. Ampak ne gre se za nek minimalni standard, v impičment sodi vse do te točke, da tudi Moskovski Mitch ne bo mogel migati.
Preiskava mora biti izvedena temeljito.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Smrekar1 ()

zuzelka ::

Nisi bral Pac-Manovih copy pasta twitov? baje imajo že vse dokaze, samo čakajo na pravi trenutek.
Pravi trenukek da odstranijo Trumpa predvidevam da je enkrat v 2024?![]()
Saj je Smrekar pojasnil. Vsi dokazi morajo biti tako trdni, da ne bo Putin niti z najmredkejšim Pepetom upal preprečiti impiča. Pa baje rusi razvijajo tako močnega Pepeta, da lahko Alex Jonsa izvolijo v Belo hišo.


Urbano#Desno ::
A če impič uspe in ga dejansko odstranijo par mesecev pred volitvami, lahko potem kandidira? A ne bi bilo fajn da potem zmaga?
Tko za fuck you vsem politično korektnim maškaram ki ga impičajo že zadnje 3 leta.


Pac-Man ::
Vaš heroj, narcisoidni sociopat konstantno na robu živčnega zloma. Komur se mudi lahko pogleda samo prvi 2 minuti.
Trump Lashes Out After G7 Controversy, Mulvaney's Ukraine Confession: A Closer Look
Trump Lashes Out After G7 Controversy, Mulvaney's Ukraine Confession: A Closer Look
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Urbano#Desno ::
Vaš heroj, narcisoidni sociopat konstantno na robu živčnega zloma. Komur se mudi lahko pogleda samo prvi 2 minuti.
Trump Lashes Out After G7 Controversy, Mulvaney's Ukraine Confession: A Closer Look
Hja no.... Closer look, Colbert, daily show so satire na politično dogajanje. Vsebina in način podajanja le te je prilagojen ciljni publiki, kateri so te oddaje okno v svet, ker časa drugega niso sposobni razumeti.

Pac-Man ::
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

blackbfm ::
Vaš heroj, narcisoidni sociopat konstantno na robu živčnega zloma
A to opisujes vse tiste ki tezijo z nekim impeachmentom ze skor 4 leta?
Kva pol a bo al ne bo?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: blackbfm ()

zuzelka ::
Ti impeač Drumpfovci so res patetični, ko je toliko stvari ki jih počne Trump ki bi res lahko prizadelo njegovo kampanijo, ampak nimajo sposobnosti da bi se osredotočili na karkoli drugega kot gesla ki jih ponavljajo njihovi moralni vodje.
Če ni o tem govoril kak pozno nočni komediant na TVju, potem ne obstaja, oz. ni košer oznanjat.
Če ni o tem govoril kak pozno nočni komediant na TVju, potem ne obstaja, oz. ni košer oznanjat.

Smrekar1 ::
Doni pa spet s pravljicami.
Nikoli še ni slišal za njih, ampak jih zelo spoštuje.

Nekega človeka ne poznaš, ampak ga zaradi funkcije spoštuješ.
Za vas anti-trump-tarde je lahko vsaka reč veter v jadra.
Za vas anti-trump-tarde je lahko vsaka reč veter v jadra.

Pac-Man ::
Kva pol a bo al ne bo?
V to še ni vračunano včerajšnje pričanje.
Garrett Haake says Democrats called Bill Taylor’s testimony today “disturbing” and the most “complete testimony they had heard.”
@GarrettHaake: “No one is questioning the voracity of anything he said in that room, at least not that I have heard.”
A sr US official who knowns Taylor personally told me, he is "absolutely not someone you want against you" because he is "one of America's most competent diplomats," "a total professional," and "very, very smart."
Verjetnost, da ga obsodi 2/3 senata se vztrajno viša.
Today's testimony was devastating to Trump's legacy.
Tomorrow will be devastating to the legacy of any Republican senator who defends this impeachable offense.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

DarwiN ::
Močno dvomim v te dve tretjini.. Pol bi se moral FOX News zarotit proti njemu in če zavlečejo glasovanje v senatu tam do junija 2020, torej tik pred iztekom mandata, in če hkrati ankete kažejo na 99-odstotni poraz Trumpa. Potem bi mogoče republicuntsi dobili hrbtenico. Ne pozabit da gre za totalno skoruptirane in moralno bankrotirane politike.. Dejansko gre za bitko good vs evil.
Povedano drugače:
There's a chance
Povedano drugače:
There's a chance

You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

Pac-Man ::
Nekega človeka ne poznaš, ampak ga zaradi funkcije spoštuješ.
Za vas anti-trump-tarde je lahko vsaka reč veter v jadra.
Moj glavni problem je s citatom "visoko spoštovanega moža". 99% izmišljeno.
Kako je že trumpovo stališče do anonimnih virov? Fake news ali nekaj takega?
Weak sauce.
Močno dvomim v te dve tretjini..
Včerajšnje pričanje je bilo the shiz.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::
En kup republikanskih kongresnikov, ki tja ne spadajo, je zasedlo SCIF kjer potekajo zaslišanja. S telefoni, ki so tam prepovedani.
Vse to po drami okrog emailov Clintonove. Malenkost hinavsko.
House Republicans Literally Storm the Impeachment Hearings
House GOP leadership and, reportedly, the White House itself were aware of the efforts to disrupt the impeachment inquiry.
The invasion of a SCIF by unauthorized persons isn't protest -- it's a Federal crime with serious #natsec implications. Lethal force is authorized to defend SCIFs. This isn't a joke. Next time Gaetz & his merry band of felons try this stunt, they should be ready for consequences.
Anyone who participated in today's stunt should have all electronics they took into the SCIF confiscated permanently, as well as face a lifetime ban on holding TS/SCI.
No, you really cannot bring your personal electronics into a SCIF. Any SCIF. This is a big deal -- here's why c/o @TomRtweets:
To be fair to the Capitol Police, they weren't prepared for this outrageous stunt. What were they supposed to do -- shoot some Congressmen?
From now on, they'll be ready. More door guards are needed. Thanks, @GOP!
When/if you ever calm down you will realize that ordering the Capitol Police to shoot GOP Reps = a firm guarantee not only of more President D. Trump, 2021-2025, but also President I. Trump for 2 terms immediately thereafter.
Vse to po drami okrog emailov Clintonove. Malenkost hinavsko.
House Republicans Literally Storm the Impeachment Hearings
House GOP leadership and, reportedly, the White House itself were aware of the efforts to disrupt the impeachment inquiry.
The invasion of a SCIF by unauthorized persons isn't protest -- it's a Federal crime with serious #natsec implications. Lethal force is authorized to defend SCIFs. This isn't a joke. Next time Gaetz & his merry band of felons try this stunt, they should be ready for consequences.
Anyone who participated in today's stunt should have all electronics they took into the SCIF confiscated permanently, as well as face a lifetime ban on holding TS/SCI.
No, you really cannot bring your personal electronics into a SCIF. Any SCIF. This is a big deal -- here's why c/o @TomRtweets:
To be fair to the Capitol Police, they weren't prepared for this outrageous stunt. What were they supposed to do -- shoot some Congressmen?
From now on, they'll be ready. More door guards are needed. Thanks, @GOP!
When/if you ever calm down you will realize that ordering the Capitol Police to shoot GOP Reps = a firm guarantee not only of more President D. Trump, 2021-2025, but also President I. Trump for 2 terms immediately thereafter.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Ekspertinja, več na povezavi:
Bringing electronic devices into a SCIF, and this SCIF in particular is *very* problematic, especially when done by members of Congress.
Because Members of Congress (and their electronic devices) are high-value targets for compromise by foreign intelligence services.
Members of Congress have access to a wide range of sensitive information, including, in the case of these members, conversations with the President of the United States.
They travel internationally, receive emails from the public, and meet with foreign dignitaries.
As politicians, they're also highly sensitive to revelations of derogatory information, which means that foreign adversaries are very interested in collecting same. They also tend to be lax in their security protocols.
This means they may not know they have been compromised. For example, their phones can be turned into listening devices without their knowledge.
Bringing electronic devices into a SCIF, and this SCIF in particular is *very* problematic, especially when done by members of Congress.
Because Members of Congress (and their electronic devices) are high-value targets for compromise by foreign intelligence services.
Members of Congress have access to a wide range of sensitive information, including, in the case of these members, conversations with the President of the United States.
They travel internationally, receive emails from the public, and meet with foreign dignitaries.
As politicians, they're also highly sensitive to revelations of derogatory information, which means that foreign adversaries are very interested in collecting same. They also tend to be lax in their security protocols.
This means they may not know they have been compromised. For example, their phones can be turned into listening devices without their knowledge.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Kačing, tokrat skubi Irce.
When @realdonaldtrump made a side trip to his Irish golf club this summer, dozens of Irish cops were sent to protect him. Then Trump’s company charged the cops more than $100K for food and coffee.
Here’s the bill:
When @realdonaldtrump made a side trip to his Irish golf club this summer, dozens of Irish cops were sent to protect him. Then Trump’s company charged the cops more than $100K for food and coffee.
Here’s the bill:
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Tweeting from inside a SCIF is kinda evidentiary.
Also, you stupid f*cks, there is no FISA warrant required now for CI feds to grab all your data and comms on your phones.
Never follow one of Roger Stone’s idiot boys into any act.
Now you know.
Tweeting from inside a SCIF is kinda evidentiary.
Also, you stupid f*cks, there is no FISA warrant required now for CI feds to grab all your data and comms on your phones.
Never follow one of Roger Stone’s idiot boys into any act.
Now you know.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

DarwiN ::
To se dogaja, ker ni nobene kazni in ne utrpijo negativnih posledic..
Podobno te dni tudi tvoj kolega Jacob Wohl spet nekaj mučka z blatenjem demokratičnih kandidatov in fake teorijami zarot.. On ne samo, da ni kaznovan, ampak je še celo nagrajen od desničarskih podpornikov. Heck, celo najel ga bo kak bogat righwinger v prihodnosti za "opo research".
Kako že gre - All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.
Podobno te dni tudi tvoj kolega Jacob Wohl spet nekaj mučka z blatenjem demokratičnih kandidatov in fake teorijami zarot.. On ne samo, da ni kaznovan, ampak je še celo nagrajen od desničarskih podpornikov. Heck, celo najel ga bo kak bogat righwinger v prihodnosti za "opo research".
Kako že gre - All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

zuzelka ::
When @realdonaldtrump made a side trip to his Irish golf club this summer, dozens of Irish cops were sent to protect him. Then Trump’s company charged the cops more than $100K for food and coffee.
Trueduju, ki je svojega indijskega kuharja peljal s sabo da mu je kuhal v indiji, ne seže niti do kolen.
Trudeau India trip included $17K for celebrity chef, $3.6K for hockey jerseys

Smrekar1 ::
Močno dvomim v te dve tretjini.. Pol bi se moral FOX News zarotit proti njemu
Za razliko od splošnega mnenja o TV postaji, Fox News ni uradno glasilo republikanske stranke, kot npr. Nora24 ali Sputniknews. Fox News je televizijska postaja, ki mora privleči gledalce, da jo gledajo. Zadnjih 20 let so to delali predvsem s tem, da so se odkrito postavljali na stran Republikanske stranke in proti Demokratom in liberalcem, ampak Fox se ne bo žrtvoval ne za Trumpa in ne za Republikance. S počasnim obratom so začeli že pred dobrim letom dni.
Nobene propagande, zgolj gola dejstva brez komentarja kaj to pomeni. Če bi o vsem poročali na ta način bi bili res "fair and balanced", čeprav brez gledalcev. V primerjavi s profesionalnim govnom:
Je Fox News še kar v redu. Da profesionalne driske ne omenjam.
Fox ima načrt preživeti Trumpa. Ko se bodo tale pričanja prefiltrirala do javnosti ga bodo dali na čevelj.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Smrekar1 ()

Pac-Man ::
Ronan Farrow Saw A Master List Of "Trump Dirt" At The National Enquirer
Ronan Farrow Saw A Master List Of "Trump Dirt" At The National Enquirer
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zdaj vemo zakaj bediš ob polnoči in pišeš o Doniju 
Že vrabci čivkajo, da je /pol trolal celi svet z to fake news zgodbo. Buzzfeed je prvi pograbil to novico, CNN je takoj vskočil na hype train. A se ti ne zdi čudno, da bi mediji takoj pograbili ta video, če bi bil zares pristen? Tako pa ga najdeš na nekem obskurnem twiterju.

Že vrabci čivkajo, da je /pol trolal celi svet z to fake news zgodbo. Buzzfeed je prvi pograbil to novico, CNN je takoj vskočil na hype train. A se ti ne zdi čudno, da bi mediji takoj pograbili ta video, če bi bil zares pristen? Tako pa ga najdeš na nekem obskurnem twiterju.

the distinction between fact and fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist

Pac-Man ::
Ya sooo smart, a sem lahko tvoj frend?
Point je, da je nekdo vrgel obilo resursov v produkcijo kinda legit videa, ki naj bi ga pograbili legit mediji, da bi se lahko potem drl fejk njuz.
Ampak niso pograbili in je plan padel v vodo.
The Pee Tape Is Real, but It’s Fake
There’s a video going around that no one’s really talking about. What makes it most unreal is how believable it is.
Point je, da je nekdo vrgel obilo resursov v produkcijo kinda legit videa, ki naj bi ga pograbili legit mediji, da bi se lahko potem drl fejk njuz.
Ampak niso pograbili in je plan padel v vodo.
The Pee Tape Is Real, but It’s Fake
There’s a video going around that no one’s really talking about. What makes it most unreal is how believable it is.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Impič stoji na trumpovem quid pro quo z Ukrajino.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

zuzelka ::
Impič stoji na trumpovem quid pro quo z Ukrajino.
A ne Steelovem dosjeju o pee pee posnetku? A ne zaradi Rusije? A ne ker je rekel Ni**er? A ne ker je grabil pussi? A ne ker... Madona, še 5 let "this will be the end of Drumpf" bomo poslušali


Smrekar1 ::
Ya sooo smart, a sem lahko tvoj frend?
Point je, da je nekdo vrgel obilo resursov v produkcijo kinda legit videa, ki naj bi ga pograbili legit mediji, da bi se lahko potem drl fejk njuz.
Ampak niso pograbili in je plan padel v vodo.
The Pee Tape Is Real, but It’s Fake
There’s a video going around that no one’s really talking about. What makes it most unreal is how believable it is.
Konkretno ta videoposnetek ne zanima nikogar, razen Trumpistov. Glede na to kaj vse smo že dobili od Trumpa morebiten posnetek kako prostitutkam naroči naj urinirajo po postelji v kateri je spal Obama v bistvu ne spremeni ničesar.

Pac-Man ::
Se zgodi, če na mesto predsednika izvoliš zvezdno resničnostne TV. Vsa politika postane resničnostna TV.
Od včerajšnje okupacije SCIF z njegovim blagoslovom
The kicker, per Bloomberg, is Donald Trump told Gaetz, et al., that he “supported” the SCIF-raid plan in a meeting Tuesday. Thus we have the executive branch endorsing a plan to physically disrupt a legislative investigation of the executive’s conduct in a way that risks exposure of classified material. Very cool! Very normal!
do tega
Trumpu ni do resnice, želi samo širiti vonj dvoma. Ker imajo doma relativno dobro ločene veje oblasti, se za smrad pritiska na tretje države.
Od včerajšnje okupacije SCIF z njegovim blagoslovom
The kicker, per Bloomberg, is Donald Trump told Gaetz, et al., that he “supported” the SCIF-raid plan in a meeting Tuesday. Thus we have the executive branch endorsing a plan to physically disrupt a legislative investigation of the executive’s conduct in a way that risks exposure of classified material. Very cool! Very normal!
do tega
Trumpu ni do resnice, želi samo širiti vonj dvoma. Ker imajo doma relativno dobro ločene veje oblasti, se za smrad pritiska na tretje države.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
ICYMI, CNN buried the lead in their story on Parnas & Fruman yesterday. Turns out Rudy's grifters were headed to Vienna to help Hannity interview the corrupt Ukr prosecutor everyone in Europe wanted to fire. Makes Bill Barr's meeting w/Rupert that night far more interesting.
Napolitano @ Fox&Friends, video na povezavi
Andrew Napolitano: "As frustrating as it may be to have these hearings going on behind closed doors ... they are consistent with the rules. ... When were the rules written last? In January of 2015. And who signed them? John Boehner. And who enacted them? A Republican majority."
Andrew Napolitano demolishes Fox's talking point that Dems need transparency: "These are not the impeachment hearings. The impeachment hearings have to be held in public by the House Judiciary Committee. This is the initial interview of witnesses. ... He's following the rules."
ICYMI, CNN buried the lead in their story on Parnas & Fruman yesterday. Turns out Rudy's grifters were headed to Vienna to help Hannity interview the corrupt Ukr prosecutor everyone in Europe wanted to fire. Makes Bill Barr's meeting w/Rupert that night far more interesting.
Napolitano @ Fox&Friends, video na povezavi
Andrew Napolitano: "As frustrating as it may be to have these hearings going on behind closed doors ... they are consistent with the rules. ... When were the rules written last? In January of 2015. And who signed them? John Boehner. And who enacted them? A Republican majority."
Andrew Napolitano demolishes Fox's talking point that Dems need transparency: "These are not the impeachment hearings. The impeachment hearings have to be held in public by the House Judiciary Committee. This is the initial interview of witnesses. ... He's following the rules."
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::
Fox News: nekateri včerajšnji kampisti so želeli biti aretirani. Boljša optika.
There was never any threat of arrest, but a source said some members asked to be arrested, citing the optics of being marched out of the SCIF in handcuffs in front of throngs of reporters and news cameras. That would have surely supported a running GOP narrative that Democrats have run amok with the impeachment process.
There was never any threat of arrest, but a source said some members asked to be arrested, citing the optics of being marched out of the SCIF in handcuffs in front of throngs of reporters and news cameras. That would have surely supported a running GOP narrative that Democrats have run amok with the impeachment process.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

DarwiN ::
Vidiš v kakšne umazane ekstreme so pripravljeni it republikanci? Enostavno ni dna. Bolj ko jim gori pod nogami, bolj so radikalni in pokvarjeni. Tudi njihovi intervjuji pred kamero so bili kot iz Twilight Zona. In pol naj upamo, da bo 26 ljudi iz te grupe pomagalo odstraniti Oranžnega Führerja? Malo morgen freeman. :S
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

Pac-Man ::
Kongres je vrtec, v senatu so bolj resni.
Only 7(!) Republican senators are ruling out removing Donald Trump
Bi bilo pa lepo, če s sojenjem v senatu počakajo do roka za vloge na primarnih volitvah. Se mi zdi, da je enkrat februarja.
Precej se jih boji, da bodo napadeni z desne.
Ekola, šel gledat, odvisno od zvezne države.
2020 United States Senate elections @ Wikipedia
Imajo pa demokrati lepo priložnost za prevzet večino.
Including the special elections in Arizona and Georgia, Republicans will be defending 23 seats in 2020, while the Democratic Party will be defending 12 seats. Depending on the results of the 2020 presidential election, Democrats will need to pick up either three or four seats to gain a majority in the Senate.[a]
Only 7(!) Republican senators are ruling out removing Donald Trump
Bi bilo pa lepo, če s sojenjem v senatu počakajo do roka za vloge na primarnih volitvah. Se mi zdi, da je enkrat februarja.
Precej se jih boji, da bodo napadeni z desne.
Ekola, šel gledat, odvisno od zvezne države.
2020 United States Senate elections @ Wikipedia
Imajo pa demokrati lepo priložnost za prevzet večino.
Including the special elections in Arizona and Georgia, Republicans will be defending 23 seats in 2020, while the Democratic Party will be defending 12 seats. Depending on the results of the 2020 presidential election, Democrats will need to pick up either three or four seats to gain a majority in the Senate.[a]
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::
Kdo je bimbo?
Hey @AOC I thought you supported Open and Transparent government. Truth is for @AOC the ends justify the means and she gladly reverts to Soviet style secret hearings in the Capitol basement. Socialism and one-sided Kangaroo Courts have no place in the #USA #ExposeSchiffSCIF
Rep. Mooney, you & I both know that when a massive crime is committed, the 1st step is to separate witnesses & get their stories to see what adds up.
You know that making these depositions public will help potential criminals line up their testimony.
Why do you want to do that?
Hey @AOC I thought you supported Open and Transparent government. Truth is for @AOC the ends justify the means and she gladly reverts to Soviet style secret hearings in the Capitol basement. Socialism and one-sided Kangaroo Courts have no place in the #USA #ExposeSchiffSCIF
Rep. Mooney, you & I both know that when a massive crime is committed, the 1st step is to separate witnesses & get their stories to see what adds up.
You know that making these depositions public will help potential criminals line up their testimony.
Why do you want to do that?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

nejclp ::
Kdo je bimbo?
Bi rekel, da je Biden.
Once again, Putin and the Russians are interfering in the elections and trying to pick our president -- this time they're coming after me.
Chip in $5 to send the message to Putin that the American people decide elections, not him:
Sam resno, a je možno, da je tip tolk bogi u glavo?
Ali pa on in ostali centristi zavestno agitirajo za še 4 leta Trumpa?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: nejclp ()

Smrekar1 ::
2020 United States Senate elections @ Wikipedia
Imajo pa demokrati lepo priložnost za prevzet večino.
Including the special elections in Arizona and Georgia, Republicans will be defending 23 seats in 2020, while the Democratic Party will be defending 12 seats. Depending on the results of the 2020 presidential election, Democrats will need to pick up either three or four seats to gain a majority in the Senate.[a]
S pomočjo Trumpa jim to lahko uspe, ampak ne računaj na to. Večina sedežev je v Roja Rojita delu ZDA. Poleg tega Demokrati enega od 12 sedežev branijo v Alabami, kjer so za las izvolili Demokrata samo zato, ker so Republikanci kot protikanidata za odstavljenega koruptivneža nastavili pedofila. Približno dva sedeža Republikancev in en sedež Demokratov so tako močno ranljivi, za kaj več potrebujejo pomoč Trumpa.
Ta zaenkrat sodeluje, tako da sta potencialno ranljiva tudi denimo Cormyn in Moskovski Mitch, ampak do volitev je še leto in dva tedna. Večina je možna, a pot do tja ne bo lahka. Seveda če Republikanci konkretno zajebejo impeachment lahko pade tudi tam, 17-18 njihovih senatorjev. Zaenkrat sodelujejo, bomo videli.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Smrekar1 ()
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