Forum » Igre » Elden Ring [Great Rune] (FromSoftware)
Elden Ring [Great Rune] (FromSoftware)
oo7 ::
Elden Ring Was Originally Going to Get Two DLC Expansions - Rumor
lojz123 ::
Sem se odločil danes da bi jo še enkrat od začetka preigral naložim in ne dela Easy Anti Cheat
po brskanju ugotovil da pomaga edino onemogočiti Core Isolation sem probal potem mi igra dela
oziroma odstranitev posodobitve windows ku... potem pa nič sem mislil da je samo ubisoft tako zanikrn
zgleda da so ostali isti ko pokasirajo se jim nič več ne mudi z popravki ker izgleda da je napaka že nekaj časa luzerji
Ko bodo pa prodajali kakšen DLC bo pa takoj popravljeno naj gredo nekam v .....
po brskanju ugotovil da pomaga edino onemogočiti Core Isolation sem probal potem mi igra dela
oziroma odstranitev posodobitve windows ku... potem pa nič sem mislil da je samo ubisoft tako zanikrn
zgleda da so ostali isti ko pokasirajo se jim nič več ne mudi z popravki ker izgleda da je napaka že nekaj časa luzerji
Ko bodo pa prodajali kakšen DLC bo pa takoj popravljeno naj gredo nekam v .....
oo7 ::
Če kaj pomaga ?
Top 5 Solutions to Elden Ring Easy Anti Cheat Launch Error
Top 5 Solutions to Elden Ring Easy Anti Cheat Launch Error
lojz123 ::
Kar nekaj stvari sem probal pomagalo je edino
Nastavitve - Varnost naprave - Osamitev jedra - Celovitost pomnilnika na OFF
samo sem nato vklopil nazaj na ON ter pobrisal igro, mogoče kdaj drugič
Nastavitve - Varnost naprave - Osamitev jedra - Celovitost pomnilnika na OFF
samo sem nato vklopil nazaj na ON ter pobrisal igro, mogoče kdaj drugič
oo7 ::
oo7 ::
This bossfight has been in the works for over 5 months now, and it's finally time to unveil the unofficial DLC boss! The ultimate reimagination of the Godskin Duo, fused with Ornstein and Smough!
NEW Godskin Dragonslayer & Executioner Duo Boss Showcase (Elden Ring The Garden of Eyes Mod)
NEW Godskin Dragonslayer & Executioner Duo Boss Showcase (Elden Ring The Garden of Eyes Mod)
oo7 ::
Elden Ring Has Various Measures in Progress Alongside Major DLC Development to Maximize Lifetime Value
Me veseli,da bodo ohranjali igro pri življenju.
Me veseli,da bodo ohranjali igro pri življenju.
oo7 ::
MOD za igro Elden Ring
Elden Ring Convergence Mod V1.3 -
The Convergence Mod - Patch 1.3 is Finally Here
Elden Ring Convergence Mod V1.3 Release Notes
System Changes
As of patch 1.3, Convergence will now use a separate location for its save data. This will help protect the integrity of vanilla save files and help prevent players from being banned from online play.
(If you wish to load and use your previous save files that are stored in the vanilla location, simply remove the eldenring_alt_saves.dll file from the ConvergenceER folder before launching the mod. However, starting a new character with each patch release is always recommended to prevent potential bugs.)
Fixed an issue causing the Vanguard starting class to have one too few starting stats. (Now starts with one additional point of endurance)
Map Changes
Added several new enemy camps across Limgrave and Weeping Peninsula.
Corrected the displayed location for the Raya Lucaria Grand Library site of grace on the overworld map.
Reworked the Divine Tower of Liurnia.
Fixed an issue causing a ladder to be invisible and buggy in Redmane Castle.
The Dragonkin Soldier encounter in Deeproot Depths now has a Stake of Marika near it.
Blocked the exit tunnel leading out of the cave used in Ranni's quest near the Cathedral of Manus Celes to prevent progression skipping.
Item Changes
Reduced the amount of FP recovery on the Ceruleanburst Crystal Tear from 3 per second to 2 per second.
Performed extensive changes to the summoning system. Summoning can now be performed in most locations in the game. Resummoning is now possible after a summon dies or is unsummoned. If summoning is performed in the overworld map, summons will disappear if the player travels far from the original summon location but the player will be able to resummon in that case.
The overall strength of summon reinforcement has been adjusted making summons slightly stronger at lower reinforcement levels and slightly weaker at higher reinforcement levels as compared to vanilla game.
Added a new series of notes at the starting locations for each class that describe the locations of notable weapons for that class.
Removed multiple instances of the Scorpion Kite Shield that were present on the map.
Fixed an issue causing the Opaline Hardtear physick to not increase physical damage absorption.
Fixed a typo on the Boltdrake Talisman's description.
Added correct description for the Marionette Soldier Birdhelm.
Fixed an issue causing the loot corpse containing the Sacred Crown Helm and the Ivory Draped tabard to be invisible to the player.
Fixed an issue causing the loot corpse for the starting note of the Rogue to be invisible in certain cases.
Removed the extra Dragon Towershield from the map.
Added the Ancestor Follower Ashes to the merchant shop in Lower Siofra.
Removed Seluvis's Bell Bearing because he no longer sells spells.
Shortened several item descriptions that were too long to be read in the menu frame.
Removed a few items that were missing icons and were no longer needed in the context of the mod.
Fixed several item descriptions with typos.
Corrected the descriptions of the somber and smithing stone bell bearings.
Weapon Changes
Re-added Serpent Hunter to the game. - It is now found just after defeating the Abductor Virgin in Volcano Manor near the mouth of the cave.
Overhauled status build up on weapons - Removed Arcane scaling from status build up on weapons. Most static status build up has been increased by a large amount. (When assessing the status build up system in-game we discovered that many statuses cannot use any kind of stat scaling to increase the amount of build up. We found that this gave certain statuses an advantage over others, so we have removed stat scaling from all statuses but have increased base status build up on weapons to compensate.)
Fixed an issue causing Death Ritual Spear and Rosus' Axe weapon skills to deal no damage while the weapons are buffed.
Fixed an issue causing the Frenzied Flame Seal to have an incorrect scaling value assigned to one of its affinities.
Corrected several instances of weapon attacks from new weapons where they were not properly benefitting from conditional attack buffs. (ei. Skill attacks, Charged Attacks, etc.)
The following Katanas now have new animations for their R1 and R2 attacks: Hand of Malenia, Dragonscale Blade, Rivers of Blood and Moonveil.
Corrected the on-hit visual of Sulien's Razors weapon skill to no longer appear as fire.
Fixed an issue causing the weapon skill of the Nomad's Kilij to not buff fire damage.
Changed the description of Ancient Thunderclap to be less misleading.
Fixed some missing hitboxes on the Molten Sword.
Fixed some hitbox and attack issues with the Ornamental Straight Sword.
Also fixed an issue causing the Quicksilver Rapier to use the incorrect charged heavy attacks.
Fixed an issue allowing Sword of Hadea weapon skill to be used while not having enough FP.
New Weapons
Spear of Tranquility (Unique Mystic Spear)
Causes Sleep Build Up
Weapon Skill - "Soporific Assault"
Location: Lake of Rot chest
Zephyr Blades (Unique Storm Paired Curved Swords)
Weapon Skill - "Wind Dance"
Location: Stormveil Castle
Gravelstone Arcblades (Unique Draconic Paired Colossal Swords)
Weapon Skill - "Wrath of the Ancients"
Location: Wyndham Catacombs
Lodestone of Gelmir (Unique Magma Colossal Weapon)
Weapon Skill - "Magma Crush"
Location: Volcano Manor
Yura's Kanabo (Unique Heavy Straight Sword)
Causes Bleed Build Up
Weapon Skill - "Ronin's Technique"
Location: Limgrave - Agheel Lake South
Sigur's Greatmace (Unique Heavy Great Hammer)
Causes Bleed Build Up
Weapon Skill - "Omen's Roar"
Location: Dropped by Sigur
Bloodhound Hookblade (Unique Keen Axe)
Causes Bleed Build Up
Weapon Skill - "Bloodhound Assault"
Location: Liurnia of the Lakes - South Raya Lucaria Gate
Osian's Greatsword (Unique Quality Colossal Sword)
Weapon Skill - "Osian's Fury"
Location: Limgrave - Murkwater Coast
Reaver's Odachi (Unique Quality Halberd)
Causes Bleed Build Up
Weapon Skill - "Heart Piercer"
Location: Fort Faroth
Palm-Ax Twinblades (Unique Quality Twinblade)
Causes Bleed Build Up
Weapon Skill - "Whirling Slice"
Location: Auriza Side Tomb
War Scythe (Unique Heavy Reaper)
Causes Bleed Build Up
Weapon Skill - "Lunging Harvest"
Location: Liurnia of the Lakes - Lake-Facing Cliffs
Gilded Quarterstaff (Unique Heavy Twinblade)
Weapon Skill - "Vaulting Strike"
Location: Liurnia of the Lakes - South of Mausoleum Compound
Carwyn's Épée (Unique Keen Heavy Thrusting Sword)
Weapon Skill - "Carwyn's Bladestorm"
Location: Limgrave - South of Summonwater Village
Godskin Flayer (Unique Godslayer Curved Sword)
Causes Soul Burn
Weapon Skill - "Godslayer Ascension"
Location: At Enya after defeating Godskin Matriarch
Guardian Spearblade (Guardian Swordspear reworked to trick weapon - Unique Golden Straight Sword/Spear)
Weapon Skill: Erdtree Mastery
Location: Altus - Minor Erdtree Church
New Weapon Skills
Banished Knight's Halberd - "Storm Stance"
Dragonscale Blade - "Underworld Conduit"
Spell Changes
Adjusted the scaling factors of all seals and staffs to increase the damage of all spells while at lower reinforcement levels.
Made a change to Accursed Binding and Spirit Link that will remove the summon debuffs if you already have them active when you cast these spells.
Increased the damage of all Rancor spells for the Necromancer.
Increased the damage of Fia's Mist.
Also increased the damage of Tibia's Summons.
Increased the damage of all Vapor spells and all Seeker spells for Mystic.
Decreased the damage of Lava Dart.
Increased the damage of Anger of the Fell God and added flames to the ground around its impact location.
Fixed an issue causing uncharged Bloodflame Outburst to deal too much damage.
Fixed an issue causing Convert Corruption to heal too much HP.
Also fixed an issue causing Anima Magica to build too many stacks when casting conjured weapon spells.
Fixed an issue causing Godslayer's Devotion to build too many stacks when casting conjured weapon spells.
Changed the total FP reduction of Bestial Fervor from 95% to 80%.
Reduced the amount that Source of Creation heals enemies.
Increased the fire damage buff of Cyclopean Prophecy from 5% to 10%.
Changed the FP reduction of Godslayer's Devotion from 95% to 90%.
Changed the HP reduction of Wrath of the Queen from 50% to 30%.
Also changed the FP and Stamina reduction of Heart of Chaos from 30% to 20%.
Changed the additional stamina consumption on Hidden Mother's Blessing from 50% to 30%.
Changed the absorption reduction of Blessing the Sealed God from 75% to 30%.
Also changed the increased cost to spells of Spirit Weaving from 100% to 50%.
Changed the HP reduction of Dream Meld from 50% to 30%.
Changed the FP reduction of Strength of the Underworld from 80% to 50% and the Spell damage reduction from 50% to 20%.
Also changed the HP reduction of Wisdom of the Makers from 50% to 30% and removed the Stamina cost reduction.
Changed the FP reduction of Godwyn's Vengeance from 90% to 75%.
Changed the absorption reduction of Phoenix of Death from 60% to 30%.
Also changed the absorption reduction of Aberrant Ascension from 65% to 20%.
Golden Order blessings have been reworked:
Blessing of Grace now adds 10 HP recovery per second and reduces equip-load by 20%.
Blessing of Protection now increases all absorption by 15% and adds 25% shield stability.
Blessing of Wisdom now adds 1 FP recovery per second and increases holy spell damage by 5%.
Blessing of Power now adds 8 stamina recovery and increases holy weapon damage by 5%.
Elden Benediction has been reworked:
It now stacks with any other single blessing and will amplify its effects -
With Grace - Adds 20 HP recovery per second, reduces equip-load by 30% and improves dodge-rolls.
With Protection - Increases all absorption by 25%, adds poise and adds 35% shield stability.
With Wisdom - Adds 2 FP recovery per second, increases holy spell damage by 10% and increases casting speed by 30.
With Power - Adds 15 Stamina recovery, increases holy weapon damage by 10% and increases poise damage of weapon attacks by 10%.
If used with no blessing present, all stats are increased by 2.
Aura of Valor has been removed from the mod.
Decreased the damage and poise damage of Stellar Bombardment and slightly increased its FP cost.
Fixed an issue causing the DoT applied by Black Firestorm to have a duration that was too long.
Fixed an issue causing several spell buffs to not be prolonged by Old Lord's Talisman.
Also fixed an issue causing Astral Alignment to use the incorrect cast visuals.
Changed the visual effect of Accursed Binding and Spirit Link to improve performance issues caused by the previous effect.
Fixed an issue causing Whiteout to deflect your own spell projectiles.
Changed the FP cost of Godslayer's Devotion to 30 FP in order to make gaining a free heal from toggling it on and off in succession less likely.
Fixed several instances of spells not benefitting from their various spell boosting items.
Fixed an issue causing the damage from the soul burn and lesser soul burn spell effect and weapon effect to not appear properly on some enemies.
Corrected the description of Dematerialize to be more accurate.
Potentially fixed an issue causing the damage from Recurring Nightmare to proc multiple times during crit animations. (Needs community testing)
Fixed a typo in the description of Burrowing Black Flame.
Fixed an issue causing some charged spells to not benefit from Godfrey's Icon.
Also fixed an issue that was causing Blood Star to deactivate when resting at a grace.
Changed the visual effects of Armor of Bubbles and Underworld Bubbleshield to be less visually noisy.
Fixed an issue causing Carian Acuity's effect to cancel Malenia's Great Rune effect.
Enemy Changes
New Boss - Godskin Matriarch - Found on top of the Divine Tower of Liurnia
Adjusted the walk route of the Fire Monk near the beginning of the Minor Erdtree Catacombs to prevent aggro on the player while resting at the grace.
Made enemies that were previously immune to fire damage no longer immune to fire damage, except when those enemies' spawn points are in lava pools.
Fixed an issue that was causing Festering Fingerprint Vyke to not meet the requirements for his weapon.
Fixed an issue causing the poison breath of the Erdtree Senties to only cause poison build up one time per attack.
Increased the total HP of Radahn by 20% and increased his damage by 10%.
Fixed an issue causing players to be able to kill Gideon before Skarde completes his attack.
Fixed an issue causing players to be able to die before gaining credit for killing Maliketh. (Needs community testing)
Also fixed an issue causing some enemies in the Sealed Tunnel to not drop runes.
Fixed issue with the Bloodhound Knight near the Raya Lucaria gate causing him to have too little HP.
Fixed an issue causing some ancestral followers in Lake of Rot to not drop runes.
Also fixed an issue causing Dakk to not aggro properly at the beginning of the fight.
Elden Ring Convergence Mod V1.3 -
The Convergence Mod - Patch 1.3 is Finally Here
Elden Ring Convergence Mod V1.3 Release Notes
System Changes
As of patch 1.3, Convergence will now use a separate location for its save data. This will help protect the integrity of vanilla save files and help prevent players from being banned from online play.
(If you wish to load and use your previous save files that are stored in the vanilla location, simply remove the eldenring_alt_saves.dll file from the ConvergenceER folder before launching the mod. However, starting a new character with each patch release is always recommended to prevent potential bugs.)
Fixed an issue causing the Vanguard starting class to have one too few starting stats. (Now starts with one additional point of endurance)
Map Changes
Added several new enemy camps across Limgrave and Weeping Peninsula.
Corrected the displayed location for the Raya Lucaria Grand Library site of grace on the overworld map.
Reworked the Divine Tower of Liurnia.
Fixed an issue causing a ladder to be invisible and buggy in Redmane Castle.
The Dragonkin Soldier encounter in Deeproot Depths now has a Stake of Marika near it.
Blocked the exit tunnel leading out of the cave used in Ranni's quest near the Cathedral of Manus Celes to prevent progression skipping.
Item Changes
Reduced the amount of FP recovery on the Ceruleanburst Crystal Tear from 3 per second to 2 per second.
Performed extensive changes to the summoning system. Summoning can now be performed in most locations in the game. Resummoning is now possible after a summon dies or is unsummoned. If summoning is performed in the overworld map, summons will disappear if the player travels far from the original summon location but the player will be able to resummon in that case.
The overall strength of summon reinforcement has been adjusted making summons slightly stronger at lower reinforcement levels and slightly weaker at higher reinforcement levels as compared to vanilla game.
Added a new series of notes at the starting locations for each class that describe the locations of notable weapons for that class.
Removed multiple instances of the Scorpion Kite Shield that were present on the map.
Fixed an issue causing the Opaline Hardtear physick to not increase physical damage absorption.
Fixed a typo on the Boltdrake Talisman's description.
Added correct description for the Marionette Soldier Birdhelm.
Fixed an issue causing the loot corpse containing the Sacred Crown Helm and the Ivory Draped tabard to be invisible to the player.
Fixed an issue causing the loot corpse for the starting note of the Rogue to be invisible in certain cases.
Removed the extra Dragon Towershield from the map.
Added the Ancestor Follower Ashes to the merchant shop in Lower Siofra.
Removed Seluvis's Bell Bearing because he no longer sells spells.
Shortened several item descriptions that were too long to be read in the menu frame.
Removed a few items that were missing icons and were no longer needed in the context of the mod.
Fixed several item descriptions with typos.
Corrected the descriptions of the somber and smithing stone bell bearings.
Weapon Changes
Re-added Serpent Hunter to the game. - It is now found just after defeating the Abductor Virgin in Volcano Manor near the mouth of the cave.
Overhauled status build up on weapons - Removed Arcane scaling from status build up on weapons. Most static status build up has been increased by a large amount. (When assessing the status build up system in-game we discovered that many statuses cannot use any kind of stat scaling to increase the amount of build up. We found that this gave certain statuses an advantage over others, so we have removed stat scaling from all statuses but have increased base status build up on weapons to compensate.)
Fixed an issue causing Death Ritual Spear and Rosus' Axe weapon skills to deal no damage while the weapons are buffed.
Fixed an issue causing the Frenzied Flame Seal to have an incorrect scaling value assigned to one of its affinities.
Corrected several instances of weapon attacks from new weapons where they were not properly benefitting from conditional attack buffs. (ei. Skill attacks, Charged Attacks, etc.)
The following Katanas now have new animations for their R1 and R2 attacks: Hand of Malenia, Dragonscale Blade, Rivers of Blood and Moonveil.
Corrected the on-hit visual of Sulien's Razors weapon skill to no longer appear as fire.
Fixed an issue causing the weapon skill of the Nomad's Kilij to not buff fire damage.
Changed the description of Ancient Thunderclap to be less misleading.
Fixed some missing hitboxes on the Molten Sword.
Fixed some hitbox and attack issues with the Ornamental Straight Sword.
Also fixed an issue causing the Quicksilver Rapier to use the incorrect charged heavy attacks.
Fixed an issue allowing Sword of Hadea weapon skill to be used while not having enough FP.
New Weapons
Spear of Tranquility (Unique Mystic Spear)
Causes Sleep Build Up
Weapon Skill - "Soporific Assault"
Location: Lake of Rot chest
Zephyr Blades (Unique Storm Paired Curved Swords)
Weapon Skill - "Wind Dance"
Location: Stormveil Castle
Gravelstone Arcblades (Unique Draconic Paired Colossal Swords)
Weapon Skill - "Wrath of the Ancients"
Location: Wyndham Catacombs
Lodestone of Gelmir (Unique Magma Colossal Weapon)
Weapon Skill - "Magma Crush"
Location: Volcano Manor
Yura's Kanabo (Unique Heavy Straight Sword)
Causes Bleed Build Up
Weapon Skill - "Ronin's Technique"
Location: Limgrave - Agheel Lake South
Sigur's Greatmace (Unique Heavy Great Hammer)
Causes Bleed Build Up
Weapon Skill - "Omen's Roar"
Location: Dropped by Sigur
Bloodhound Hookblade (Unique Keen Axe)
Causes Bleed Build Up
Weapon Skill - "Bloodhound Assault"
Location: Liurnia of the Lakes - South Raya Lucaria Gate
Osian's Greatsword (Unique Quality Colossal Sword)
Weapon Skill - "Osian's Fury"
Location: Limgrave - Murkwater Coast
Reaver's Odachi (Unique Quality Halberd)
Causes Bleed Build Up
Weapon Skill - "Heart Piercer"
Location: Fort Faroth
Palm-Ax Twinblades (Unique Quality Twinblade)
Causes Bleed Build Up
Weapon Skill - "Whirling Slice"
Location: Auriza Side Tomb
War Scythe (Unique Heavy Reaper)
Causes Bleed Build Up
Weapon Skill - "Lunging Harvest"
Location: Liurnia of the Lakes - Lake-Facing Cliffs
Gilded Quarterstaff (Unique Heavy Twinblade)
Weapon Skill - "Vaulting Strike"
Location: Liurnia of the Lakes - South of Mausoleum Compound
Carwyn's Épée (Unique Keen Heavy Thrusting Sword)
Weapon Skill - "Carwyn's Bladestorm"
Location: Limgrave - South of Summonwater Village
Godskin Flayer (Unique Godslayer Curved Sword)
Causes Soul Burn
Weapon Skill - "Godslayer Ascension"
Location: At Enya after defeating Godskin Matriarch
Guardian Spearblade (Guardian Swordspear reworked to trick weapon - Unique Golden Straight Sword/Spear)
Weapon Skill: Erdtree Mastery
Location: Altus - Minor Erdtree Church
New Weapon Skills
Banished Knight's Halberd - "Storm Stance"
Dragonscale Blade - "Underworld Conduit"
Spell Changes
Adjusted the scaling factors of all seals and staffs to increase the damage of all spells while at lower reinforcement levels.
Made a change to Accursed Binding and Spirit Link that will remove the summon debuffs if you already have them active when you cast these spells.
Increased the damage of all Rancor spells for the Necromancer.
Increased the damage of Fia's Mist.
Also increased the damage of Tibia's Summons.
Increased the damage of all Vapor spells and all Seeker spells for Mystic.
Decreased the damage of Lava Dart.
Increased the damage of Anger of the Fell God and added flames to the ground around its impact location.
Fixed an issue causing uncharged Bloodflame Outburst to deal too much damage.
Fixed an issue causing Convert Corruption to heal too much HP.
Also fixed an issue causing Anima Magica to build too many stacks when casting conjured weapon spells.
Fixed an issue causing Godslayer's Devotion to build too many stacks when casting conjured weapon spells.
Changed the total FP reduction of Bestial Fervor from 95% to 80%.
Reduced the amount that Source of Creation heals enemies.
Increased the fire damage buff of Cyclopean Prophecy from 5% to 10%.
Changed the FP reduction of Godslayer's Devotion from 95% to 90%.
Changed the HP reduction of Wrath of the Queen from 50% to 30%.
Also changed the FP and Stamina reduction of Heart of Chaos from 30% to 20%.
Changed the additional stamina consumption on Hidden Mother's Blessing from 50% to 30%.
Changed the absorption reduction of Blessing the Sealed God from 75% to 30%.
Also changed the increased cost to spells of Spirit Weaving from 100% to 50%.
Changed the HP reduction of Dream Meld from 50% to 30%.
Changed the FP reduction of Strength of the Underworld from 80% to 50% and the Spell damage reduction from 50% to 20%.
Also changed the HP reduction of Wisdom of the Makers from 50% to 30% and removed the Stamina cost reduction.
Changed the FP reduction of Godwyn's Vengeance from 90% to 75%.
Changed the absorption reduction of Phoenix of Death from 60% to 30%.
Also changed the absorption reduction of Aberrant Ascension from 65% to 20%.
Golden Order blessings have been reworked:
Blessing of Grace now adds 10 HP recovery per second and reduces equip-load by 20%.
Blessing of Protection now increases all absorption by 15% and adds 25% shield stability.
Blessing of Wisdom now adds 1 FP recovery per second and increases holy spell damage by 5%.
Blessing of Power now adds 8 stamina recovery and increases holy weapon damage by 5%.
Elden Benediction has been reworked:
It now stacks with any other single blessing and will amplify its effects -
With Grace - Adds 20 HP recovery per second, reduces equip-load by 30% and improves dodge-rolls.
With Protection - Increases all absorption by 25%, adds poise and adds 35% shield stability.
With Wisdom - Adds 2 FP recovery per second, increases holy spell damage by 10% and increases casting speed by 30.
With Power - Adds 15 Stamina recovery, increases holy weapon damage by 10% and increases poise damage of weapon attacks by 10%.
If used with no blessing present, all stats are increased by 2.
Aura of Valor has been removed from the mod.
Decreased the damage and poise damage of Stellar Bombardment and slightly increased its FP cost.
Fixed an issue causing the DoT applied by Black Firestorm to have a duration that was too long.
Fixed an issue causing several spell buffs to not be prolonged by Old Lord's Talisman.
Also fixed an issue causing Astral Alignment to use the incorrect cast visuals.
Changed the visual effect of Accursed Binding and Spirit Link to improve performance issues caused by the previous effect.
Fixed an issue causing Whiteout to deflect your own spell projectiles.
Changed the FP cost of Godslayer's Devotion to 30 FP in order to make gaining a free heal from toggling it on and off in succession less likely.
Fixed several instances of spells not benefitting from their various spell boosting items.
Fixed an issue causing the damage from the soul burn and lesser soul burn spell effect and weapon effect to not appear properly on some enemies.
Corrected the description of Dematerialize to be more accurate.
Potentially fixed an issue causing the damage from Recurring Nightmare to proc multiple times during crit animations. (Needs community testing)
Fixed a typo in the description of Burrowing Black Flame.
Fixed an issue causing some charged spells to not benefit from Godfrey's Icon.
Also fixed an issue that was causing Blood Star to deactivate when resting at a grace.
Changed the visual effects of Armor of Bubbles and Underworld Bubbleshield to be less visually noisy.
Fixed an issue causing Carian Acuity's effect to cancel Malenia's Great Rune effect.
Enemy Changes
New Boss - Godskin Matriarch - Found on top of the Divine Tower of Liurnia
Adjusted the walk route of the Fire Monk near the beginning of the Minor Erdtree Catacombs to prevent aggro on the player while resting at the grace.
Made enemies that were previously immune to fire damage no longer immune to fire damage, except when those enemies' spawn points are in lava pools.
Fixed an issue that was causing Festering Fingerprint Vyke to not meet the requirements for his weapon.
Fixed an issue causing the poison breath of the Erdtree Senties to only cause poison build up one time per attack.
Increased the total HP of Radahn by 20% and increased his damage by 10%.
Fixed an issue causing players to be able to kill Gideon before Skarde completes his attack.
Fixed an issue causing players to be able to die before gaining credit for killing Maliketh. (Needs community testing)
Also fixed an issue causing some enemies in the Sealed Tunnel to not drop runes.
Fixed issue with the Bloodhound Knight near the Raya Lucaria gate causing him to have too little HP.
Fixed an issue causing some ancestral followers in Lake of Rot to not drop runes.
Also fixed an issue causing Dakk to not aggro properly at the beginning of the fight.
oo7 ::
Zlata ribica premagala Melanijo
Yes, a goldfish can beat the hardest boss in Elden Ring
I Taught My Goldfish to Play Elden Ring
Ljudje imajo čedalje bolj nore ideje kako igrati Elden Ring :)
Yes, a goldfish can beat the hardest boss in Elden Ring
I Taught My Goldfish to Play Elden Ring
Ljudje imajo čedalje bolj nore ideje kako igrati Elden Ring :)
oo7 ::
Elden ring: Shadow of the erdtree may release in 2023 according to bandai namco CEO
Summary: so, the ceo was asked regarding how bandai has planned to maintain the financial growth in 2023, similar to their stellar performance in 2022 because of Elden ring?
Poslovno leto (fiscal year 2023) 2023 se kočna marca 2024. Torej DLC za Elden ring enkrat, do marca 2024 ?
oo7 ::
Elden Ring's Shadow of the Erdtree Has 4 Obvious Directions For Its Story
Based on its title and initial teaser art, Elden Ring's Shadow of the Erdtree expansion could follow several potential story threads.
Based on its title and initial teaser art, Elden Ring's Shadow of the Erdtree expansion could follow several potential story threads.
oo7 ::
Glede na govrico naj bi DLC Elden Ring's Shadow of the Erdtree izšel 5 februarja 2024
DLC naj bi predstavili na The Game Awards decembra letos.
DLC naj bi predstavili na The Game Awards decembra letos.
oo7 ::
Elden Ring Player Discovers New Weapon After Playing for Over 800 Hours
oo7 ::
From Software zaposluje na veliko za več projektov. Seveda eden je velik DLC za Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree. Nekateri celo ugibajo, da bi lahko delali tudi Elden Ring 2 in eno igro katero delajo skupaj s Sonijem katera naj bi bila ekskluziva za PS5.
jijetelu ::
hja, menda se precej širijo in pripravljajo več projektov, kar pa ponavadi ni dobra novica, From Software je danes edini razvijalec, ki je sposoben narediti kolikor toliko spodobno igro, ki ni namenjena lulčkom, ravajencem, woke ideologom ipd....
oo7 ::
hja, menda se precej širijo in pripravljajo več projektov, kar pa ponavadi ni dobra novica, From Software je danes edini razvijalec, ki je sposoben narediti kolikor toliko spodobno igro, ki ni namenjena lulčkom, ravajencem, woke ideologom ipd....
Mislim, da ni panike če pripravljajo več projektov saj so tudi, do zdaj delali igre kot po tekočem traku.
Sem napisal samo glavne naslove.
2009 Demon's Souls
2011 Demon's Souls
2012 Armored Core V
2014 Dark Souls II
2015 Bloodborne
2016 Dark Souls III
2019 Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
2022 Elden Ring
2023 Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon
Kar se pa tiče širjenja če bo imel Miazaki glavno besedo potem se ni za bati...
jijetelu ::
Sej vidiš, to je ubistu nekako ena igra na dve leti, kar je daleč od tega "po tekočem traku" ... govora je namreč o tem, da bi vsako leto izdali nekaj iger, kar je velik ?. In ja, če bi Miazaki imel glavno besedo, vendar se pri takšnem širjenju zelo hitro zgodi, da se beseda "ustanovitelja" zelo hitro potlači na stran oz. se namesto kvalitete arguementi prelevijo v zaslužek, kar se je praktično zgodilo z vsemi nekdaj eminentnimi razvijalci.
oo7 ::
Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree Development is "Proceeding Smoothly"
FromSoftware parent company Kadokawa Corporation says development on the expansion is going well, though there's still no word on a release date.
Komaj čakam :)
FromSoftware parent company Kadokawa Corporation says development on the expansion is going well, though there's still no word on a release date.
Komaj čakam :)
lojz123 ::
Upam tudi na suport za ultrawide monitorje ter odklenjen FSP ker imam PC in ne konzolo verjetno je bilo prodanih kar veliko PC verzij tako da ne razumem zakaj
nas posiljujejo z konzolaško grafiko in omejitvami na 60 HZ.
Isto sranje z je starfieldom ki ne podpira DLSS zakaj že?
Sem pa startal NG offline ter z Flawless Widescreen odklenil FSP in razširil grafiko na 38 inch monitorju igra zgleda res lepo in deluje neprimerno bolje kot online.
Tudi Easy Anti Cheat jim na intel procesorju še vedno ne deluje brez onemogočitve Core Isolation.
nas posiljujejo z konzolaško grafiko in omejitvami na 60 HZ.
Isto sranje z je starfieldom ki ne podpira DLSS zakaj že?
Sem pa startal NG offline ter z Flawless Widescreen odklenil FSP in razširil grafiko na 38 inch monitorju igra zgleda res lepo in deluje neprimerno bolje kot online.
Tudi Easy Anti Cheat jim na intel procesorju še vedno ne deluje brez onemogočitve Core Isolation.
Magic1 ::
Zato ker se konzolastičnih verzij proda več. Čas razvoja je omejen in PC segment je črna luknja, kjer se lahko poljubno inženirskih ur pokuri zaradi zelo različnega HW-ja.
Nekatere firme seveda sanjajo, da lahko ponudijo vse in imaš na koncu skropucalo, ki dela slabo povsod.
Nekatere firme seveda sanjajo, da lahko ponudijo vse in imaš na koncu skropucalo, ki dela slabo povsod.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Magic1 ()
lojz123 ::
Ne vem zakaj bi igra z odklenjenimi FSP in podporo za ultrawide monitorje postala skrpucalo?
Če mi igra dela tekoče in brez napak z Flawless Widescreen to resnebi smel biti kakšen problem za razvijalce.
Če mi igra dela tekoče in brez napak z Flawless Widescreen to resnebi smel biti kakšen problem za razvijalce.
Magic1 ::
Kaj pa veš. Mogoče na tvojem sistemu dela super, lahko pa bi na sosedovem imelo blazne težave.
Zadnje čase so igre še za konzole zelo polne hroščev ob izzidu, ne izgleda kot da imajo razvijalci viška časa.
Zadnje čase so igre še za konzole zelo polne hroščev ob izzidu, ne izgleda kot da imajo razvijalci viška časa.
lojz123 ::
Ne vem o kakšne blazne težave imaš v mislih večina iger na PC kar deluje verjetno je pri konzolah podobnorazvijalci tudi z popravki ne skoparijo.
Vendar če si se odločil da je vse blazno hroščato te nima smisla prepričevati konec debate
Vendar če si se odločil da je vse blazno hroščato te nima smisla prepričevati konec debate
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Magic1 ()
oo7 ::
Kar se tiče prodaje...
Elden Ring sales have surpassed 20.5 million copies worldwide.
(Source: Statista)
At 41%, most of the total Elden Ring sales were for the PS4 and PS5.
29% of the total Elden Ring sales were for PC.
30% of the total Elden Rings sales were for the Xbox.
(Source: GSD)
Elden Ring sales have surpassed 20.5 million copies worldwide.
(Source: Statista)
At 41%, most of the total Elden Ring sales were for the PS4 and PS5.
29% of the total Elden Ring sales were for PC.
30% of the total Elden Rings sales were for the Xbox.
(Source: GSD)
lojz123 ::
To je približno 6 milijonov kopij za PC kar lep kup denarja, lahko bi se rahlo potrudili.
Magic1 ::
Sam si rekel, da razvijalci ne skoparijo s popravki. Zakaj misliš, da je temu tako, če vse dela super?!? Danes so stvari že zelo kompleksne, delovne sile je pa v poamnjkanju in vodilni morajo ocenit, kako bodo prerazporedili delo. Jaz bom rekel da so pri FromSoftware zelo dobro ocenili, na čemu dat povdarek. Mogoče bo pa to nov feature pri novem dodatku...
Tidule ::
Ne vem zakaj bi igra z odklenjenimi FSP in podporo za ultrawide monitorje postala skrpucalo?
Če mi igra dela tekoče in brez napak z Flawless Widescreen to resnebi smel biti kakšen problem za razvijalce.
Razlog je enostaven. Premalo igralcev rabi to funkcionalnost, da bi se razvijalcem zdelo vredno implementirat. Sploh za PC kjer mora zadeva delat na nebroj kombinaciji komponent. Eno je community mod, kjer pac dela komur dela, drugo pa je uraden release.
To da tebi nek random mod dela ni nikakrsno merilo.
To je približno 6 milijonov kopij za PC kar lep kup denarja, lahko bi se rahlo potrudili.
In od tega jih ima potrebo taki fukcionalnosti koliko? 1000? 10000? 100000?
Vecina je srecna, ce do 60 pfs 1080p pride.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Tidule ()
oo7 ::
Glede na govorico naj bi bil Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree zelo velik DLC
FightinCowboy says, "I fully expect shadow to be fucking massive, basically half the size of Elden Ring. I expect it to overshadow major releases despite being a DLC"
FightinCowboy says, "I fully expect shadow to be fucking massive, basically half the size of Elden Ring. I expect it to overshadow major releases despite being a DLC"
jijetelu ::
Glede na govorico naj bi bil Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree zelo velik DLC
FightinCowboy says, "I fully expect shadow to be fucking massive, basically half the size of Elden Ring. I expect it to overshadow major releases despite being a DLC"
če se izkaže da je to res, osebno mislim, da je to po svoje bedarija, ampak očitno še ni gaming svet pripravljen, da igre tipa Skyrim in posledično tudi Starfield, niso to, kar bi si človek želel.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jijetelu ()
Magic1 ::
Po eni strani je to dobro premišljeno. Zavedajo se, da bi bila nova igra za 70€ nateg. Ker bo DLC, ne rabijo delat pretirano na spremembah, le na vsebini. Kasirali bodo 30€ in dobili super ocene in folk bo zadovoljen kupoval. Sam razvoj bo pa tudi občutno manj zahteven od popolnoma nove igre (če nočejo hvatit krivine, kot marsikatera firma).
oo7 ::
Glede na govorico naj bi bil Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree zelo velik DLC
FightinCowboy says, "I fully expect shadow to be fucking massive, basically half the size of Elden Ring. I expect it to overshadow major releases despite being a DLC"
če se izkaže da je to res, osebno mislim, da je to po svoje bedarija, ampak očitno še ni gaming svet pripravljen, da igre tipa Skyrim in posledično tudi Starfield, niso to, kar bi si človek želel.
Zakaj bedarija ?
Naj bo čim večji DLC več časa se bo igralo več bo ozemlaj za raziskati.
oo7 ::
Po eni strani je to dobro premišljeno. Zavedajo se, da bi bila nova igra za 70€ nateg. Ker bo DLC, ne rabijo delat pretirano na spremembah, le na vsebini. Kasirali bodo 30€ in dobili super ocene in folk bo zadovoljen kupoval. Sam razvoj bo pa tudi občutno manj zahteven od popolnoma nove igre (če nočejo hvatit krivine, kot marsikatera firma).
Če bo DLC res velik pol mape Elden Ringa potem bo vredno tistih 30 eur (verjetno +50 ur igranja) sploh, ker je Elden Ring res dobra igra.
jijetelu ::
Glede na govorico naj bi bil Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree zelo velik DLC
FightinCowboy says, "I fully expect shadow to be fucking massive, basically half the size of Elden Ring. I expect it to overshadow major releases despite being a DLC"
če se izkaže da je to res, osebno mislim, da je to po svoje bedarija, ampak očitno še ni gaming svet pripravljen, da igre tipa Skyrim in posledično tudi Starfield, niso to, kar bi si človek želel.
Zakaj bedarija ?
Naj bo čim večji DLC več časa se bo igralo več bo ozemlaj za raziskati.
Konkretno ti bi lahko to že sam ugotovil, mogoče ti pa točno tak igre več kot odgovarja. Največja kritika Skyrima kot takega je dobesedno ponavljanje enega in istega po cca. 20 urah igranja, praktično isti questi, isti sovragi (drug ime, kao višji level, vse ostalo isto), ista oprema, isti atributi ipd.... pri Starfieldu praktično identično, 20 ur, potem pa samo ponavljaš dokler se ti da.
In praktično edina konstruktivna kritika glede Elden Ringa je tudi enako, prekomerno recikliranje sovragov, bossov, praktično end game regije majo iste sovrage in bosse, samo mal drugače poimenovane. Osebno mislim, da je vsega v igri, kot orožij, oklepov, spellov ipd.. čist preveč, ne vem kdo vse to rabi, itak nikoli niso vse stvari uporabne, ker je nemogoče uravnovesit vse. Zdej če bodo naredil DLC v stilu DLCjev, kot so bili pri prejšnijh igrah, bodo samo nametal not še več orožij, oklepov, urokov ipd... nametal reciklirane sovrage po še enkrat večji mapi, osebno ne vem komu so naredil uslugo in tudi dvomim, da bo sam DLC na podlagi tega požel neko širše zanimanje, izven klasičnih entuziastov.
oo7 ::
Glede na govorico naj bi bil Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree zelo velik DLC
FightinCowboy says, "I fully expect shadow to be fucking massive, basically half the size of Elden Ring. I expect it to overshadow major releases despite being a DLC"
če se izkaže da je to res, osebno mislim, da je to po svoje bedarija, ampak očitno še ni gaming svet pripravljen, da igre tipa Skyrim in posledično tudi Starfield, niso to, kar bi si človek želel.
Zakaj bedarija ?
Naj bo čim večji DLC več časa se bo igralo več bo ozemlaj za raziskati.
Konkretno ti bi lahko to že sam ugotovil, mogoče ti pa točno tak igre več kot odgovarja. Največja kritika Skyrima kot takega je dobesedno ponavljanje enega in istega po cca. 20 urah igranja, praktično isti questi, isti sovragi (drug ime, kao višji level, vse ostalo isto), ista oprema, isti atributi ipd.... pri Starfieldu praktično identično, 20 ur, potem pa samo ponavljaš dokler se ti da.
In praktično edina konstruktivna kritika glede Elden Ringa je tudi enako, prekomerno recikliranje sovragov, bossov, praktično end game regije majo iste sovrage in bosse, samo mal drugače poimenovane. Osebno mislim, da je vsega v igri, kot orožij, oklepov, spellov ipd.. čist preveč, ne vem kdo vse to rabi, itak nikoli niso vse stvari uporabne, ker je nemogoče uravnovesit vse. Zdej če bodo naredil DLC v stilu DLCjev, kot so bili pri prejšnijh igrah, bodo samo nametal not še več orožij, oklepov, urokov ipd... nametal reciklirane sovrage po še enkrat večji mapi, osebno ne vem komu so naredil uslugo in tudi dvomim, da bo sam DLC na podlagi tega požel neko širše zanimanje, izven klasičnih entuziastov.
Ja oklepo in orožih je veliko niso vsi uporabni je pa še vedno kar velika izbira med tistimi uporabnimi.
Če jim bo ratal tako dober DLC kot je bil npr pri Dark Souls 3 The Ringed City potem so zmagali.
Men je zanimiv ta svet Elden Ringa + dober gameplay tako, da jaz se DLCja ne bom branil :)
jijetelu ::
oo7 ::
These Elden Ring Mods make the game feel more like Bloodborne
Elden Ring - Consumables with Bloodborne animations
Elden Ring - Consumables with Bloodborne animations
oo7 ::
Elden Ring DLC reveal may be soon as FromSoftware drops secret updates
Elden Ring DLC Shadow of the Erdtree could be revealed in full soon, maybe at the TGAs, as FromSoftware makes updates to the RPG on Steam.
Bo treba počas nazaj posneti Elden Ring :)
Elden Ring DLC Shadow of the Erdtree could be revealed in full soon, maybe at the TGAs, as FromSoftware makes updates to the RPG on Steam.
Bo treba počas nazaj posneti Elden Ring :)
oo7 ::
Elden Ring producer says its expansion will be 'a little while yet' and compares it to Bloodborne
"It'll be a little while yet, but progress is going well," he said in comments translated by PCGamesN. "Like Bloodborne, it has new battles and new characters."
Verjetno prej kot v pol leta :)
"It'll be a little while yet, but progress is going well," he said in comments translated by PCGamesN. "Like Bloodborne, it has new battles and new characters."
Verjetno prej kot v pol leta :)
oo7 ::
Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree Launch to Coincide With Game's Anniversary; Second Expansion May Come in 2025
Torej drugo leto februarja DLC Shadow of the Erdtree in leta 2025 še ena velika razširitev ? ;)
Torej drugo leto februarja DLC Shadow of the Erdtree in leta 2025 še ena velika razširitev ? ;)
oo7 ::
Elden Ring patch 1.10.1 notes are here, as we await more DLC news
Letos najbolj čakam na ta DLC in Stalker 2 :)
Letos najbolj čakam na ta DLC in Stalker 2 :)