Forum » Igre » Chernobylite

oo7 ::
"It’s not about how you face your fears. It’s about how you survive them." Chernobylite is a science-fiction survival horror experience, mixing the free exploration of its disturbing world with challenging combat, unique crafting, and non-linear storytelling. Try to survive and reveal the twisted secrets of Chernobyl in the 3D-scanned recreation of the real Exclusion Zone.
Chernobylite Teaser Trailer
Igro dela studijo poljski studijo Farm 51, ki so naredili igre World War 3 , Get Even , Painkiller: Hell & Damnation ...

oo7 ::
Players will explore the beautiful and horrifyingly accurate 3D-scanned recreation of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, and collaborate or compete with other stalkers of the Zone. Naturally, players will also face and survive the natural and supernatural threats, and they will immerse yourselves in the non-linear, thrilling, science-fiction horror story.
The game will make good use of the physics and chemistry knowledge so that players can craft their equipment and manage their supplies. Players will also fight against the savage creatures pouring out from an alternate reality, as well as investigate and collect data with a set of sophisticated environment and substance-analyzing tools.
The game will make good use of the physics and chemistry knowledge so that players can craft their equipment and manage their supplies. Players will also fight against the savage creatures pouring out from an alternate reality, as well as investigate and collect data with a set of sophisticated environment and substance-analyzing tools.

oo7 ::
Če koga zanima kaj več je razvijalec igre odgvoril že na nekaj vprašanj na Steam forumu

oo7 ::
Chernobylite Official PC System Requirements
OS: Windows 7 SP1 (x64)
Processor: Intel Core i5-2500K CPU
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: Geforce GTX 770 or AMD Radeon HD 7870
DirectX: Version 11
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 45 GB available space
OS: Windows 7 SP1 (x64), Windows 8 (x64), Windows 10 (x64)
Processor: Intel Core i7 4790k CPU
Memory: 16 GB RAM
Graphics: Geforce GTX 970 or AMD Radeon R9 290
DirectX: Version 12
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 45 GB available space
OS: Windows 7 SP1 (x64)
Processor: Intel Core i5-2500K CPU
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: Geforce GTX 770 or AMD Radeon HD 7870
DirectX: Version 11
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 45 GB available space
OS: Windows 7 SP1 (x64), Windows 8 (x64), Windows 10 (x64)
Processor: Intel Core i7 4790k CPU
Memory: 16 GB RAM
Graphics: Geforce GTX 970 or AMD Radeon R9 290
DirectX: Version 12
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 45 GB available space

oo7 ::
Gagatronix je izjavil:
Upam da ne bo zadeva v stilu Fallout 76 online-only.
Kolikor vem je to singleplayer igra.

Gagatronix ::
Fallout 76 ? Ne.
Drugace pa za Chernobylite je nekdo gor napisal "Broadband Internet connection".
Drugace pa za Chernobylite je nekdo gor napisal "Broadband Internet connection".

oo7 ::
Wojciech Pazdur, CEO of The Farm 51, said:
"Ever since we've announced our game, we've been receiving tons of comments and feedback from the gaming community out there, and it all led us to one conclusion. That everybody hopes to be able to explore the destroyed Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and Pripyat ghost city in our game as deeply as possible. And we're more than eager to deliver that. But this means, that we should expand the locations in the game comparing to the original concept we had, and ask gamers for their help in doing so. It's a hard and dangerous task, keeping in mind that to achieve that goal, we'll need to make some extra trips to the Exclusion Zone and scan even more buildings and objects.
That is precisely why we've decided to reach out for the community support. Within the next few weeks, we'll be starting the Kickstarter campaign for Chernobylite. During its duration gamers will get the chance to pre-order the game and make pledges to receive some really cool items, including the highly demanded Black Stalker mask. The crowdfunding campaign will also let us collect some extra funds to do the Chernobylite location expansions plus add some extra features that we were always dreaming of. So we encourage all players to sign up to our newsletter and stay tuned for the news on the Kickstarter campaign launch date!"
Chernobylite Kickstarter Announcement Teaser
Tale kickstarter projekt bom pa z veseljem podprl :)
"Ever since we've announced our game, we've been receiving tons of comments and feedback from the gaming community out there, and it all led us to one conclusion. That everybody hopes to be able to explore the destroyed Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and Pripyat ghost city in our game as deeply as possible. And we're more than eager to deliver that. But this means, that we should expand the locations in the game comparing to the original concept we had, and ask gamers for their help in doing so. It's a hard and dangerous task, keeping in mind that to achieve that goal, we'll need to make some extra trips to the Exclusion Zone and scan even more buildings and objects.
That is precisely why we've decided to reach out for the community support. Within the next few weeks, we'll be starting the Kickstarter campaign for Chernobylite. During its duration gamers will get the chance to pre-order the game and make pledges to receive some really cool items, including the highly demanded Black Stalker mask. The crowdfunding campaign will also let us collect some extra funds to do the Chernobylite location expansions plus add some extra features that we were always dreaming of. So we encourage all players to sign up to our newsletter and stay tuned for the news on the Kickstarter campaign launch date!"
Chernobylite Kickstarter Announcement Teaser
Tale kickstarter projekt bom pa z veseljem podprl :)

Gagatronix ::
Jaz tudi. V Pripjatu sem bil dvakrat, in bi ga z veseljem spet obiskal, pa magari ce v video igri.

Invictus ::
Potem lahko igraš STALKER

"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagalo izbris: bfranklin ()

oo7 ::
Gagatronix je izjavil:
Jaz tudi. V Pripjatu sem bil dvakrat, in bi ga z veseljem spet obiskal, pa magari ce v video igri.![]()
Če imaš VR potem ga lahko takoj igra od istih razvijalcev.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

Gagatronix ::

oo7 ::
CHERNOBYLITE - Official Story Trailer - New Survival Horror FPS Game 2019
Zagnali so Kisckstarter stran kjer zbirajo 100 000 $ denar naj bi bil za dodatno slikanje lokacij v Pripyatu in Chernobylu, ker hočejo v igro dodati več lokacij.
Kickstarter :
Chernobylite is a science-fiction, survival horror single-player experience, mixing free exploration of its disturbing world with challenging combat, unique crafting, and non-linear storytelling. As a player, you'll have to survive and reveal the twisted secrets of Chernobyl in the 3D-scanned recreation of the real Exclusion Zone.
Key Features
Collaborate or compete with other stalkers you meet in the Zone, but whatever you do, never fully trust them. Remember - everybody has a hidden agenda. Always.
Face and survive natural and supernatural threats.
Immerse yourself in the thrilling non-linear science-fiction horror story.
Make good use of your character's knowledge to craft your equipment, manage your supplies and arrange your stalker's base.
Investigate and collect data with sophisticated environment and substance analyzing tools.
Explore the beautiful and horrifyingly accurate 3D-scanned recreation of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone.
Zagnali so Kisckstarter stran kjer zbirajo 100 000 $ denar naj bi bil za dodatno slikanje lokacij v Pripyatu in Chernobylu, ker hočejo v igro dodati več lokacij.
Kickstarter :
Chernobylite is a science-fiction, survival horror single-player experience, mixing free exploration of its disturbing world with challenging combat, unique crafting, and non-linear storytelling. As a player, you'll have to survive and reveal the twisted secrets of Chernobyl in the 3D-scanned recreation of the real Exclusion Zone.
Key Features
Collaborate or compete with other stalkers you meet in the Zone, but whatever you do, never fully trust them. Remember - everybody has a hidden agenda. Always.
Face and survive natural and supernatural threats.
Immerse yourself in the thrilling non-linear science-fiction horror story.
Make good use of your character's knowledge to craft your equipment, manage your supplies and arrange your stalker's base.
Investigate and collect data with sophisticated environment and substance analyzing tools.
Explore the beautiful and horrifyingly accurate 3D-scanned recreation of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone.

Izi ::

oo7 ::

oo7 ::
Kickstarter je uspel. Zbirali so 100 tisoč zdaj so na 110 tisoč.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

oo7 ::
Še 27 ur, do konca Kickstarter kampanije. Trenutno so že na 178%
The backstory of Chernobylite
tisti, ki so igro podrli z 15$ ali več imajo sedaj na Steamu igro Chernobyl VR Project zastonj zdaj možno se sprehajati tudi brez VR
The backstory of Chernobylite
tisti, ki so igro podrli z 15$ ali več imajo sedaj na Steamu igro Chernobyl VR Project zastonj zdaj možno se sprehajati tudi brez VR

oo7 ::
Sem probal pre-alpha demo in ni slabo. Mapa je podobna kot pri Stalkerju saj se dogaja na istem mestu. Grafika je za pre-alpha kar vredu čeprav se je malo zatijalo. V demotu imaš samo revolver čeprav imajo vojaki (katere lahko onespsobiš na stealth način) mitraljeze ampak imajo zakodirano orožje tako, da moraš prvo najti en čitalec, da lahko uporabljaš njihovo orožje. Mapa je polna radiacije notranji prostori so zelo podrobno narejeni. Lahko craftaš, imaš tudi skill tree... ko sem našel sredi gozda trgovca je čepel kot pravi slovan in poslušal neko cheki breki glasbo :)
V igri govorijo v Ruskem jeziku in, ko se pogovarjaš z NPC-ji lahko izbiraš vprašanja in odgovore.
Bi znala biti zanimiva igra če jim bo uspela.
V igri govorijo v Ruskem jeziku in, ko se pogovarjaš z NPC-ji lahko izbiraš vprašanja in odgovore.
Bi znala biti zanimiva igra če jim bo uspela.

Izi ::

Izi ::

JN ::

Izi ::
Napovedan je Angleški, Ruski in Ukrajinski avdio. Čudil sem se samo ker v vseh dosedanjih predstavitvah in Demotih vedno prikazujejo samo Ruščino.
Igra je RPG, se pravi da sem v glavni vlogi jaz. Kako naj "jaz" v igri govorim Rusko če pa komaj razumem par ruskih besed
Igra je RPG, se pravi da sem v glavni vlogi jaz. Kako naj "jaz" v igri govorim Rusko če pa komaj razumem par ruskih besed

Izi ::
Ne vem če je ta igra ravno RGP ?
Uradni žanr je Survival Horror.
So pa avtorji priznali, da so si za zgled vzeli Fallout, iz katerega so vzeli raziskovanje in RPG elemente. Pogled pa je prvoosebni.
Ima praktično vse RPG elemente, razen glavnega in sicer našega junaka ne moremo razvijati sami in ga oblikovati v različne smeri ampak ga v tej igri vodi močna zgodba.
Survival pomeni, da bo bojevanje hudo omejeno. Več ali manj se bomo morali skrivati.
Pa pomembno je še poudariti, da gre za Indie igro. Budget je 150 tisočakov. Da ne bo kdo pričakoval AAA igro, kjer se Budget začne pri minimalno 50 milijonov

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Izi ()

oo7 ::
Ne vem če je ta igra ravno RGP ?
Uradni žanr je Survival Horror.
So pa avtorji priznali, da so si za zgled vzeli Fallout, iz katerega so vzeli raziskovanje in RPG elemente. Pogled pa je prvoosebni.
Ima praktično vse RPG elemente, razen glavnega in sicer našega junaka ne moremo razvijati sami in ga oblikovati v različne smeri ampak ga v tej igri vodi močna zgodba.
Survival pomeni, da bo bojevanje hudo omejeno. Več ali manj se bomo morali skrivati.
Pa pomembno je še poudariti, da gre za Indie igro. Budget je 150 tisočakov. Da ne bo kdo pričakoval AAA igro, kjer se Budget začne pri minimalno 50 milijonov![]()
Vem vem sem igro podprl na Kickstarterju :)
Tudi igral sem demo.

oo7 ::
Chernobylite's 1.0 release has been pushed back to Q2 2021
The developer promises that the game will, however, launch with more content.
The developer promises that the game will, however, launch with more content.

oo7 ::
Igra Chernoblyte izide julija 2021 sedaj je v early access.
Chernobylite Release Date - announcement trailer! [PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One]
Chernobylite Release Date - announcement trailer! [PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One]

oo7 ::
Igra izide 28 julija 2021
Stealth, Survival, & Combat - Survival in the Zone is not easy, and each day brings new challenges as your comrades die and supplies diminish. Avoid detection with stealth takedowns or engage in open armed combat. Danger lurks around every corner.
Base Building & Crafting - Construct a base from which to plan your daily operations and excursions. Utilize workstations to craft gadgets, traps, and weapons, or modify existing equipment to your needs.
Resource & Team Management - Companions are key to your survival and the resolution of your journey. Each day requires careful planning and assignment of resources and tasks to your comrades.
Non-Linear Storytelling & Strategy - No playthrough of Chernobylite is the same. The choices and story are in your hands. Choose wisely whether to trust your comrades or not, use resources for survival or research, and to face conflicts or avoid them. The future is up to you.
Stealth, Survival, & Combat - Survival in the Zone is not easy, and each day brings new challenges as your comrades die and supplies diminish. Avoid detection with stealth takedowns or engage in open armed combat. Danger lurks around every corner.
Base Building & Crafting - Construct a base from which to plan your daily operations and excursions. Utilize workstations to craft gadgets, traps, and weapons, or modify existing equipment to your needs.
Resource & Team Management - Companions are key to your survival and the resolution of your journey. Each day requires careful planning and assignment of resources and tasks to your comrades.
Non-Linear Storytelling & Strategy - No playthrough of Chernobylite is the same. The choices and story are in your hands. Choose wisely whether to trust your comrades or not, use resources for survival or research, and to face conflicts or avoid them. The future is up to you.

Skyman ::
These are the minimum and recommended requirements to play Chernobylite on PC
Recommended Requirements :
Processor: Intel Core i7 4790K
RAM: 16 GB
Graphics card: AMD Radeon RX 480 | Geforce GTX 970
DirectX: 11
Operating system: Windows 10 (64-bit)
Storage: 40 GB
Minimum requirements:
Processor: Intel Core i5-2500K
Graphics card: AMD Radeon R7 260 | Geforce GTX 560
DirectX: 11
Operating system: Windows 10 (64-bit)
Storage: 40 GB
Recommended Requirements :
Processor: Intel Core i7 4790K
RAM: 16 GB
Graphics card: AMD Radeon RX 480 | Geforce GTX 970
DirectX: 11
Operating system: Windows 10 (64-bit)
Storage: 40 GB
Minimum requirements:
Processor: Intel Core i5-2500K
Graphics card: AMD Radeon R7 260 | Geforce GTX 560
DirectX: 11
Operating system: Windows 10 (64-bit)
Storage: 40 GB

Horas ::
igrice je bol požrešna kot te zahteve sem sprobal verzijo ki je na mojblink od aprila.
8700k+z390, 32gb 3600mhz, 1080ti, 700w gold, 512gb+2x250gb m.2 nvme + 2tb hdd
8500+b360, 32gb 2666mhz, rx 6600, 600w bronze, 512gb+250gb ssd m.2 + 2tb hdd
8500+b360, 32gb 2666mhz, rx 6600, 600w bronze, 512gb+250gb ssd m.2 + 2tb hdd

Izi ::
Pri angleškem govoru se pa vidi, da je to indie igra financirana s Kickstarterja. Zelo amatersko. Bo treba očitno res poslušati ruski audio, ki je precej boljši, in prebirati angleške podnapise.