Slo-Tech - Če ima svoje Google, zakaj ne bi imel svojega tudi Yandex? Ruski spletni gigant, ki upravlja v državi najpopularnejši spletni iskalnik (in še marsikaj drugega), je izdal svoj prvi pametni telefon, ki se neizvirno imenuje Yandex.Phone. Poganja ga Android, njegovo osrednjo funkcionalnost pa tvori virtualna pomočnica Alice.
Ni skrivnost, da Yandex želi postati podoben Googlu. Poleg pametnega telefona je podjetje že pred časom predstavilo pametne zvočnike, naročniško storitev (nekakšen klon Prima) in samovozeče avtomobile. Telefoni so torej logično nadaljevanje. Yandex.Phone ima 5,65-palčni zaslon, dve kameri zadaj (12 in 5 milijonov točk) in eno spredaj (5 milijonov točk), procesor Snapdragon 630, 64 GB kapacitete in 4 GB pomnilnika. Ima tudi čitalnik prstnih odtisov in NFC. Telefon poganja Android 8.1. Stal bo 18.000 rubljev (200 evrov).
V središču pozornosti seveda stoji Alice, ki so jo predstavili oktobra lani in obvlada že 34.000 različnih lokaliziranih opravil. Govorjeno ruščino razume skoraj tako kot človek in deluje kot osebni pomočnik. To pomeni, da prebere vreme, v imeniku poišče identiteto kličočega, omogoča iskanje telefonskih številk želenih podjetij ter se zna pomenkovati.
Podrobnosti o programski opremi so skope, a kot kažejo fotografije, bo telefon privzeto uporabljal Yandexov iskalni algoritem, a bo imel tudi Googlove aplikacije. Spomnimo, da je Google pred dvema letoma v Rusiji izgubil v protimonopolnem sporu, ko je bil spoznan za krivega zlorabe prevladujočega tržnega položaja. Odtlej mora Google v Rusiji dovoliti prednamestitev konkurenčnih aplikacij na telefone in vprašati uporabnika, kateri brskalnik naj bo privzet. Odtlej je Yandex počasi prehitel Google po tržnem deležu.
Novice » Android » Bi imeli ruski pametni telefon? Yandex.Phone je tu

Pac-Man ::
Yarovaya law @ Wikipedia
The Yarovaya amendments require telecom providers to store the content of voice calls, data, images and text messages for 6 months, and the metadata on them (e.g. time, location, and sender and recipients of messages) for 3 years.[8][9] Online services such as messaging services, email and social networks that use encrypted data are required to permit the Federal Security Service (FSB) to access and read their encrypted communications.
Implementation of the law by other delivery and freight services was estimated to cost around 180 billion rubles, which is projected to cause 30-40% drop in online number of purchases.[19] Cell service operators will need 2.2 trillion rubles to comply, which will cause a two- or threefold rise in the cost of mobile services for the consumer.
After Putin signed the law, it turned out that equipment that is needed to store all the data is non-existent not only in Russia, but in the world. Because of that Putin has issued a call for government contracts to Russian companies for the required hardware and software.
Yarovaya law @ Wikipedia
The Yarovaya amendments require telecom providers to store the content of voice calls, data, images and text messages for 6 months, and the metadata on them (e.g. time, location, and sender and recipients of messages) for 3 years.[8][9] Online services such as messaging services, email and social networks that use encrypted data are required to permit the Federal Security Service (FSB) to access and read their encrypted communications.
Implementation of the law by other delivery and freight services was estimated to cost around 180 billion rubles, which is projected to cause 30-40% drop in online number of purchases.[19] Cell service operators will need 2.2 trillion rubles to comply, which will cause a two- or threefold rise in the cost of mobile services for the consumer.
After Putin signed the law, it turned out that equipment that is needed to store all the data is non-existent not only in Russia, but in the world. Because of that Putin has issued a call for government contracts to Russian companies for the required hardware and software.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

blackbfm ::
After Putin signed the law, it turned out that equipment that is needed to store all the data is non-existent not only in Russia, but in the world.
wrong.. to opremo imajo na sedežu NSA

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: blackbfm ()

Pac-Man ::
Seveda, blackbfm.
In mimogrde - NSA prisluškuje tujim držvljanom, Rusija pa želi svojim.
In mimogrde - NSA prisluškuje tujim držvljanom, Rusija pa želi svojim.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Ales ::
Eh no, vsi prisluškujejo vsem, če le lahko. In tile veliki lahko.
In mimogrede, te prazne marnje, kako NSA oz. kaka druga kratica iz ZDA sledi le tujcem, so popolna neumnost.
In mimogrede, te prazne marnje, kako NSA oz. kaka druga kratica iz ZDA sledi le tujcem, so popolna neumnost.

krucymucy ::

quake5 ::
Yarovaya law @ Wikipedia
The Yarovaya amendments require telecom providers to store the content of voice calls, data, images and text messages for 6 months...
LOL, a ti misliš da naši mobilni ponudniki pa nimajo tega

Eni živijo v 1900, poglej malo skozi okno in se načudi jeklenim kočijam, jeklenim ptičem in magičnim škatlam s svetlobo.

opeter ::
Če ne bi imel Androida, bi ga imel. Tako pa ... ostajan na dobri stari Nokiji 112. 
Škoda, da je Windows Phone mrknil. Kaj je z FirefoxOS in ostalimi (Baidu, ali kaj je že bil)?

Škoda, da je Windows Phone mrknil. Kaj je z FirefoxOS in ostalimi (Baidu, ali kaj je že bil)?
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

jukoz ::
Seveda, blackbfm.
In mimogrde - NSA prisluškuje tujim držvljanom, Rusija pa želi svojim.
In še bizarno:

FireSnake ::
Bi imeli ruski pametni telefon? Ne prostovoljno.
Zanimivo. Amerom pa zaupaš podatke.
Poglej in se nasmej:

||_^_|| ::

shadeX ::
Rusi tud če nam prisluškujejo se nima kaj zgodit. Putin in Pahor sta namreč v zelo dobrih odnosih!

polozweii ::
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