Forum » Pomoč in nasveti » Ni zvoka v filmu Tears of the Sun
Ni zvoka v filmu Tears of the Sun

gonilnik ::
Ko film predvajam v BSplayerju nimam zvoka.Instaliran pa imam AC3 kodek,divx 5.05,xvid kodek ter mpeg2 dekoder.
Z Gspotom sem preveril če bi potreboval še kakšen kodek,pa mi napiše da je kodek instalirani,ko sem pa zagnal render,pa mi vrže ven naslednje:
DirectShow partially succeeded to play file. The actual text of the error or warning is:
0x00040242: VFW_S_PARTIAL_RENDER - Some of the streams in this movie are in an unsupported format.
The following combination of filters were used:
{D:\FILMI\Tears Of Of The Sun CD1.avi} (Video Source)
{AVI Splitter} (Video Splitter)
{XviD MPEG-4 Video Decoder} (Video Decoder)
{Video Renderer} (Video Renderer)
A mi lahko kdo pomaga?
Z Gspotom sem preveril če bi potreboval še kakšen kodek,pa mi napiše da je kodek instalirani,ko sem pa zagnal render,pa mi vrže ven naslednje:
DirectShow partially succeeded to play file. The actual text of the error or warning is:
0x00040242: VFW_S_PARTIAL_RENDER - Some of the streams in this movie are in an unsupported format.
The following combination of filters were used:
{D:\FILMI\Tears Of Of The Sun CD1.avi} (Video Source)
{AVI Splitter} (Video Splitter)
{XviD MPEG-4 Video Decoder} (Video Decoder)
{Video Renderer} (Video Renderer)
A mi lahko kdo pomaga?
gonilnik---} driver---} šofer---} jaz

Tr0n :: Ce ne pomaga, odinstaliraj vse kodeke (sploh ce imam instaliran kak kodek pack) in instaliraj samo DivX/XviD/AC3Filter/OGG DirectShow Filter.

gonilnik ::
Sem zrihtal.Imel sem instalirani AC3 v0.67 pa sem dal unistall in instaliral verzijo 0.69b sedaj pa dela
gonilnik---} driver---} šofer---} jaz
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