Forum » Hlajenje in modifikacije » Procesor ko žerjavica?
Procesor ko žerjavica?

sverde21 ::
Dej zadne cajte mal več tle gor hodim pa sm tud ene par člankov prebrau in sm najdu link do MBM5 zdej je pa problem sledeč: jest sm se zrovn usedu pa sm nastavu temparaturne senzorje in dej kažejo takle 73"C (pomoje CPU), 43"C (pomoje plata) in 40"C (pomoje notranja temp v ohišju) to je po moje mnenju preveč. Sicer se comp ne sesuva sam 73"C to lahk že jajce na oko gor spečeš

Dobr bi blo, da napišeš kak sistem maš, procesor, hladilnik, kaki dodatni venti v ohišju... Drugač pa je 73 stopinj kar dost.
Go with the flow.

sverde21 ::
Mam celeron 600 MHz
plata ka vem kera neka intelova uglavnem zanč
vent je že gor biu nč druzga
uglavnem kišta ni nč preluftana sam bom dej v kratkim mal prerihtavu pa mam v planu ene 6 ventov to bi mogl bit dost
plata ka vem kera neka intelova uglavnem zanč

vent je že gor biu nč druzga
uglavnem kišta ni nč preluftana sam bom dej v kratkim mal prerihtavu pa mam v planu ene 6 ventov to bi mogl bit dost

Arkadij ::
hmmm ... jaz imam na starem kompu celerona 600 MHz pa je temeratura proca okol 35-40 °C. Poleg tega ohišje ni prevetreno pa še proc je malo navit (okoli 75 MHz).

Dej prst na hladilnik in povej kok je vroč. Če je tko vroč, da se lahko spečeš, potem je res temperatura visoka. Če a je mlačen, potem pa je temperatura nižja in ni pravilno 73 ampak katere druga. A ti vent na hladilniku dela???
Go with the flow.

jurre ::
ali si nastavil prave senzorje??
men tud kaze 74˘ ce ni pravi senzor..ce dam pa na drugega pa 33°
lahko nalozis Sisoft Sandro 2003, pa tm poglej temperaturo, k ni treba nc nastavlat
men tud kaze 74˘ ce ni pravi senzor..ce dam pa na drugega pa 33°

lahko nalozis Sisoft Sandro 2003, pa tm poglej temperaturo, k ni treba nc nastavlat

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: jurre ()

RejZoR ::
Celeron 600MHz pri 73*C halo? Tolk še moj AMD 2400+ ne doseže pri polni obremenitvi,kaj šele da bi tvoj Celeronček proizvajal kaj takega.

Trinitron ::
Ce bos dou not prevec ventov se bo pol slisal k da bi meu doma helikopter
. Usaj pr men je blo (do nedavnih vodnih ukrepov) tko.

QuickShot ::
Men tud kaže okol 70 stopinj pa sem zmeril NB s termometrom in je res pokazal 65 stopinj celzija.

sverde21 ::
Tole mi je SiSoft Sandra vrgla vn (podatki o temperaturi so označeni z
SiSoftware Sandra
Manufacturer : Procomp Informatics
MP Support : No
Model : i810-W83627HF
System BIOS : 09/21/2000-i810-W83627HF-6A69MPNAC-00
Chipset : Intel 810 (Whitney)
FLASH Memory Controller
Location : Mainboard
Error Correction Capability : None
Number of Memory Slots : 2
Bank0/1 - A0 : DIMM 64MB/64
Bank2/3 - A1 : DIMM 64MB/64
Chipset 1
Model : Intel Corporation 82810 810 Chipset Memory Controller Hub
Bus(es) : ISA PCI USB i2c/SMBus
Front Side Bus Speed : 1x 67MHz (67MHz data rate)
Maximum FSB Speed / Max Memory Speed : 1x 100MHz / 1x 100MHz
Width : 64-bit
IO Queue Depth : 4 request(s)
Chipset 1 Hub Interface
Type : Hub-Interface
Version : 1.00
Number of Ports : 1
Width : 8-bit
Full Duplex : Yes
Multiplier : 1/1x
Logical/Chipset 1 Memory Banks
Bank 0 : 64MB SDRAM 3-3-3CL
Bank 2 : 64MB SDRAM 3-3-3CL
Shared Memory : 1MB
Width : 64-bit
Refresh Rate : 15.60ľs
Power Save Mode : No
Fixed Hole Present : No
Memory Module(s)
Memory Module 1 : 64MB 4x(8Mx16) SDRAM PC133U-333-542 (CL3 up to 133MHz) (CL2 up to 100MHz)
Memory Module 2 : 64MB 8x(8Mx8) SDRAM PC133U-333-542 (CL3 up to 133MHz) (CL2 up to 100MHz)
Environment Monitor 1
Model : Winbond W83627HF ISA
Version : 2.01
Mainboard Specific Support : No
Temperature Sensor(s)
Board Temperature : 37.0°C / 98.6°F
CPU Temperature : 43.0°C / 109.4°F
Power / Aux Temperature : 73.0°C / 163.4°F
Cooling Device(s)
Auto Fan Speed Control : No
CPU Fan Speed : 5273rpm
Voltage Sensor(s)
CPU Voltage : 1.71V
Aux Voltage : 2.54V
+3.3V Voltage : 3.44V
+5V Voltage : 5.00V
+12V Voltage : 12.16V
-12V Voltage : -11.62V
-5V Voltage : -5.05V
Standby Voltage : 4.97V
Battery Voltage : 3.41V
PCI Bus(es) on Hub 1
Version : 2.10
Number of Bridges : 1
PCI Bus 0 : PCI (33MHz)
PCI Bus 1 : PCI (33MHz)
Multiplier : 1/2x
LPC Hub Controller 1
Model : Intel Corporation 82801AA 8xx Chipset LPC Interface Bridge
ACPI Power Management Enabled : Yes
Random Number Generator Enabled : No
Random Number Generator Support : Yes
Delayed Transaction Enabled : Yes
USB Controller 1
Model : Intel Corporation 82801AA 8xx Chipset USB Controllers
Version : 1.10
UHCI Interface : Yes
Channels : 2
Speed : 48MHz
Legacy Emulation Enabled : No
System SMBus Controller 1
Model : Intel 801xx SMBus
Version : 0.02
Slave Device Enabled : No
Speed : 16kHz
Expansion Slot(s)
PCI (1Eh) : PCI 32-bit +5V Full-Length Used (Intel Corporation 82801AA 8xx Chipset Hub to PCI Bridge)
PCI (10h) : PCI 32-bit +5V Full-Length Available
PCI (14h) : PCI 32-bit +5V Full-Length Available
PCI (B4h) : PCI 32-bit +5V Full-Length Available
Port Connector
PRIMARY IDE : None - ATA / None
FDD : 8251 FIFO - Floppy Disk / None
COM1 : Serial Port 16450 - 9 Pin Dual Inline / DB-9 pin male
COM2 : Serial Port 16450 - 9 Pin Dual Inline / DB-9 pin male
LPT1 : Parallel Port ECP/EPP - DB-25 pin female / DB-25 pin female
Keyboard : Keyboard - None / PS/2
PS/2 Mouse - Detected : Mouse - PS/2 / PS/2
USB : USB - None / None
Performance Tips
Notice 224 : SMBIOS/DMI information may be inaccurate.
Warning 2507 : Mainboard has too few memory slots. Upgrading the memory may be difficult or expensive.
Warning 2508 : All memory slots are full. Upgrading the memory may be difficult or expensive.
Warning 2544 : System/Video shared memory greatly reduces performance. Use external video card.
Warning 2518 : Mainboard temperature is too high.
Tip 2 : Double-click tip or press Enter while a tip is selected for more information about the tip.

SiSoftware Sandra
Manufacturer : Procomp Informatics
MP Support : No
Model : i810-W83627HF
System BIOS : 09/21/2000-i810-W83627HF-6A69MPNAC-00
Chipset : Intel 810 (Whitney)
FLASH Memory Controller
Location : Mainboard
Error Correction Capability : None
Number of Memory Slots : 2
Bank0/1 - A0 : DIMM 64MB/64
Bank2/3 - A1 : DIMM 64MB/64
Chipset 1
Model : Intel Corporation 82810 810 Chipset Memory Controller Hub
Bus(es) : ISA PCI USB i2c/SMBus
Front Side Bus Speed : 1x 67MHz (67MHz data rate)
Maximum FSB Speed / Max Memory Speed : 1x 100MHz / 1x 100MHz
Width : 64-bit
IO Queue Depth : 4 request(s)
Chipset 1 Hub Interface
Type : Hub-Interface
Version : 1.00
Number of Ports : 1
Width : 8-bit
Full Duplex : Yes
Multiplier : 1/1x
Logical/Chipset 1 Memory Banks
Bank 0 : 64MB SDRAM 3-3-3CL
Bank 2 : 64MB SDRAM 3-3-3CL
Shared Memory : 1MB
Width : 64-bit
Refresh Rate : 15.60ľs
Power Save Mode : No
Fixed Hole Present : No
Memory Module(s)
Memory Module 1 : 64MB 4x(8Mx16) SDRAM PC133U-333-542 (CL3 up to 133MHz) (CL2 up to 100MHz)
Memory Module 2 : 64MB 8x(8Mx8) SDRAM PC133U-333-542 (CL3 up to 133MHz) (CL2 up to 100MHz)
Environment Monitor 1
Model : Winbond W83627HF ISA
Version : 2.01
Mainboard Specific Support : No

Cooling Device(s)
Auto Fan Speed Control : No
CPU Fan Speed : 5273rpm
Voltage Sensor(s)
CPU Voltage : 1.71V
Aux Voltage : 2.54V
+3.3V Voltage : 3.44V
+5V Voltage : 5.00V
+12V Voltage : 12.16V
-12V Voltage : -11.62V
-5V Voltage : -5.05V
Standby Voltage : 4.97V
Battery Voltage : 3.41V
PCI Bus(es) on Hub 1
Version : 2.10
Number of Bridges : 1
PCI Bus 0 : PCI (33MHz)
PCI Bus 1 : PCI (33MHz)
Multiplier : 1/2x
LPC Hub Controller 1
Model : Intel Corporation 82801AA 8xx Chipset LPC Interface Bridge
ACPI Power Management Enabled : Yes
Random Number Generator Enabled : No
Random Number Generator Support : Yes
Delayed Transaction Enabled : Yes
USB Controller 1
Model : Intel Corporation 82801AA 8xx Chipset USB Controllers
Version : 1.10
UHCI Interface : Yes
Channels : 2
Speed : 48MHz
Legacy Emulation Enabled : No
System SMBus Controller 1
Model : Intel 801xx SMBus
Version : 0.02
Slave Device Enabled : No
Speed : 16kHz
Expansion Slot(s)
PCI (1Eh) : PCI 32-bit +5V Full-Length Used (Intel Corporation 82801AA 8xx Chipset Hub to PCI Bridge)
PCI (10h) : PCI 32-bit +5V Full-Length Available
PCI (14h) : PCI 32-bit +5V Full-Length Available
PCI (B4h) : PCI 32-bit +5V Full-Length Available
Port Connector
PRIMARY IDE : None - ATA / None
FDD : 8251 FIFO - Floppy Disk / None
COM1 : Serial Port 16450 - 9 Pin Dual Inline / DB-9 pin male
COM2 : Serial Port 16450 - 9 Pin Dual Inline / DB-9 pin male
LPT1 : Parallel Port ECP/EPP - DB-25 pin female / DB-25 pin female
Keyboard : Keyboard - None / PS/2
PS/2 Mouse - Detected : Mouse - PS/2 / PS/2
USB : USB - None / None
Performance Tips
Notice 224 : SMBIOS/DMI information may be inaccurate.
Warning 2507 : Mainboard has too few memory slots. Upgrading the memory may be difficult or expensive.
Warning 2508 : All memory slots are full. Upgrading the memory may be difficult or expensive.
Warning 2544 : System/Video shared memory greatly reduces performance. Use external video card.
Warning 2518 : Mainboard temperature is too high.
Tip 2 : Double-click tip or press Enter while a tip is selected for more information about the tip.

T0RN4D0 ::
Ma ni panike.
Tud 73 c ni nc...
bratu je neki cajta athlon 900 nc OC jan laufu na dobrih 100 C
sam je mel voltažo do konca, pa en kur**v hladilnik...
pol je pa čezkr neki cajta začel zejbavat, je nesu na servis, pa je dubu gor đabe hladilnik,
ki komot hladi 2000+.
sam mislim da najbrž niso bli senzorji krivi... pol je skoz prov kazal...
listek, ki je nalepljen spodi na procu je čist rjav od vročine...( kot da bi že skor goru)
v biosu za temp je pisal kr '|03)'
and its all true. brez heca
Tud 73 c ni nc...
bratu je neki cajta athlon 900 nc OC jan laufu na dobrih 100 C

sam je mel voltažo do konca, pa en kur**v hladilnik...
pol je pa čezkr neki cajta začel zejbavat, je nesu na servis, pa je dubu gor đabe hladilnik,
ki komot hladi 2000+.

sam mislim da najbrž niso bli senzorji krivi... pol je skoz prov kazal...
listek, ki je nalepljen spodi na procu je čist rjav od vročine...( kot da bi že skor goru)
v biosu za temp je pisal kr '|03)'

and its all true. brez heca
(\__/) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny
(='.'=) into your signature to help him gain
(")_(") world domination.
(='.'=) into your signature to help him gain
(")_(") world domination.
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