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Lažno izražanje čustev
Samo346 ::
Ali čustva sploh lahko učinkovito potvarjaš?
So, kot spoznavam, reflekesen/nehoten odziv in jih je zelo težko/naporo potvarjati.
To identify who is committed to us, we must find those morally inclined nagnjen/naklonjen individuals to enter into long-term bonds with, we must know who is (and who is not) likely to be faithful and caring, and disinclined nenaklonjen to cheat, lie, and sacrifice us in the service of the pursuit of their self-interest. We must quickly make these decisions to avoid being fooled or exploited. What helps us solve the commitment problem?
Emotion. The very nature of emotional experience—its seeming absoluteness, heat, and urgency—can readily overwhelm narrow calculations of self-interest, allowing us to honor the commitments integral to long-term bonds: monogamy, fairness, duties and obligations. The potent pangs bolečina/muka of guilt help us repair our dearest relations, even at great cost to the self. The single-minded feeling of compassion or awe spoštovanja can motivate us to act on behalf of other individuals or collectives, regardless ne glede na of costs or benefits to the self.
Just as important is the centrality jedro/glavno of others’ emotional displays prikaz in our attempts to discern zaznati others’ commitments to us. As important as language is, it is striking how impotent it is in conveying izraziti/sporočiti the commitments that define the course of life—the sense that someone will really love us through thick and thin, the sense that a colleague will be a lifelong collaborator sodelavec, the sense that a politician is devoted predan to the greater good. Words are easy to manipulate. Not so, emotional displays. Emotional displays provide reliable clues vodilo/indicija to others’ commitments because they are involuntary nehoteno/refleksno, costly drago/zapravljivo, and hard to fake (as opposed to words, which Lynn Freitas used to dupe me potegnila za nos). Emotional displays have much in common with the peacock’s tail rep pava or stotting of the red deer poskakovanje rdečega jelena: all are metabolically (metabolizem: biokemični procesi, pri katerih nastajajo energija, potrebna za
življenje, in snovi za obnavljanje celic; presnavljanje, presnova) expensive behaviors that are beyond volitional volje, ki izvira iz hotenja control, and thus zato less subject manj podvržena to strategic manipulation or deception prevara.
So, kot spoznavam, reflekesen/nehoten odziv in jih je zelo težko/naporo potvarjati.
To identify who is committed to us, we must find those morally inclined nagnjen/naklonjen individuals to enter into long-term bonds with, we must know who is (and who is not) likely to be faithful and caring, and disinclined nenaklonjen to cheat, lie, and sacrifice us in the service of the pursuit of their self-interest. We must quickly make these decisions to avoid being fooled or exploited. What helps us solve the commitment problem?
Emotion. The very nature of emotional experience—its seeming absoluteness, heat, and urgency—can readily overwhelm narrow calculations of self-interest, allowing us to honor the commitments integral to long-term bonds: monogamy, fairness, duties and obligations. The potent pangs bolečina/muka of guilt help us repair our dearest relations, even at great cost to the self. The single-minded feeling of compassion or awe spoštovanja can motivate us to act on behalf of other individuals or collectives, regardless ne glede na of costs or benefits to the self.
Just as important is the centrality jedro/glavno of others’ emotional displays prikaz in our attempts to discern zaznati others’ commitments to us. As important as language is, it is striking how impotent it is in conveying izraziti/sporočiti the commitments that define the course of life—the sense that someone will really love us through thick and thin, the sense that a colleague will be a lifelong collaborator sodelavec, the sense that a politician is devoted predan to the greater good. Words are easy to manipulate. Not so, emotional displays. Emotional displays provide reliable clues vodilo/indicija to others’ commitments because they are involuntary nehoteno/refleksno, costly drago/zapravljivo, and hard to fake (as opposed to words, which Lynn Freitas used to dupe me potegnila za nos). Emotional displays have much in common with the peacock’s tail rep pava or stotting of the red deer poskakovanje rdečega jelena: all are metabolically (metabolizem: biokemični procesi, pri katerih nastajajo energija, potrebna za
življenje, in snovi za obnavljanje celic; presnavljanje, presnova) expensive behaviors that are beyond volitional volje, ki izvira iz hotenja control, and thus zato less subject manj podvržena to strategic manipulation or deception prevara.
jype ::
MH0 ::
Samo346 ::
Ali čustva sploh lahko učinkovito potvarjaš?Zakaj pa misliš, da so igralci tako dobro plačani?
Ja, zares dobri igralci so mojstri v tem. Naporen poklic
Najboljši igralci so tisti ki "ne igrajo". Da se pretvarjaš, igraš tako dobro, da se ne vidi da se pretvarjaš.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Samo346 ()
googleg1 ::
Ali čustva sploh lahko učinkovito potvarjaš?Čustva so samo pojem. Fizična manifestacija čustev je obrazna mimika in govor. Potvarjaš lahko samo to. Čustva, ki jih v sitaciji občutiš pa so kakršna so. Obstaja še slepenje, ki je proces, ki se odvija znotraj posameznika. V tem procesu se prepričuješ da to kar čutiš/misliš ni res. To je še najbolj podobno potvarjanju čustev.
So, kot spoznavam, reflekesen/nehoten odziv in jih je zelo težko/naporo potvarjati.
Samo346 ::
še en izsek:
A subset podskupina podmonožica of facial muscles, however, are wired differently; they are controlled by different neural pathways živčne poti originating in the brain. For about 85 to 90 percent of people-- actors, sociopaths, politicians, late-night televangelists, and people who take the hundred hours to learn FACS excluded -- these muscles are impossible to move voluntarily.
A subset podskupina podmonožica of facial muscles, however, are wired differently; they are controlled by different neural pathways živčne poti originating in the brain. For about 85 to 90 percent of people-- actors, sociopaths, politicians, late-night televangelists, and people who take the hundred hours to learn FACS excluded -- these muscles are impossible to move voluntarily.
jype ::
To ne drži: Možgani so plastični in nevronske povezave se v življenju lahko spreminjajo.
Glej: Phineas Gage @ Wikipedia
Glej: Phineas Gage @ Wikipedia
tryhard ::
Ali čustva sploh lahko učinkovito potvarjaš?Zakaj pa misliš, da so igralci tako dobro plačani?
Za psihoterapevta se tudi kar skeširajo.
Ja, zares dobri igralci so mojstri v tem. Naporen poklic
Najboljši igralci so tisti ki "ne igrajo". Da se pretvarjaš, igraš tako dobro, da se ne vidi da se pretvarjaš.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: tryhard ()
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