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Game Of Thrones: Bethesda

oo7 ::
Zaenkrat gre samo za govorice. Lahko, da gre za igro podobno Skyrimu ali igro za telefone ali pa je navsezadnje samo govorica 
Bethesda Game Of Thrones Project Potentially Leaked
Winter is accident.
The mother of massive RPGs may be working on a proper Game of Thrones video game or project of some sort. An unfinished page on Target's website may have just leaked what Fallout and Elder Scrolls developer Bethesda Game Studios has been working on.
The page, spotted first by NeoGAF, went up today and has not gone down at the time of publication of this story. There's nothing special to it, just a header that says "Bethesda: Game of Thrones" and the category labels show that it's meant to be a featured product. It should be noted, however, that there is nothing labeling this as a video game.
"Bethesda: Game of Thrones" Has Just Been "Leaked" by Target, is it Bethesda's Next New Game?

Bethesda Game Of Thrones Project Potentially Leaked
Winter is accident.
The mother of massive RPGs may be working on a proper Game of Thrones video game or project of some sort. An unfinished page on Target's website may have just leaked what Fallout and Elder Scrolls developer Bethesda Game Studios has been working on.
The page, spotted first by NeoGAF, went up today and has not gone down at the time of publication of this story. There's nothing special to it, just a header that says "Bethesda: Game of Thrones" and the category labels show that it's meant to be a featured product. It should be noted, however, that there is nothing labeling this as a video game.
"Bethesda: Game of Thrones" Has Just Been "Leaked" by Target, is it Bethesda's Next New Game?

galu ::
"This is not a real product - we're sorry for any confusion."
That's exactly what they would say if it was real!

Tako to gre.

oo7 ::
M-Power, malo si prehiter.
That Target Listing For A Bethesda 'Game Of Thrones' Game Was a Hoax
Včeraj sem bil 50/50 ali je res ali ni.
Danes sem na 90/10, da je hoax. Ampak tistih 10 je v rezervi za Fallout 4 so bili zunaj tudi ene trije hoaxi pa na koncu smo dobili igro Fallout 4 :)
Pri Bethesdi so itak znani, da igro skrivajo potem pa jo napovejo kakšne pol leta pred izidom ;)
Pri Bethesdi se zve ravno z leakov, da delajo na igri ampak oni to vedno zanikajo ali pa so tiho. Bomo videli.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

ahac ::
Ampak Bethesda tudi že kar nekaj časa ne dela iger po tujih licencah.
Slo-Tech Discord -

XsenO ::
Bethesda ima trenutno preveč dela z uničevanjem lastnih frančiž z mikrotransakcijami
1 + 1 = 1

BorutO ::
A ni skyrim čisto podoben game of thrones? Prvih par sezon me dobesedno spominja na to igro.
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