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Insurgency: Sandstorm

Insurgency: Sandstorm

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Insurgency: Sandstorm single-player campaign

The more surprising and unexpected reveal from New World Interactive is that Insurgency: Sandstorm will feature a single-player campaign in which players assume the role of a female insurgency fighter on a road-trip through the Middle East, avoiding US and militant forces alike.

So why Sandstorm? The narrative opens with the player character and their sister held captive by an oppressive, militant organisation. A sandstorm rolls through the settlement and chaos erupts, in the resulting skirmish the cell wall is demolished, setting the captives free.

“Thematically, we're inspired by current events,” explains Spearin, “but we're not trying to simulate or tell any particular story or identify any faction. We really want to shift the tone for what triple-A shooter stories are known for. Typically they go for a big budget, blockbuster feel, we want the opposite of that: we want an understated, indie tone for our story. We want to look behind the walls and that's where we find our female protagonist, and as a young girl she's been enslaved in this room with her sister and some other girls.

“In the confusion of that sandstorm our protagonist finds herself alone and stranded in the desert. We then fast-forward to the present day where she's enlisted with Kurdish rebel forces, so she's a female fighter and she's with her friend from the prison. Some information comes to light that compels her to branch away from that group with her friend and two foreign vigilantes, an American combat veteran of the Iraq war and a French citizen who is a rookie and has no combat experience at all. The four of them are who you would play as in cooperative mode as you venture off into the desolate landscape encountering all sorts of factions along they way. At its core it's a road-trip story.”

Insurgency: Sandstorm Unreal Engine 4

By far the biggest, and arguably the most necessary, change coming to Insurgency: Sandstorm is the move from Valve’s Source Engine to Epic’s Unreal Engine 4.

Insurgency: Sandstorm Release date

There’s still no concrete release date for Insurgency: Sandstorm, but Spearin confirmed that the team are hoping to release the game at some point in 2018. The good news however, is that we may still get the chance to play it in 2017, as Spearin announced that the game would be getting a closed alpha at the end of the year.

Insurgency: Sandstorm multiplayer

New World Interactive are aiming to preserve the hardcore infantry combat of the first game for Insurgency: Sandstorm, however, there are some major additions in the works for multiplayer. For starters, vehicles will feature in Insurgency: Sandstorm’s multiplayer and to better incorporate them the developers are planning a purpose-built, vehicle-centric multiplayer mode.

Vir: https://www.pcgamesn.com/insurgency-san...

bajsibajsi ::

Insurgency - ena izmed boljsih MP FPS iger, ki sem jih igral v zadnjih letih. Upam, da bodo tudi tole naredili dobro in ze koncno dobili vecjo publiciteto, kar si zagotovo zasluzijo.

BTW, trenutno je Insurgency 3 evre na Steamu.

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[E3 2017] Insurgency Sandstorm - E3 Trailer

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Insurgency: Sandstorm drops story mode to focus on multiplayer, alpha sign ups live

Škoda ;(

Insurgency: Sandstorm - Helicopter Takedown

Insurgency: Sandstorm - Reload Mechanics

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Insurgency: Sandstorm - Teaser Trailer

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Insurgency: Sandstorm - BRRRRRRRRTTT

bajsibajsi ::

bajsibajsi je izjavil:

Insurgency - ena izmed boljsih MP FPS iger, ki sem jih igral v zadnjih letih....bla bla

Sem se hotel insta strinjati s tem tipom, pa opazim, da sem to sam. :D

No kakorkoli, se vedno sem enakega mnenja. Insurgency bi si posteno zasluzil vsaj kaksno tretjino CS:GO populacije.

Zgodovina sprememb…

DOOM_er ::

se strinjam. Sicer ne morem igrati z mojim mlinčkom, na prejšnjem sem pa precej preigraval zadevo. Dejansko en najboljših MP FPS-jev, pa sem igral CS od verzije 1.6 dalje
Robots will steal your job. But that's OK

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Insurgency Sandstorm Launch Details!

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[E3 2018] Insurgency: Sandstorm - E3 Gameplay Trailer

Igra izide letos septembra za PC
Za konzole pa leta 2019

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Insurgency: Sandstorm - Soundstaging

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Insurgency Sandstorm Beta Gameplay

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[Gamescom 2018] Insurgency: Sandstorm - Gamescom Trailer

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Insurgency: Sandstorm - Precinct Map Teaser

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Insurgency: Sandstorm - Gameplay Overview Trailer

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Insurgency: Sandstorm - Launch Trailer

Bo kdo igral ?

Leprechaun ::

Imam nabavljeno, sedaj pa čakanje, da mi jo sname.

oo7 ::

Malo poročaj kakšna je igra.

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Če bi kdo rad probal

Insurgency: Sandstorm - Free Weekend On Steam

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Insurgency: Sandstorm - Console Release Date Trailer

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