Forum » Igre » Metro Exodus [Metro 2035]
Metro Exodus [Metro 2035]

oo7 ::
Trenutno na Steamu je Metro Exodus Gold Edition 16,24 eur
Steam ima razpordajo open world iger.
Steam ima razpordajo open world iger.

ahac ::
Trenutno na Steamu je Metro Exodus Gold Edition 16,24 eur
Steam ima razpordajo open world iger.
Na Epic Games Store je gold edition 22,09EUR, poleg tega pa lahko uporabiš kupon za dodatnih 10EUR dol in plačaš 12,09EUR.
Navadn edition je pa 15,99EUR (-10EUR = 5,99EUR).
Slo-Tech Discord -
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- spremenil: ahac ()

oo7 ::
Moram preigrati še oba DLC-ja tako, da sem se zdaj spravil še enkrat preigrati celo igro pa potem še oba DLC-ja.
Pa zdaj, ko sem posodobil računalnik lahko igram z lepšo grafiko
Pa zdaj, ko sem posodobil računalnik lahko igram z lepšo grafiko

oo7 ::
Two colonels DLC zelo kratek ampak dober in čisto linearen.
Sam s Story DLC daljši tudi dober z bolj odprto mapo. Konec DLC-ja Sam s story je nadaljevanje z igrami Fallout ;)
Sam s Story DLC daljši tudi dober z bolj odprto mapo. Konec DLC-ja Sam s story je nadaljevanje z igrami Fallout ;)

oo7 ::

oo7 ::
prvi, drugega sem pogledal na Yt. Sem "etična" žival.![]()
V igri Metro Exodus čež celo igro štejejo dejanja tam sem jaz dobil dober konec in sem slabega pogledal na you tube.
V Samotovi zgodbi pa zgleda ne štejejo odločitve? Ampak samo na koncu ali pritisneš A ali D. Tako, da sem probal oba konca kar sem se zamudil 10 minut :)

barocco ::
STEAM budle :Metro 2033 Redux, Metro Last Light Redux, Metro Exodus Season Pass, Metro Exodus - 20.61€
me mika ceneje verjetno ne bo.Tako da pomoje bom kr vzel, za pred spanjem ;)
me mika ceneje verjetno ne bo.Tako da pomoje bom kr vzel, za pred spanjem ;)

Maximus ::

oo7 ::

oo7 ::
Metro Exodus Sales Exceeded 6 Million Copies; Brand is Going Strong
Embracer Group has announced that Metro Exodus sales have exceeded 6 million copies. It took the game three years to produce this result.
Kar lep uspeh za 4A games.
Embracer Group has announced that Metro Exodus sales have exceeded 6 million copies. It took the game three years to produce this result.
Kar lep uspeh za 4A games.

oo7 ::

oo7 ::
scipascapa je izjavil:
Super novica.....vse igre so super....imajo sploh kaj v planu za naprej?
Nekaj bo :) Metro (2036)

oo7 ::
The developer of Metro games is dead. He fell at the front in defense of Ukraine

oo7 ::
4A games je včeraj izdal orodje SDK kar bo omogočalo moderjem skoraj neomejeno spremminjanje igre Metro Exodus.
Scene Editor
The Scene Editor is the main tool you use while working on a level. It is mainly used for adding and manipulating all kinds of objects, from NPCs and weapons to patrol points, restrictors, and proxies.
Model Editor/Viewer
The Model Editor allows you to change collision properties, textures, materials, add locators and texture presets, edit animation tags and other animation properties.
The Navigation Mode allows you to create/edit the navigation mesh (aka: AI map) of the level. This is required for the AI (enemies, friends, etc.) to move through the level.
The Particles Mode allows you to create/edit particles in the game.
Terrain Tool
Terrain Tool allows you to edit terrain for your level. Valleys, mountains, caves, uneven or sloped ground, etc. You can easily modify both shape and appearance by using a range of tools.
Weather Editor
The Weather Editor allows you to create weather presets to use within weather volumes. There are several options to adjust: Skybox, Sun, Clouds to Post Process, Snow/Water Levels, etc. You can create different types of weather, Day/Night Cycles, or Modifiers.
Camera Track Editor
Track Editor is used for creating cutscenes, camera spans, camera shakes, and screen effects.
Visual Script
The VS (Visual Script) Editor allows scripting complex gameplay features and AI behavior without writing a single line of code. The main advantages of visual scripts include their simplicity and clear visual feedback to the user. Their logic is founded upon so-called events which are produced in the scripts by specific triggers, and further processing of these events.
Scene Editor
The Scene Editor is the main tool you use while working on a level. It is mainly used for adding and manipulating all kinds of objects, from NPCs and weapons to patrol points, restrictors, and proxies.
Model Editor/Viewer
The Model Editor allows you to change collision properties, textures, materials, add locators and texture presets, edit animation tags and other animation properties.
The Navigation Mode allows you to create/edit the navigation mesh (aka: AI map) of the level. This is required for the AI (enemies, friends, etc.) to move through the level.
The Particles Mode allows you to create/edit particles in the game.
Terrain Tool
Terrain Tool allows you to edit terrain for your level. Valleys, mountains, caves, uneven or sloped ground, etc. You can easily modify both shape and appearance by using a range of tools.
Weather Editor
The Weather Editor allows you to create weather presets to use within weather volumes. There are several options to adjust: Skybox, Sun, Clouds to Post Process, Snow/Water Levels, etc. You can create different types of weather, Day/Night Cycles, or Modifiers.
Camera Track Editor
Track Editor is used for creating cutscenes, camera spans, camera shakes, and screen effects.
Visual Script
The VS (Visual Script) Editor allows scripting complex gameplay features and AI behavior without writing a single line of code. The main advantages of visual scripts include their simplicity and clear visual feedback to the user. Their logic is founded upon so-called events which are produced in the scripts by specific triggers, and further processing of these events.

oo7 ::

yoco ::
Ne vem zakaj, ampak Exodusa se mi res nikoli ne da igrati.
Prejšnji igri sem obrnil in sta mi bili top! Mejbi me moti ta odprti svet pri Exodusu????

oo7 ::
Ne vem zakaj, ampak Exodusa se mi res nikoli ne da igrati.Prejšnji igri sem obrnil in sta mi bili top! Mejbi me moti ta odprti svet pri Exodusu????
Pa saj ni čisto odpta igra bolj kot Stalker SOC ne pa kot Stalker COP. Drugače pa začetek in konec igre Exodus sta lienarna pa tudi med samo igro se najdejo lienarni odseki.
Drugače pa zelo dobra igra.

oo7 ::
Glede na govorice naj bi se Metro 4 dogajal tudi delno v Moskvi. Seveda niso vsi zadovolnji zaradi tega ampak igro so začeli delati že leta 2020.

Izi ::
4A Games, ki izdelujejo Metro igro, je bila res ustanovljena leta 2006 v Ukrajini ampak leta 2014 se je firma preselila na Malto. V Ukrajini je ostal samo en manjši oddelek.
Potem pa jih je leta 2020 kupil Saber Interactive, ki pa je v bistvu Ruska firma in čeprav imajo le ti trenutno sedež v Ameriki je 90% vseh zaposlenih še vedno Rusov.
Saber Interactive je leta 2022, ko se je začela Rusko Ukrajinska vojna, tudi tisti zadnji 4A Games oddelek preselil iz Ukrajine, tako da je sedaj 4A Games v celoti Malteška firma z Ruskimi šefi.
Kakorkoli že, 4A Games še vedno podpira Ukrajino in so za njih tudi organizirali zbiranje finančnih sredstev, tako da resno dvomim, da bo junak igre Metro 4 kakšen Rus. Tudi če se bo del igre dogajal v Moskvi bomo verjetno igrali kakšnega Ukrajinca, ki bo pobijal Ruse, ki se bodo skrivali spodaj v Metroju
Potem pa jih je leta 2020 kupil Saber Interactive, ki pa je v bistvu Ruska firma in čeprav imajo le ti trenutno sedež v Ameriki je 90% vseh zaposlenih še vedno Rusov.
Saber Interactive je leta 2022, ko se je začela Rusko Ukrajinska vojna, tudi tisti zadnji 4A Games oddelek preselil iz Ukrajine, tako da je sedaj 4A Games v celoti Malteška firma z Ruskimi šefi.
Kakorkoli že, 4A Games še vedno podpira Ukrajino in so za njih tudi organizirali zbiranje finančnih sredstev, tako da resno dvomim, da bo junak igre Metro 4 kakšen Rus. Tudi če se bo del igre dogajal v Moskvi bomo verjetno igrali kakšnega Ukrajinca, ki bo pobijal Ruse, ki se bodo skrivali spodaj v Metroju

oo7 ::
Nisem si mislil, da so prodali tako veliko.
Metro Exodus Has Reached 8.5 Million Sales
Metro Exodus Has Reached 8.5 Million Sales

Izi ::
Prodanih 8,5 milijonov izvodov, 10 milijonov igralcev je pa do sedaj igralo to igro.
Se pravi samo 1,5 milijonov jih je igralo preko Xbox Game Pass naročnine in Playstastion naročnine.
Za hip sem pomislil da so te mesečne naročnine na igre bolj popularne, ampak ko greš računat 15€/mesec nanese 180€ letno kar je več kot večina povprečno zapravi ne leto za igre in ko nehaš plačevati imaš prazno knjižnico. Tako da ni čudno, da velika večina še vedno raje kupi tistih par iger letno kot pa da ves čas plačuje in na koncu nima nič.
Se pravi samo 1,5 milijonov jih je igralo preko Xbox Game Pass naročnine in Playstastion naročnine.
Za hip sem pomislil da so te mesečne naročnine na igre bolj popularne, ampak ko greš računat 15€/mesec nanese 180€ letno kar je več kot večina povprečno zapravi ne leto za igre in ko nehaš plačevati imaš prazno knjižnico. Tako da ni čudno, da velika večina še vedno raje kupi tistih par iger letno kot pa da ves čas plačuje in na koncu nima nič.

Dennis88 ::
Gamepass se dobi za 140-150 za 3 leta. Torej okrog 50€ na leto. Včasih tudi za 40€ na leto.
Pusti ti redno/uradno ceno.
Pusti ti redno/uradno ceno.

oo7 ::
Naslednja METRO igra bi lahko izšla že naslednje leto ?
A new report suggests that the sequel to critically acclaimed FPS Metro Exodus might be closer to release than previously anticipated.
A new report suggests that the sequel to critically acclaimed FPS Metro Exodus might be closer to release than previously anticipated.

yayo ::
če ne veste, Dmitry Glukhovsky, avtor Metro knjig se skriva v zahodni Evropi, ker so v Rusiji izdali tiralico za njim. Obtožen je kot "foreign agent" zaradi "širjenja neresnic o ruski armadi"
"The Idiot Has Started A War" -- A Secret Meeting With Exiled Russian Author Dmitry Glukhovsky
"The Idiot Has Started A War" -- A Secret Meeting With Exiled Russian Author Dmitry Glukhovsky

matobeli ::
A to da ga nekdo drug hoče poje*** ker je preveč izivalno pisal je pač irelevantno.
Ker očitno je sam iskal.
Pri nas temu pravimo totalitarizem.
Ker očitno je sam iskal.
Pri nas temu pravimo totalitarizem.

oo7 ::
Ustvarjalci iger Metro 4A games bodo prisotni na Gamesconu ta mesec. To bi lahko pomenilo tudi najavo nove Metro igre.
Leta 2019 so že omenili, da delajo novo Metro igro. Metro (2036)
Leta 2019 so že omenili, da delajo novo Metro igro. Metro (2036)

oo7 ::
Če se avtor knjig METRO Dmitry Glukhovsky kdaj vrne v Rusijo ga čaka 8 let zapora.

oo7 ::
Modder 'ADRUNKEWOK' has released a new modded/custom level for Metro Exodus that is fully open world to explore. According to the modder, this took months of work and learning the SDK from the ground up, to achieve what would feel like a new metro exodus level.

oo7 ::
Tale novica mi pa ni preveč všeč če je resnična upam, da igra ni samo VR ali pa, da 4A games delajo dve METRO igri 
Next Metro Game Details Leak Online, and It's Not What Many Fans Hoped
The next Metro game may be a VR title called Metro Awakening, which could be revealed at the PlayStation State of Play showcase.
The rumored VR game might be a single-player experience and potentially exclusive to the PS VR2 platform.
There are conflicting reports about multiplayer, and there's still hope that a non-VR version of the game will be available for fans who do not own VR devices.

Next Metro Game Details Leak Online, and It's Not What Many Fans Hoped
The next Metro game may be a VR title called Metro Awakening, which could be revealed at the PlayStation State of Play showcase.
The rumored VR game might be a single-player experience and potentially exclusive to the PS VR2 platform.
There are conflicting reports about multiplayer, and there's still hope that a non-VR version of the game will be available for fans who do not own VR devices.

oo7 ::
Metro Awakening - Announcement Trailer
Ampak kot kaže te VR igre ne delajo pri 4A games.
Ampak kot kaže te VR igre ne delajo pri 4A games.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()
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