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Red Dead Redemption 2
Temo vidijo: vsi
_njc ::
_njc ::
- As you walk around in the game world, NPCs will react to you differently based on your disposition... E.g., if you're carrying your gun out of your holster, they'll be stand-offish, nervous, hostile, etc. But if your gun is holstered they'll be normal.
- Approaching people (NPCs) in the open world you can press one of three face buttons to say something or treat them in a certain way... Triangle is a congenial greeting, circle is antagonize, and square could be to rob them.
- You can rob people in the game without drawing your weapon, "You can bully them into giving them your money.
- These prompts change as you play (unsure of whether this is based on your actions, or if it's fixed progression style). These prompts are also context sensitive, with the example that a fisherman may give you different prompts and will react differently, while a tough or a bar drunkard might react in a different way and give you different prompts.
- NPCs treat you differently based on what you've done, your reputation, what you're wearing, etc.
Gangs & Camp:
- Your gang has a gang camp with a life to it
- Much of the descriptions are around open world interactions within your camp
- The gang gives you ambient missions / challenges, for instance, as you're walking around camp one of your gang members might let you know that they could use provisions (meat, etc) which prompt you to go off hunting
- While there is a management aspect to the gang & camps, it's an extra that's there if you want to use it, but it's not something you have to stay on top of... Sounds pretty optional with bonuses if you do it, but it's not a management game.
- There is a reward for how much you put into the camp.
- Description sounds roughly similar to how in GTAV you kept your crew, though more active and more omnipresent. Personal thought is I'm hoping they have a good expansion of this, e.g., aquiring tough guys or people who are skilled at certain things, giving you an incentive to keep them around, but it's not as annoying/overbearing as the settlement feature from FO4.
The World:
- New area called "New Hanover" was where most of the demo took place
- Varied areas, swampy, snowy, industrialising towns
- New Hanover was an alpine, mountainous, forested, has a town called "Valentine"
- Describes a very "living, breathing world," which they say is cliched, but a lot of detail from the descriptions.
- "It looked incredibly impressive," running on a base level PS4.
- "It's an open world game that looks as good as anything I've seen on PS4."
Hunting & Providing for your camp:
- Hunting has been greatly expanded from the sounds of it
- Multiple ways to skin your captures with different effects
- Kills can be latched onto your horse or you can just keep the pelt
- Lots of animal animations about hunting...... but they sound very detailed, and as an animal lover sounds pretty striking. Description sounds sad for me, haha, not sure if I'll be able to really do that.
- Value of the animal varies on how well you kill it, either with bow, buck shot, bullet, etc.
- Animals you capture will decay and rot over time, both visually, and the value of it. NPCs will give you odd reactions (From what it sounds like) if you're riding around with a rotting, dead buck on your horse.
- Connection you make with your horse is much greater, emotional & gameplay connection
- "RDR, Horse was a disposable vehicle." (Rockstar). In RDR2, horse relationship is much stronger, the stronger a relationship you have with your horse, the better performance and attributes of your horse.
- Unique animations, unique open world examples, the closer you get with your horse.
- You keep a lot of your best gear on your horse, and so keeping your horse near you (through a better bond) the quicker access to your wider gear
- If your horse dies...... you have to restart that bonding process.
- Horses can get injured and you can use medical tools to bandage and save it.
- "For something to mean something, it has to cost something."
- Ambient music as you start missions similar to GTAV
- As you approach robberies and missions, they bridge out based on choices, for instance, one of the members of your gang plays a character to cause a distraction in a bank, allowing you to get a surprise on the staff
- "One continuous camera movement," soudns almost similar to the camera work in that True Detective scene carrying you through a missiong
- Option to crack a safe v. blowing up, with different rewards and risk
- Very detailed animations for all of this
- Shootout begins as you come out after robbing the bank, which introduces more of the action
- Action sounds consistent with the last RDR
- Dead eye returns
- Some kills would give you a cinematic camera
- The fight doesn't end when you flee the town, fight continues on horseback, ALA RDR missions from the sounds of it
- In one scene, the characters hat gets shot off, and because he flees... he doesn't get it back. If you want it back, you have to go back at a later time and get it back.
Še več povzetkov od različnih virov:
RDR2 Press Previews Info Drop 3rd May 2018 @GTAForums
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: _njc ()
kitl76 ::
slovence pri konzolah moti, ker se ne da kar tako piratizirat
Sploh to nima veze za PC več ali manj vse kupujem original. Mene moti to, da FPS-ji in ostale strelske igre ne laufajo z gamepad-om tako kot bi morale. Počutil sem se kot invalid. Druga stvar je pa grafika ta precej zaostaja napram PC-ju.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: kitl76 ()
Zakaj se potem sploh oglasas v temi o konzolni igri ?!
Zato, da razbijem vaš echo chamber.
Nekaj najboljših SP iger na PCju ni in ne bo: Bloodborne, God of War 4, RDR2 (predvidevam da bo noro dobra roba). Zamujaš najboljše singleplayer špile zadnjih let
Definicija #console_peasant, tip se odloči, da je neizdana igra ena izmed najboljših. Sploh pa, ker lahko kvaliteto igre objektivno ocenimo, kajne? Iz tistega tvojega spiska mi ni nič zanimivo.
Par konzol sem že imel, pa jih ne bom imel več, ker se je na njih nabiral prah. Plošček je za večino iger, ki so meni všeč zelo hlod vmesnik. Piratstvo? Kje si pa ti bil zadnjih 15 let? Poznaš koga, ki je preigral vse igre, ki jih ima na Steamu kupljene?
_njc ::
Red Dead Redemption 2 Trailer #3 Analysis! New RAGE Engine Tech Upgrades!
Red Dead Redemption 2 Game Discussion and A Mini Walking the Walk
Red Dead Redemption 2 Game Discussion and A Mini Walking the Walk
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: _njc ()
oo7 ::
Developer suggests Red Dead Redemption 2 is coming to PC
Ali bo res bo treba pa še počakati :)
Ali bo res bo treba pa še počakati :)
oo7 ::
Red Dead Redemption 2 To Feature The Most Detailed, Believable And Interactive Open World Rockstar Ever Built
Rockstar also commented on NPCs' behavior, side missions and why they don't consider the game as a sandbox experience.
- NPCs are unpredictable and believable in their actions and reactions, they have different temperaments. There will be shy people, who will give you their money without you even drawing a gun but also more aggressive people that will immediately attack you if you just antagonize them also without you drawing a gun. Some confident NPCs may ride just past you and ignore you, if you try to rob them. Some may shoot you, while others will first threaten to harm you. R* wants you to feel like you never know how this certain NPC will interact with you and with that R* wants to encourage you to test out different playstyles. You can be an honorable thief or a violent psycopath and the world will react accordingly, but you just never really know how they will react.
- R* doesn't want to call the world of Red Dead Redemption 2 a sandbox. Because in a sandbox, you can do whatever you want. Sure, R* wants to give you a lot of freedom, in their Open World you can do whatever you want, but only as long as it makes sense for Arthur, his story and the world itself. Nothing should break the immersion.
- There will be no "checklists-type of missions" like in Ubisoft games or Mass Efffect Andromeda. R* doesn't think in categories like 'content' and 'prefabricated content', they want to blur the lines between everything the player does in order to increase immersion. R* doesn't necessarily want you to know when you are doing a main or a side mission or when you are interacting with a main character or just an NPC, but they will inform you in a very subtle way about it.
- There will be many optional things to do, but R* wants them to be just as high-quality, engaging and fun as the main missions and you should feel like you never know what to expect. This will cater to all kinds of players: Those who want to rush the main story and those who want to do everything and still have a great experience.
- "Random sh*t that doesn't fit the context will not happen [in RDR2]": Random encounters aren't really random, there is a certain system in place that ensures those encounters make sense in terms of how far the players have progressed in the story, what they are currently doing and where they are heading to. The changing surroundings and random encounters provide content for the players that makes them loose themselves in the world in a very organic way and naturally provide gameplay for them (in contrast to the very forced 'checklists-sidequests' in other games).
- The areas in the game not only feel different because of the looks but also because of the different gameplay-mechanics only possible in that area (like different animations for traversing different terrain and flora or different objects to interact with). Since animations influence how connected you feel with the world, R* focuses on making them as believable and fluent as possible in every situation. For example there is an animation for Arthur stowing his weapons, which he had previously strapped on his back, in the halter of the saddle. And there are different skinning animations for different animals.
- Even outside of missions and cutscenes you can listen in on conversations in your gangs camp - or approach them more closely so that the other outlaws can include Arthur in their chat. The camp, the atmosphere and the conversations should change noticeably in the course of the story.
- If you commit a crime and the lawmen have a hunch that you are the offender, they will first talk to you instead of shooting you instantly, and you can talk yourself out of the situation
Red Dead Redemption 2 launches this October on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. A PC version hasn't been announced, but it's likely coming.
Rockstar also commented on NPCs' behavior, side missions and why they don't consider the game as a sandbox experience.
- NPCs are unpredictable and believable in their actions and reactions, they have different temperaments. There will be shy people, who will give you their money without you even drawing a gun but also more aggressive people that will immediately attack you if you just antagonize them also without you drawing a gun. Some confident NPCs may ride just past you and ignore you, if you try to rob them. Some may shoot you, while others will first threaten to harm you. R* wants you to feel like you never know how this certain NPC will interact with you and with that R* wants to encourage you to test out different playstyles. You can be an honorable thief or a violent psycopath and the world will react accordingly, but you just never really know how they will react.
- R* doesn't want to call the world of Red Dead Redemption 2 a sandbox. Because in a sandbox, you can do whatever you want. Sure, R* wants to give you a lot of freedom, in their Open World you can do whatever you want, but only as long as it makes sense for Arthur, his story and the world itself. Nothing should break the immersion.
- There will be no "checklists-type of missions" like in Ubisoft games or Mass Efffect Andromeda. R* doesn't think in categories like 'content' and 'prefabricated content', they want to blur the lines between everything the player does in order to increase immersion. R* doesn't necessarily want you to know when you are doing a main or a side mission or when you are interacting with a main character or just an NPC, but they will inform you in a very subtle way about it.
- There will be many optional things to do, but R* wants them to be just as high-quality, engaging and fun as the main missions and you should feel like you never know what to expect. This will cater to all kinds of players: Those who want to rush the main story and those who want to do everything and still have a great experience.
- "Random sh*t that doesn't fit the context will not happen [in RDR2]": Random encounters aren't really random, there is a certain system in place that ensures those encounters make sense in terms of how far the players have progressed in the story, what they are currently doing and where they are heading to. The changing surroundings and random encounters provide content for the players that makes them loose themselves in the world in a very organic way and naturally provide gameplay for them (in contrast to the very forced 'checklists-sidequests' in other games).
- The areas in the game not only feel different because of the looks but also because of the different gameplay-mechanics only possible in that area (like different animations for traversing different terrain and flora or different objects to interact with). Since animations influence how connected you feel with the world, R* focuses on making them as believable and fluent as possible in every situation. For example there is an animation for Arthur stowing his weapons, which he had previously strapped on his back, in the halter of the saddle. And there are different skinning animations for different animals.
- Even outside of missions and cutscenes you can listen in on conversations in your gangs camp - or approach them more closely so that the other outlaws can include Arthur in their chat. The camp, the atmosphere and the conversations should change noticeably in the course of the story.
- If you commit a crime and the lawmen have a hunch that you are the offender, they will first talk to you instead of shooting you instantly, and you can talk yourself out of the situation
Red Dead Redemption 2 launches this October on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. A PC version hasn't been announced, but it's likely coming.
oo7 ::
Red Dead Redemption 2 - NEW IMAGES & INFO! Boats, Huge City, Heists, Gameplay Features & More!
Vazelin ::
Še malo pa bo :)
Že vidim mastne prodajne številke te igre :)
Že vidim mastne prodajne številke te igre :)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Vazelin ()
WallSreet ::
Vse skupaj me spominja na staro klasiko "outlaws" ki sem jo nažigal kot otrok.
Vse skupaj me spominja na staro klasiko "outlaws" ki sem jo nažigal kot otrok.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: WallSreet ()
dronyx ::
Škoda, da bo tole samo za konzole, ker divji zahod ni pogosta tema v igrah. Spomnim se samo Gun, dva dela Call of Juarez in Gunslinger. Imam pa tudi RDR za xbox 360, samo ga nisem nikdar preigral, ker se mi je zdela grafika zanič. Sem sicer upal, da bo Rockstar naredil remaster oz. še bolje remake RDR za nove konzole, samo kot kaže tega ne bo.
Zna biti pa RDR 2 razlog za nakup PS4 pro.
Zna biti pa RDR 2 razlog za nakup PS4 pro.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: dronyx ()
kitl76 ::
Ga ni za tega pa je bil uradni članek, da bo prišel. Kje je ta članek pa več ne vem, ker je bil nekje pred 3 meseci.
WallSreet ::
Tole bi znal biti hit
Drugače sem pa bral, da namerava Rockstar za GTA 6 odpreti 500M budgeta (za GTA 5 so porabili 250 milijonov). S tem bi GTA 6 postala najdražja igrica vseh časov.
Drugače sem pa bral, da namerava Rockstar za GTA 6 odpreti 500M budgeta (za GTA 5 so porabili 250 milijonov). S tem bi GTA 6 postala najdražja igrica vseh časov.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: WallSreet ()
dronyx ::
Drugače sem pa bral, da namerava Rockstar za GTA 6 odpreti 500M budgeta (za GTA 5 so porabili 250 milijonov). S tem bi GTA 6 postala najdražja igrica vseh časov.
Verjetno je to mišljeno čez 10 let in so upoštevali inflacijo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Ales320 ()
Vazelin ::
Čist možno da bodo porabili 500mio. Konec koncev so z 5ico postavili visoke standarde produkcije.
Jaz bi sicer najraje videl da bi nardil Vice City 2 z 80s vibe.
V bistvu mi je boljse igrat star Vice city kot gta5. Bolj zabavno
Jaz bi sicer najraje videl da bi nardil Vice City 2 z 80s vibe.
V bistvu mi je boljse igrat star Vice city kot gta5. Bolj zabavno
_njc ::
Red Dead Redemption 2 - Easy Allies Hands-On Preview
Red Dead Redemption 2: Hands-On Reaction
Več na Red Dead Redemption 2 Previews @Resetera.
Red Dead Redemption 2: Hands-On Reaction
Več na Red Dead Redemption 2 Previews @Resetera.
dronyx ::
Čist možno da bodo porabili 500mio. Konec koncev so z 5ico postavili visoke standarde produkcije.
Jaz bi sicer najraje videl da bi nardil Vice City 2 z 80s vibe.
V bistvu mi je boljse igrat star Vice city kot gta5. Bolj zabavno
Samo prosim brez tistih misij z avtomobilčki in helikopterčki na daljinsko! Včasih me prime, da bi ponovno igral San Andreas in Vice City samo me mine ker vem, da me čakajo nekje te misije, kjer sem včasih skorja zabrisal miš in tipkovnico skozi okno.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Ales320 ()
Vanadium ::
Čist možno da bodo porabili 500mio. Konec koncev so z 5ico postavili visoke standarde produkcije.
Jaz bi sicer najraje videl da bi nardil Vice City 2 z 80s vibe.
V bistvu mi je boljse igrat star Vice city kot gta5. Bolj zabavno
Samo prosim brez tistih misij z avtomobilčki in helikopterčki na daljinsko! Včasih me prime, da bi ponovno igral San Andreas in Vice City samo me mine ker vem, da me čakajo nekje te misije, kjer sem včasih skorja zabrisal miš in tipkovnico skozi okno.
oh ja se se strinjam, mah sam naj dajo možnost igranja kot policaj, gasilec, reševalec, vojska in enako v multiplayer pa bojo že veliko naredili
oo7 ::
Mesar ::
SUper špil, zakon, sploh ga ne bom igral
Your turn to burn!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: yayo ()
BivšiUser2 ::
Upam, da kak solidni dodatek pride ven v stilu Undead Nightmare iz RDR1.
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.
springfield ::
Mislis spil, ki se ga da igrat samo na konzoli z gamepadom? Se mi zdi, da je bolj problem v glavi in PC master race prepricanju.
ZiedRieke ::
Se spovnem kak je bilo grozno igrat RDR1 na xbox360. Špil je bil super, ampak gamepad in reducirana grafika sta mi pa čist uničla igralno izkušnjo:/
Tr0n ::
Grozno igrat RDR1 na 360/PS3? Ne se hecat.
RDR1 je med najvisje ocenjenimi in priljubljenimi igrami na teh konzolah ... all-time.
Ce ne znas s kontrolerjem spilat, pa ti zal ne morem pomagat.
RDR1 je med najvisje ocenjenimi in priljubljenimi igrami na teh konzolah ... all-time.
Ce ne znas s kontrolerjem spilat, pa ti zal ne morem pomagat.
oo7 ::
Red Dead Redemption 2 Native 4K Resolution Confirmed by Xbox
_njc ::
The making of Rockstar Games' Red Dead Redemption 2
(možni spoiler-ji)
- Game is around 65 hours long. Not sure if that's just the single story or all honor missions and strangers included.
- 2,200 days of motion capture was performed
- The script for the main story is nearly 2000 pages
- The script, including all additional dialog, would be "about 8 feet high" of printed and stacked together.
- 500,000 lines of dialog.
- 300,000 animations
- About 5 hours of content and missions were cut in the end
- Development began in 2010. Motion and Performance Capture began in 2013 with over 1,200 actors, 700 of which had lines.
- Each NPC had around 80 pages of dialog
- Music score began recording in 2015
(možni spoiler-ji)
- Game is around 65 hours long. Not sure if that's just the single story or all honor missions and strangers included.
- 2,200 days of motion capture was performed
- The script for the main story is nearly 2000 pages
- The script, including all additional dialog, would be "about 8 feet high" of printed and stacked together.
- 500,000 lines of dialog.
- 300,000 animations
- About 5 hours of content and missions were cut in the end
- Development began in 2010. Motion and Performance Capture began in 2013 with over 1,200 actors, 700 of which had lines.
- Each NPC had around 80 pages of dialog
- Music score began recording in 2015
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: _njc ()
_njc ::
The pocket watch, working in real time by the way, is not a default item. Arthur will have to buy it.
Arthur can choose between drinking a whiskey like a shot, or savoring it slowly instead.
Arthur can take his gloves off and on in real time, using the item wheel.
Camp members can dynamically get so drunk, that you will find them passed out on the ground in the morning
Using the camera works like photo-mode, you are not forced to live with a sepia filter or something like that. The image looks, quote, "crispy clean".
An example of how Arthur can get a side mission, is as subtle as another camp member walking past you, not stopping, and quickly casually mentions while walking by you that X would like to see you X.
The hair and beard customization does not just consist of a list of presets. Instead you can, for instance, individually control the length of each part of your beard.
Rockstar have said there there are specific items that can only be crafted when Arthur camps out in the wild.
Sheep are now confirmed.
NPCs can really struggle when you try to lasso them.
If you ride down a steep hill very fast, the horse can break it's leg.
Without spoiling anything. Another gang member sees Arthur out in the world, and quickly approaches Arthur, what happens after is not a side mission, but also involves another camp member.
When getting into a firefight together with an ally,outside of a mission, you can still control them(squad command) like you can in the missions we have heard about.
During a firefight together with an ally, the ally will act on his own if you are not quick enough to make a decision. To help you make a decision, the ally will dynamically shout/whisper suggestions at you.
Scavengers will dynamically find dead rotting animals and eat the. This has been mentioned as a possibility before, but to my knowledge it has not been witness in the game until now.
Carrying animals or dead people around affects your stamina, so you have to be smart about it.
If you stealth kill an npc/enemy mid sentence, any other npc/enemy the first one is talking to will react and investigate.
Arthur can choose between drinking a whiskey like a shot, or savoring it slowly instead.
Arthur can take his gloves off and on in real time, using the item wheel.
Camp members can dynamically get so drunk, that you will find them passed out on the ground in the morning
Using the camera works like photo-mode, you are not forced to live with a sepia filter or something like that. The image looks, quote, "crispy clean".
An example of how Arthur can get a side mission, is as subtle as another camp member walking past you, not stopping, and quickly casually mentions while walking by you that X would like to see you X.
The hair and beard customization does not just consist of a list of presets. Instead you can, for instance, individually control the length of each part of your beard.
Rockstar have said there there are specific items that can only be crafted when Arthur camps out in the wild.
Sheep are now confirmed.
NPCs can really struggle when you try to lasso them.
If you ride down a steep hill very fast, the horse can break it's leg.
Without spoiling anything. Another gang member sees Arthur out in the world, and quickly approaches Arthur, what happens after is not a side mission, but also involves another camp member.
When getting into a firefight together with an ally,outside of a mission, you can still control them(squad command) like you can in the missions we have heard about.
During a firefight together with an ally, the ally will act on his own if you are not quick enough to make a decision. To help you make a decision, the ally will dynamically shout/whisper suggestions at you.
Scavengers will dynamically find dead rotting animals and eat the. This has been mentioned as a possibility before, but to my knowledge it has not been witness in the game until now.
Carrying animals or dead people around affects your stamina, so you have to be smart about it.
If you stealth kill an npc/enemy mid sentence, any other npc/enemy the first one is talking to will react and investigate.
YesMan ::
Lepo. Najbolj me veseli to, da so rekli, da igra ne bo grajena okrog uporabe minimapa, GPS quest trackerjev, ipd. (kot je to navada v večini danšnjih generičnih open world AAA igrah kot so Assassin's Creed, Fallout 4, The Witcher 3, Far Cry, Horizon Zero Dawn,...). To so za mene največji lomilci imerzije (sploh, ko nastopijo v kakih srednjeveških, antičnih (itd.) igrah, v katerih definitivno ni bilo na voljo GPS tehnologije, hah). Lahko boš baje vse to izklopil, pa te igra vseeno ne bo pustila 'v temi', tako kot je to bilo v starih open world igrah kot sta npr. Gothic in Morrowind, med drugimi. NPC-ji bodo baje dajali dovolj podrobna navodila, kako doseči nek cilj, potem pa boš se na podlagi tega, mape, kompasa in okolja moral orientirati. Casual igralci pa bodo še vedno imeli opcijo vse to imeti vključeno seveda. Win/win.
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